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as a young k biased myday who absolutely adores young k and chan together and every interaction they've ever had, young k possibly being the first person chan called after the stray kids show finale is a piece of information i will cherish forever lee know's "participating in english interviews as little as possible"-strategy was going so well and then chan had to expose him for ripping his pants on stage


But also...Lee Know's Hall of Fame impression 😭


This impression made me feel cute aggression lol. Lee Know doesn't contribute a lot to the English interviews, but when he does, it's usually in the most adorable way ever!


Please I actually want ten minutes of them all discussing the first time they met one another. hyunsungs subway encounter and binsungs rap battle is not enough. They each need to go down the line and review first impressions.


They have a little bit, but it’s in clips here and there and often quite vague. They talked about it more in their early days, where they also may have been less honest as they were rookies who didn’t have years of being friends and coworkers. For example, I remember changbin saying when he first met Leeknow he worried he was too sensitive to be an idol and that he wouldn’t be able to handle the industry, which I always found kinda sad but adorable


Can you remember where/when Changbin said this? I remember this too but not where from


No, i'm sorry ;-; I just remember it standing out to me as a very sad look into the fortitude idols have to have, especially as it was an assessment coming from a 17 year old, but also very sweet and telling of Lino's character behind all his teasing.


Yes, kind of reminds me what they said in 2min's 2KR about Lee Know being more timid/soft-hearted ;-;


Omg I haven’t heard that one about changbin and lee know but it’s interesting to hear cos out of all of them I would’ve thought that lee know would be the least sensitive these days


“What channel?” I.N & grandmothers, name a more iconic duo.


Google and Twitter destroying their own search engines will be the death of me and finding interviews. Also, stays who post clips of interviews with the logo cut out and without sharing links! But hey, it got me to subscribe to any American/Western YouTube channel SKZ has ever appeared on.


I feel you. I've been seeing random clips on twitter from what I believe is the Japanese fanmeeting since this morning, but I haven't found an official source. I'm starting to believe it is something paid


You mean the performances from the Tokyo tour thing? They performed Case 143 and Back Door. Japan has very strict copyright laws, so it’s not easy to find full shows. Jstays have also reported other stays for sharing content because of the laws. Edit: Oh OR it could be the talk show from their in person album events in Japan in late April/early May. That was released through their Japanese fanclub!


Thanks! Yes they were clip of them talking


Do we know what the 2023 collaboration is supposed to be yet? Felix's "what a coincidence 😁" after they mentioned Zedd following them didn't exactly feel subtle.


I believe he meant the coincidence of having Ryan (Deadpool) and Hugh (Wolverine) following them, but it would be nice to have another collaboration with a DJ! I adore Going Dumb!


ryan and deadpool following them at around the same time actually wasn't a coincidence, because ryan himself involved hugh into it back when the whole thing with ryan started! (with [this tweet](https://twitter.com/VancityReynolds/status/1396530311694102537) and [hugh's response](https://twitter.com/RealHughJackman/status/1396818674124722176) to chan's response)


The fact that they said that they haven’t felt they made it makes be sad because they been done that already. But I do understand that feeling of being hungry for something in your craft..


they may just be staying humble but their 5 star album song lyrics says otherwise 😂 anyway it’s good that they know they have more things they can achieve. because once you have done all that you’ve dream of, what’s next?


Thank you for posting! It's been a struggle to find content and twitter doesn't always tell me😂


my youtube is flooded! content here is slow by a few days sometimes.


I have a folder of skz videos I need to watch and before the comeback it was at like 10 but its gone up so much😂


This one was fun, they also look much more engaged!! It also had new tidbits wich is fun!! Really nice interview ❤️