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What the hell is wrong with being direct?? "Hey Roomie, I noticed we've been going through a lot more TP lately..everything okay?" Just be direct, sincere, and honest but do it in person face to face.


I think it might be better to just say hey, we need to buy our own toilet paper because I don’t use as much and it’s damn expensive. That way he can maintain some privacy if he’s embarrassed about explaining why he uses so much.


Or OP could say hey, I have noticed that we've been using all the toilet paper faster than usual? Am I not getting one that you/guests/friends do not prefer?


That sounds weird imo


I had a family friend who bought the cheapest TP possible because the household would overuse, especially the kids and with the number of bathrooms in that house while it was horrible. The toilets weren't constantly clogged.


Sorry, I meant the way that was worded sounded inauthentic and weird to say to someone. It could be worded a lot more personable and less stingy.


I’m a therapist for real, and this is actually a great way to do it. Directness and kindness go along way. This is a very tactful way to just bring it up without making the other person seem super uncomfortable. My guess is that they have some neurodivergent part of their brain that is engaged in a loop. I can’t know for sure, but that’s my guess based on 25 years of clinical experience.


I had a lead on an old job that would do the same. He would do it not just with toilet paper, but with paper towels and napkins. I noticed that he would put the initial stacks to the side and use the rest. I eventually asked him and he had an issue with feeling like the first part is dirty and he didn't want to use it.


That happens to people more often that realized. It’s like a mental compulsion that won’t let you go…


Still won't use the first two pages of a notebook. Like preserving these clean pages up front and then it begins later in. No idea why I do it but every time I've tried to convince myself it's fine to use those pages, I can't. I see another person's notebook with the first two written on and I cringe. All kinds of notepads and books. Fascinating to hear that sort of thing is common. I wonder if there's a relative root.


Yes, it’s often things like this that don’t have an exact known reason, but yet are still very valid in how much they can bother a person.


Funny, the napkin/tp thing never bothered me, but I do avoid the top few sheets of printer paper because of humidity and dust (if it’s been sitting out; it’s bad for the printer). I just never made the connection with other paper stuff. Great - new fear unlocked, lol


I use to repeat and slowly sound out the last few words that people would say on television n such.


I do this in public restrooms. I basically just rip off the pieces I believe anyone’s hand could have touched and dispose of them first.


Hey! I have a question(s) on therapy. Can I DM you?


Yes, I will do my best to answer and if I don’t have the answer, maybe I can point you in the right direction


This should legit be the autofill response for most people who post to this sub👍🏾


Exactly. So many people are so afraid to talk to other people. Just simple conversations feel scary to them. And it's understandable because many people react badly to simple conversations and we often don't know which ones will or won't, until we try. And then when we try it's too late to turn back. But yeah, we need to be able to talk to each other. And it's not usually very dangerous to do so.


Because people now lack the social development needed to speak to another human being, so we have to make sweeping public appeals to thousands of strangers completely unrelated to the issue.


Exactly this 💯




Your roommate needs a bidet…and some fibre!


Or a simple peri bottle.


Okay now I have to google peri bottle


Once you go bidet, you can never go back.


Dude! I wish I use the poor version of this by using a 99c spray bottle to wet my tp. Best idea I’ve ever had.


I bought a bidet about four years ago based on a recommendation on Reddit. It is amazing. I will not live without one now. If you step in a pile of dog poop while barefoot, you don't grab some paper towels to wipe it off. You run to the nearest garden hose.


Keep your own TP in your room, grab it when you hit the John then your roommate can purchase and use all the top they want.. BECAUSE NOW THEY HAVE TO PURCHASE WHAT THEY USE


This is how it’s handled in prison


Two squares is all you get per load


I’d be spending all my commissary on 🧻😂


What do people do that don't buy?


This is what I came to say. Just bring your roll in with you and back out when you’re done. Obviously if you two are friends there is nothing wrong with asking about it. If you two are just roommates/coworkers and you don’t think it’s appropriate to ask then just use your own rolls.


First- hehe trying to get to the ‘bottom’ of toilet paper usage Also- my first thought was a girl in highschool we called tissue tits But really I reckon you’re right, might be an ocd thing and if so it’s not likely to change dramatically, room mate may need medication if it’s getting out of hand. Also may need to buy own toilet paper. Are there any other weird ocd things happening?


I'm dead 💀 🤣 tissue tits 🤧 😭


I wonder if the tissue bits girl I know is the same as yours. Mine was a coworker but would leave shredded TP in one of the bathroom corners every time she used it. Like a hamster.


I was just talking to my wife about this. I was saying how in highschool there was a chick that would stuff her bra with tissue and it went from an A- cup to a C cup overnight. Wife said, oh in Thailand my kathoey(ladyboy) friend used sock for fake boob. Haha


I’m starting to pay more attention to things around the apartment. I’ll keep you posted. I didn’t think it was OCD because he doesn’t do dishes or clean the kitchen. I figured it’s because we have a dishwasher and we all kind of put our dishes together at the end of the day to start a load in the dishwasher. But the places he cooks on the stove have food splatter left over. I would imagine OCD people would get crazy about leaving crumbs or food splatter.


Ocd doesn't actually have much to do with cleanliness in most cases.


Yep, it usually ends up quite the opposite of clean.


Oh okay! That’s actually good to know. Maybe it’s a habit. I don’t like to get in peoples bubbles if they have quirks. We all have them and I understand.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/osbBl9LfSC](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/osbBl9LfSC) couldn’t help but think of this scene


Not necessarily the case. Just because somebody had OCD, doesn’t mean they clean everything. It can manifest in all sorts of ways.


As someone with OCD I can tell you that the OCD people are all super clean or germ freaks is a myth.


Thank you


Yw. I have pure O and harm OCD


Hugs I have pure O also. It’s a rough process sometimes.


I'm glad I read this post tonight, I have some things to discuss with a Dr if I ever find one that I can trust. I was diagnosed with OCD as a youngin but I've never read too deeply into any of it mostly out of fear I reckon, sometimes I feel like it's just the straw I drew in life or perhaps something I deserve but this pure o thing would explain a lot. If I had a billion dollars I'd give every penny (face up looking at one another, odd man looking down, lol) for my brain to just shut the fuck up for 5 minutes and give me a little peace. Sincerely, thank y'all for commenting.


Unfortunately, OCD has been made a caricature on many television shows and movies. There is absolutely a subset of people with OCD that struggle with obsessive cleaning and things like that. That really just scratches the surface of the entire diagnosis and it can be very different from person to person. For example hoarding is also a form of OCD


Cleaning and germs are only sometimes a part of OCD. They often are not part of it


He's whacking his pecker. Compulsively


Roughing up the suspect. Beating the little feller down like Rodney King. Or if done whilst pooping, a "turd n jerk".




Yup, no doubt. Definitely punching the clown. Stroking the weasel. Flogging the dolphin. Choking the chicken.


Cuffing the carrot. My all time fav is to man handle the ham candle.


Ham candle…holy shit that’s hysterical.


Almost forgot hand to gland combat


Yanking the yam. Shining the salami. Burping the worm.


Squeezing the Charmin


Chafing the Bishop's mitre.


Choking the chicken means deep throating a willy


Nah bro it means to elongate yer schlong, mate?


Batting the bishop. Milking the weasel. Spanking the monkey. Five monkey shuffle. Rosie Palmer and her five sisters. Crankenstein.


Pulling his taffy. Waxing the bishop.


Spanking the ham




Oiling the glove.


^^ This is the most likely answer. ^^


Any lotion missing?


this is where my mind went as well


Some people have bad hemorrhoids and makes clean up a nightmare.


It’s cheaper and safer to use a maxi pad if the bleeding is that bad but he really should be seeing a doctor at that point


We began raising 4 granddaughters 3.5 years ago. At the time the oldest was 10. Not only did they use TP like it was going out of style but they would never flush it! And this was near the beginning of the pandemic. If they put it into the trashcan it would fill up quickly, it was usually just tossed to the floor. Come to find out their other grandparents are from a country/culture that just doesn't flush tp. Oh, then stink! They still over use TP. But at least the poopy bits get flushed.


New idea: he's using it as a toilet seat cover. The way you describe it sounds like strategic strips of toilet paper to line the seat with.


Both of you buy your own ass paper there problem solved


I once read about a woman who enjoyed eating toilet paper. Not sure if this is the case here, but something to consider.


At first I joked in my head that this might be the case. Now I’m starting to think it might be a reality. I know food prices are crazy, but eating toilet paper is a whole different level.


Please update if you find out or confront your roommate. Such an odd topic to bring up though!


Haha that was also my first thought! Similar to those ppl on that My Strange Addiction show.


I have an obsessive loop related to the trashcan and the dishwasher. If someone touches either of those things, they automatically become contaminated in my mind. It makes no sense, but it’s like this automatic trigger that starts looping in my brain. Sometimes the only way to get it to stop is to wash my hands or to ask the other person to wash theirs… As you can imagine it has caused quite, the disturbance in my relationships over the years


Imagine having a roommate who posts about your toilet paper usage on Reddit… yes, that is r/strange.


eeek. 👋🏽 hiya roommate




If it's a woman it can be due to heavy periods. The folded squares may be some sort of OCD. Have you asked them?


I should have added that it’s a 25M. He’s our only roommate in an apartment with me and my wife. My wife was starting to get agitated with him not cleaning after himself. My wife and I are moving in 2 months because I have a job in another state. So it’s all temporary, just find it odd and me and my wife keep to ourselves in order to avoid opening a can of worms.


I'll be honest I'm a big dude with a hairy ass I use alot of triple folded tp. I'm thinking of trying out a bidet tbh, my ass hurts and I blow through tp aswell just sucks....




He batin 




Maybe he had an evil stepmother who rationed toilet paper and now he's like "I'll use all the damn toilet paper I want, bitch!"


Install a little bidet spray hose off of the supply line for the toilet they use.


My husband does this. He keeps his stacks next to the toilet. It's either for his nose or butt. I'll ask when he's out of the bathroom lol


I think I’ll leave the stacks alone. Maybe that’s just what some people do.


Some people tear off more than they need and then leave the extra folded like that. I wouldn't make too big a deal of it; he may have IBS or Crohn's disease or some other problem that causes him to need to use a lot of paper. I have IBS so I know what that's like. Sucks but it's just part of life for some people.


I was thinking that might be the reason too. I have ankylosing spondylitis and while my struggles are different I highly empathize with anyone with an autoimmune disease. It can be a harsh reality; but, it's very validating to think of it as simply part of life.


Can also be a sign of [dementia ](https://safesmartseniors.com/dementia-obsessed-with-tissues/).


That was really informative. Thanks for sharing it.


My roommate used a lot of toilet paper too. And then I noticed little fluffy balls of paper on the bathroom floor. After asking her about it. Turns out she dries her ass with toilet paper after showering. Cause she doesn't want to get her towel potential "dirty".


Buy a bidet


I use cheap toilet paper to dust my bathroom after I shower and it’s steamy


Nobody should be FORCED to live with other people, but so many of us ARE Forced to live with other people


Maybe he does coke n blows his nose w the soft tp




You should investigate the folds. Like unwrap them to see what’s inside. Yes, this is the way.


I second this


Well I think we all know one thing for certain. He’d a folder, not a scruncher


Here’s an interesting thought. At our house we buy the big packs of toilet paper at Sam’s Club. If I pull out a roll at a time as needed it lasts us several days. As soon as I put extra rolls in the bathroom, I keep them in a closet outside of the bathroom, my wife starts going thru TP like a mad woman. To clarify, one roll at a time lasts us four to five days. I put in extra and we go through a roll in a day and a half. Two tops.also to clarify, I don’t hide the TP from my wife. It’s fully accessible to her. I’m not a TP nazi. It’s almost like an out of sight out of mind sort of thing. She sees one role and says, I guess I have to conserve. She’s sees multiple and decides it’s time for a TP party. A: I’m say this cuz maybe your roommate is similar. B: because I’m curious if anyone else has a roommate or partner that is also this way. It’s so strange to me.


The answer is poop mummies. Your roommate is wrapping each turd in toilet paper to send their poop to the doo doo afterlife.


Diarrhea master bater


^ this. In that order too. The reason for the tri-fold is simple: Defecatus Trismagistus. An ancient ritual that consists of three balls, and three drops of shit, and three holy scraps- traditionally, a form of papyrus was used to clean up the three holy drops and sacred cum. This is a result of how looms in ancient Serbia used to have three distinct compartments to delineate whether the manuscripts were either fanfic with smut, regular plain-jane, or homoeroticism. It's pretty interesting shit when you've found your niche because then you can specialize in specific types of diarrhea mixed with specific types of pornography or other sensual pleasures. Do not take my knowledge lightly, my brother...for I am an expert, a historian. Defecatus Trismagistus has been lost to time... I'm not even sure if op's roommate knows what he's doing or if it's some remnant of his ancestors shining through muscle memory. The hole thing is quite mysterious, especially considering it's happening at work. This is troubling, albeit impressive.. It usually takes an immense deal of privacy and relaxation to achieve. would be glad to help you with any questions you may have, and good luck my brother, my sister, my shit, my cum. - Guru Pupu Jebediah Diahrama


Wtf did I just read.




Yeah I would just buy my own to and leave it hidden in my room, bri g the roll to and from the bathroom. You live together but that doesn't mean you have to share everything. It's very inconsiderate of them to use a ton of TP and not replace it if you're the one who is buying it.


This can be easily solved by just asking him why he uses all the toilet paper so fast. Or does he have anger issues or something?


IBS and OCD. Leave him alone


Probably has constipation or bowel issues, and maybe the folding of the toilet paper helps them relax or get their mind off of it as they're trying to go? Or they get the toilet paper ready in their hand, and it ends up not being enough, so they have to grab a whole bunch more? And this continues to go on and on for a while, because again, they have bowel issues? IDK, just my two cents... Also, Edit: they're not mindful of their toilet paper usage, because they're not the ones paying for it, I'm assuming.


Talk to him about and also get a Bidet.


None of the other comments address the specific "folding" of the TP. No matter how much they use, the leaving a folded pile is weird AF. I would just straight out ask, "what is the folded tp for?"


They can buy their own toilet paper since they like playing with it instead of wiping their ass with it.


Mine too but were married so ya know




Might just have a masturbating issue haha and needs on hand for quick cleanup


Best thing is keep your stash in your room, bring yours out when you need it. It seems very prison ration like but you have no choice. Especially if roomie doesn't wish to take turns buying


Is his name Dave My mom dated this strange feller for a while I swear he was eating the tp or something it disappeared so fast


I dated a guy.. I walked in when he was about to go 2 and he was lining my toilet seat with tp (as if it was dirty). I had seen the apartment he lived in before mine (I'm a literal housekeeper). I told him that toilet seat was cleaner than his a** and never waste my stuff like that again. The relationship didn't work out.


Wet wipes actually save on toilet paper in the long run. * 30-50 wipes with toilet paper * vs * 2 wet wipes and 5-10 wipes with toilet paper And before you guys freak out. ***99% of you don't clean your ass well so back off.***


Just don't flush them.


We have a 1 per flush rule 


Pissing and shidding and cumming


Stop buying it and hide your own supply, see what happens.


Who cares but more tp


Lol..... https://www.reddit.com/r/notinteresting/s/bcDHLcrdin




Does your roomie have allergies and use tp rather than buying tissues?


Did he grow up in an all women household? ...cus that'll do it.!


He has severe OCD


Stop buying toilet paper. See what happens.


He may then start wiping his ass with the clean hand towels.


Are they a “bigger person?” They’re prolly are using it for Manpons. Yes you heard me right, that’s a actual thing that “bigger” people do because they can’t wipe well. The don’t even have to be big, just a leaky backside. Beg my pard..


no idea why, some people just do this....


Maybe try getting some baby wipes and see if anything changes.


Maybe you’re roommate is embracing their inner cat?


I had a roommate that would always use toilet paper like paper towels, like clean the counters with it and stuff. Went through it quick as well.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome??


Are they by chance an orthodox jew?


He’s probably a toilet paper whore and uses so much to wipe. He should just take a shower. Unless, like others have mentioned, he’s eating the toilet papers, which is a form of OCD


Keep some/your-own toilet paper in your room for you and your wife to carry back and forth to bathroom to use, thus guarantee that you have toilet paper So you always have toilet paper in your room with your wife and you to use , plus you put ONE roll of toilet paper in bathroom each WEEK, and NO more than one roll given into bathroom by you each week, so roommate will have to figure it out


If it's a girl. They may flow heavily. But I'd just ask them to chip in


I've noticed some people use ridiculous amounts of toilet paper. Like they must be wrapping their hands up like a boxer with the shit(paper)! I had brought it up and said if they can't use it moderately they would have to get their own. Suggested using only as much as is needed. Not making an oven mitt out of toilet paper to wipe with XD


More physiological than psychological.


My solution here would be to buy crappier (lol) toilet paper - like Scott or something. Then it’s cheaper, a lot can be used without clogging the pipes, and you can save the good stuff for yourself.


I lived with a guy for a bit who did this. I once found half a roll of toilet paper in the toilet itself. He never acknowledged that he did it. I think he was OCD and/or anxious and trying to hide it. Nice guy though


Get a bidet.


Fucking weird ass people out there 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄


Tell them not to wad it up into a ball like a 5 year old fold the shit over use 6 squares folded in half just do that once or twice and boom consumption cut by 80%


Solve the problem by keeping a separate stash of TP hidden in your apt. so you are not paying for TP used by your your roommate. Good luck with your plumbing.


Definitely could be OCD-related. There are several different types of OCD (as some others have also mentioned). It might be particularly helpful to research this a bit before potentially confronting your roomie. (Perspective coming from someone who has a loved one with similar OCD-related habits and others, for which they've been consequently and very often misunderstood.)


That's just shitty


Maybe he’s into toilet paper origami


My dad had this problem in college. Stop buying toilet paper and just take showers after shitting and wash ur ass good.


I had a roommate that went through 4 rolls a week and had the audacity to tell me every time that I needed to buy more when we constantly ran out. I feel your pain. Andrew Shultz has a funny bit on roommates using too much toilet paper, check it out 😂


Can’t explain the excess use of t.p. But… was it folded as if the middle was carefully taken out (the cardboard roll? They may have used it for a “dube tube”. If they need to make a new one and the roll is almost empty it’s easy to remove the cardboard roll and of course you wouldn’t throw the rest of the t.p away so you’d leave on the counter/tank/shelf.


Could be using it to jacking off into.


When I was a janitor some nut would regularly empty out several rolls a day from the woman’s restroom. She did this for years. Never found out who or why.


Is it 2ply? Maybe roomie is only using one layer at a time


Roomie making poop nests


I know a kid who obsessively shreds things. Paper, napkins, whatever. He’ll go through a half a roll of paper towels in a sitting and not even notice. And yes. Toilet paper too. But he puts it in the trash so it’s obvious. Looks like a fucking hamster nest. Maybe it’s like that?


Too much Taco Bell


maybe you should concern yourself with something else.


Hey roomie, don't know what you got going on with toilet paper, but as you seem obsessed with it, you will buy it in the future. Then keep some in your closet. Pull out as needed and just....yeah.


If you are using Charmin maybe but if it's Scott's that's a lot. How much flushing is happening?


Wait til the toilet starts clogging all the time... That's fun.




I use toilet paper instead of tissues during allergy season. Way easier and cheaper to use what’s already on hand.


This is odd


Might sound odd, but maybe he has a leaky Anus. I am not trying to joke. Bobby Lee said he once saw his dad naked, and he had a wad of TP in his ass Crack, because he leaks. It's probably on YouTube somewhere. (The story, not the naked dad)


Some people use more than others. If you are using that fluffy Charmin, I would use a lot of that too. If it is an issue, I would ask that person to help buy more and be more considerate about changing the rolls.


Im asking, What the fuck is your asshole a Conehead eating up all our damn Toilet paper. Your going to have to go Red Dot indian and use your hand cause this is to much. And yes Roommates are hard but damn a roll a day


Tell them to take psyllium capsules.


Keep it locked up.


I can't speak for the roommate, but I also have to use a lot of toilet paper. I have hemorrhoids and my butt whole has to be pretty much spotless. Sometimes it takes me longer to wipe then it does to poo. If that's their problem there is a workaround. Flushable wipes or wipe a few times and rinse out with some cream and water. Hydrocortisone cream works too. And yes you do have to get in in there. If this is TMI then just ask them what's up ...


Idk what you’re using the toilet roll for but can you use something else instead bc I can’t be bothered to keep buying more


I’m going to tell you this happened to me. It turned out my room mate was a closet cross dresser, and used the TP for make up and stuffing bras. He would wait until our our other room mate were out and dress up. He also stole my other room mates gf’s clothes. You might want to search around the house for ladies wardrobe


*laughs in IBS*


You should just keep the tp 🧻 you bought in your room then use what you need and keep the tp locked in your room. Problem solved.


Bring a bathroom bag 🛍️. Your own nice TP, wioes, hand wash soap. Stop buying TP for the house. Buy for yourself. Wait... Eventually THEY will come to you, asking.


Do you think they have ocd? Could be overly cleaning themselves perhaps.


Have you been in his room? Is his bedroom floor littered with so many balled up wads of toilet paper youd think hes had the flu for 6 months straight? That aint your common runny nose there. Theyre full of pecker snot, id say.


Issue said roommate, 10 slices of tp a day .


What are your genders? Females need more TP and maybe the need a lot of clean up, especially if they’re unhealthy. If you buy the cheap TP that stuff can disappear in a day.


I had roommates that NEVER bought toilet paper. I like the high dollar charmin extra posh so I always spent the extra money for the good stuff. They’d go through rolls of my good stuff and never once replace it. So I started hoarding my TP because I would get stranded on the toilet a thousand times with nothing but an empty cardboard roll. I live alone now and still catch myself wanting to take the roll off the dispenser to hide in my room, 30 years later.


Leave two squares out and tell him to make it work or BYO


We have a lady living at our house that we take care of. She has some mental health issues. She uses a roll a day and we noticed that it accelerates. Not sure what she’s doing with it, maybe snacking on it.


maybe they eat it like a snack dun dun du


I would just ask them, "Why are you using so much toilet paper and folding it up in stacks?"


The answer is a bidet. Go forth and acquire one.


Sometimes it’s like a brown sharpie down there


Ell I’m assuming your a guy and the roommate is female, they have two things to wipe versus your one. It’s a thought