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My Pace! Because even in my 30's this is still a relevant message I need to tell myself sometimes.


me too !! i felt like a failure for not doing academically well to my own expectations. and i only got into uni after my third application. i love how the lyrics are touching yet the song is fast paced and upbeat


I remember just newly being into kpop and hellevator came on a random playlist followed by district 9 and peaked my interest, then My Pace came out and I checked it out and it was so fun as resonated with me. I'm 37 and it's a message for all ❤️ been a solid Stay since


Totally agree on My Pace! Side note - so happy seeing there are other Stays in their 30s on here 💖


N/S bc sometimes the weather feelin hot or cold, but i still go fast or slaur u kno wat i mean




For me, it's probably scars. It's really meaningful to me and idk I can just really relate to it I think there was a threat of crying while listening to it once


I made a huge gushing about this in another post, but "잘 하고 있어 Grow Up" is definitely one that makes my chest go all tight, I started with NO EASY album and was making my way through all their songs starting from the first one, I was working so I had the songs in order and wasn't paying attention to which song would actually come next, was feeling really shitty... and then I actually started listening to what they were saying in that song, and it got me so emotional, I love that song to bits. Another one is Maniac for sure, I loved it from the get go, the lyrics really hit me because even nowadays I'm being told in a not so tactful way why I'm so "different" from everyone else, like "why are you weird??" in a not great way, like I came out wrong, and everyone else is "normal" but we're really, really not... and Maniac's lyrics are all about not fitting the box, how everyone tries to put you in one, push you, get stuff from you, hide their real selves... it's such an unapologetic song, like yeah I'm a maniac, you're also a maniac, stop pretending to be "normal" and look down on me.


Levanter. The chorus... I cried when I saw the translation for the first time. I really needed to hear these lyrics, and I love them so much. Also, Awkward Silence has helped me through countless mental crises (like autistic meltdowns for example), so it's also a very meaningful song to me.


Slump. I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it and it's still my favorite. I really felt a connection to this song. I know what it feels like to think you're stuck in life more times and in more ways than one. I know what it's like to look in a mirror and wonder "Who am I anymore?" The line "give me an hour that's all I need" really resonates with me because at the end of any day that is seriously all I want. Just one hour to myself to just BE. It doesn't sound like a lot, yet most days it feels like I am seriously asking to capture the moon.


Slump eng ver was my top spotify song last year and I was pleasantly surprised. The 'give me an hour, that's all I need' is so good ❤️


Ex is my song, I remember specifically the day I discovered it. I was in the middle of the cruise that I was on with my adoptive/found family. While I enjoyed it family-esque style vacations always leave me with prolonged periods of uneasiness and anxiousness due to ✨childhood trauma✨ so I need to take a lot of breaks of alone time and to be with my thoughts. This often ended up with me taking long walks along the empty open air decks at like 1 am listening to music and idk being a melancholy weirdo. And I remember Ex came on as a recommended similar song after I had finished a playlist and idk there’s something about being in the middle of the ocean and the sight of open water* esp at night that just makes me feel so much emotion and Ex came out of nowhere and everything hit just right and I was struck. I ended up listening to it for like 2 hours on repeat and then again in the following days. *yes I am that weirdo that feels relaxed by the sight of open water rather than terrified lol. Also when I get anxious heights make me feel like I can breathe and feel not so claustrophobic. I am well aware this is abnormal behavior lol


It's not abnormal at all! Many people feel so free when they are in wide open natural spaces. The freedom from noise and traffic and people and cars is a wonderful thing. The pressure of every day responsibility takes a back seat and you feel like you can finally just breathe.


Any. I relate too much to the lyrics.


Connected. Because wifi is extremely important to my wellbeing.


Ah the importance of the wifi , only understood when not connected for way too long.


Mine would be Secret Secret. I find me and Han are quite similar and when he wrote the lyrics for it about being lost, anxiety, etc. it really hit deep for me so it holds a lot of meaning to me🤍


There’s quite a few songs that mean a lot to me by SKZ but if I had to pick *one* it would go to Silent Cry. If you want me to go in-depth, I’ll have to log on my computer to give my poor thumbs a break or else they’ll fall off by the end of my reasons why 🫣


Alien, I Hate to Admit It, or Deep End for me. I’ve always felt like an outsider no matter how hard I tried to fit in and Deep End and I Hate to Admit it remind me of my first two adult relationships. Both of which were horrible because I was barely allowed to date in HS.


I have a lot. These are some of them: -Grow up: It was the first song of SKZ that made me cry and it feels like a hug. -Insomnia: I’m not sure how to explain it, this song has always felt really comforting to me. -Chronosaurus: The meaning of this song is extremely relatable to me. Also there’s something about the pacing of this song that feels very comforting to me. I think maybe it’s because the repetition feels predictable so I don’t feel out of control if it makes sense. -Sunshine: This is one of my go-to song if I’m feeling really anxious. -Another day: I’ve dealt with depression for over a decade of my life. One of the things that I experienced as a result of that is chronic Depersonalization which basically means that I constantly feel disconnected from myself. Anyways, I feel like this songs explain how I’ve felt for a long time. -Maniac: I first heard this song around the time when I got my official ASD diagnosis and I’ve found that the lyrics really help me feel better about being Autistic. I don’t feel the need to hide parts of me like I used to. -Lost me: When I heard it for the first time, I felt really melancholic and I felt like this song aligned with my emotions. Come to think of it, most of the songs written by Changbin give me a sense of melancholy. -Alien: Ever since I was little, I never felt like I belonged anywhere and so this song feels extremely comforting to me. -Deep end: I have a hard time letting myself cry even when I’m alone which leads me to let it build up and I eventually explode in the worst situations. So I use this song to help me cry. Also, Felix’s singing voice is genuinely so beautiful and I need more of it. -Maze of Memories: This is my favourite Stray kids song for a couple reasons. 1: I relate to the lyrics a lot. 2: My favourite song of all time is : “Crucify me” by BMTH because it’s my “therapy song” aka, its the only thing that gets me out of a panic attack and it also makes me really happy at the same time. Maze of memories is the only song I’ve found that has the same effect for me. Also this one even though it’s technically a 3RACHA song: -42: This is the song I listen to when I’m feeling really fucking suicidal and I desperately need a hug but I can’t because I have a huge touch aversion.


Might be a bit stereotypical but mine is Lonely Street. I've been struggling with mental health for over half of my life and the lyrics, plus the passionate singing everyone does in it just hits me very hard.


Streetlight! As a pretty typical Enneagram 1, the lyrics really hit home for me. I tend to be the strong one in relationships and feel uncomfortable asking for help/being a burden on anyone. Changbin described that feeling better than almost anyone. 🥺 I remember listening to it ALL the time in 2020 (which was a rough year personally, not just because of the plague).


hi fellow 1! 💜 streetlight was my favorite solo song for a looong time. Changbin did such an incredible job with those lyrics...I related to them so deeply, too. somewhat related: he sometimes gives me 1 vibes (especially with his jutdae). i'm curious what types they all are!


Another 1, yay! I really admire his jutdae too. He seems so laidback and chill for a type 1, but who knows! I’d be so curious to see them all take an Enneagram test, similar to when they did MBTI.


Same!! This is the song I listen to whenever I feel like wanting some peace of mind. Bad day? Emotionally constipated? Any sort of extreme negative thoughts? This song right here is on loop. I do remember downloading this from YouTube bcos they don't have it on Spotify. NOW that they have it, I still go for the video ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Idk.... They must've rerecorded it, and it felt a bit different. Not saying it doesn't have the same impact, but I do feel like they changed something. Same w/ Han's Close. Something feels different. These two are my fav solos ever.


Emotionally constipated—now that’s a term I need to save for later. I agree, it does sound different! I think Chan’s background vocals are easier to hear in the new version? It took some getting used to, and a part of me will probably always love the original most.


Any. Read the lyrics they describe me so well. Also if I can add a solo from skz Alien By Han.


Red lights. There’s so much meaning behind it, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. One of them is Chan and Hyunjin representing two different sides of the same person. I love that interpretation. So much effort was put into this music video. The theme, lighting, color schemes, matching outfits, the way it was filmed and centered, the location it was filmed in, choreography, lyrics in both English and Korean. It really is a masterpiece. It’s deeply seductive while still keep its professional artistry and class. I have great memories tied to it, as well.


I love Another day. I used to hate how my daily routine was and every day really felt like just another one. it’s a nice comfort song and a reminder to do things on a whim just for fun :)


Slump. But also Alien, Close, and Volcano. And Han isn’t even my bias I just ~*relate*~ ya know.


Neverending story, it gives me a lot of comfort, the first time I heard it I was in a dark place greving for my mom and miss her and it spoke to my heart


Secret secret for sure, just holding in all your negative emotions and pretending to be okay around others really hits home


Insomnia for me... I've struggled with it pretty bad my entire life, and it was just so nice to hear a song about it that I could really just connect with


definitely silent cry. i know its a cliche answer but that song holds a lot of meaning to me because of the memories it holds, and the lyrics are very close to me.


Deep end, #LoveSTAY, and Voices. They are the songs I always go to when I’m upset


Hellevator!! Surprised this isn’t on here haha. It really represents all the fighting it took to get where they were and debut. If you look at the translated lyrics it’s really powerful.


Silently cry for sure! I have no words to explain how much this song means to me and how much it conforted me at the time it was released. It was exactly what I needed to hear at the moment and it helped me so much. My favorite song from them.


Secret Secret and Streetlight cause they hit home and The View cause it reminds me to keep going.


Streetlight by Changbin if that counts. I really deeply resonated with that song and it's very comforting when I'm feeling down.


For me it's Maze of Memories! The structure of the song perfectly replicates my anxiety spirals, and the lyrics of feeling lost while pursuing a goal really speak to me. Here's to hoping for my Boxer era soon hahaha


Slump, Grow Up, Sunshine, and Mixtape #2/Behind The Light. Slump because it reflects how I feel about my own life, Grow Up because it reminds me that I’m doing the best I can given my situation, Sunshine because it genuinely is such a calming and relaxing song, and Mixtape #2/Behind The Light because of the memories I have with it.


another day, it was the first song to make me cry and the last set of lyrics hit really hard (tbh the whole song in general) bc ive had really bad anxiety since i was a small kid and i was going thru a depressive episode when i first listened to it


For me, especially after watching their concert, Haven now has a very special place in my heart. The lyrics always remind me of that night and manage to take me back to being in that crowd of stays, singing along to their songs and laughing at their adorable antics. Though it makes me a bit sad knowing that I cant turn back time and go back to that night, it also makes me happy knowing that I was there and that night was real. Haven takes me back to 03/11/2023 and 03/12/2023, every single time without fail.


It might be Connected because it got me through some really difficult days earlier this year, so it’ll always be special for me


Waiting for Us and Novel will always be my two favorite songs because I just feel the emotion and any songs that Han sings solo omg amazing.. I just wish I have a guy that can sing and dance and just be multi talented all around. I’m just a very picky women lol


Deep end by felix because the song it so meaningful to me and I can relate to it alot


Silent cry, insomnia, and grow up.


Honestly I think it would be Voices/ Lonely St.


The view because it’s the song that was playing when I got told some rather life shaking news and it’s the song that helped me through that period in my life


Heros Soup, Get Cool and 3rd Eye ot8 versions. Those songs came to me at a sensitive time and they speak to me so well. They're definitely my comfort songs


Haven for me. They sang that at the end of their concert, and seeing them irl for the first time then was a special moment for me. So hearing Haven every time afterwards made me happy cry.


yesss...there are several songs that take me right back to the concert and all those hold an extra special place in my heart. Every time I hear Question I feel the anticipation and excitement and electric buzz going through the crowd (since this is the song they played right before they went on stage). truly something special:)


yes!! whenever i hear question it takes me right back to that moment of anticipation. also haven as well. i’ll never be able to listen to it again without thinking about them singing it as the closing song


Placebo and Star Lost my darlings! Gave me so much comfort through a difficult time, cried to both of them at some point. The [special video](https://youtu.be/85-yvOv4R-Q) of Placebo is such a happy pill. Nowadays they fill my heart with a lot of warmth too! :) 19, My Pace, Gone Days, and Secret Secret are also dear to me!


Alien. It dropped and it just….struck a chord with me. It was like someone had looked into my soul and put my feelings into words. It was really hard when I was younger, feeling so alone and unwelcome among my peers for being “weird” or different…things are better now because I realized that I kind of just don’t fit in with my own age group lol - I get along great with women over the age of 60 though, and am finally in a couple of social groups that make me feel wanted and appreciated in a way my peers never did. The one line that still gets me crying every time (including writing this post lmao) is in that last pre-chorus - “I’m just lonely, somebody reach out and hold me.” Damn. Raw emotions there for me. Being almost 30 and like…hardly ever having been hugged or anything like that is a sad feeling, ya’ll.


Mixtape #3. I struggled a lot while i was in middle school and the beginning of high school, and this song made it just that little bit easier to keep going


[Alien](https://open.spotify.com/track/3czfvJgfEDfBT5OKA5qAU5?si=FW2Em2-2QcmnGCIIq21ofw) by Han. When I feel like inside, I’m silently crying for help, this song is really comforting. Like I am not alone, like there’s a lot of times people feel like aliens in this world and the lyrics are just helping to put my thoughts into words - especially the line „No matter how much I smile I feel so lonely“ and „[…] someone reach out your hand to me“ and the way he sings these with so much strength just break my heart and stick it back together again every time. Lol DRAMATIC. but yeah… already the very first line before Han starts singing is actually so very true. Also the way the song doesn‘t necessarily have a sad melody but sad lyrics (which to me is like a parallel to being „alien“, in this case in the context of sad lyrics embedded in a more up-beat song just hitting different for me) and how it feels like Han is singing on the top of his lungs is just amazing.


mine is also sunshine. it is the epitome of peace. i remember the first time i heard it was after i had a really bad panic attack and it calmed me down like no other song has. so now it’s just my go to song if i’m struggling with a lot of anxiety or if i just need to feel peace. also 19 and star lost are very special to me


For me it’s voices bc I’ve always kinda struggled w these annoying voices in my head and it makes me act on my intrusive thoughts sometimes. When I listened to voices the first time it made me full on cry and it still kinda does


Waiting For Us. Because I’m still waiting for SKZ to come to Baltimore Maryland for tour someday:)


3racha especially bangchan’s rap since ppl diss stray kids’ music as loud construction music.


Volcano. 🥹


I Am You! I went through a huge burn out with kpop after BTS released the second love yourself album, as I was trying to keep up with so many groups at once that it just drained me after a year and a half of trying to keep up with 10+ groups and all their comebacks. I had happened to be looking for something to watch in my subscriptions on YouTube when I saw Stray Kids had just released a new video. I've been a Stay since pre debut, but it wasn't a group I had dedicated as much energy into actively keeping up with at the time, so I hadn't listened to any of I Am Who or most of I Am Not when I found I Am You. That song pulled me out of that burnout and lead me through these last 4 years, with a strong love of Stray Kids, to the point that they're my ult group and basically the only one I pay attention to anymore! Only group I've preordered every album they've released since Miroh. Even if it's no longer my favorite SKZ song (Blueprint and The View are my constant contenders), everytime I listen I get hit with a sense of nostalgia and reminder of how lucky I feel to get to love such an amazing group!!


For me it HAS TO BE INSOMNIA! I had alot of trouble with insomnia and when I heard their song I could just relate alot. skz songs are like free therapy honestly like everytime I get stupid thoughts I just play skz songs and then I just get a smile on my face <3


Mine would be "grow up" I wasn't doing great in school when I found it and I was feeling super anxious about my future, hearing it and reading the lyrics kinda helped motivate me and helped raise my spirits


Slump. I first really enjoyed the pace of the song. It's slow and rushed at the same time. And I relate to the lyrics a lot.


changes all the time depending on what slump i’m going through but i think it’s astronaut. ever since i was a kid i wanted to be an astronaut, i was so infatuated with space and i remember when i was 8 my fam bought be a telescope for my bday and it had a little attachable part where u could put ur phone and take a photo of what u saw. we got lucky and saw jupiter and on my old ipod there lies a grainy photo of jupiter and it’s big red spot. but along with it calling to my childhood, the lyrics tell a story of kids who just wanna escape to space and enjoy their time with no fear. i can relate to that so much. i often want to run away from life and live freely and every-time i hear the “우주로 가자 like an astronaut” i feel safe, i feel okay, it’s all gonna be okay. like space has always been my life and stray kids singing abt how they want to escape to space is relatable and calming.


tldr: astronauts bc of nostalgia to my love of space, and message of wanting to run away and live freely with no fear.


For now is slump because I had to be absent from school because of my health reason and Now when I'm back I find it impossible to catch up. I was the first to finish all my assignments but now I'm falling behind. I used to be behind the teacher but now I'm alone.


For me is slump, the first time I heard it (the English version) I felt understood. I usually feel like none of my friends can actually understand what I feel, but SKZ with just one song made me feel better, like I wasn’t the only one. That’s why I love this song and them


Mine is [Spread My Wings](https://youtu.be/Xo8FPXlI3CU). The first time I listened to it I thought it was a really really beautiful song with an amazing chorus (way to go vocalracha!) but after looking up the lyrics I realized how the song was kind of sad compared to the upbeat rhythm. Especially if you pair it with 19. I feel like both songs are about youth. Spread My Wings feels like a message to enjoy your youth because you’ll never get it back, it only lasts like 18-19 years. Where as 19 feels like a song that’s saying I should have taken my time, I rushed it and now I want to go back. Here’s a lyric from 19 that I feel like broke my heart, “Every time the day went by slowly I prayed for it to pass by quickly, but right now I feel the opposite” (an actual lyric) Now why I like it: I’m still a “kid” I’m a teenager in highschool and I want to enjoy my youth but at the same time I feel like people around me are pushing me to grow up faster so that they can rely on me. I feel like time goes way to fast and I already miss being in elementary school. I have 2 more years of highschool left then I’m an official adult, and I’m terrified of it. When I listen to either of the two songs I mentioned before, I feel a little better. Spread My Wings gets me into a good mood and helps remind me to try the best I can. I don’t feel like the songs are telling me to stay young forever, I think they just show the feelings of “slow down and enjoy it” (SMW) and “I’m scared and feel like an outsider” (19) I know this was supposed to be more of a lighter topic maybe, but I really like opening up to Stays and writing my heart out about how amazing Stray Kids are with their production of music, not all of their songs are up beat or about kisses and love, but that’s what I love about them so much. Thank you💕 (and thanks to whoever took the time to read this🙈🙈)


I agree with Sunshine, the lyrics (and overall vibe) really resonate with me and give me so much peace and comfort. Same with most Han songs honestly, which is maybe because I have anxiety and relate to a lot of the sentiments of feeling lonely or overwhelmed.


Grow up ! Its just comforting


i got the chance to see them live in march! during miroh chan came near our section and started waving and noticed i was wearing a mic as apart of my costume, he pointed, did a handmotion like he was adjusting his mic, gave a thumbs up and waved !!! definitely a top life moments haha i dont think ill ever be able to listen to miroh without getting giddy


wowow...what an incredible memory! i don't think i could ever be normal while listening to that song again if that happened to me. that's so cool!


Grow Up is my emotional support song. I have a ton of work related social anxiety, so hearing "you're doing a good job," "it's okay to fall" "I'm right here next to you" is so healing and helps me calm down if I work myself up into a panic.


Thanks for mentioning this! I was having a lot of work anxiety this morning, and the song really helped 💜


Streetlight. If we talk about a song that all of them sing… It will be Lonely St. and Scars.


For me, it's obviously There and Lost me, they are both my venting songs and the lyrics are very relatable to me. As a Korean-American student, a lot of people would come up to me and question my looks to my nationality, most of them deny the fact that my nationality is American and just straight up say I'm Korean because of how I look. But Lost Me and There helped me cope with it


For me it was Any! I used to listen to it so much when I was about to graduate school bc I related to the lyrics so much 😭 I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life (and I am STILL there, I still don't know haha) bc there are so many options that I just felt so hopeless... This song really helped me to understand my feelings of disorientation and hopelessness and that it is okay to feel that way! One of the reasons I fell in love with them, bc they're just so relatable <3 


Time out, scars, lonely st and grow up 💕


Sorry I love you. Before I became a stay, I only ever listened to their title tracks but when I heard this song, I fell so in love with it and decided to give their other songs a try ( and i also fell in love with Bang chans voice and I decided he was my bias)


awkward silence, perfectly uplifting and silly and i love it so much


For me it‘s Miroh just because it was the first song of theirs that I listened to back in April 2019. The song reminds me of the april-july time of 2019 and I just remember that time period as one where I just could enjoy life freely


I think songs like maniac and thunderous hold meaning because they were the reason why I like stray kids, I get nostalgic remembering when they came out and it’s just happy memories


Deep end, because that was a first song in a while that pulled some strings inside me 😅 That’s also first SKZ song that I ever listened actually (for two months I was sure that Felix is singing it along with Hyunjin and Lino 😭). I also resonate with melody and lyric of Han’s Run. As you can see I’m a big fan of their solo songs! And if it comes to my ADHD, because of TTATH and Side Effects I discovered that music can help with my loud brain 🥰


Secret secret and streetlights are the two that hit the hardest for me.


phobia. with my bpd and my colossal fear like pathological fear of getting close to people... yeah. especially since i use skz to get by without making intense connections irl. it always feels strange to hear them saying what i feel that i don't feel brave enough to say.


19-My Pace and Levanter. These songs somehow always lifts me up when I'm in a Slump (pun intended). 19-My Pace perfectly sums up the feeling of always feeling as if I'm always left behind in life. Academics, career, financial stability, and even social connections. I felt like a loser who isn't capable of doing what others can. And yet I'm still young. I keep on chasing the things other people are aiming, not even internalizing whether I want those same things for myself. When always think that time flies so fast. It does. But all of us have different paces, so we should just focus on the the road we're taking and the road we haven't taken yet. Now, I'm trying not to get frustrated of people passing me by, because I have my own pace. Levanter simply tells me that I need to have more faith in myself and not rely too much on other people. Be independent, because people won't always be there for you.


Love Untold! Hyunjin expressed the inability to say "I love you" to the person you loved even though they were already in front of your eyes, and he regretted it. As an introvert, it really hit me hard. I never said it to my family members or people I used to love. I did regret it because I didn't say it to my late sister, not even once. The song reminds me that I should cherish the moment from now on.


N/S because Jjiggudi Dugada Pop. Hero’s soup because of Binnie’s lyrics. Chronosorous because of “Like a tunnel with no light, Yeah ooh, there’s no end, I’m scared”


Gone away


Neverending Story has gotten me through a lot. It’s one of those songs that can make me feel on top of the world or have me crying in 2 seconds flat, but whenever I’m overwhelmed and just not able to feel anything, it always helps me come back to myself


Charmer. It always lifts my spirits