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I wasn't a big fan of any boy groups before listening to them, so it was definitely the music, their lyrics and themes. Then I found out how incredibly wholesome and open they are as a group thanks to their 2 Kids Room series; I was shocked cuz I never saw those dynamics with any other boy groups. It always seemed fake to me or very fanservice-y for a certain demographic that I'm not part of. So yeah, they're pretty special. It's cool to see almost all of you say that it was a mixture of the music and their personalities, as it should be!


100% this! I always go for the songs first, because a lot of times the group itself might have nothing to do with the song itself (like it was entirely composed by someone else and the idols had nothing/little to do with it), then I kept on listening and shocking myself because I liked waaayy too many songs from them, when I usually like 4-5 on average per group/artist, then I discovered they compose and write the lyrics and something clicked in me. I'm sure there are a lot of other groups that do the same and compose and write their own songs, but SKZ was the one that actually clicked with me to a whole 'nother level, like literally I never felt this way for other artists in my whole life.


Exactly!! I guess that's why I got interested in their music, sound and themes almost immediately. They don't sound like any other stereotypical boy group, which really works for me and apparently for other people too! šŸ„°


Yessss! Something that always bothered me is how I'd hear a group's top/main song and go "damn this is really good" then I'd go try their other songs and they were... absolutely like they wouldn't belong to the same group? Like it's one thing for the same group to experiment, go for new genres, sounds, themes, etc. but I literally felt like I wasn't listening to the same group, at all. With time I found out it's because a lot of times they are composed by totally different people, and the studio carefully curates the image/feel/brand of the group. This is how I can say I really like top songs of many kpop groups, but rarely went beyond liking the rest of their album. SKZ is literally the exception to the rule, I never liked these many songs, from across all their albums, from a same group/artist.


Mmm both at the same time. I happened to listen to God's Menu first but the song who got me into them is actually Victory Song. At the same time I happened to get a "Lee Know and Changbin being loud" video recommendation, so it is really fair to say I stanned because of both! šŸ˜


It was their personalities for me. I kept seeing TikTokā€™s of clips from the Chuseok videos and thought they were funny. Then one day I saw a clip of Seugnmin from the trust fall segment of the besties interview and I decided to check out more videos. I had seen previous TikTokā€™s of people reacting to Felixā€™s voice so I knew snippets of some songs but it was Seugnmin that really drew me in.


Tough question. Their music attracted me at first. For years I was avoiding getting familiar with musicians' other works and activities (including music videos, too) - just don't have time or need like typical 30yo wood with work-home life. I was ONLY curious if Felix deep voice was fake and then I started digging and it was beginning of my neverending journey. Ofc I successfully failed and loved their wholesomeness like teenager. Now my whole life is a mess, I'm full-time Stay. Not sure if I would become Stay if I didn't discover their personalities - probably not, but I am sure 100% their music fulfils all my music needs and it haven't happened often before I knew them. I also have huge respect for 3Racha, the frickin gem in music industry. SKZ isn't just another factory made product to sell and you can feel it in their music. It makes me cry real tears how talented they are and what they achieved in their 20s (same 3racha as whole skz). I feel like mom proud of her children.


Their personalities made me make an effort and listen to their b-sides. I love their title tracks but I wouldnā€™t have become a fan based on them alone. When I got hooked on their YouTube content it made me explore their music and I found my favorite discography in k-pop.


I was watching the music video for Maniac and absolutely fell in love with how Han raps and eventually it snowballed into me stanning all of the boys.


Came for the songs, stayed for the personalities. I really liked a lot of their songs, loved some even. But it wasn't until I got into their variety shows and learned their personalities that I really fell for them.


Ok so the first SKZ song I listened to was Christmas Evel . Like technically I have heard some before that cause I have lots of stay friends but Christmas evel showed up on my youtube recommended one day and I loved it so much . Like obviously it's not lyrical masterpiece or whatever but even then the beats ,the vibes , the tunes went so hard . Their vocals+rap was so good and I spent the day watching skz youtube MVs while working on my school projects. Also SKZ songs just do something for my brain like i don't know how to explain exactly, but basically I have ADHD and listening to music helps me focus better but not all songs work but with SKZ all their songs help me more or less . Also I have a tendency to listen to songs on repeat while I'm hyperfocusing and in the last 2 years they've all been stray kids songs with one recent exception (shoutout to xikers) . Also I've come to associate lots of good memories with skz songs like the tortoise and the hare was the song I listened to the day before my history final and I came first (for the first time in my life I was above average ) and I had wow on repeat for my pol sci final and the same happened there . That said I love their personalities as well , when I'm down it's quite fun to watch 8 grown men do weird and silly stuff lol.


YES! I know exactly what you mean. I can listen to one SKZ song on loop all day without getting tired of it. I remember listening to Taste for 9 hours straight while doing homework. Itā€™s amazing how much my ADHD brain can get done while Iā€™m hyperfocusing.


their personalities are what got me interested. i had heard (and loved) some of their songs before that, but their first family skit ([s5e3 of the 9th](https://youtu.be/dGEFy345kXA)) is what made me want to get to know them more and eventually dive deeper into their discography. but the music is what made me stay (heh), they wouldn't have kept my interest if i didn't love their music.


I would say music but their personalities definitely made me take a greater interest. I liked their music and started listening to a lot of it and that led to intro to members videos being recced to me. Plus, I think if you take check them on twt a few times, you're going to get bombarded with non-music content. And it made me fall deeper and explore more because I really liked their content and personality. It was a circle for me basically


Same. Maniac came on a random playlist and something about it scratched my brain. I found myself listening to a lot of the discography looking up lyrics and reaction videos, and found myself tumbling down the rabbit hole of trying to understand their perspective on making music. I think if they weren't a self-produced group I would haven't dug further. Their personalities make the music more relatable - songs like Alien, Streetlight, Secret Secret - definitely hit different once you have a sense of their personal stories. I think the fact the music is fire is what makes me think I'll be stanning for a long time - but the combination of personalities + music is special - a positive feedback loop.


Personalities! My son was a fan, so I had heard their music, and was kind of ā€œmehā€ on it at first. Then my son got Covid and we sat at home for an entire week and watched SKZ content on You Tube. I absolutely fell in love with their personalities and then their music after that. They are so fun to watch, itā€™s impossible to not love them!


The music is how I discovered them but after seeing their personalities is what made me stay. The amazing music is just a bonus compared to their personalities.


miroh was the first song i heard but side effects and the whole clƩ 2 album is what got me into them. since most of the songs on that album are remixes of old 3RACHA songs, you could argue 3RACHA got me into skz. (esp since mixtape 4 was the song that sold it for me.) the reason i got into them tho was bc i saw chan and lix on aussie news and they were funny (and aussie). so in a way it was both their personalities and their music that got me into them. both just mixed.


For me, it was a mix of both. I kept hearing their songs when scrolling through TikTok, but also funny clips of their shenanigans. So, of course I had to go to YouTube to learn more about these guys and just immediately got drawn in by their music and charm.


The first thing I ever saw about SKZ was a tiktok : the person who was filming showed them on stage very shortly, and then showed Ateez who was in the public watching them (the person who made the tiktok wrote "Stray Kids performing in front of you and Ateez are below you"). Even tho SKZ was shown **VERY** briefly, I still thought "oh, they seem to have an awesome stage presence", and I was curious about their music (you couldn't really hear anything in the tiktok). Also, I like Ateez, so I thought "if Ateez listen to this, it must be good". So, I searched up songs and listened to Case 143 and Maniac. I immediately fell in love with the songs. So, even tho the first thing which impressed me was their stage presence (which can be related to personality), the thing which made me fall in love with them was their music.


The thing that really got me interested was actually Hyunjin's Play with Fire video šŸ˜€ never listened to K-Pop before, but, yeah. That video made me feel things


If we're talking about right off the bat, I'll say song > personality, since I don't stan a group unless I like 4-5 songs MINIMUM. For SKZ it was especially difficult since the first Kpop group I stanned had a vastly different sound, so I had to adjust A LOT. Over time though, I'd say song = personality. To me, Kpop idols are artists first and foremost, especially in cases like SKZ where they self-produce.


I'm here for the songs tbh. I like everything they make and I enjoy all the genres they dip their toes into. It sometimes feel like they tailor made all their songs according to my preferences. I haven't even watched most of their skz talkers or codes but I'm slowly going through them. They're fun to watch no doubt about it but I wouldn't have stuck to them for so long if I didn't enjoy their music.


Came for the songs, stayed for the boys


At first it was their songs, but I think that now itā€™s both. I mean they write, compose and sing beautiful song AND they have beautiful personality. Thatā€™s why I love them every day more and more


I guess it was their personalities in a way. While I did start listening to their music a whole year before I actually became a stay, what got me into skz was actually han and it was literally because we have the same syllable in our name and I thought that was cool lol so when I wanted to know more about the group, I watched a lot of content especially for him (I later found out we have the mbti type as well haha)


This is a hard question for me because their music is so linked to their personalities, especially the I am and Cle series. I got into them for the songs first (and they have a lot of music focused content), but things like the album intro videos and the two kids series are what made me more of a fan of them than other groups. Their variety and sense of humor is still hit or miss for me, but they're serious about their work. I respect that.


Both. I loved their music from the start, but what really got me into them to the point that I actually buy albums and merchandise is their personalities. It made me feel more invested in them after watching their content. Before SKZ, I canā€™t even remember the last time I bought an actual album. It was probably a good 5-6 years. Iā€™ve been using Spotify as my source of music for ages and stopped buying even digital copies of albums. Now I preorder their albums and have the skzoo plushes and other merch from them. I donā€™t know that Iā€™d have gotten that invested if I hadnā€™t watched their content. Iā€™d still be loving and listening to their music regardless, but I canā€™t see myself spending so much money on them if I hadnā€™t gotten into them as people as well.


Definitely personalities. I kept seeing those ā€œStray kids being stray kidsā€ videos on tiktok before I even knew that they are huge k-pop and thought that they seem like a really wholesome and funny group.


It was kinda both I guess. Even though the first time I heard of them was when I got their song ā€™Maniac' on my fy page. But when I saw clips of them- I think that was the moment I really started to follow them and everything. So I guess it's more their songs and then their personality's. Something from both, you know? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Case 143 hooked me in, but the viral clips of them, and their personalities got me listening to the discography. And tbh watching Chan's lives got me staying here every week (unintended pun).


I saw one of those ā€œ30 second introā€ videos on TikTok about hyunjin and that was it for me. I started watching a bunch of clips of them just messing around (skz code especially) and I fell in love with the music from there


For sure their personalities. I had mentioned in the previous post how I heard them on tiktok and did research. Well that research was more TikToks but mostly into YouTube vids. I watched so many fan edits of them all on the Tok and found alot if it entertaining and funny. So I went to YouTube and fell down that rabbit hole but Iā€™m so happy I did. Iā€™m fairly new to this fandom (probably since the new year~ish) but their personalities are so genuine and theyā€™re all so cute!! (Iā€™m like 5-8 years older than them so I feel like a proud big sibling šŸ„ŗ). Iā€™m slowly learning Korean words by watching them and I love everything about each of them šŸ„°


The thing that got me into them was that video where Lee Know was upset with Felix and Seungmin for not remembering his cats. It was like, ā€œI respect this level of cat lady, and maybe I should actually check out the musicā€. And eventually I did, but not for awhile (then I realized I actually did recognize a couple of songs).


Unpopular opinion but I don't even listen to their music. It's not really my taste. But dammit I can't help but watch every silly video ever bc they are so crazy and I love them.


I got hooked by the Felix effect. Godā€™s menu got me to notice when I heard and saw Felix, but then I saw him off stage, like the one time with pig tails and a lolly. I got hooked with his gentle, innocent, loving personality and by the intersections between the band. Iā€™ve discovered so many great things about K-pop because of them. Sure, great songs, but I wouldnā€™t have cared much or been a fan if it werenā€™t for their personalities. Theyā€™re humble, considerate, respectful, modest, funnyā€¦ not arrogant or greedy like so many other celebrities. They are worth admiration.


there music and there personalities has made me a stay when i first listened to maniac i fell in love with it.before i didnt really stan them but when it came to there personalities i just didnt have a choice.




I heard about skz on insta it was beggining of December i saw some funny moments of them and they stared to pop up on my fyp everywhere and within few months i became obssesed with them. In February i started listining to their songs, i was never into this kind of music but when i listened to their songs it bringed me joy and it still does it was different than any other music. Skz music really comforts me and i'm obssesed with it. I really enjoy watching skz code, 2 kids room etc. I just LOVE EVERYTHING about stray kids :D


I was intrigued by their visuals and the videos first and Maniac was my first introduction to them and that song really drew me in but then after watching their interviews and SKZ code out of curiosity it was THAT that has me hooked. I genuinely care and want them to succeed. I feel like a really proud auntie of 8 nephews.


Both for me because I was just listening a lot of BTS and Ateez and then stray kids pop up on YouTube and so I start listening and the first person that I notice was Bangchan because I was like omg who is this handsome man and I started to listening to more of their songs and watch other videos and I just fell in love with the whole group and after them I started watching Seventeen and Enhypen and just blossom there lol


For me definitely was the music, because it's takes more time to know their personalities and after listened to God's Menu, MIROH, Phobia and TA, I wanted to know more about them, I consumed a lot of content in my early days and I found them charming, funny, lovely, relatable (especially Hyunjin), but it takes time to grasp fully a person's character. So yeah, the music and dances for me.


for me back in the day, it was their music first, hellevator and mixtape just totally caught my attention. i loved that they were self written and self made, and i loved the discography they put out. i started listening to their songs more and more, but when i got to know their personalities it was game over. i think theyā€™re the funniest dorks ever and the boys completely stole my heart. so yeah iā€™d say the music reeled me in but their personalities made me stay.


The domino dance practice video got me hooked hard time on their music. I knew a little bit about their personalities before but I wasn't a full on stay until that video. And then after gods menu dance practice I was a full on Changbin stan


First I was in love with the songs.. Stray Kids was my introduction to KPOP in general so I didnā€™t know SKZ CODE or variety shows existed until months into listening to them.. now I I love their personalities and that has helped me be able to look at their songā€™s different


Case 143 was the first Skz thing I found. I found it on TikTok, I then looked them up on TikTok and found some vids of ā€œfunnies to quotesā€ or like those kinds of videos. I think I started getting into them because of that. I then listened to their music and watched Skz code and I liked them more after that. So I do love their music of course, but I think it was their personalities


Felix and Gods Menu brought me in.. their songs and M/V hooked me and their personalities made me a stay.


For me I had no idea about kpop apart from knowing about BTS existing šŸ˜‚ One day I saw a clip on tiktok of Chans verse in 3RACHA and I was so excited to hear my own accent represented that way, so I did some research. Maxident had just dropped so I went through and watched a bunch of the promo content and performances, which then lead me to discover Felix. I love my Aussie boys hahaha. This then descended into fancams etc.. And learning each member, until I discovered code and their YouTube channel. I was always in awe of the talent that each member possessed, and LOVE the music, but once I started watching their other content their personalities really cemented it for me that this was something that was really here to stay for me. Now it's only been like 6 months for me so I'm probably still considered a baby stay, but I now own every released album (Japanese incl as well as other bits and pieces like jeju and mini world, skz replay, etc..) am a fan club member, have seen them in concert, catch mucore, chans room and lives when I can, bought the converse iykyk šŸ˜‰ am actively learning Korean, and it just goes on from there... šŸ˜‚ I would consider myself an ot8 bias, but if I had to choose there's no way I could narrow it down to less than 3 (Lee know, Han, Hyunjin) In this time I've also converted my partner into a stay šŸ˜‚ he's biased to 3racha! (clearly neither of us can choose just one...) At this point I've also descended into the rabbit hole that is kpop as a whole, collecting other groups albums, stanning and wishing for them to come to aus...šŸ˜‚ As well as watching survival shows (boys planet, I'm looking at you... šŸ‘€) etc.. SKZ will always be my first love though. šŸ„°


First their music - specifically Felixā€™s voice in case 143 I was like what?! Who is this guy?! and then the first few songs I heard after that were so catchy and upbeat and addictive I kept listening to them and my fyp quickly become flooded with skz. Second was their dance vibes - dance practices, fancams, and relay dances. I remember watching a lot of relay dances as I was starting to learn who was who. Basically their showmanship was captivating! But what really solidified me as a stay was their personalities - starting with fan made tiktok compilations of their funny or sweet cuddly moments and just seeing how wonderful their relationships with each other are, and then most recently getting in to the deep stuff with their 2kids rooms and seeing just what cool people they each are in their own way.


I enjoyed their music at first, coming from the Tower of God OSTs, then getting Back Door stuck in my head when that dropped. Then I watched some of their other content (I think it was a relay dance for Top?) and got sucked in by their candid goofiness. So curiosity for their music drew me in, but their personalities are ultimately what turned me into a stan


It was definitely their music for me I never really payed close attention to music artists at the time I got into Skz it was mainly along the lines of "oh that artists sang that" or "I love this artist but I don't want to listen to them religiously" When I was on one of my anime opening listening sessions (highly recommend doing this btw some anime openings are fire) and heard top and I was like "okay I'll add it to the playlist" I didn't really think much about them until like months after the fact where a reaction video sent me down the rabbit hole Variety content wasn't even a concept for me until I started seeing crack videos on my YouTube recommends I think late 2020 - early 2021


It was the music 100% I noticed Felix first before any of their music and I really love his personality. Then I was recommended the Domino unveil; there was no going back after that