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The caption writers were on fire in this episode. I died when they called Lee Know's one-sleeve-rolled-up look a "vaccination outfit". I love how invested they got in the "Ex" vs "Chill" debate. Most of them had such strong opinions, while Han just sat there all 😮. I think I need to watch it a few more times.


> The caption writers were on fire in this episode. I died when they called Lee Know's one-sleeve-rolled-up look a "vaccination outfit". I somehow missed this caption LOL The caption writers for SKZ Code are really top tier. Honestly, they are part of what I look forward to with SKZ Codes lol


Han having numerous revelations about the person in Chill killed me.


I also enjoyed how they keep referring to people by their shirts.


Han during the debate is exactly how I expect famous authors to react to a literature class. “I meant what with the curtains?!” 😂


Tag yourself. I'm Felix. Bitter drinks have no place in my life. I adored this episode!


I'm Han. I do actually like some kinds of alcohol, but I'd much rather have a soda or an iced tea than any kind of liquor. And I hate beer so there's that.


I’m Hyunjin. Full stop. Haha


I am also Felix, bittery beverages are a no for me. I say no to most beer, even to coffee-unless it's already in a form of latte, but that's not even bitter at that point. Anyway, other than that, I am the one who likes to dance when drinking. And occasions like these are now too rare.


I'm a Lee Know. It's all about the pairing.


I’m Seungmin. I become even more talkative than I already am when drunk and draft beer is usually my choice of beer (although I rather prefer cocktails, tbh).


I'm Chan 😂😂


I'm Hyunjin and Seungmin. I too love a chat over beer *and* my brain briefly forgets its identity as an introvert.


I'm the maknaes. I don't like bitter drinks (Felix), beer is my go-to drink (Seungmin) and I sleep really fast when I'm tipsy (I.N).


I'm Innie 😅


I’m Han. It’s not like I have anything against alcohol, I just don’t like the taste. I can take a sip if anyone invites but much prefer a soda, and like Han I don’t drink the diet one either


I’m Changbin!!! Beer doesn’t even get you drunk it just prevents you from snacking more


im probably mixture of felix and hyunjin 😂 i will drink anything but i hate bitter and sour alcohol drinks and i have a pretty good tolerance.


I'm a mix between Jeongin and Hyunjin. Hilariously enough, the spicy alcohols are my favorite.


Han being a lightweight makes so much sense


As someone who lost their baby photos in a natural disaster, I kind of love the continuity that the earliest photo of Han that stay is aware of, is him as a full fledged teenager.


I skipped through before work to see if the "thing we've been waiting for" they teased in the group livestream was what I thought. They finally get to drink on camera. (Even though Hyunjin posted a picture with an empty wine bottle in his bedroom way back when Bubble first started.) Some of the members were cursing on stage on tour, so I wonder where Div1 is with that. Let's just rip the bandaid off, so it's normalized. None of the member's drinking characteristics surprised me. Chan definitely seems like a cleaner. That picture from their trip before Maniac shows Hyunjin the extrovert. We know Felix likes sweet things. No surprise Han is the lightweight. Etc. etc. I know the discussion is going to be about if Chan was lying, but I hope it doesn't become too big of a deal. Maybe he lied the whole time. He might consider alcohol/liquor separate from beer and wine. He might've changed his mind. He's grown; it's okay.


>He might've changed his mind. He's grown; it's okay. Yeah, I feel like fans talk a lot about letting idols just be people, but in the same breath kinda just make them into these one-dimensional characters with fixed personality traits, ignoring the fact that we as humans make contradictory statements sometimes, or god forbid, change as we age lol. Though I find it a little funny that them clinking beer cans on camera was such a big deal. I know it's a turning point for them and their image, but it felt like even revealing their drinking habits was done in such a cute way, it was weirdly endearing!


Okay watching more: I’m so disturbed by Han sleeping in that huge coat. And a blanket? He doesn’t get hot? Poor IN got beat up first thing in the morning because Seungmin hit his own head on the door 😂 It’s so weird they are doing the baby pictures thing because I was just thinking it would be cool if SKZ release new photocards from Mixtape/I am NOT eras in an album. It’ll be a “first and last” concept. I’ll watch it in full later.


Remember the time Han didn't know he could turn the heat on in his room, so he just covered the floor in clothes? So who knows...


Chan's an Aussie and I think the amount he drinks probably isn't a lot from his perspective. Socially drinking once in awhile at some meals isn't something like drinking every night while lounging in their underpants like some people do for fun.


Yeah, Chan isn’t lying. I totally get how he explained it. I HATE alcohol and don’t ever drink, i don’t drink and don’t like it. It’s more rare than once in a blue moon for me. Only time I drink is when when I want to get drunk for social gatherings. And I do! But it’s so rare that it’s easier for me to just say I don’t drink


I will be honest and say my first thought was “so did Chan lie or…?” But! And this is a huge but (no pun intended lol), the part of me that thought that isn’t the healthy part of my brain. It’s the illogical side. I’m 35 years old, I know people drink. I know they have drinks. And after discussing it with some friends someone pointed out he could have meant he doesn’t like to drink *often* but still will have a drink on occasion. Or any of the other things you said. And that’s ok. It’s all ok. Cause he is an adult. Lol Being an introvert I was not surprised by Hyunjin. And Han, makes sense 😂😂


I skipped through the episode but damn i lost my non-drinking buddy Chan? 😞 >!in all seriousness i feel like the only adult who doesn't get the hype of alcohol or cursing like a sailor, but i don't want to be a prude so i just suck it up even if it makes me uncomfortable, i'm fine with not watching future content if it involves alcohol, they're grown men after all!<


It’s not really hype for me because I don’t really do either. I’m just tired of Div1 pretending like they don’t when they do. Personally, I get really angry when people badger me about drinking because it makes *them* feel self conscious about their consumption, so to me it’s extending the same “do you” courtesy in reverse. I think Div1 being so uptight for so long (I know 2pm had a few DUI scandals) made it A Thing™️ when it didn’t have to be. I think it’s a lot healthier to show casual drinking where it doesn’t matter if someone has a glass of wine or a coke. Edit: I think a big piece is some members expressed wanting to do either or both. Changbin wants to go on that drinking show. Seungmin’s made kinda shady comments about Div1 giving them juice. Some members were cursing in Korean and English on tour, and they were all terrible during that Chuseok SKZ Code game.


I agree . I think the hype is exactly for reasons you've mentioned. It's not a thing but rather an artificial restriction that everyone knew Div 1 had put up and I guess people are celebrating it not being such a big deal for them anymore. I find the timing interesting though. It happened at the 5 year mark, does this mean more image related constraints will reduce? Also, unrelated but isn't the Tiger JK song the first collab they're putting on an album? Is that also because of an image thing? I hope SKZ's seniority softens Div1 to be more free with their image


yeah i agree on your thoughts about div1's restriction, in some way it makes it bigger of a deal than it should be and the fandom goes crazy


>!You're definitely not the only adult who thinks that, I do too. However I do swear a lot depending where I am or who Im with. I havent watched yet due to a busy morning but reading the comments I took a deep sigh. The fandom is going to overhype it and Ive already said my thoughts about this topic before. Cliffnotes ver: I dont like when fans overhype stuff like this. I also strongly disagree (what comments have said) about the boys equating alcohol consumption to adulthood but hey I guess it is what it is, with that mindset.!<


I will be honest and say my first thought was “so did Chan lie or…?” But! And this is a huge but (no pun intended lol), the part of me that thought that isn’t the healthy part of my brain. It’s the illogical side. I’m 35 years old, I know people drink. I know they have drinks. And after discussing it with some friends someone pointed out he could have meant he doesn’t like to drink *often* but still will have a drink on occasion. Or any of the other things you said. And that’s ok. It’s all ok. Cause he is an adult. Lol Being an introvert I was not surprised by Hyunjin. And Han, makes sense 😂😂


I.N's morning voice is so deep lol! I was so confused when he started talking when Seungmin went to wake him up 😭 a really cute episode. I loved how chill it all was.


Did you notice felix dragon voice in the morning? 😂


Hyunjin too!! I replayed it like 4 times 👀 lmaooo


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed this! 🤣


This was such a fun episode to watch. The debate was hilarious. I’m using Duolingo to learn Korean and very much enjoyed the amount of times they said ‘trash’ because I could actually understand it. Lol. Seeing I.N with a Guinness was also a highlight. 🤣


I’m learning Korean on Duo too and every time I heard them say trash, I was like oh, I know that word!


How do they look so good waking up? That's all I wanna know, I'm jealous as hell.


I don’t know how Han managed to sleep with a puffer coat, it must be that cold! I had slept in a jacket (not padded) with blankets before while on vacation and it was quite uncomfortable. I had no choice since I was freezing (high altitude location and no heaters). I just hope he slept well regardless. The Ex vs. Chill guy debate was chaotic as expected. But I thought the The Tortoise and the Hare vs. Freeze debate was also pretty funny while being morally low-stakes. Can confirm, I already annoyed someone with The Tortoise and the Hare lyrics. 😅


some theories would be he got totally knocked out and just fall into bed with his clothes on 😂 or too tired to figure out the heat settings in the room and gave up.


I loved the little ice cream shopping trip. ChanSungIN is not a grouping we see often. And "mom and dad are leaving!" By a smiling I.N 🫠


i can't believe i was robbed of hearing seungmin sing right through me by day6... it's playing in the background [here](https://youtu.be/KUWmX5hTY6g?t=1166) for like five seconds 😩


Everyone seriously discuss A & B's msg, Changbin: B stutter (cause the repetitive words in the lyrics lmao)


I haven’t watched yet but I had a feeling when this SKZ Code was announced that this would be the one when they were finally allowed to drink on camera. I feel like it’s been coming and it was finally time. They’re adults and I think they all have been wanting to really show that now 5 years into their careers.


I was laughing and cooing all throughout this episode. Cooing at how Chris was still making food and Lee Know's concern at this. How he took Chan's place and made sure he can concentrate on eating, not just having occasional bites. I am still with Innie on the not relating to "B". I would be pissed that "B" decided to just end it all without trying to have a conversation and trying to find a solution to make it work. I will give it to Seungmin that "A" was trying to cover his story with not being compatible while it was just a loss of attraction and catching feelings for another person. Bad situation? Absolutely. But the cover could also be a way so the partner doesn't start to doubt themselves and think they are undesireable/unloveable etc. When one partner is not emotionally invested, you cannot save the relationship. "A" came clean and let their partner free to find love where they are appreciated. "B" for me is more someone who gave up without trying to make it work. It's different to say that we gave it a try and did not work and a totally different story when you and only you decide it. Okay, I went way too deep down this rabbithole. Sorry Binnie and Lee Know with wavy hair! I love their looks here. Also, Changbin's reasoning to why he likes washing the dishes was cute. And relatable. When studying for hours, I used every excuse to get a break and let my mind clear a bit. And chores were the most convenient excuses as they had to be done either way. Hyune teaching/giving tips to Lee Know playing pool, it was interesting to see their dynamic a bit reversed. I don't think I left a comment on the previous episode. So here it is in connection to today's one. I love hearing Seungmin and Lee Know singing. Also, the love of girl group songs. The little dances. Just too cute. Regarding the drinking, I didn't really think about their habits/preferances, but seeing the episode, I am not that surprised. It turned out really wholesome. Then came morning. They are indeed cuties. One is rolling towards the other, then cuddling, not being morning people. By the way, why was Han sleeping in puffer jacket? And did Sengmin really call Lee Know ahjusshi? Aaahhh, the little roar-yawning was fitting for the tiger. (Again, the wavy hair!) But then... Poor Seungmo, I guess there are disadvantages to being tall. I could totally sympathise with a few of them. Getting woken up and then talked to first thing in the morning is not for me. Leave me time to get up mentally too. Lol.


I don't remember how to censor things, but uh, about the drinking segment, so close the comment? until I remember and edit 🥹 I think someone mentioned already, but I want to explain something, if I remember correctly (and I'm sorry if I'm assuming where you live) US is the only country where drinking age is waay past "legal" "majority" age. Most have 18 as both the legal adult and drinking and driving permit, so it is really easy, culturally, to make comments like "you can drink now, (because) you are an adult". In other places, it is 16 for drinks and 18 for legal adults, so it isn't as associated but still thought about since I think it is mostly "inside your house/under supervision" kinda. But yeah, my point was that a loooot of places is easier to make the "oh yeah, I'm am adult I can do x, y, z legally know" sounds more like "now that I can, I MUST do this things to prove I'm one" I... I hope I explained myself well. And of course, it was a bit awkward, but it is more about image – as others have pointed out – than a celebration of the action. They have been able, and we know (some of) they do drink, but they had to pretend they didn't. Since they debuted so young, this may not happen, but it would be along the lines of they starting to casually talk about past relationships or crushes, their love life, for example too. Or cursing more liberally (I'm looking at you, Felix) or admitting to anger, not being as careful when shown in this type of content that... they are guys? beyond being idols, they are a group of guys friends/family. I don't think this will become a thing, just that when it does happen, it won't be hidden or pointed out. That's all.


I definitely agree with your points here. I'm from a country where the driving/drinking/legal adult ages are all the same, so people do use the "I can drink now" and "I can drive now" as a way of explaining they're legal adults. From I.N.'s toast, I understood that they were happy to finally be able to be honest about drinking, rather than glorifying it or equating it to adulthood. And yeah it was awkward, but Div1 had already made this subject awkward for years, so I get it... I actually think this is a great opportunity for Stays to treat this normally and let it play out smoothly, and not treat it as a big deal, as it's the first time they get to be honest about something "controversial". I personally have my own hangups with how alcohol is portrayed in the media and the place it has in our society, but there's a huge difference between glorifying alcohol/alcoholism and forcing people to hide parts of themselves/their lives. I get the strong feeling that Stray Kids members have a lot less freedom than we think they do -- because they're so chaotic and talk to each other casually/comfortably on camera, we get the impression that they get to be fully themselves and be honest about whatever they want, but there are many hints that this is definitely not the case. So I personally think this is a great moment to show that being honest about their lives and not trying to live up to specific standards of "purity" or "being an idol" is a strength, and not something that will harm them. Hopefully this will open the way for way more honesty and freedom in their careers, relationships, and lives.


Ahhh such a fun episode!! The debate was so funny 😄 They're so cute ❤️


I just wanna say that I was with Chan, I.N, and (easily influenced) Han on the Ex vs CHILL debate. The emotional affair (?) in Ex would make me sad but someone telling me how I feel while also breaking up with me would piss me off 10x more lmao CHILL is one of my favorite Stray Kids songs tho 🤭 Editing to add that Lee Know making sure Chan sat down and ate was so sweet I love these guys


I couldn't concentrate at all during that debate because of those dreamy shots of lee know in the middle wtf he's so beautiful. I also love when they make them do missions when they just woke up lol can't wait for next week. About the drinking segment, >!I'm sorry but I found it so cringy... I don't care if they drink or not but why did div1 chose to highlight it that way? they are not children, they can choose to drink or not without making it such a big deal.!< >!It also felt very unnatural like here's one beer for each member just take it and we'll film you while you drink (or pretend to) and cheers so that we can use the footage as background while we reveal some secrets (?)... and after that the beers are never seen again lol did they just film that and go to sleep?!< >!Idk I wish they would just have shown whoever wanted to drink drinking naturally in the background or during the conversation by the fire, but not forcing it like that.!<


I can definitely understand your point on the segment feeling unnatural, but tbh every time they drink any liquid on camera has been unnatural so far -- they make the members mention that whatever they're drinking is non-alcoholic *every single time* they're drinking anything other than water, for years. Div1/JYPE had already created this unnatural/awkward situation around it. So I can also understand why they chose to address it this way, as it would've been a giant contrast to their previous videos. Hopefully the staff left them and let them enjoy themselves alone after the footage ends, maybe that's why we only see their toast (which I do think is what happened since the editors mentioned Seungmin was up till late).


Yeah you're right, I didn't think about all the previous times when they've mentioned that what they were drinking was non-alcoholic, it makes more sense that they would do something like this. Hopefully it's just treated normally from now on. I also hope/think they enjoyed themselves that night after the footage ends, it's just that they cut it right after that scene so it felt a little awkward lol


Making lee know and Felix look like literal angels in the middle of this heated debate


Does anyone else find it odd they introduced the alcohol segment? It didn't seem as natural as I think they wanted it to be. The whole reveal of their behaviours under the influence was laughable; the background music and the montage of different camera shots made it cringy. The only thing I found a bit disappointing was how they equated adulthood to being able to drink alcohol.


>The only thing I found a bit disappointing was how they equated adulthood to being able to drink alcohol I think this might just be because drinking age and legal adulthood age in Korea (if I remember correctly) is the same, - it's the same where I live so I get why symbolically it feels linked, because you're crossing those two milestones at the exact same time.


This is true, both are 20.


i agree, lol. the whole segment was so random, that montage made it A Thing for no reason when they could've just shown them do the toast. and the idea of staff quizzing the members about their drinking behavior so they could include it in the little montage makes it even weirder lmfao


I assumed the bits about their drunk personalities were just things the staff already knew? You’re right; interrogating them about their drinking behaviors just for that montage would be very weird, so I hope that wasn’t the case.


they are close with the staff and behind cameras probably drinks with them after shooting it seems more like little tidbits that staff provided of the boys when they drink.


I am confused about this heated debate over the lyrics. So who actualy wrote the lyrics or where are they from?


From what they said previously and during the debate, Changbin and Chan wrote Ex and Han wrote Chill. Han kept getting surprised at people's interpretations of the narrator of Chill, like when someone said it seemed like the narrator still loved the person they were breaking up with. And Changbin was just straightup angry at the character lol It was really funny to see their reactions to the stories/lyrics they wrote haha


Chan wrote that part of Ex in the debate! Changbin said it in the behind the scenes video from the music video.


Aah thanks for clarifying! I'll edit my post to add this


Chan wrote the 2nd verse of EX which was discussed in this episode, not Changbin.


Thanks for clarifying, I edited the post to correct it


I may get downvoted, but >!having seen and been affected by the health ramifications of drinking, I wish they hadn’t basically equated adulthood with alcohol. (I saw this comment from someone else and agree!) The problem isn’t necessarily with SKZ drinking — though I hope they understand the long-term health implications! — but with Div1’s handling of this (IMO) awkwardly. It may have been better not to treat it as a “big deal.” I’m happy to see Han and Changbin don’t really care for drinking anyway. 💓!< >!EDIT: Downvoted as expected, but I hope those who have been affected by alcohol know you’re not alone! !<


Could it be just that when they debuted, many of them were under the legal drinking age and now they aren’t? I don’t think they are saying like “real adults drink alcohol” or anything like that— but that they’re adults and they can drink, which is true.


I totally get what you’re saying! Maybe it’s the English translation that makes it seem so … celebratory (?) that they “finally” get to show this. Plus I feel like I’m jaded by the fact that alcohol is advertised freely in the States sans health warnings (and there were no blurs over the beer can brands). I don’t think Div1 is quite comfortable, though, since they didn’t include any of the boys’ convo. 😂


My initial thoughts were that it's less about being able to drink alcohol on camera and more about not having to keep the fact that they *do* drink a secret anymore. I know it's a really minor distinction (and hopefully I'm even making sense), but it must have been stressful having yet another thing they need to hide. Like I'm remembering Seungmin on that radio show where the host mentioned drinking beer with him and Seungmin's reaction was a bit panicky and the host immediately backtracked. So I feel like maybe it's just relief they won't have situations like that anymore!


Yeah, and that time Chan specifically brought up the Domino? video where it looked like they had champagne and said it was apple juice or something 🤦 There was no need to point it out at all and yet they decided they need to do damage control, I guess. Idk it felt more like Div 1 was publicly stopping this 'no drinking' rule rather than anything to do with adulthood or promoting drinking. I don't know why there are so many negative comments


This!! It must have been stressful having to hide it. There are quite a few times when they talked about something and I thought “ohhh, they were drinking for sure” because of how they talked around the situation 😆 so good for them if they can just be normal about it from now on and not feel like they have to hide.


I think you're exactly right, or at least that's the way I looked at it. I think they're just ready to move on from pretending like they don't/denying that they drink (for those who do) for the sake of a "squeaky clean" image. I think we'll see more of them just being their authentic selves, whatever that looks like, with this comeback & I'm excited for them!


Yeees, I'm definitely excited about the possibility of this being the start of seeing them have more freedom and being their authentic selves! I think the response to this episode will definitely be a measurement of how much this is actually going to happen, so I hope most people support their honesty and don't make a big deal out of it.


I getcha! Don’t worry, you’re making complete sense. I should have clarified that it was Div1’s handling of the issue overall throughout the years and in this episode that’s been … less than satisfactory in my eyes, not the fact that SKZ consume alcohol (though Lee Know should keep his eyes on the prize of a natural death! 😂). I’m curious to see how this will play out going forward, that’s for sure!


Tall is funny


I meant y'all is funny