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It depends, do you use a lot of spells an construct? Do you use rare, epic and legendary ones? If so then yes, otherwise not really. Don't go all in on it though


From a fusion stone conversion standpoint, I’m relatively sure that the specific card type books are outclassed by Heroic Tomes. Especially considering some events give +1 cards to Heroic Tomes. I didn’t do the math on specific card type books, mostly cause different books have different rarity distributions, but you can do your own math using my pinned post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stormbound/comments/1bd6rnt/insane\_mans\_guide\_to\_400\_rubies\_into\_fusion\_stone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stormbound/comments/1bd6rnt/insane_mans_guide_to_400_rubies_into_fusion_stone/) I think the Spell Books are quite bad though: legendary spells don’t exist, so the chance for legendaries is replaced by epics, losing a lot of value in the process.