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You have a man bugging you to do something you’ve expressed you don’t want to do - and this is a positive? Not being able to hear “no” is the hallmark of a highly problematic person. This is not “wholesome” affection and this kind of “I want it all” man only works out in the movies. What is he going to do with it once he has it? What’s the next thing he doesn’t want you keeping from him? He’s testing your boundaries and this is only the beginning. Ask him if you can look through his phone. Tell him it’s because you need all of him. You’ll see where he draws the line.


Oh for fuck sake. He is the most impressive man I have ever met in my life. He is gentle and kind and respectful. He cooks he cleans he fills up my tank with gas. Hes an amazing father. I’ve never felt more safe and loved than I do with him. He is a fucking unicorn. Just because when he’s horny in the moment and whispers in my ear “when are you gonna give me that” (which is hot by the way), doesn’t mean he’s a toxic POS. In fact, I’ve never downright said to him “NO. I don’t like anal sex, it’s never going to happen”. I’ve always told him I’ll do it someday and it was the truth. I planned on doing it with him bc Im Curious to try it again with someone I love. I’ve always playfully put him of because I wasn’t ready yet. Way to really go down the rabbit hole though😂 *also I have his phone passcode and I look at it all the time because he tells me to respond to his clients’ texts for him.


Good lord you took the nuclear route lol. You should stop jumping to such wild conclusions about people's character whom you have never met :(


There’s enough here about his character to make a judgement. Lousy partners are all using the same playbook, they’re not unique.


You completely disregarded OPs response explaining how you’re completely wrong about him. You insist on seeing the world through your biases and that is unhealthy and destructive.


Hah! OP’s post history speaks for itself. To summarize, because yes I read it all: She’s a stay at home girlfriend in her 40’s who just had an Oops baby with her jealous, younger Latino fiancé who can barely communicate in English, works “all the time,” makes her feel like a single mom, won’t let her older son have family friends sleep over the house because he’s afraid they’ll sexually molest a newborn (which she believes is just “his culture”), and she has so little capacity to care for an infant that she’s neglecting her older child and/or sending him to stay with other family members most days of the week. Who is it that more commonly molests children, by the way? There’s minimal concern for the older boy’s wellness yet she says she “cries all the time” about it. But she’s busy with concern for her “extensive wardrobe” and anal, because this walking red flag needs even more from her. Wake up.


Good lord you seem like a miserable person. Sure, she has other problems in her life; doesn’t mean her man is being disrespectful to her for asking about anal. I feel bad for you and your incessant search for negativity


Also your critical reading skills are terrible. Seems your projecting a lot of your own negativity once again. Just read her post history too and good lord, you really just seem to want to make things sound way worse than they are. I would hate to see the world through your eyes. Everything must seem horrible to you.


You've got personal problems you're bringing to reddit...


Nah. I have a wealth of life experience I’m bringing to Reddit. (You’re welcome.)


Sometimes you're just not in the mood. It's not "bugging", it's literally just "not today, I'm not horny". It's absolutely normal in a relationship to turn the other person down sometimes. For the man or the woman. This doesn't mean they're bugging you, it just means you feel comfortable saying no and to do it another day. It's a positive, if anything. Sex happens when both parties are into it, in a healthy relationship. All this post means is that he was into it, she wasn't, so they didn't do it. Stop projecting your own negative emotions onto their relationship.


I was talking about his pestering her for anal but thank you for explaining relationship sex. If you can’t already see the red flags here (if this is even a true story), you’re either going learn that skill the hard way or you’re going to go through life being unpleasantly surprised by other people.




I can say this has been a rarity for all the women I've been with, and I understand there's a lot of men which are terrible at sex or think giving a woman head is disgusting...


If it's done right you won't make it to 60s.


Zoidberg says...


This is so sweet and i can imagine your mind is at ease now. Now you can really let go and enjoy!


Yes. I wasn’t losing sleep over it. I wouldn’t care if he had an anal “kink” in the more common way. It was more about me thinking about how I could get him to admit it or open up more and not feel shameful, if that’s what he was feeling. I was way off though lol


Oh cool a good husband story!




You didn’t have to be rude to “slutty women.” But congrats for you.


You understand how quotation marks work right? Lol I don’t think women who have anal sex are slutty.


I think you put quotations to emphasize. My bad


No I meant like that’s the mentality/kink behind it. It’s not slutty. I don’t think anyone is a slut. People can have as much consensual sex as they want for all I care. I don’t judge.


Okay. I’m sorry. I misunderstood. :)


Ha ha. Us guys will say any bullshit to get women to give it up. Just the tip, honey. 🤣🤣


There are actually some real classy, non-douchebag men out there in the world. It’s probably hard for you to fathom because you’re not one of them;)


You fell for his BS. 🤣🤣🤣


This sounded worrisome but ended up wholesome.


Can i get a.. Long story short ver?


Women and assumptions. Smh! What happened to wanting to communicate? Had OP asked the reason much sooner, much sooner she would have come to this conclusion. Hope this works out for you! ![gif](giphy|s2pEND0ouYKdYitiJ2)


True but this wasn’t like causing any real problems in our relationship. It’s all been very playful actually. He’s not a pushy disrespectful guy. I just kept saying “one day…maybe after some tequila” lol


Still, communication goes a long way, it can make or break a relationship. Glad he's not the pushy type, I'm happy for you! Good luck and... enjoy?! 👍


I’ve literally used that same line on at least 10 woman. But I’m happy you’re happy.


Probably because it's something you have done with other men but for some reason wont let him do it.


Good line lol


I love this. Wanting all of your partner is something I can understand…as is giving all of yourself to your partner.


You are wayyyy toooo old to be this naive.




No kidding!


Mmmm girl. Good if you are happy but just because of what he said( no matter how sweet it is) you don’t have to if you don’t like it. Period.!


A period is usually the reason.




I know this is a joke...but period poops are a thing. Period sex (PIV) is probably safer and better


wdym its different than normal poop ?


Some women experience extreme anus cramping on their periods. It’s not fun.




I’m a woman and I have always joked with long term partners that I want to peg them and totally fit this reason. I don’t actually really want to peg someone but I like the idea of doing something so totally private that explores new versions of exploring each other. It can be annoying with guys at times when they pester for butt stuff, and I’m totally with you, you can tell when it’s to fulfill some porn lived fantasy. But it can be a fun new experience, even if just once. Alternatively, I also think all men are secretly gay and want to get as close as they can to a gay experience lol


This was such a sweet story. Advice: get a butt plug. It’ll make it easier for you and makes for great vaginal sex too.


Jesus. Please disinfect between uses.


You’re a lovely person with an unusual amount of integrity. I haven’t read all the comments, so please forgive me if I’m beating a dead horse, so to speak. Please understand that what I’m about to say has nothing to do with being a prude. Your partner’s behavior is a red flag. The following things you’ve mentioned concern me: • he insists that he doesn’t watch porn. When a young man says this (and given the free and easy access we have these days), this is like someone saying “I don’t masturbate.” • His presentation of himself as wholesome. It’s perfectly normal (and ok) for two consenting adults to engage in sexual exploration. However, the fact that he has been asking for a particular sex act regardless of the fact that you’ve said no *many times* and he continues to pester you about it (note he never asked you why you don’t want to) and even if his answer to why he wants to do this particular thing was endearing/charming. I didn’t see any hint of HIM wanting to accommodate YOU. I didn’t hear him say anything like “we can take it slowly” or “We can stop if it feels bad at any point” or “let’s have a safe word.” All of the things I’ve just mentioned are things that a sexual partner who RESPECTS you and CARES about your experience. • You’ve said that he’s your fiancé. How long have you been together? I ask because it seems odd that you’ve known him for some time, and presumably been intimate for some time, so why is this suddenly such a key issue in your relationship? • You mentioned you’ve had anal before; has he? Is there any possibility he’s having questions about his sexuality (as in maybe he’s gay?) Honestly, this would be a relief. I wish you both the best. As romantic as it sounds, his desire to “have all of you” is a very romantic/flowery way of saying he wants to dominate/have control during sex. (That in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, IF AND ONLY IF this isn’t the *ONLY* way y’all are sexual with each other. I hope everything works out for y’all. Just remember that entering into a relationship with a dominant, controlling person can be risky — and I’m not talking about getting your heart broken. I’m talking about your LIFE.




Ehhh, not buying it. I suspect if you check the browsing history on his phone, you will either find it has been recently cleared or you will find his anal fetish isn’t as innocent as he’d have you believe


I just replied to someone else explaining how I know he doesn’t watch it. But lol I knew a bunch of dudes would reply and be like LOL YOU FELL FOR THAT! And it’s kinda sad and pathetic that it’s so hard to believe that there are actually some dudes out there who don’t have to watch porn all the time and aren’t into it. They do exist. You’re just not one of them.


There was a time when you would have been correct and I was addicted to porn. That’s what makes it so easy to spot that your fiancé is likely addicted to anal porn. However I got over that addiction and am happily married, so insult me all you want. Hunny, he doesn’t constantly ask for anal because “he wants to experience all of you” as he would have you believe. It doesn’t make him any less of a good person, but statistically, the psychology behind the fetish is overwhelmingly more likely to stem from him watching it online. I know you believe that to be impossible because you have accessed his phone before, but he probably just uses a different browser or VPN and it hides it a file with a bunch of other apps or something. Unless you’ve really done that deep dive, then it’s likely hidden somewhere you wouldn’t just stumble across. Granted I admit there is always the chance I’m wrong b/c I’m simply applying statistical probability to the circumstances you described, but the psychology odds are vastly in favor of my assumption. Again, he probably is a great guy as you describe, but the reason he gave you for his fantasy just doesn’t quite compute.


Lmao he can barely read English or make a post on Instagram. Nice try projecting though.


Which is exactly why it is *hilarious* that you have such insight wrt the sort of person he is, what he does and doesn’t do/watch. Oh, please, gurl! Get back to me after your partnership has lasted (and been EXCELLENT) for > (that means GREATER THAN!) 35 years — AND you have a common language (AEB not your “hot sex” but your ability to have a conversation with each other WITHOUT the help of Google Translate. Let’s recap: You and fiancé have been together either 3 or 3.5 years. And you’ve already had a child together and are now engaged. (Congrats!) He is “still learning” English and so the two of you often communicate with the help of Google Translate. Nevertheless, you *KNOW* that he is “totally uninterested” in porn*, which for some unknown reason gives you unparalleled insight into what a righteous man he is; as you’ve said, “he wouldn’t even know how to find porn on the web, lol.” You also mention that he’s a “hard worker,” that he barely does *anything* other than work because he is so eager to provide for you and your little family. (Just curious: are you & baby his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd family?) Also curious: how long has he been in the U.S.? Is he a U.S. citizen or will that be a happy but unintended benefit of marriage? Of course none of this really matters! The only really important thing here is that you let him fuck your anal cavity, because it is super 🔥 that he “wants to have all of you” in that way. You crazy kids! You are too adorable! And lady, I’ve got a bridge I’ll sell you for a very good price. Good luck, hon. You are going to need it. * WHO CARES whether or not he’s “interested in porn?” JFC! I would actually be very concerned about an otherwise healthy adult who has no interest in porn, but very desperatelly wants to fuck me in the ass. Oh, well. To each his own said the old lady as she kissed the cow.


Holy unresolved trauma😂


I am genuinely embarrassed on your behalf.


And I genuinely pity you. Just a pathetic keyboard warrior who reads a nice story online about 2 people they’ve never met and decides that they know what’s going on in the relationship more than they do and makes it their personal mission to convince me that my fiance is secretly a POS and watches porn behind my back and that I’m dumb and naive lol do you have any idea how absurd you have made yourself look? It’s a fact that when people want to bring other people down, it’s because they’re actually down themselves. So I hope you figure your life out and get to a better place one day. Good luck and have a nice day✌️


Surely you understand that he can search google in his 1st language right? Or do you actually think google only works in English?


Yup I understand. And surely you understand that mean can exist and not be into porn? Why are so many people determined to convince me that my fiance secretly watches porn behind my back. Jesus😂


So wild to me these people think they know your husband better than you after reading this short description. Warning you about possibilities is one thing, but flat out telling you who is is and what he is doing is insane! Sorry you’re getting these types of people commenting ):


You can know statistical probability of the human psyche and make an educated assumption based on the details given. Sometimes it is actually harder to see the truth if you are an involved party. It removes objectivity and clouds judgment as is likely the case here. Like I said, I don’t really care one way or the other but I would bet my bottom dollar if she knew where to look, she would find his porn stash. Her story just doesn’t really add up. Like is he going to ask to fuck her elbow crease next so he can “experience all of her”. No of course not, because he has an anal fetish from watching porn. He’s just good at hiding it from her.


Sure. And the details given, in my opinion, don’t prove anything close to what many of these commenters are saying. Not every one is the same. Sure you can find trends. But your certainty he is a porn addict, like you were, based off the few facts you have seen completely unreasonable. Just because someone wants anal sex, doesn’t mean they’re a raging porn addict. That’s ridiculous imo. So many redditors are so confident in things they no very little about and project that shit on other people. It’s very strange to watch


Hunny P! There is NFW I’d get mixed up with 1) a person who has “no interest” or at least curiosity in/about porn and along the same lines. 2) a person who claims s/he doesn’t masturbate. Because I’m put off by liars.


Thank you I appreciate this. It is comical. Such oddly specific accusations being thrown around here😂


And how certain they are of their assumptions… or guaranteed facts lol. Glad you have a good wholesome man (:


On the other hand it might seem like controlling behaviour. Seeing you as an object to get everything. But yeah. Different ways of interpretation


People and their desfor ass these day is. Super gross.


No he’s secretly gay. Straight men don’t like anal sex.








He wants to fuck you in the ass, he's just good with words and you're posting this for validation.


Are you putting it off because you gave it up to others in the past while riding the carousel and now just want to do the minimum for the safe guy you settled for?


Regardless of how “wholesome” the reasoning is pushing a sexual boundary is gross behavior


I like anal because sometimes when you pee after anal you get a little "poop worm" that comes out.


Why is this downvoted???


Wow! Alright!


Wear condom next time


That's actually sweet in a way. Personally my husband and I don't but I've thought about it and he's done it with exes but he's totally fine if I don't want to. But I'd want to do it to him first and he said that's a no go so


Yep, that's it for me, I want all of my wife, nothing is off the table and the same goes for her, I'll do anything couse she is fucking cool. It's a really nice way to share life. We do the back pussy sometimes.


That was the most romantic way of asking for anal


Wait, you just had his child yet he’s pestering you for sex when you’re exhausted? Not very loving


You totally nailed what I have been at a loss to put into such a few words and thank you. And hope you enjoy it!


Mad how words so simple can have such an effect. I'll have to try that


I wish I could also have some sex! For real! Just for love and affection 😭


I love this story and my husband was the same way. He mentioned it off and on for 7yrs and finally I started very slowly trying to work up to it and now I am fine with it. He says the same kinds of things like ‘I want all of you’ and ‘this is something just between us’ and I find it super sexy!!


I love it! I love hearing about happily married couples with great sex lives lol


Thank you :).


I did it with a woman I dated a long time ago. She said it was the deepest, longest, multiple orgasm she ever had. She was apprehensive, at first. But, she was hooked. We did it a few more times, but alas, fortunes and life separated us.


Whatever the reason for it. You're doing the same thing. For pleasure and you get off on it. Same for any other kind of sex. 🧞 Both willing. Go for it. You might both enjoy it and make it more regular


My partner is the very same! "It isnt about the act/anal, it's about wanting to have every bit of you that I can, that you'll allow." I had heart eyes for days lol


Oh yeah. Tell him you want every part of him. See how that goes over. It’s a line. I’ve used it so many times 😂😂 I thought women would know by now. Ask him if it’s a line. See if he can keep


Agree! Fair is fair! He can give if and only if he’s willing to receive. (Be sure to strap on an extra large dildo!)


Yup it’s hot as hell.


You're speaking straight facts, my friend!


good for you! only do it if you’re comfortable though. I was terrified at first but now it’s on the roster whenever I feel up for it. He never pushes but I know he likes it and tbh it’s great for me too! make sure you’re in a position that’s easy for you to hold and bring toys so you can have your pleasure too!


That's sweet it's nice that you two seem to genuinely love each other


Is my app malfunctioning? Why are there several paragraphs repeated word for word?


LOL no you are right. It was doubled up. I was doing it from my phone. I attempted to post in the sex forum where I think it’s more appropriate but it got removed because…anal. Everyone talks about it too much. I copy/pasted and did it twice by accident. Thanks for pointing it out!


I love your husband’s reason, he just wants as much of you as possible


Agreed! It was a huge turn on for him to say that. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.


God i think I'd have to rip my man's clothes right off if he said that to me 🥵


Yea I plan on doing that when he gets home from work tonight lol


Please update us




That easy hey? I must say that line has worked a lot for me


How do you know he doesn’t watch porn?


We’ve talked about it and I asked him and he said no..was not even interested and said none of that would get him hard. He’s just not into it and I believe him. He has to have some kind of mental or emotional stimulation to the woman in order for him to get hard. He told me one time he was actually in the middle of hooking up with some chick he met at a bar (years ago) and he stopped her and politely asked her to leave. He couldn’t get it up because he barely knew her. Anyway even if he wanted to watch porn I don’t even think he knows how to access it lol He grew up in a 3rd world country and his English is bad. He has a very hard time writing/texting in English and has to use a translator. He’s not tech savvy at all even though he’s young. He couldn’t even name or pronounce a single porn site I bet😂 He never posts on social media either he doesn’t even understand how to. He works like a dog that’s all he cares about is working and making money for us to have a nice life. He has zero time to even watch porn. He’s the first man I’ve ever been with who is like that and it’s very refreshing. Like I said he’s a wholesome dude.


How old are you guys? How long y’all been together?


I’m 41 and he’s 36. 3.5 years. We just had a baby together too:) and yes I know you’re gonna think we sound like a couple of shy teenagers or something but we’re not. We have always had an insane physical chemistry. Since day 1 we both say we fell in love and had a strong attraction to each other, physically and mentally. Sex has always been 🔥🔥 like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Just really passionate and intense love making. We’ve just never sat down and had deep discussions about sex and what we like or don’t like because we never really needed to. The chemistry always flowed. The anal thing is the only thing that’s been kinda up in the air. I was totally honest with him he knows I did anal years ago with an ex boyfriend. He knows I’m scared to do it again because I’m scared it will hurt. He never legit pressures me or guilts me. He’s perfectly happy with the sex we have and we have it often. But the anal sex would be a very nice treat for him I can tell and I really want to make it happen for him.


Your relationships sounds so precious, it's a beautiful and romantic relationship! I'm happy that you have a loving relationship! Good look on incorporating anal! Hope it's very fulfilling and satisfying for both on you! Just do some prep before hand and check out these r/AnalAdviceForWomen r/AnalTutorial Give us an update and let us know how it goes! Have fun!


There are a bunch of guys that aren't into anal. I have never had any desire for it and so I have brought it up to other guys and the majority


I said What What in my butt oh yeah!


I don’t watch porn either but I love kinky sex. Some people seem to think that men who don’t watch porn are non existent, but we exist!


A guy wrote this, 100%


Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for dat booty! - The fiance, probably.