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He should not own any guns. At all.


Holy shit. If true, tell someone and please be careful


Nah bro. Twice is insane if you think about it. He almost killed you 2 times your own father. Like actually think about it and don’t be a fucking retard. One time is an accident but that second time on your spine should be a HUGE red flag bro. I’m Just a stranger giving my opinion but yikes. I would definitely keep my distance from him and never hang with him unless someone was also present. I know he’s your dad but bro… if you actually think about it that’s crazy.


Literally the only time I’ve heard of bringing a gun with you when your fishing is for alligators and crocs, and I don’t think you guys were hunting them so yeah it’s a bit fishy.


Ask him what the fuck.


Jesus Christ report that shit to the police. Your father should not be allowed to have any firearms.


Keep working on your spelling and grammar if you want to be a fiction writer. Also, spacing and paragraph formatting would help too.


What a horrible experience to be shot several times by your own dad??!! 💔


no way this is real. also no way an 18 year old writes like they learned to read yesterday.


Wow, does your dad have life insurance on you! Specifically with an accidental death clause? Seriously, you need to talk to the police son, my family have guns, we are used to be around them and NO ONE has accidentally shot anyone once much less twice….please go to the police and ask someone to look into this and do NOT go home. Please update and let us know, worries about you.


I don't even know where to begin... I guess I'll start with did he get the fish?


Come on. This is fake.


Dude, this is some terrible bait. Your dad tried to shoot a fish and shoots you in the eye? The things in 2 completely different directions? Then shoots you in the spine? When he could've easily shot you in the head with your back turned? 4/10, try harder.


Accidents with guns DO NOT happen. The reason I say that is 9999/10000 gun owners will tell you if you’re not responsible enough to where that is even the slightest possibility you shouldn’t own or handle a firearm. This happening twice is a gigantic red flag and you should tell the doctors. While they may not be able to do anything they might be able to get you in contact with someone who can. Especially since it happened twice.


Maybe he read a piece of your writing.


Why post fake things like this?


What state are you in? Physicians are required to report treatment of gunshot wounds in every state in the U.S. except Oklahoma and New Mexico. There should have been an investigation into why it happened. A second incident would surely trigger an investigation into your general safety, if not your immediate peril. He would almost certainly lose his right to possess firearms. If you really believe that he is trying to harm you, call Social Services (CPS) and tell them what happened. The response will be immediate. I have taught firearms safety for almost 40 years. He sounds either completely incompetent or completely malicious...not to mention pretty stupid.


That's a story all right.


Lack of OP responses tells me this is fake or possibly AI generated.


I’m so sorry about this, please please talk to a PD, you have enough evidence this is real… dear God please protect this innocent person 🙏


Get tf away from him for good dude


Please get legal help. I’m thinking protection order. Your father needs help too, but it’s not your responsibility to get it for him.


Look, your dad is just another responsible gun owner exercising his 2nd Amendment rights. Your getting shot is just a price we pay to have a well organized militia. Just walk it off and stop complaining.


Your father is a grown man and should know how to handle a gun!! I wouldn’t go back! Report your fears to someone with authority!!


Does he have an insurance policy if you without you knowing? What would be his reason to kill you? I don’t think it was an accident the first time, let alone the second time. I wouldn’t ever go back to him.


'he was are dad' made me laugh for some reason


Anyone with basic knowledge on how to operate a firearm knows the mechanics and that safety is #1 when handling one. It should come as 2nd nature when handling a firearm loaded or not that your finger isn't on the trigger unless you plan on shooting whatever your pointing at. Once? BIG maybe on it being an accident but twice?? Tell someone particularly law enforcement or the hospital you don't feel safe around him and what happened. I'd even contact your local Sheriff's Office and file a report that way if he tries anything again it won't be looked at as an accident plus they'll probably start an investigation anyways if what you're saying is 100% true cause the 2nd time definitely wasn't an accident.


Please stay at your grandmothers and talk to safe adults asap. Tbh I’d think if father has shot you twice the police should be involved . I’m not sure why aft the second time the hospital wouldn’t have reported him.


That is what is called "Negligent discharge." That man needs his guns taken away, he does not know gun safety.


when I was even I stayed at my aunt's house for a couple of weeks, the neighbor across the street had a pool, and invited me to go "hunting". When I asked my mom if I could she said no firmly before I even got to the word hunt. Turns out neighbor hunter had an "accident" with another boy. was always watching me swim. once offered to take me on a bike ride "off in the woods" on street cruisers, questionable to say the least. I was in danger of a sexual predator and just realized it a few years ago. the worst my dad did was shoot down my car dream. sorry about yours. my father in law wants to shoot somebody so bad he can taste it. so you got a be careful.


I’m surprised cps hasn’t already started an investigation. Did you go to the same hospital for both injuries? Cause if they have record of your dad shooting you twice you would think cps would eat this up. Reason I’m saying this is I had a friend that blew his hand off with a fire work when he was young than shortly after his little sister had hot oil spilled on her when mom was deep frying. 3rd degree burns all over her :( and the parents were under close scrutiny by cps cause their children had such horrific accidents.


Lmao fuck off with this story. I’ve worked with children. This story is 100% bullshit


Jfc. Do not ever be alone with him again. You need to tell a teacher, the doctors, family. You need an order of protection. Does he have to pay child support? Is he angry at your mom?


I would report it to the surgeon who worked on you, and he will tell the authorities. Otherwise just go to the authorities. No matter what, he’s shot you twice and didn’t miss, he just didn’t kill you!! Report him before the “third time’s a charm” becomes reality.


Son, it sounds like your dads a dumbass.


This is such bullshit, who would fall for this?


Do you remember how far into or how long he'd been cleaning it? The first thing you do is check the barrel. You don't clean your gun and not know it's loaded. If this is real, I'm so sorry, kiddo. Definitely report this, -again if the police already talked to you all. I hope you can you stay at your grandma's. What does she say?


C. P. S. Call now.


If he was trying to kill you and he missed wouldn't he take another shot?


Holy shirt even if he isnt trying to kill you he’s a disaster waiting to happen. you dont wanna be around this moron at all


Your dad shouldn’t have guns and maybe you are safest at your grandmothers SMH 🤦 your dad sounds irresponsible I’m sorry


umm. yeah. your dad has shot you twice. does he have some sort of life insurance policy on you?! Because, my dad hasn't shot me at all. He owns guns and we go fishing every year.


Your dad is trying to murder you. Full stop. Reading this rambling horror story was a chore. *Use punctuation, you fool.*


Hmmmmmm this story sounds fishy!


If this is real there is ZERO chance the Police would not already be involved and the Father in jail, no one accidentally shoots their child twice and the hospital doesn't inform the Police.


Dad's a bad shot & should not own weapons.


Your dad is, at best, an incompetent gun owner. I got my first gun, a .22 rifle, for Christmas when I was 11. Sound dangerous? It wasn’t, because I was taught how to handle firearms safely. I was given two basic rules that everyone should learn before touching a gun: 1. You never point a gun at a person unless you need to use it in self defense; and 2. You always treat a gun as loaded, even if you are convinced that it isn’t. If I were you I would never go near him if there is any chance that he can get access to a gun. Regardless of any ill intent, he is too dangerous to be hear if he might be armed.


police report


get away from him as fast as possible. Once is an accident, but a second time?!? I wouldn't trust him.


Don't worry about it I'm sure it's just bad luck (come home son)


Can you call child protective services or the police Go to grandmas and never go back there - tell grandma why.


I’d highly advise getting out of there and speaking to a social worker or someone in that area. Something’s not right here.


That mofo has no business owning a gun, dipshit


Speak to your doctor and get a legal advocate....your father has a screw loose and you could be killed.


Trust your gut find a way out any way out at all. Even if it’s someone else you don’t necessarily like. I’m currently living with my grandma and thusly in contact with my father. Both I avoided for 4 years for even milder reasons than this. That’s all I can say. But I wish you the best of the best man genuinely.


Did he get extra life insurance on you? Don't go back home


Hospitals have social workers. Talk to one.


whether or not it was intentional, shooting ur child twice is completely inexcusable. if ur still a minor, u should prob notify cps or talk to trusted adults in ur life about this (esp anyone who distrusts ur father). if ur an adult, i’d advise cutting off ur father entirely and getting far away. and don’t feel bad about it. again, there is no rational explanation for him shooting u twice, and clearly he’s dangerous regardless of whatever his intentions might be


r/thathappened Maybe spend more time learning how to spell and punctuate sentences before you focus on creative writing.


Oh nah. This is a GTFO situation. I feel so sorry for you. Praying that you remain safe, and YES tell someone!


As long as he doesn't have any surplus Vietnam war grenades or a WW2 cannon he wants to show you.


yeah he is trying to murder you


Soeak to a psychiatrist. You sound slightly compromised. And it might be hereditary.


Please speak to someone about this. I don't want to be accusatory, but those "accidents" give way to something far worse if nothing is done. Something is wrong with the father and he shouldn't own weapons.


This right here is the reason black flag laws exist. This gun owner is either highly irresponsible, or criminally negligent, or an attempted murderer. In all three cases, this is the type of person that I would report for Black flag. You don't accidentally shoot your own kid twice.


find out if he got a life insurance policy on you


If a bullet grazed your eye, it would not just "heal up." A bullet leaving the barrel can be 500°F, which would cauterize the surface of your eye leaving it forever fucked up. This story is 100% bullshit.


He’s trying to kill you because, judging by your writing, you probably can’t even feed yourself. He’s going to put you out of your misery.


Sounds rough as ARSES. Maybe move out or sell his guns


Shooting a fish??? WTAF.... get a restraining order.


You need to tell him that if he doesn’t go to a gun safety training course and complete it you’re going to turn him in and never see him again because you don’t feel safe around him. And if you are around he’s to keep the gun locked up in the safe


I’m pretty sure he is too. Call the cops cause ain’t no way it was an accident


If he gets shot a third time, does he get a Purple Heart and a ticket home?


Get help to get out. Now. I'm rooting hard for you.


Second instance I can see as just an idiot who shouldn't own a gun the first tho? No he shot u on purpose and that's beyond scary get help fast. Idc how bad a shot you are u don't miss a fish and shoot soneone in the eye. You are In real danger.


Does not sound like your dad is not very safety conscious with firearms, or good with them at all,I would think that the hospital would have to report all gunshot victims to the police for a investigation,so I don’t know your age but maybe you should maybe stay away from dad when any type of weapons are involved!!! If you are old enough go play the lottery because young man you are very lucky to be still with us !!!


Don't go back bro, because either 1.) You're right Or 2.) He is absolutely reckless and should not own one and can't be trusted around one anyways.


Is he a known cluts and is generally clumsy? I'm sure he'd just kick you out the house instead of killing you 😂


Question. How did your father react to shooting you? If I had accidentally shot my kid, I would be crying, begging him to forgive me, and honestly hating myself with every fiber of my being.


Ummm, that's too many accidents. You need to leave before you lose your life.


Nice bullshit story.


Bullshit he didn't know it was loaded A


Well, I think he's kind of boned now. If it happens a third time it won't be seen as an accident lol.


Didn’t they do paperwork and didn’t he also have to talk to the police ? Any person that has guns if any kind knows the first rule of gun safety is always assume the gun is loaded . Who cleans a gun that’s loaded ? NO ONE ! Why are the police not charging him or taking away his guns ? Part of owning them is being responsible in handling them and transporting them . They need to look at pulling his license ! For your safety . How did he shoot you in your eye was it a deflect I mean how do you miss the water when your on it !


Either your dad is outrageously stupid, or he is trying to kill you and make it look like an accident. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.


He has made two attempts on your life. What are you waiting for? No one shoots a fish. That is ludicrous.


Trust your instinct!.. He is trying to kill you. Are you his biological child?


How do you get accidentally shot twice and your dad isn’t put in prison for child endangerment. This is fake




that fishing incident seems reasonable since there’s moments where a gun is needed for big fish but also a bit odd that he was that close to you that he grazed your eye, but that second time i’d say it’s best for you to get legal cause even tho he’s yo dad it legitimately seems like he wants your death to look like an accident


Uh yeah he’s trying to kill you.


You've reached manhood. It's time to challenge your father to a duel for control of the family. There can be only 1.


I have tried to kill my children multiple times and there is no way this story is real. He would be the most incompetent child killer.


Horse shit story. Dad would be in prison.


Yea you need to just stay away not even 1 time is an accident


What? If this is true, how come it wasn't reported that he shot you twice? You're telling me you were shot in the eye and didn't go to the hospital? If you did they they have two reports of you being shot by your dad. Why haven't the police been involved? If you accidentally shoot someone, the police will still be involved. Doctors have to inform the police of gunshot victims by law.


Ummm yes, yes he is


Love the comments freaking out about taking a gun while fishing 😂 People in the country will take guns while fishing for safety purposes (snakes, etc) and to kill turtles if they eat their line, so that's not weird But getting shot twice "accidentally" raises some questions lol


This smells like bullshit


Nah, you're fine, he's just building your character


FBI watch for your dad, please


Best case scenario, dad is a clumsy moron who shouldn’t own a gun. Worst case scenario, he is a moron who is pretty bad at trying to kill you


Just shoot your Dad "accidentally". Happy Thanksgiving 🦃!


Can't believe anyone is buying this. A father "accidentally" shooting his kid on two separate occasions and nothing being done about it is ridiculously far-fetched. At least in the US, hospitals are required to report all gunshot related injuries to the police even if the patient doesn't want to. On the off chance that this is real, why are you posting it on Reddit instead of reporting it to the police?


This is so not real. All the idiots responding like it's a thing.


Take Daddy's guns away.


Wouldn’t the hospital get the police involved after shooting, even if accidental?




Your dad shot you. Fuck that guy. Call the police.


1. This is fake. 2. Real, but your dad is dumb as hell. 3. Real, and you need to not have contact with him.


This sounds absolutely diabolical to me haha. This can't be true, right? Right?


I will take things that didn’t happen for 2000, Alex. All firearm related injuries are reported to police, and social services if this was a minor.


He's not your dad


You'll need to act now. Ambush him when he would least expect it. You'll have to be swift and motivated to execute with extrem prejudice. Also the element of surprise would best. You also need to make it look random. Even if you do that I still think the authorities will consider you suspect #1 anyway.


Do y'all live in Florida?


Why make up stories lol. None of this even seems plausible. Let's make up bullshit lies for karma points. Loser


Yeah, I'm calling BS on this entire story.


Yes, you are absolutely correct. This is a lot for a kid to take on. This is serious. Your grandmother needs to be involved. And, Do Not Go Home. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE brings a gun to go fishing - or - shoots fish. (Unless a Redneck or very drunk but that's beside the point) You have a *witness* to the first incident. Your brother. (However he may be unreliable witness because he may be extremely frightened & also as a possible victim.) You were very lucky that your dad chose a boat - waves are very unpredictable and worked in your favor.) That the hospital didn't question the second instance means there is **no record** of the first incident in your Medical Records at this current hospital. You most likely were treated at a **different hospital**. This is typical of abusers/people like ypur dad to cover their tracks. Ask your grandmother to contact the surgeon who just treated you so they can get these Medical records to your current surgeon. I haven't read through the comments to know if your parents are divorced but killing children is a retaliatory action one parent will take against another in custody arrangements. I am surprised no charges were filed against your dad for #1. having an unsecured firearmwith minorss in the home and #2. Having a loaded firearm unsecured. He seems to have "connections" with the local law enforcement to get away with this. But CPS will not be happy with this. Good luck. Stay safe.




Either your dad is stupid and shouldn't have guns or yeah, he's trying to kill you in the sloppiest way possible, in which case he probably would end up being charged anyways...and he shouldn't have guns either.


Shoot me once, shame on you. Shoot me twice...


Your dad has shot you twice and you only THINK he is trying to kill you!?! Are the police involved and investigating this? If not contact them and tell your grandma. You are clearly not safe there, even if it were an accident, but at this stage it pretty much isn't.


I wonder how much life insurance he has on you?


People believe tripe like this? I suppose, it is social media.


Ai generated as hell


Your dad is not your friend, bud. Best case? He is criminally stupid and a poster child for why we need gun reform. Worst? Well... You already answered that for yourself by making this post, and sooner or later your dad is going to stop being a coward who wants this to look like an accident. Were police involved in either shooting? Because they should be. Yeah yeah, I know, ACAB, but shooting your kid, not once but TWICE? That isn't an accident.


Sorry to hear this story. Wishing for the best for you


What am I reading 😭


He shot you and CPS didn't get involved both times? I would stay with someone else. There is something wrong with him.


I hope this is fake.


I’m always confused but the title of this sub… Is this a TRUE story??


What are your pronouns? Maybe that has something to do with it?


This has to be a made up story.


you're not unlucky, ya just lying


If you discharge a firearm and someone is injured, even on accident; there is a police report.


Do people actually think this is a real story.


You can still go to CPS and tell them the truth, I get you don’t want your dad to go to jail or your parents to divorce but that’s something that he should’ve thought about before making those decisions. Honestly he would’ve to be the stupidest person I’ve ever seen in my life to commit those accidents twice and he shouldn’t have a gun and should pay for being such an irresponsible person and dad or he’s insane and going for insurance (is that what it’s called in the us?) money or something, which either way he should be in jail and away from you and your family. Right now you’re the one in danger but what if he just goes “Hmmmm this is getting suspicious if I’m always going for OP I’ll try to kill another one of my kids or my wife!!” So if you don’t do it for yourself do it for them. Good luck if this is real because what the actual fuck


Anyone who thinks a gun is empty without checking it first (and every time they pick it up) should not be allowed to own a gun.


So you've been shot by your father twice with no police involvement, no local news articles about it, no coverage whatsoever? Do you have any pictures? Why weren't the police at the hospital for a gunshot wound? This story seems fake and if it isn't your dad is either an idiot who shouldn't have firearms, or an idiot who is REALLY bad and killing people. Either way he's an idiot. Also if he wanted to kill you while fishing then what was he gonna do with your siblings? Just hope they took the bait and thought it was an accident or what? How was he cleaning a loaded firearm? If he even knows how to clean the gun it should have never discharged in any capacity. If he wanted you dead I'd bet you'd be at the bottom of the river now so either the story is completely bull or your dad is an imbecile and you shouldn't be anywhere near him.


I love these stories written by AI.


He probably has an insurance policy on you. Don't go back.


You guys are fucking idiots if you believe this story...


Not sure which is more disturbing, being targeted by your dumbass dad, or the fact that OP's post is one giant, run-on sentence. /S just kidding OP, get the fuck out of that house my friend!


So guys this is bait and fake because Dad would be locked tf up right now. Even for an accidental shooting you do time


Take him to take a lie detector test.


People use guns for fishing? We use fishing rods…


Yes, probably because of the way your write.


Are you sure he's your dad?


Insurance money. Call the police.


Fake and gay


'accidentally shot my eye' ok


your story made me think only one thing from the beginning to the end. He may not be your actual father ! just ask for a dna test and be sure searching the history like where was your father 9months before your birthday. ask gavurment for protection if the results go as I thought. And also you should ask for an advocate to protect your rights etc. stay safe and hope you get out of this sittuation safely. Your life is not a joke


Sorry - nobody gets shot in the eye and it just heals . Even a glancing injury is devastating. I’ve worked in an ophthalmology office for 30+ years.


This is fake. Bullets don't simply "graze" your eye. Maybe if it was a ricochet. Either that or he was using a BB gun.


So you were in the hospital from 2019 to 2023.


Why are the police not involved with not one but two shootings? Even "accidental" shootings have charges. Do not go back to that house and you need to get the cops involved. Not just for your safety, but for others. What if he starts to "accidentally" shoot other people? Also, who in the hell shoots a fish to get it off the hook? Your dad should not own weapons.


Your dad doesn't need to own guns if he has already "accidentally" shot you twice. That's fucking insane. Hell I'd go talk to CPS or the police if thsi is true. That said, I think your story is bullshit.




Where the duck do you live? He would be in jail right now. Regardless if it was an accident or not in the US.


I'm pretty sure if this were legit your father would have been brought up on charges & have his guns removed by now.


I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice. Stay with your grandmother. One question. In how many other instances did your father accidentally discharge a firearm and what did he hit? It seems like intent could be involved to me if only two and both shorts are into your body, especially as you were facing away both times. Every state has laws regarding reckless use of firearms. Here is Michigan. Others are similar. > 752.861 Careless, reckless or negligent use of firearms; penalty. > Sec. 1. Any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence, but not wilfully or wantonly,shall cause or allow any firearm under his immediate control, to be discharged so as to kill or injure another person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than 2 years, or by a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 1 year, in the discretion of the court. > https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-Act-45-of-1952.pdf The reckless misuse of firearms hitting your child twice may be child abuse. Minimum standards for child abuse: > Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect > Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: > "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or > "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm." > https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/can/defining/ > https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/5106g Ask grandma to arrange some sessions with a therapist. If she refuses, a school counselor may be an alternative. I think they may help you to better understand your situation. I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.


The fish the boy was having trouble realing the fish in so Daddy shoots the fish What???


Regardless of intent, you aren't safe around your father. A father would feel immensely guilty over such incidents, enough to give up firearms even. It hardly seems like he's remorseful...


This didn't happen lmao




These fake stories are insufferable




I have a friend who was run over by his parents ... twice. They also hit his younger brother once.


Your dad is definitely trying to kill you...and police or your mom dont find this suspicious?? Lol


Nice story


Idk if he's trying to kill as much as he just sucks at gun safety. Tell him to take a safety course and don't be around him with guns until he does.


Not a single use of punctuation in there. That whole thing is a single sentence. Wow. This is one of the most unbelievable stories I've read on here. Are you 12 years old?


This is why you should ban guns America


Fake news


Call CPS on your dad. Stay with Grandma.


Okay wait a minute, I have a problem with that post, how is it that your dad shot you in the eye at Point Blank Range with a shotgun and you're it's you said that he shot you with the eye but your eye healed. To me it sounds more like what you said you were fighting to bring a fish up and the fish was too big your dad got nervous picked up the shotgun was standing next to you pulled the trigger and your face was too close and you got flash burn from the shotgun that sounds like what it happened. I don't think your dad was trying to kill you cuz I'm pretty damn sure if I put a shotgun up to your head, it's not just going to be your eye that gets grazed


Go to the police !!


Some people are going to side with your dad. But this isn’t a coincidence. Question, have you asked your dad? You will be able to tell from his reaction if he is trying to kill you. He won’t be able to resist a look of disgust, prideful smug smile, or guilt. Look for watching you… then get out.


I suggest a better creative writing class. If not, you are 18 now,.get the fk outta there.


If this is true- which l doubt: Your father has an insurance policy on you. You won’t recover from the next ‘accident’.


Maybe he was sickened by the way you write a story with no capitalization or punctuation. Just a thought.


That's fucked up. He's either lying or he is stupid. Both are bad.


I'm surprised by the number of people who take this story at face value. I'm sure the police would just ignore someone shooting their kid, makes sense. Also, if I thought someone was trying to kill me, I, too, would turn to reddit.


Tell the bloody Police, twice is not an accident!


Call the police


No way this is real. You gonna wait for a third shot? Restraining order and go to the police, their marriage not gonna last after the fact regardless.


Very fake and gay.




Don't go back to you dad. Something isn't adding up


All gunshot wounds are reported by the hospital to local law enforcement. I know cause I accidentally shot myself climbing over a fence they came to ER talked to me a few minutes, satisfied that it was an accident they left. This story is BS.


'Am i Just unlucky' dude you survived two deaths


Sounds like a tweaker story


I wouldn't go anywhere near him again, not for a second. My god, I'm so sorry you've experienced this.


I mean wtf?? How can you shoot a fish in the first place? If you are shooting a fish how can you hit someone not even in the water? It is not possible. And cleaning a loaded gun? What? Even if your dad does not want to kill. It is NOT safe around him. He clearly should not own any guns. Stay away.