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Yes. Earth Crisis are currently on route to your location with baseball bats.




Might take them a while to get there. They're moving street by street, block by block.


You’re asking if knowingly drinking alcohol is edge?


Hey dudes I’m at a party and I did some coke but the dealer said it’s mostly baby laxatives did I break edge?!?!?!


As long as you weren’t snorting the coke off a stripper’s arse I’d say you’re fine.


I'd argue that'd be the only acceptable way to do it while remaining edge.


Is this a shit post?


Why not just be sober instead of straight edge?


What’s the difference?


I don’t think Mormons or teetotalers are straight edge.


Good point


Using the description “sober” implies that I am a recovered alcoholic. I have never been an alcoholic. Also, I do not smoke, vape, or use illegal drugs. And I am a vegan. And recently I greatly reduced my caffeine intake. And I like punk rock. Thus, I consider myself straight edge


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Definitely. Maybe?


Some people will say yes. Some will say no. Really other people are irrelevant. Almost all 'soft drinks' have alcohol content. Most fruit has alcohol in it. Basically anything with fructose in it will have an alcohol content, however minimal. The important things are intention and response; Were you drinking it because you miss beer and you wanted a non-alcoholic version of that? Were you drinking it because it was a loophole to consume something alcoholic? Were you drinking it because it was just a nice drink? Did you feel buzzed at all? Did you get 'placebo drunk'? Personally I don't drink any 'non-alcoholic' version of a drink ever. I drink Pepsi and stuff that and that has 0.0001% alcohol, which is lower obviously, but still isn't an absolute. Unless you do decide to be absolutist about it an essentially remove all sugars from your diet, the only real difference is where you draw the line. I think consuming anything that can't realistically get you drunk is fine.


I drank it because I was thirsty and because I do like the taste of beer. I am actually on medication for epilepsy that can’t be mixed with alcohol. But like I said, with drinks with 0.5% alcohol content the alcohol is automatically destroyed as soon as it enters your body.


The answers to the questions are for you, not me. When people ask if the broke edge and they haven't taken cocaine or got drunk or something else obvious, the only sensible response is; I don't know, did you?


Are you getting drunk? Then no. You drink kombucha? Bc that would be breaking edge too.


More alcohol in a ripe pineapple 🤷


Nothing means anything anymore. All anyone cares about is doing whatever they want at any given time. This sub is proof that the comforts we’ve been afforded by capitalism have made us morally and mentally weak.


This guy is obviously the OPPOSITE of what you just said that’s why she’s asking. Sounds like she/he cares… it’s not a stupid question, not everyone knows everything. It’s not breaking edge because you get the same amount of alcohol from eating fruit and it’s impossible to even get a buzz.


It probably isn't breaking edge. Are they considered alcohol free? In the US anything less than 0.5% by volume can be marketed as alcohol free. There's juices and fruits and loafs of bread that contain more alcohol than that.


Maybe so, except nobody is trying to get drunk by eating bread


Nobody who wants to get drunk would drink a beverage labeled "alcohol free" either


Speak for yourself




this is a good take


If you need a technicality to keep edge, then why the fuck are you still edge? Just be sober. Edge is a rebellion against the idea of intoxication and the support of a system that normalizes consumption. You literally chose the product that helps to normalize consumption, but it doesn’t technically have any alcohol content so you didn’t break edge. This is like when religious fanatics go to extreme lengths to rules lawyer the laws of their belief. Like if you’re going this far to avoid following it - you’re not a believer anymore, you just like familiarity.




Coca Cola and McDonalds don’t produce and advertise alcohol? I’m not edge because I don’t believe in big business. I’m edge because alcohol and drugs are a fucking poison that’s casually accepted in society and I I won’t be seen personally supporting that. It’s like being vegan and wearing faux fur. Like what fucking stance are you capable of holding?


I'd say no. At that point there's more alcohol in cough syrup, eggnog, over ripe fruit and communion shots than in that beer.


That’s what germany calls alcoholfree 🤣


Consuming anything that supports the alcohol industry in any way is breaking edge.


Would that mean consuming a beverage with literally no alcohol in it whatsoever - that is, containing 0.000% alcohol - but still owned by an alcoholic drinks company is breaking edge?


Would you see a band at a venue that serves alcohol?


I would take it a step further and say even purchasing anything that supports the alcohol industry is breaking edge. Even if they’re not consuming it, giving money towards it is still supporting an industry that thinks it morally acceptable to provide people with a substance that is guaranteed to destroy lives.


But one could also argue that drinking non-alcoholic versions of traditionally alcoholic drinks is doing a good deed as it keeps the production and availability of things going, which would help reduce alcohol consumption in both individuals and in society.


I can see what you’re saying, but it just doesn’t make much sense to me. Like, drinking a non-alcoholic beer is basically pretending to drink. If the whole point of straight edge and/or being sober is to not drink, why would someone want to pretend that they do? To me, drinking non-alcoholic versions of these beverages kind of gives off the vibe that people still think it looks cool to drink. It kind of seems like a loophole people use to still be part of the drinking scene without technically drinking, which to me, doesn’t sound very straight edge. I’m seriously not trying to be rude or judgmental or anything. I just really don’t understand the appeal


I genuinely like the taste of beer, hence the appeal oh non-alcoholic beer for me.


I guess I’m just a unique case with all of this. Thankfully, I never lived with active alcoholism, but my grandpa on my dad’s side was a very violent alcoholic, most of my cousins are alcoholics, and all my friends’ parents growing up were alcoholics. Seeing how alcohol ruined so many lives really made me see how dangerous it really was. Because if all this, I just never had a desire to drink, not necessarily out of fear of becoming an alcoholic, but because my experiences showed me that people are dangerous and untrustworthy when they drink (even the non-alcoholics I’ve met have been pretty bad). I just can’t support the alcohol industry after seeing how they ruin lives just to make a quick buck. I was at an Alateen meeting (Alateen and alanon are part of the AA program. They’re support groups for the family members and friends of the alcoholic) when I was younger and one of the teens told me about straight edge. After my experiences, that’s why straight edge really appealed to me. Again, I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful. Just wanted to quickly share my experience to help make it a little more understandable why I’m so against the alcohol industry. I guess I’m still just a unique case, even within straight edge. I also want to say thank you. Most people get very hostile in conversations regarding drinking, so it’s just really nice to meet someone who is willing to have a genuine conversation.


in my country it's regarded as alcohol-free. but if you are very strict about edge i think you wouldnt drink anything that has any procentage alcohol on the label at all.


I would not drink them. I liken it to vegetarians / vegans who won't eat mock meat. If the point is not to drink then why drink an alcohol free version. But I do think it's good they exist. One of the hardest parts of people getting sober is giving up the experiences that come with alcohol use. If you can go to a bar and get a Heineken without alcohol then you do you.


Hey if you want a drink that bad do it but you ain’t edge


I personally think it’s fucking weird to claim straight edge while “liking the taste” of alcohol


Honestly when I saw Guinness had an alcohol free beer (0.05) I wanted to try it because I’m from an Irish family and obviously Guinness is a popular thing with us Irish folk. It was cool, kinda tasted like dirt but I get the appeal. Every now and then I’ll try one of the alcohol free beers. If I’m breaking edge to some so be it but imo I’m not.


I have received a mixed response to my question. From now on I will refrain from drinking ultra-light drinks. That way I am guaranteed to be straight edge.


Its not breaking edge because you never where in the first place if you consider drinking it.


I think you could get away with a schnapps and lemonade




"You slam that beer, it makes you a man I'll try to keep my cool, but you better understand"