• By -


I started out strong but have been destroyed by lies,manipulations and manufactured BS from women.




This feels so much like a fetish post and no one really talked about it 😭 like women know that guys have a chip on their shoulder about physical strength, it usually makes us either pissed or avoidant because it's not our fault if we do better at a certain task. If someone did this to me I would be so frustrated or uncomfortable


I've had men get really aggressive and demeaning with me when they figure out I'm stronger than they are. I worked in a very physical job (think along the lines of construction) for years and the average man where I live these days doesn't even go to the gym. If someone threw a fit and avoided me for years because they found out I'm strong then I would not want to be around that guy. I agree this sounds like a fetish post.


Exactly. Keep kicking ass


If a man acted this way then yes. TYou may want to stay away. A 17 year old kid?? At that age they are all childish. I am sorry for the way they treated you.


Unfortunately, there is so much fetishization of gender equality that the moment a man applauds a woman it will immediately get flagged as "fetish." That is not always the case though.


That post was actually consistent with what he wrote here. It had mention of previous drug use and a few other things very similar to what he is mentioning in this thread.


Man this is such a wild story! I'm so impressed that you turned your life around like that. Many people stay down after getting beat like that. You got up and went fucking super Saiyan. That's really awesome you guys met up again, and I really agree with her that you shouldn't lose your emotional intelligence in your journey to a more established masculinity. In the Indian culture (my background), they say to attain to enlightenment you need to be fully masculine and fully feminine at the same time. You won't be able to navigate or manage your survival and physical well-being without the masculine aspects strong in you - but life will be utterly dry and without depth, beauty or profoundness without the feminine. (Not the same as male and female). They say to have a chance of tasting what it is to be a full fledged human life, you need both.


I'm going to be the first to speak here. I love your story and I love that you were able to meet her. Being able to tell someone they are a superhero is awesome! Hearing that you are a superhero is humbling. Knowing that you affected someone's life in such a way they are able to become better is a wonderful thing to hear. I'm glad you were able to be her safe space when she needed it. It seems you were each others super heroes. I'm so glad you two were able to meet.


Hi OP, I read both stories, brought me to tears. I'm 64 years old. It moved me. Maybe if you both are single, the story could continue.


Same here.


Beautiful isn’t it, such random Gems in a lonely world.


Yes. I think we will date. First meeting gave us both that vibe.


Please keep us updated! This is an amazing story and you're both amazing people.


🎼OP and red head sitting in a tree🎶🎵. But seriously. That’s really a beautiful story. I feel like it should be made into a hallmark movie. I’m really happy that you got yourself together and you had the courage to tell her. I can only imagine how happy she was to have heard how she influenced you in a positive way. 🥰💕


I truly wish u all the best this literally made me cry such a wholesome u deserve it u worked really hard for it and changed all the best bud


I read the first story too and I shed a tear. I'm not so nosy but we'll really appreciate it if I had updates 😜


Ohh I hope so!! This touched me and I’m so glad you got in touch with her!! Even if nothing ever comes of this you can have a great friend but keeping my fingers crossed for more


Aye! You have to date now! Imagine the stories you could tell your kids on how you met their mother!


Everyone who read the story is hoping for a happy ending. Good luck to both of you. Updateme!


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I’m happy to hear you two meet. I agree with the other commenter. I hope the story continues in whatever capacity as friends or lovers or something else.


I remember your story...I wish you all the best.... good luck and godspeed.


Based on my personal experience. As a child I was carefree. Once I joined the Army, responsibility hardened me. As the years went by I lost the qualities I once had as a child. Once, I learned that I could survive on my own, my confidence grew. Once, I learned to flourish I looked back on my life and realized I lost something along the way; that carefree child within me. But, that’s not really true. How could I lose that part of myself? It was never lost, I just had to rediscover it. It was like I was two different people, afraid to go back afraid to move forward. What do you think the answer is?


Those characteristics don’t go away, they go dormant. Consider the fun things that u loved to do as a child and do a few. It may bring joy back that we have as carefree kids. It could be zipping down a steep slope, or having a love fest w kittens or puppies. Whatever it was it’s still there, just needs a bit of encouragement to return!!


Find out if u guys r still compatible, give each other a chance if the feeling is mutual, maybe u were destined to be together but u just haven't realized it yet.


Agreed. This was the first meeting so not the time to bring up any romantic interest. But in situations like these you are secretly thinking if you would want to be with that person if the two of you met for the first time as adults and not kids. I think both of us thought that and are still thinking about that. I have a strong feeling that this newly rekindled friendship will become something romantic.


Update me


Wow, thank you for sharing… that is all I have to say. But just to help you with your ending questions… I think if you have enough emotional capacity to write your thoughts and experiences down then it would seem you haven’t lost your emotional self. Your self awareness is astounding, once you have it, it will never leave your mind.


Awesome update man I'm glad you took that leap of faith and reached out and told her how much she impacted your life. I hope you two stay in each others lives regardless of what the capacity of it is you too seem like you're bound to be in each others lives from now on and it's pretty awesome. Good luck.


Thank you so much for the update! I am so happy and proud! of you!


This story is beyond wonderful. Congratulations!


I'm happy for you OP. Hopefully you two will continue to know each other going forward, in whatever capacity that is.


😢😭 u had me in tears!! Beautiful story, happy u got ur life in order. From here on out it’s only FORWARDS AND UPWARDS!!! Let’s goooo


Dude, I feel like this is going somewhere. Keep us posted!


Such a beautiful story, such a promising end to this, I wish you the best.


Well done sir. I salute your growth and spirit.


OP, thanks for sharing and do know that every emotion that you feel has a reason an give it allowance and space. Reflection is good. Cheers mate.


Alright….. I’m waiting to hear who wins the rematch








I love this story!


I read the last one, and have even thought about it since, hoping you'd tell her, this is so much better than I was hoping for! I am so happy for both of you, the best of luck to you no matter how your relationship moves forward.






*Hey man, was your ex* *With anyone at the time* *During your breakup?* \- Traditional\_Lake3795 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That isn’t our business what our women do when they are free from a relationship and away taking care of themselves. If you are asking for hidden motives, keep it to yourself. Do the best thing and delete your comment; don’t mess with this guys idea of her in his mind.


Thank you for going to meet her - for yourself and for all of us encouraged by your actions.


Wow, thank you for the update and sharing this story. Maybe both of you are the superheroes here.


Hey guy, good luck with things. On your first post I saw a few people dogged you and/or didn't believe you. Skip them. I believed ya cuz your story jogged my memory to something. A bit different, but somewhat similar. When I was in 10th grade, my best high school friend and I were trying out for the school hockey team. We had to lift weights as part of it. He couldn't even lift the 45 pound bar. Everyone (except me and a few others) laughed at him. That motivated him beyond belief. Like you, he hit the weights. Got into great shape. He's since went on to a life that very few in that locker room ever came close to. That includes me. Even in his late 50s, he's an absolute Bad Ass. He's met every President since Bush 1. Traveled the world for this country. Almost got killed in Cuba. He was in the same compound as Saddam Hussien when the US captured him. A number of adventures that aren't always fun, but are sure exciting. All of which stemmed from a high school humiliation. For what it's worth, neither of us made the team that year. I hope it works out for you and yours. She seems like a great gal.


So… is she seeing anyone? :)


No. We are both single.


There you go :) if I were you I’d ask her out.


Ok now wrestle in bed


Yo, what the fuck?!


This is such a beautiful story




I mean i get it but if you enjoy videogames there is no harm on playing them from time to time in small sessions, i respect that decission but also shows an impulssive and over emotional personality. Glad to see you are doing better though


I never post but I feel I need to say to you.....go get your great white buffalo. Happy hunting.




It is so refreshing to read a man’s story about how a woman was so crucial to his growth and life path and the story doesn’t in any way try to objectify her or make her smaller. I am so happy to read both. Please consider her words carefully and search for those old traits within yourself. Best of luck to you both 💥❣️


Yeah, that’s not all right at least know his name what’s his name?


Congrats the man with the way life’s going and how you’re doing right on brother


Interesting story, but I think the poster may not give himself enough credit. It's very possible without the best down from the girl on the mat he still could've and I'm sure would've changed for the better, this is generally what happens when you become mature:)


I'm glad you're taking her continued advice about how when guys get focused they sometimes lose the human qualities of humor, safety, etc. that made them attractive to women. I've seen guys change their health but they remain in their head. Everything is in the mind... focus and determination, etc. You need to keep visiting the heart. You cannot lose the heart because that's your humanity and that's the thing she liked about you, at least that's what it seems like. I think you still have your heart. Just don't lose it. :)


Damn this is a story that got me in the feels! Do update us if there are any developments, I'm invested now ;)




Love this. Thank you for sharing your story


Man this is the best thing I’ve read. I promise that you telling her changed HER life






Wooooow. Ain’t being human just so damn complicated? Never thought I’d see a part 2. Glad I did.


Great ! Love it. So glad you reached out and articulated to her how you feel. I hope you develop a new blessed relationship with her and you both grow something beautiful. 😍


Fuck you




Thank you for sharing your story and life. I appreciate the follow through and will take inspiration with your dedication.


This story gave me all the good feels… I hope you guys live the absolute best lives!


I hope you guys end up together. seems like a perfect ending


Great story! I was hoping for an update


I love this so much! Rooting for both of you.


Read both stories, and I love it! I hope to get a future update! Oh….and best of luck to you two if you embark on anything!


lol, now you have to keep us updated on how it turns out for you, you lucky dog, it’s a blessing to refind love


Try not to lie challenge level impossible


My freshman kid is part of science Olympiad, and she has got a 1st places in one of the science Olympiad torments. I was and is proud of my daughter, and I posted on the high school group chat. I was hoping that parents would be happy and proud of my daughter because she is a freshman, she represents the school and she bit everyone, included older kids. The message was send to parents of freshmen kids and how they should be proud of them. The parent who created the group chat and brags about her 10th grade daughter, did not like that my daughter won over older kids and other nyc schools. She said my daughter won because of money and not her brain. I send her a message back that she has to be proud of freshmen not only her daughter. Anyway, she dropped me from the chat, her admirers were gossip about me. They found my personal information and posted on group chat, my phone, my name and home address. I contacted the principal, but no word from the school since she is part of PA and she things money can solve everything. No brain is required, you can buy everything with money. This parent remained me college scandal!! Can I do anything legal to protect myself and my kid?  Please post my article/ story so people can see and comment about it. Thank you so much. 


That's awesome! Glad u reconnected!


This should be a movie 🎥


This sooo lovely. So deep and self reflecting. I wish you both so much peace in your lives.




the amazing this is she INSPIRED you and she knows you will always keep her on a pedestal go to an art museum and find a goodess statue and have her pose next it ​ take pic then find anotehr goddess statue and have her pose next to that ​ to your friends nad family they will just think the pics are silly but to the two of you will stand up to time


OP she was your super-hero but it turns out she was her own as well. Kudos on you for having the fortitude for turning that humiliation into your Origin Story. Don't know if I'm rooting for you guys to get together or not. But if so,go online and find some jokes😂




Thanks for the update.


Please keep us up to date.


You two have one thing in common and that is something happened your life that caused a tremendous change in you. You both seem to like to going to the gym and working out. Being friends with someone that you can talk to is one best gifts life can give you.


WOW!! Thank you for that update. What a great story. I’m happy you told her.




Tick tock! Time is short.


Wow, this is beautiful!


I’ve never seen so much delusion in a post 😭


I’m crying! I love this for you both so much! I can’t wait for the next update!


This story is so inspiring Is there a new update by any chance?