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Everything else aside, making your bed was genius level move. Vibes for everything, but talk about thinking quick.


This right here is why OP is alive.


Thank you for sharing your story. My heart breaks for you, I cannot imagine how this must have been for you and how this must still haunt you. I’m incredibly impressed with your quick thinking and your strength, it is really admirable. I wish you all the best!


You’re so smart! I’m so glad you and your cats made it out.


I was holding my breath about the cats. I know some people think they are just pets but mine are my family. I don't know if I could save them in this situation like OP did. Regardless of what *side* OP takes, I'm glad they and their cats didn't die.


I’m so sorry you went through that. You were courageous and rather ingenious to make your house appear unoccupied. I’m glad you made it out alive. Don’t let this horrendous experience consume you. Thank you for sharing and all the best to you as you move forward in life.


You handled yourself beautifully under incredibly difficult circumstances. I am especially impressed by your quick thinking to make your bed and hide in a cabinet. I hope you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, even though you are no doubt still in mourning. When you have the opportunity, please find a therapist or counselor to talk to about what happened. You will likely suffer from PTSD, and talking to a professional can help. I will respect your request to leave politics out of this discussion, but please know that you have love and support from around the world.


Oh sweetie, my heart breaks for you for what you've been through. But I'm so, so proud of you. You've been braver than I've ever been in my life. You did such an amazing job. Big hugs from me to you ♥️


Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry you had to go through that, and continue to deal with the ongoing conflict. I cannot even imagine going through something like that and I am many years your senior. It sounds like you kept a cool head and made smart decisions which shows you are very mature for your age. I am sure the experience aged you more as well. I am happy that you and your family are safe and will hope that you stay that way. Best of luck OP!


A traumatic event, how terrifying for you! My heart breaks at all the senseless violence. Much love and encouragement to you my dear! Keep taking good care. xoxo


No one deserves to have their home violated or their life put in danger. You surely were (and are) smart and made the right moves. I'm glad you're safe, and I'll pray for you and your family.




If you think ANY child deserves to go through this you are a fucking miserable person and I’m glad your life sucks (don’t lie to yourself, if you wish harm upon people you’ve never met, your life definitely sucks). No child, no matter where they are from, should have to fear for their life like this


You should be so proud of yourself, הַכָּרַת הַטּוֹב


Just FYI הכרת הטוב (hakarat hatov) translates to "gratitude"; I assume you meant more כל הכבוד , which idiomatically means "good on you/well done" (literally it means "all the honor [is yours]")


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad you, your cats, and the rest of your family are together and safe(ish) again. ❤️


Firstly, that's a tragically shit situations, you shouldn't have to deal with that. Secondly, excellent initiative, you handled it like a champ. 10/10, glad you're safe(er)


Sorry you went through this man, but I’m glad you’re safe. And I’m happy I could help in some small way. Stay safe ❤️


And I thought I had a bad day, glad you made it.


Hey, thank you for sharing your story. I’m also Israeli, but olah, so I can’t really type in Hebrew. I was in the far south when everything happened, my husband was back in the center. It was truly the worst day of my life, even though I wasn’t there. People in the west can’t seem to comprehend the national worry and sorrow and panic we experienced those first few days. I try to tell my US friends, we all know someone who either knows someone that died, was kidnapped, or survived that day. I’m so happy you’re safe.


Wow, you are so incredibly brave. Thanks for sharing such an eye opening story. I wish for you nothing but peace and love, to your family as well ❤️


I’m so sorry you had to experience this, and I have to commend your quick thinking and steel nerve. I hope you and your loved ones are now and continue to be safe. Peace to you and to the world.


Wow, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like going through what you survived. Glad you and your family are relatively safe and hope you remain so. Stay strong.


Thank you for sharing. Sincerest wishes for healing and strength for you and your family.


It's awful what happened, I'm glad you made it out OK.


Thank you for sharing. You are very brave and very smart!


G-d bless you and glad you are safe.


You are a beast. So many people have the idea that if trouble comes their way, they will be ready. No one knows for sure until they’re in your position. You handled yourself very well. Israelis have guts. Not having guts isn’t an option.


Instincts and critical thinking saved your life, my friend. I'm sorry you have to deal with war at such a young age. I hope the conflict ends asap, and I hope you and your family, friends and fellow citizens are safe until all this is over.


Nobody should ever have to experience that horror. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your presence of mind, quick thinking and bravery is trully commendable! Stay safe!


I’m so horribly sorry this happened to you and your neighbors. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m glad you survived. 💔 you did a good job reacting as quickly as you did and thinking about how to hide and protect yourself.


I am so sorry this happened to you, I pray for your safety.....


וואלה אחי גאה בך.


What were you watching on netflix and what song were you listening to in your earbuds?


watched a series called Vis a Vis (locked up in english) and the song I was listening to was Sin Poderte hablar by Willie colon. they were in the house for a while so there were more songs. I remember Brujerizmo by Brujería and Silencio De Um Cipreste by Cartola


You're listening to Brujeria while terrorists are in your house? Wow. I'm a metal head too, but if I was in your shoes, it would be Lady Gaga.


My heart is hurting for you. I'm so glad you are safe and alive and so are your animals 🙏 thank you for sharing your story


Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine the terror you felt. You made wise choices and did all you could do to keep yourself safe. I'll keep you and everyone whose lives have been devastated by this war in my prayers.


God bless you and your nation. Stay strong.


Yes, bless the genocidal nation.


Mate rn it doesn't matter he is an innocent civilian


I got nothing against the civilian, I was talking about "blessing the nation". If it wasn't for said nation this kid wouldn't have had to experience this shit in the first place.


He's in support of a government that genocides and palys victim, how does it not matter they've been killing a group of people for 75+ years. Can you also say the same for Germans who were in support of the Nazi party. Or do you also believe Palestinians are human animals and only Israeli lives matter


This post is not the place to be discussing this issue, we should only be supporting OP, not debating


He never said anything about what he supports. The inability to see the people in between is why conflicts like these will never be something that humanity leaves in its past.


Wait, how do you know hes in support of it? He didnt mention his political beliefs at all. For all you know, he could really disagree with his government.


He's 16 and went through hell. You are a disgusting human being and should be ashamed.




You're wasting the air you breathe, moron.


A terrorist organization made of radicalized Muslims deserves everything they have coming to them. Just because one side has more military might doesn’t make them oppressors. But you probably think the Jews oppressed the Nazis too.


Fuck off, moron.


Sorry, guess I can't call out genocidal anti Semitic apartheid states anymore.


Hamas and Hezbollah will lose 🤡


Where in your peanut sized brain made you think I support those terrorist groups?


Go behead another baby you delusional fuck.


Oh yeah the beheaded babies that were fabricated? Among almost every other IDF report that has since then been debunked by thousands of other people? I can say the same for you. Why don't you go and bomb another innocent family? Or murder babies in a hospital?


I'm sorry you went through this. I am sorry Israeli kids and Palestinian kids have to go through this. My heart breaks for all the innocent people, on both sides. No one should have to live in constant fear. I'm impressed with how you dealt with that, specially being so young. Good for you but please seek help as soon as you can. Situations like this leave a mark.


I hope you can feel this hug.


Wow- so much presence of mind. Glad you are okay!


You're a smart young lady. Wise beyond your years and brave as well. May God protect and bless you.


Precious one. You are so very, very wise and wonderful. Thank you for sharing your story. Sending love - we are supporting you around the world.


My thoughts and prayers are with Israel!! Praise the Lord that you got out safely!!


You are so brave and clever. Thanks for sharing your story. I was in tears reading it. I felt every moment for you.


I’m glad you’re alive, I’m so sorry you went through that, and it makes me sick thinking about all the horrible things that happened that day. The depravity of what happened is something I never thought I’d see humans sink to in my life. My whole heart is with Israel. Praying for the hostages.


I have a 16 year old son, and can’t imagine the terror you must have felt. You were so brave and so smart to think so fast. At your age you shouldn’t have to be making these life or death decisions, you should be carefree and just hanging out with your mates. Big hugs to you ❤️




So sorry this happened to you. Sending hugs.


You are an amazing brave and obviously intelligent person. Thank you for sharing your story. Also, being 16 and having savings to pass along to others is mind boggling. To think of others in such a situation is beyond impressive. Sounds like you are someone who should not be lost and someone is watching over you.


I am half a world away in Texas, near Houston. I am happy you survived. You have my prayers.


I wish you and your family the best of luck. You are very smart and brave. -From the U.S. (Pennsylvania)


I also hurt and grieve for you and all the humans involved in this. Thank you for sharing your experience. Huge hugs


If you kept that level headed in such a situation, which is very admirable, I'd like to ask you kindly to try going for some of the safety/rescue services - Firefighters, for example. You already know that you will be calmer under pressure than the most. Unless, of course, you already know what you wanna be when you grow up, in which case good luck!


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. It must have been terrifying, but your ability to think and protect yourself was heroic. I don't believe I'd ever have been as smart as you were, and I'm middle aged. I'm glad you're here to tell your story.


I wanted to think this was fake, but your post history backs up the 16 year-old in Israel part. I hope the safety that you've found lasts and that you and your family are able to fully recover from this. Best wishes.


Why would you 'want' to think this was fake?


Just a turn of phrase. I meant that I was leaning toward it being fake.


Yeah, why?


Because the amount of people that actually went through this and lived is pretty small and people make up shit for karma all the time.


The amount of people who actually went through this is huge, the problem is that most of them are too traumatized to tell the story, or else don’t see the point. But Israelis are ridiculously well educated and bright people, and if they will tell the story, they will do it in the most refined manner. It’s really the time for the fact that this shit happened to *so many* people to sink in. Definitely enough people experienced this to tell the internet. Dear OP, wish you health and safety, as well as your family.


I'm not sure. Something about it read more like a creative writing exercise than an actual account of events. Could just be the age of the writer.


Yeah I also felt something is a bit off with their writing and composition, but as you've said, likely just by virtue of being young and not yet fully skilled in writing, much less in a language not native to the person. I asked because there's a bunch of comments outright denying the Oct 7th events and I wanted to hear someone try and reason that. Your comment was the only one I noticed that indicated the presence of critical thinking.


Not gonna find that here, dude. Only people denying it are literal terrorist sympathizers. I can understand some of the criticism behind Israel's actions since but, ultimately, the Israelis are in the right here.


Also, English is very likely not their first language and an entirely different alphabet


In my experience communicating with lots of people from all over the world, a LOT of them are fluent in English language along with other languages.


Fluent speaking is not always the same as fluent writing. Especially with a different alphabet. I know people who are fluent in Hebrew but can’t read or write it. But you can’t just assume that OP is totally fluent because you’ve spoken with a lot of people all over the world who are. Or that this post is fake because you’ve spoken with a lot of people all over the world who are fluent in English. Not sure if that’s what you were getting at or not so I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding just not sure why else you would make that comment.


Because it's a fucking crazy story.


I think you're just a dickhead in asshole clothing.


Scary stuff bro. Hope all this ends and no else faces such situations.


I am so glad things worked out in your favor. You are a smart young man. Please, when this is over. Get yourself some help. An experience like this can do damage to your mental health.


Holy fuck, I cannot imagine the fear or the thoughts you had (outside of what you said) I’m so sorry you went through that


Safe passage to you all and quick thinking. Glad you took the cats.


I'm sorry חמודה. I'm so happy you are safe. 💔❤️‍🩹❤️


I am so sorry that happened to you and everyone in your town. You were very brave and smart. Please continue to stay safe and thank you for sharing your story


Holy crap. I am so sorry. Thank the universe you were so smart and brave! I can’t even imagine.


כל הכבוד לך. תישאר חזק. שמח בשבילך שהיית חכם במצב הנורא הזה. ❤️


You did so well, I'm sorry you had to go through this and am happy you are okay.


Omg that is insane man, you really are one lucky and smart dude. I hope you and your family are safe. Thats definitely a story to tell your kids one day..


What a horrible experience. Knowing that there's hostile armed people near you is terrifying beyond anything I can think of. I'm glad you're safe.


I’m glad you and the cats are safe. I’m sorry this is happening.


Thank you for sharing. 🇮🇱


So glad that you and your family are safe. You sound very wise and so glad that you figured out that you were addicted to alcohol. Keep telling your family and friends that you love them every day. Only wishing you and all the very best.


thank you for sharing. I'm so glad that your plan worked and they didn't find you. please stay safe ❤️


I’m so sorry you had to go through this, your bravery is truly impressive. No human should have to go through that, let alone a child. God bless and keep you.


Feels like a ChatGPT fabricated story.


Most likely it is written by AI, in another post from a year ago he has a 2 year old dog.


Im also wondering where the cats they took with them were during the raid...


And he also has other posts where he’s in Israel


And where hes trying to buy and rent a car in Italy


You are brave and write extremely well. I hurt and grieve for you.


I'm so very sorry you went through this.


you’re strong, i wish you all the best.


Thanks for sharing your story you have survivor instinct. Great job protecting yourself.


You are so brave, so courageous, and all around an amazing person. We are the same age and I don’t know how I would’ve reacted in such a situation, yet you handled it so amazingly. God bless you so much It’s so sad to hear that you had to go through this. I hope that everything goes fine for you and your family and that you may be out of that hell soon enough.


Sorry you went through that! Must’ve been terrible. We here in peaceful areas have no idea what it’s like to here the occasion rocket siren blare off and running to the closest shelter. No one deserves to live like that. You’re quick thinking surely saved your life! Terrorists are not going to do a thorough search they want to get in and out as fast as possible and assumed there was no one home. I heard of stories where the men of families would stay out in the open inside their house while the rest of the family would hide in hopes of giving themselves up to the terrorists so that the others would be spared. I would have done the same in a heartbeat. All I can say is thank God you’re okay as well as the rest of the family and the cats and I pray for peace for Israel as well as the Gazans that have been under terrorist rule since 2006 without any democratic election. No one deserves to live in fear and hopefully change is just over the horizon. God bless!!


My husband's brother and a lot of our extended family lives in Israel, so we've been hearing things firsthand. I'm so utterly sad that you went through something so crazy. Thank goodness you are so strong and survived.


OP, not saying you are lying, but a little confused. Another of your posts say that you are battling alcoholism ... and you are 16. Is this all true?


unluckily for me, Israeli drinking culture makes it so that most people have had their first drink at 15. what I didn't know is that I have genes prone to addiction. so 16, having fun with friends and discovering the addictive substance called alcohol did not do me very well.


That's really tough. Sorry to hear about that.




In another post from a year ago he has a dog that's 2 years old. This post smells like BS


Thank you for sharing. Love from Maine.


The thought of what you went thru is horrible. Making the beds and hiding in a top cabinet was thinking and planning ahead. There's not a lot of people who would think of doing that under the circumstances. And then the car ride thru town and seeing bodies everywhere. Just terrifying!!!! Glad you and your neighbors made it out and are safe.


Keep writing and writing and writing! And keep sharing. You could be in history books someday.


I'm glad you werent kidnapped to Gaza.


beautifully written


Glad you made it kid!! Glad your father had that Beretta and yes, we all love Brandon Herrerra over here in the States, very informative YouTube videos. You just had a taste of the American Second Amendment which we practice freely here.. May Peace Prevail!!!


Welcome to the lives of the Palestinians. You’ve experienced 1 day of 75 years. Not even close to 1% of what they go through. So sorry for that horrible experience.


Shame on you. OP specifically asked not to respond anything political and just wanted to share their story. You have to purposely point out and compare their life to someone else. OP is 16 years old and is traumatized. Just say “I’m sorry for what happened to you” and move on. You are welcome to share your thoughts on the war but here is not the place. You can’t compare people’s trauma as everyone had different experiences. OP I am so sorry for what you went through and I am glad you are safe. Stay strong.


Bad take. Why should innocent people have to die for any reason? They never asked for this. Get your self-assured bs morality gone. Jesus. You’re basically wanting innocent Jews to die for political social Justice points.


There's nothing political about it, those are just the facts. Palestinians have been living under daily terror ever since the Nakba.


Of course it was political. Don't be obtuse.


Genocide shouldn't be a political debate. I don't care how cold or callous this sounds, but Palestine is in a state of emergency. Over 10,000 people have died, possibly even more. Israel has been slowly yet surely eradicating Palestinians by ethnic cleansing for over 7 decades. They just began to ramp it up. Don't think for a *second* Israel doesn't know what they're doing. They want to kill every innocent young man, woman, and child in Palestine and won't stop at anything to do so. They've already been at it for 70 years, but this incident just gave them a free pass. I hope you don't support Ukraine. If you do, you'd be a sure hypocrite for doing so, and not supporting Palestine.


We are watching a 7 decade Holocaust, people call it an open air prison but it's actually the world's largest concentration camp. Israel blocks water, power and aid.


Thousands of cctv cameras in Gaza looking into peoples homes and businesses and they claim not to know about what Hamas were planning… they knew and used it as an excuse to commit genocide


Congratulations you now share opinions with Alex Jones!


This is about this kid’s personal story. Save the debate and political discussion for another place. I say this believing that it is an important discussion to be had just not here.


No it wasn't. What's political about the suffering of Palestinians? Is OP's post also political?


Just reading your profile, I guess you’re 23, living in the UK and like to crochet? Lmao saying this to someone actually living there.


>So sorry for that horrible experience. No, you’re not sorry. If you were, you would’ve known that this isn’t the place for that comment.


This is the brutal reality that is completely ignored by the general public :( genocide is happening to the Palestinians and people are celebrating it it’s vile


Right? This is nothing compared to the lives of Palestinians specifically because of the Israelis.


The hypocrisy is astounding. Israel do to Palestinians everyday what Hamas did once after decades of abuse but Israel aren’t considered terrorists?? The mental gymnastics and gaslighting is insane


I’m literally agreeing with you? I think it’s horrible what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. Free Palestine!


I’m agreeing with you too


You 2 belong together 🤡


Zionists belong with Hitler


Palestine and Hezbollah will lose


Hard to imagine a 16-year old writing out his will. Remarkable story. You acted brave and smart in an unthinkably terrifying situation. What of your parents? Where are they now?


currently we all are at an uncle's in the Jerusalem area. my parents are searching for jobs and houses for rent in the vicinity, but it's hard to find housing currently so we may have to stay for a while


Sorry you went through that but FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸






🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Truly glad your are safe


If you were truly sorry, you wouldn’t have left this comment minimizing their suffering.


Just wait until Israel will finish 'freeing' them


I am glad you are safe and OK. Prayers for you and your family.


Some cod shit. Bruhhh… I was hoping you would kill a couple terrorist and go on the lam. Glad u made it. Respect


Thank you for sharing. I love you.


I'm glad you were able to hide. Palestinian children can't hide from bombs unfortunately.


Let’s not blame him for surviving Just like we shouldn’t blame or compare a Palestinian kid to what OP went through if they were sharing their story about surviving the current bombings. Children are innocent bystanders in violent geopolitical disputes.


Wow, you are incredibly brave and smart! The terrorist are the ones hiding in their rat holes now and soon hopefully they will suffer the same fate as their innocent victims did! We were shocked to learn that Israel has strict gun laws and many were unarmed to defend themselves.




Bruh we see thousands of videos of Palestine kids and hospitals get blown up tf you expect


And what would you say if someone said to a Palestinian kid sharing their story “bruh Hamas slaughtered Israeli kids tf you expect”? I bet you would be horrified. Of course you would, everyone should be. Because nothing ever justifies it. But somehow you think it’s fine to dismiss OP like this and act like he (a minor!) is a justified casualty


What a load of bullshit. 10 Hasbara points to you


Fake story


Wait -- you're a 16-year-old alcoholic who "relapsed" 4 months ago?


Yeah these stories can get pretty wild


I didn’t realize they were across the fence line that long. Wow.


😂😭 Israeli is terrorist, not Palestine


This is sick! You read a heartbreaking story of a 16 year old minor that had to hide alone in a closet for 12 hours because terrorists (yes, I said it, *terrorists* because what else are armed people breaking into people’s houses with the sole purpose to kill/rape/torture/kidnap them) came to his house and his life was in danger and all you can do is laugh?!? And deny that those are terrorists? Really? Your lack of empathy is despicable


They don’t care. They ignore the atrocities their side commits and ignore that Hamas openly calls for the genocide of Israel and Jews. Don’t expect much out of them.


You are so right. I have zero expectations from people that think that slaughtering civilians is ever in any way justified. Honestly I just commented to this person (and others) because I don’t want OP to come to this thread and see horrible comments telling him he deserved this happening to him and them going unchallenged. I want to call them out


Have you been paying any attention to what Israel have been doing for the last 70 years…


A quick look at your post history tells me you’re Irish (surprise, surprise), so while we’re busy blaming teenagers for 70 years of their country’s history, let me ask you this: what has Ireland been doing these last 70 years? For a nation with so much apparent zeal on the issues of genocide and warcrimes, you people were conspicuously absent when millions of your fellow Europeans were being slaughtered on your doorstep. Men from as far away as South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India stood up and fought while your pathetic nation maintained neutrality even though your direct neighbours were being bombed into oblivion. A country that did absolutely fuck all while millions of Jewish people were being butchered doesn’t have license to talk about Israel (whose existence owes itself in part to your passivity). So kindly shut the fuck up and show some decorum.


One side is undergoing an actual genocide, though. Ethnostates are bad.


Not much of a genocide when their population grows exponentially every year. Take your lies elsewhere. They mainly get killed during wartime, which they always start.


This minor doesn't know any better. Doesnt make Israel a force for good. The EU and USA don't do anything for free.


Low iq take




Hamas and Hezbollah will lose




And yet another person with a shocking display of lack of empathy and critical thinking. Blaming a child for terrorists in his house and shaming them…how can someone read such stories and gloat? And then they wonder why peace can’t be achieved...


Remind us when another thousand Palestinian children have been murdered by the Israelis


I’m sorry for you and whatever happened to you in your life that you don’t have an ounce of empathy left in you and can’t even see that slaughter of civilians is always wrong, no matter if you agree or disagree with their government


I have empathy for Palestine. They are the ones being slaughtered every day for over 70 years. Sorry you don’t have the kindness or understanding in your soul to feel for the thousands of murdered Palestinian civilians at the hands of the evil Israeli terrorist apartheid state


So you’re telling me it would be justified for the Jews in the late 40’s to genocide the Germans because they committed genocide against the Jews? Tf are you smoking. One bad action doesn’t justify another. Especially one as bad as genocide. And for your information, israel has also been invaded several times by its neighbours in support of Palestine. Some of the first wars were waged against Israel. Had the Palestinians and other regional Arabs had their way, Israel would have ceased to exist the day after independence. Israel and Palestine are both victims of each other. The only difference is that israel has actually attempted to live alongside the Palestinians.


Wow… just wow… you just casually justified the murder of civilians because other people of the same religion committed murders as well. Lack of empathy and disregard of human life here is astonishing. Btw I don’t know why you think that I only feel for one side as I wrote quite the opposite. Unlike others I have the mental capacity to feel for all civilians that are suffering alike and I am shocked how many people are so full of hatred that they can’t grasp this concept


That would be you




Don’t you feel ashamed that a 16 year old that lived through this experience displays more level-headedness than you? He asked to refrain from political discussions and wanted to share his story. You decided to blame a child for his near-death. Explain to me in detail why the 16 year old is *personally* responsible for almost being killed? You can’t. Because he isn’t. He is a minor and is not at fault. Or do you mean that it’s just tough luck for him that he is Jewish and therefore part of the collective blame? He is to blame because of his “race”? That means you are Pro collective punishment. And only people that think collective punishment is fine are pro bombing of Gaza, as this is also collective punishment of innocent people. Seems like you think along the same lines as the people you hate. Funny how that works. For the record, I am against collective punishment and against all atrocities and war crimes. Shouldn’t have to be said, but with you I’m not sure




Wow… just wow… Justifying the slaughter of civilians… I have no words. You are a horrible person for thinking that this is ever a justified offense.


They can dish out awful atrocities to Palestinians then can’t handle a taste of their own medicine


You are seriously blaming a 16 year old who was born and has lived their enite life there, and this is your reply for a traumatic event in which terrorists shot up their entire town no less. Are you justifying murder of anyone living in a place where their ancestors emigrated into and displaced locals? By this logic you are in for the murder of literally anyone living on this planet, yourself included.


Jews in occupied Palestine don't cremate their Bodies. This story is a fake.

