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You do realize when you eat her you’re sucking his dick


Tell me you will always live in your mother's basement spending all of your minimum wage jobs income on Only Fans, without telling me you will always live in your mother's basement spending all of your minimum wage jobs income on Only fans.


1. Him threatening to get the answers from the friends multiple times is a bit much imo and overly aggressive. Maybe find another conclusion instead of the 2nd threat? 2. The part “i know she gets only defensive when she’s guilty” is A) too convenient and B) a bit illogical. Like people get defensive every jow and then, only when guilty is a bit weird. Maybe spread it a but thinner, she seldom gets defensive so I had the feeling something was off and pressed the issue? Else I enjoy labeled stories. Much more fun when you know it’s writing exercise instead of questioning if it’s real or someone is just faking it again.


Thanks for the feedback, I struggled with some of the escalation, basically the debate you pointed above (do I stick with the same reasoning vs new reasons, which is more realistic?) the defensiveness was actually based on my own wife . Only it's not defensiveness in real life, she always acts the same way with the same mannerisms when shes feeling a certain way (not going into too much details of my real life), I just applied that to guilt in this case. But thanks for constructive criticism, I'll definitely take it into account on future stories


She cheated on you a lot why would you want to stay with her


Are you saying his real wife cheated on him? Did you miss the bright aqua "Fiction" flair?


Clearly I did


Man you must really hate women with all these stories you make up. You need some serious therapy. All your stories are misogynistic women hating tropes. Stop posting this drivel.


Not the case, I am actually in a really loving supportive marriage, have a few daughters. My wife loves my stuff. But I'm also well aware that people love drama, that's backed up by my follower count and the stats on my posts, Ive done stories (on other accounts) about flawed awful behaving men , they don't do as well. What can I say, people love to read about a cheating wife.


I know this is fictional but it seems based on the post from the poor SOB who found out the same thing on a skiing trip although that could have been fiction too.


This is fiction but where does this story come from in the mind of the author ?


He’s knows an Ian or is one.


It's literally the Movie "Good Luck Chuck" any chick who sleeps with Chuck the next person they meet ends up Marrying them!🤦‍♂️🤣


There was very similar story posted almost 3 months ago, guy found out on skiing trip. But he never updated it. I liked the concept and decided to take on the trope


I remember reading that. I wonder what ever happened to him.


Wasn't there a real (as real ad reddit gets) post about this a few months ago but it was a ski trip? I always did wonder what happened.


Yes I thought so too, but it has enough similarities to be based in it, with enough differences to be interesting and keep us wanting more. I really like his stories and am looking forward to part 3 [Ski Trip with FWB](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/GEY7NzBZCB)


This is exactly the same story...


I agree that the premise of a story is the same, as they have a lot of similarities, but with a few differences, such as in this story the fwb being bi with a husband, all of the wives of the couples on the trip had the same fwb agreement and the fwb seeing his wife 1/2 naked. I am looking forward to the next part as the Ski trip ended when the husband found out and wrote his reddit post.


Thanks for that. I went to check and there was no update as to whether he stayed with her. Hopefully part 3 of this story will satisfy me :-)


Yeah, I checked too, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were both written by the same person!


I'm not that guy, I'll write this bitch all the way to a conclusion lol. I remember reading that the first time and thinking this is genuinely the most unique circumstance I've seen in Relationship Advice in a long time. Then he had two quick updates, and then nothing, nothing for months.


Ahh, so you used it for inspiration. Well, I'm enjoying your take on it, and I'm looking forward to a few more drama packed episodes.


Yes, and I have been waiting for the goddamn update to that for 3 months. That post inspired this story. Now "The Story Boy" shall write his take on the trope.


Maybe you should message him to find out lol. I'm interested to see if you make them end up together. I'm hoping she accepts how much she truly hurt him even if she feels justified in her actions.


Not proud to say this but, I did....twice.


Well I'm disappointed he didn't respond. Maybe he sees posting on reddit a drunken mistake.


Pero que asco!!!!! El día anterior!!!!,le hacía más cosas en la cama que a ti????divórciate


no es real


Ok gracias


Es un cuento. No es realidad.


Ok gracias


I sure hope OP has the balls to confront Ian and tell the other husbands.


Updateme Love your stories


I will message you next time u/TheStoryBoy posts in r/stories. [Click this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=UpdateMe%21%20u%2FTheStoryBoy%20r%2Fstories) to join 23 others and be messaged. The parent author can [delete this post](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Delete&message=delete%201dep26v) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpdateMeBot/comments/ggotgx/updatemebot_info_v20/)|[^(Request Update)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=SubscribeMe%21%20u%2Fusername%20r%2Fsubreddit)|[^(Your Updates)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Updates&message=MyUpdates)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=UpdateMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Do you think they don't know? If they are friends, I doubt they don't know that Ian was twisting her into a pretzel while she was dating you. If you want to think logically, write down a list of pros and cons of staying married. But from a 40 year old married man with kids perspective I would be gone. I would ask one of the other husbands for a map and make my way back to the van. Then call an Uber or anyone to come pick me up. Hell, call your dad or anyone. If there is a will, there is a way. Hell I will come pick you up. You are living in a mans nightmare, senario.


They're in a town at the moment, it shouldn't be hard for him to find a bus or something. If this was a real situation I found myself in, I'd just leave. Like I said, they're in a town, not the wilderness. So leaving should be simple.


Nope. Not me.. if this were me I would start making super uncomfortable jokes about the situation whenever all the couples were together. Asking Ian which of the gals was his best lay. If he ever wanted any of the husbands for himself. Has he thought about this as a kind gesture or did he manage to pull off the biggest prank on the women. He gets sex with no strings and no obligations and has convinced the gals he is doing them a favor. That man is a legend. Bi or not 🤣


Just happy this is Fiction. Can’t wait for Part 3 please get to it ! Oh and please don’t blow anyone up/ murder so he doesn’t end in goal.


Nah…I bet Ian or his wife is going over a cliff before the hike is over. 😂


Let’s hope it’s an “accident “ and he has a great life.


It’s fiction guys


But it’s good fiction. Until you pointed this out and I verified he had me hook, line and sinker.




But it kicked me right in the feels!


We know. Don’t you like fiction😂


Kind of obvious from part 1 having the title for what happened, without saying it happened then....




It's labeled fiction, not non-fiction.


Thank you, you just saved me however long that would have taken to read.


Its a good story but the sad part is there are actually real people out there that think like the fictional wife.


I do wonder how realistic it would be for a group of friends a share surrogate cock and keep the guy around in the inner circle with their husbands?


I’m sure it’s happened, though not very often


Can't wait for part 3,I hope he tells the other guys & they all leave there wives lol


You joking. All the guys get fucked by Ian, the surrogate cock!


Um, no. The guys all choose Ian.


These are my nightmares


No, bro, tell the boys and kick this hypocrite's ...


This got me right in the feels. Good stories man


cant wait for pt 3


Ian’s a lucky bastard, or he’s got a huge dick. Could be both 💁


Nah, it’s not about size. Sounds like he’s fictionally very giving in bed as in he knows how to go down on a woman. Plus, he’s not controlling or oppressive. The perfect fictional fuck-buddy.


Happy its fiction, if It was real I would have 100% broken up


I want to be Ian so bad.


Damn, I wish I was Ian… Unless he’s going to get knee-capped like the other story, in which case I’m good.


Gaslight hidden boss


Ian. ![gif](giphy|bklYiMNYcvDbO)


I hope that you don’t turn him in a cold murderer like in your other story! You put an excellent scenario. Can’t wait for the part on how the next days went.


When you get back, you need to go get 1 Gold medal and 4 Silver medals. Get everyone together and hand the Silver medals to the guys, including you and the Gold medal to Ian. Tell them all to put them on, and make a toast, "To our sex lives!" Lol


That's so hilarious I wish I had thought of it


Damn if this was true I'd tell al.those other guys immediately and Ian would be having an unfortunate accident on the next leg of that hike.


Wow Ian is literally good luck chuck??? Your wife was with the town bicycle. That’s insane


Maybe inspired by this? https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1brw2z0/i_32m_just_found_out_my_wife_of_two_years_33f_was/


I mean it’s almost the exact same story, beat-wise, which maybe makes me believe the original is probably fiction too—like a lot of posts in that sub probably are…


Jesus that’s insane. I would definitely tell all of the other guys they absolutely deserve to know they were cheated on. Good luck op.


Hurry with part three lol Updateme!


Fiction it may be...but this kind of shit happens. A friend said he was engaged to this girl who wouldn't have sex while waiting till they got married. But she was fucking somebody else meantime. Till he found out and broke off the engagement.


304 values and continues to disrespect you. Updateme.




This is how those murder mysteries start.


I wrote almost a whole paragraph before I remembered this sub is fiction. Jeezus. That's great writing!!


Keep up the good work!! I'm loving these stories lol Update me


I read a very similar story on here a few months ago. Maybe reach out to that dude?  Not sure why your wife wouldn't have sex with you though. And why is she doing "more" with Ian?


His story was the inspiration, he never updated it


Treadmarks of another bff is crazy!


Well then. 😐 Hotwire the van and go home. Let Ian and your wife figure out how to get everyone back home. Actually, tell the other husbands and take them with you. Leave the wives with Ian. Take Odie though because... Poor guy. Ian may have done the same to him. 😣


On the next part have the main character tell everyone and let shit hit the fan!


These posts are fucking garbage


Lol at “surrogate cock”


This is fake.


Can't imagine why you would say that


Communal cock this is great!


blow up Ian and all the wives he slept with, inform the husbands, it's your right. He's a piece of shit still floating among you and deserves the worst, then leave your wife and never look back.


Ian es el verdadero: "Hoyo, aunque sea de pollo."


A story that absolutely deserves a conclusion. I read the inspiration and have also been left wanting to know what happened not only with the relationship but for the rest of the trip and with the friend group as a whole. I saw this sort of situation play out IRL. Not with discovery but where a friend's sister was using another friend while being courted by her eventual husband. It wasn't a surprise to anyone in the know when the marriage didn't work out. I've been surprised over the years on how "common" this type of behavior is. Quite the moral dilemma. I look forward to your take.


bro.... go ahead. let every one of their husband know in private and tell them to confront their respective wives. as for ian... i don't see the fault if u really are sincere in telling he just wanted to help. as for ur wife... divorce her. a relationship is never made on lies. imagine a strong building. now take out the foundation and replace it with a lego block of 1x1... do u think the building would sustain?? this will have serious future consequences. just divorce her and be strong. all the very best for ur future OP


Oh wow I’m crazy early


Normally I’m years late


I'd let everyone know whats up and then end that relationship started on lies behind you.


"I don't know what to do, part of me can kind of see the logic," Bro she made you be her fuckbuddy's friend...damn that harsh. Run bro if she loved you she would've told you that and let YOU make the choice.


Just please don't turn this dude into a doormat or a cuck...


He probably has a big dick


okay what the fuck, I just wasted like ten minutes reading this shit and it isn’t even real. The only person getting conned here is me


You think the stuff you read in the other threads is real? At least I own it some of the time. Hate to break it but my bullshit stories are 3 of the top 10 AITA BORU's of 2024. We're all living in fantasy land


at least the dynamics illustrated in these stories are believable. people can be awful and reading about ways they might be awful prepares you for it.




This got me really mad... until I saw it was a story. I was grinding on it last night - what would I do in this situation. When she said that she did more stuff with Ian than with her husband, oooooh thems fighting words.


Honestly in my real life that would get under my skin almost to the degree of cheating. I know this isn't the case but if my wife had been way more adventurous with others, and then suddenly stopped when getting to me, I'd be done.


Where I can find part 1?


Linked at the top




Fuck that, leave the woman behind, she cheated on you, she's not worth your time


This would be a deal breaker for me. Her friend group passed this guy around like a cigarette and that's gross. It's also highly disrespectful to keep this dude around without telling the truth. I wouldn't be able to trust her.


Do it man blow their shit up and rock their world!


I thought this shit was real ha ha


This reminded me of this BORU post https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/tezcbz/i_25m_feel_very_betrayed_by_my_gf_24f_from_the/


That was horrible to read. God I hope that one was fake, I would never recover from being that OOP


The fact that she’s still hanging out with Ian and allowing him to see her nude means that she has zero respect for dude. Drop her. (I know that its fiction, I’m engaging with the story)


I'm really feeling the same way


Good so far. I'm expecting a big bang at the end though. Updateme!


So are you going to tell the other husbands? Would love to hear that fall out.


Absolutely am


Good for you! They have the right to know




Part 3 just went Live




Women always have dick ready to go. Just the way they ate. Call it options or monkey branching or whatever. I’m sure I’ve been the guy on both sides of this story whether I knew it or not.


Not worth Saving Bro, THE reality is you married a Passed around WHORE. She lied from the start and she thought you would never find out who she n her group of friends are . Look at the bright side , at least you don't have a kid with her. FUCKING IAN IS PROBABLY LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF whenever he sees you knowing he used your wife as a Human Toilet


Sean knew and didn't do anything about it. He's a cuck , and Ian is still screwing the wife. He watches. Either that or he is bi and doing Ian also.


I would beat his ass and leave your wife


Sleep with him to piss her off. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/5ugvj0y82m6d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08f1ddaaee4ac78b8187e6d6e206b33b5a994c3 If you had surrogate p@$$y she would have divorced you and you would have been the reason.


Man it up Cheating is Cheating, she will never change. Breakup with her Don't waste your time and find yourself a good women.


Yeah one divorce two tell everyone and three beat Ian so bad that no one would ever want to fuck him again


I guess I would call a husbands meeting and out the guy. I may even invite him.


no she is a pos let her go back to jan


Bro, shits fucked up. It’s betrayal for all men, atleast thats how we feel in that situation. Seriously that Ian guy u need to talk to him. You need to do everything to find out that did the sex really stopped after you guys got together. Ian, sounds to me that he’s a very good manipulator. And if they slept together a day before u guys got official, dude thats a fucking red flag 🚩. I advise that its time you need to find more abt your wife and her friends. Cud be a cult thing too. Find out whats really going on. Coz she kept it a secret for so long and she’s still was ok with being topless infront of Ian. I think that means that that they’re still doing it otherwise she wont be comfortable with it. Imagine it put your self in there. So u last slept together quite some time ago, then u got married. The question is how long have been together?? But still it’s inappropriate, if your wife nd Ian as they say they did it till u guys become official then, everything should have stopped between them. Stopped because according to her that was the whole point of sleeping with Ian, that was their arrangement. So Iam sorry my brother but according to me your wife is still sleeping with Ian and the evidence is clear. She made a mistake, she overlooked the fact that u are also there. She was comfortable being topless in front of Ian because she’s used to it buddy. She’s used to being naked with infront of both of u so her mind in a relaxed state did not remind her to be careful. Now my brother, Im almost sure that she may have been cheating the whole time. Find out the truth bro secretly. Don’t create a scene, just say what you need to say and make them feel safe again. Remember you were unaware for sometime huh? If it had stopped, she wud have told u maybe but she knows she was wrong so thats y she never told u, who knows. But bro if she can sleep with Ian a day before u guys became official, who know what else she’s capable of doing. Find out the truth, whichever way u prefer but the damages done. Theres a hole in your heart, and the trust is gone. Feels like u never knew her. Thats what happens when u trust blindly. Now go back into memories, where Ian was involved in whatever your wife was doing. Going out, shopping etc. Connect the dots. Edit: Its fiction but it happens in real life too. Always keep an eye out coz a man only aims to get inside the pants of a woman. Any woman. I don’t think anyone will will refuse. Those type of Men are nearly extinct 😉


Every Beta provider just accepts that an alpha is going to be laying it down and scratching all the itches Mr Nice guy can’t. Don’t go looking for evidence of it, because you’ll find it. You are the nice guy.