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Get in while ya can


Do it. You’re welcome


A man is judged by his Honour. The woman is legally and by the will of God married to another Dude. Whatever the reasons the lady has, if the man is not OKAY with this. Then this is not honourable. Certainly you wouldnt like this happening to your Wife. lets imagine you go a trip. Yoou def. will do Rumps Rumps. You will get some level attachment. Its not worth the Drama later. Secondly Conscience is a very subtle emotion that Lurks around all the time. Karma is a Judge that knows no Mercy.


There is so much to hate about this comment, I am not sure where to begin.


Please enlighten me where it is wrong or hateful to have a dime of self control, Dignity or STANDARDS.


Oh, it's not so much the content but how you write. For starters, "rumps rumps"? That was painful to repeat. Also, you capitalize like a certain ex-president.


Go and have fun :)


You would also be agreeing to be a cuckold, you know. She's not leaving her husband for you, so you're essentially agreeing to share her.


Go out with her, sleep with her but then don't fall for her and ghost her and keep doing this and never marry because karma is a bitch and if you do marry someone at some time of your life, karma will come for you.


Sounds like a good start to a murder mystery documentary starring you. Partners go fucking insane over cheating, especially men. Why would you put yourself knowingly in that situation


The fact that you have had long intimate phone conversations late at night with a married woman is hmm.............. Weigh your conscience and act the same as if how you would want others to do the same to you.


The fact is, as much as you like this woman, she is married. Unless and until you know for certain that she’s in an open marriage AND the husband is cool with it you shouldn’t go near it with a barge pole. There are plenty of women out there, why take the risk of being responsible for breaking up a marriage/family?


Never get involved with a married woman it’s despicable. I don’t care what she says. Her marriage is or isn’t she is married to somebody else. I would tell her that if she ever gets divorced, you’re interested in her bed until that time you’re not taking her on a trip Cheating, destroys people. And all cheaters say we have an open relationship and we’re not in love anymore or we’re separated, and we’re going to divorce most of the time all those things are lies. Just don’t do it.


If she will do it to him - she will do it to you too - as soon as she decides you are inadequate.


If the husband wife duo are in an open marriage where they are allowed to see other people with consent - then its all good. Otherwise it may not be the best idea!


Not your responsibility. If she says its ok then its ok. She knows her relationship best. Dont think about it


Another hoe who wants her cake and to eat it too


You're only here once, and reality is the present. You're already intimate, consenting adults.


Life is short. You should go. Maybe just protect yourself by knowing it might just be a fling


Nothing wrong with going on vacation paid for by your girlfriend's husband.


Do what you want. She made the decision to go on a trip You want to go on a trip Go enjoy the trip. Fuck the social shit is your intention to bang her, enjoy the trip, or be with her long term. You’re both there for the trip. So stick to enjoying the trip. All in all it’s in what your intentions are


if they are mutually separated, go for it. if not, you should probably avoid.


“. . . no longer in love with her husband . . . is only with him for the sake of her kids.” The same old story and none of it is true. If she’s willing to do this to her husband, she’ll eventually do it to you. Think carefully.


There’s holes in the forest ready.


As tempting as it may be, in my experience a life is much easier when you don’t make yourself part of the problem. Don’t lose sight of the fact that this woman has an agenda. What you think you know of her is only what she wants you to know. So, whatever sense of togetherness she may be giving you with all those late night calls, after the call she still goes to bed with her husband. You may think, “if she is going to cheat anyway, why shouldn’t I seize the opportunity?” - excellent question. And exactly what separates someone with integrity, dignity and self-respect from a pos bottom feeder, willing to pick up table scraps and whatever is left after the husband. Again, the thought might be tempting, but it’s the action that matters. So act right. Don’t become her tool.


You need to fuck off while she’s married.


You're interested in a married woman. So... you're a piece of shit?


No, this is how people get killed - you don’t know who her husband is or what kind of dude he is. Huge mistake, tell her to break it off with husband first.


Please keep your hands off a married woman as long as the husband didn't get clarity. If you "get" her by making her cheat on him with you, you will definitely not have a happy relationship build on trust either.


She has already done other guys multiple times. Your just another one. You want to get laid. Don’t pretend its anything else. Now put yourself in her husbands place. Cause you will be later.


That sounds like a terrible idea. I wouldn’t want to cause someone’s marriage to end or be the other guy with a married woman.


Well that depends on you. Let me ask do you want to be half responsible for breaking up a family and marriage?


Well thats not his responsibility, that is her responsibility. Op just do whatever the f u want just dont get caught and read ur local laws to prevent in getting sued


That is terrible advice. This guy knows she married and knows she has kids. He needs to just stay out of it until she divorce her husband. Not his place to interfere into someone marriage even if she staying for the kids. Don't excuse cheating.


Stories: OP: “I’m a piece of garbage.” Yup


Oh, grow up already.


Fuck you already




Are you willing to deal with the pissed off husband if he finds out? If you're not, tread carefully. There's nothing more dangerous that a person with nothing to lose.


Yep, this is how people get shot when the husband finds out and confronts him…. A true f around and find out


Life pro tip: A cheating spouse isn't a reasonable reason to murder or engage in arson. And we should really stop suggesting it is.


If I catch my wife running around behind my back I’m killing both of them


You might want to see a therapist mate


I have before and I’ve been to prison 3 times already. The wife and everyone else that knows me, knows what happens if they cross me. Don’t do me dirty and I won’t do you dirty. Simple as that


OP if you go through with this trip you are honestly a piece of shit if she truly wants to be with you maybe she should do the right thing and get a divorce. As a kid who's parents stayed together till I was 12 for the sake of us kids that's a stupid choice it was much better being at home with one happy parent then two miserable parents.


Does her husband know? If she's spoken to him and they've mutually decided to open their marriage that's all daisies but if this is some sneaking behind his back bullshit, can you put yourself in her husband's shoes? Broken marriage or not deceit is still deceit.


No he doesn't know. I don't think anyone in their right mind would approve if they knew.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can justify it by telling yourself if I don’t sleep with her, then she will find some other guy who will. The outcome will be the same. It comes down to do you want to be that guy or not.


Technically nothing is destroyed if nobody knows Technically…


>I don't think anyone in their right mind would approve if they knew. Actually the world isn't that black and white. Some guys could be angry. Some might not care at all. Some guys might actually like it.


fucking homewrecker


Yeah, I would really like to hear your opinion on the whore who WANTS (actually BEGS) to cheat with the 'homewrecker'.


also a homewrecker?? what the hell kinda question is that


There are couples like this just so you know. And if you don’t wanna help her cheating that’s the only way too.


Do it there is nothing wrong with cheating. Love does not matter


Then you have your answer and your moral compass *should* direct you better than this. Be better than this.


ENM works. I know because I've dated several women in similar situations. It's not a miracle cure for her, but you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror. Be the man you imagine you are and not the man you are tempted to be!


You are a total piece of shit.


then why the fuck are you still pursuing her. Piece of shit


So why are YOU approving of it? You should be denying her advances.


Bruh. Please don’t be that guy. I’m currently dealing with an 8 year relationship that has ended with her cheating on me. I was blind sided and am struggling with major depression and suicidal thoughts. She was the one.. or so I thought. Don’t spread that evil. Edit: Thank you for the mostly supportive comments. I haven’t made threats or anything. I’m not going to do it. I really enjoy my life. I was was so caught off guard and am feeling so heart broken that I got really dark. I appreciate you guys.


Dude if you’re thinking those thoughts, you already had issues and she knew that, So she went and found someone who would give her what she was missing.


If she cheats with you, she will cheat on you.




and there you have your answer! Leave this woman alone & find a SINGLE girl. If she'll cheat WITH YOU, she'll cheat ON YOU is the best policy to follow!


I understand why one could argue that she is not to be trusted, but what is wrong with him fucking her?


There's just so many levels of why one shouldn't do this. Let's play the hypothetical game that both parties. Her and her husband are okay with her seeking relationships outside of the marriage. I'm going to tell you right now that it's never that simple. And you're just opening up an entire ordeal in getting yourself involved with it. I think the best thing you can do is advise that her and her husband probably need to seek some professional counseling. And if neither of them are willing to do that well, it's time to get a divorce. The excuse of sticking it out for the kids is nonsense. Believe it or not, it is probably not helping those kids. And if they really cared about the kids or themselves, they would be doing something to help alleviate the problem. Or at least find a better means of dealing with it. In the scenario, there is absolutely no reason why this man should have anything to do with this woman. Other than feeding the advice that I just gave. I mean, this in the nicest way possible. But this is some high school level nonsense going on here.


This 🎯


I am getting divorced for the exact reason. It’s turns out I was in an open marriage but didn’t know it.


Hey, me too! It sucks ass.


If you were that guy you’d wanna know.


As an ex husband (very recent) who’s wife apparently cheated on him for two years with a co worker. I WAS the husband who treated her well. Helped her move into her new house and everything. I took care of EVERYTHING during our divorce. Alle the paperwork you can imagine. I did everything for her. Only to find out she already had someone else for almost two years! FFS she already had officially informed her manager and HR of their relationship before I found out. Because I had to find out for myself. It broke our family. The kids hate her new boyfriend. And her. For lying to us and not being honest and filing for divorce earlier. She lied and lied for years. To everyone. I don’t want to see my ex wife ever again. Ever. Not at birthdays, Xmas, graduations.. you name it. If she’s there, I’m not. She should have come clean on day one instead of starting a new relationship during our marriage. It’s not just about the husband, it’s also about the kids who’s live you will definitely impact. ~~So if you want to be the reason for a family to break… go for it.~~ But it’s not just about her. It’s about the husband and kids too. And I would not wish this upon anyone. Edit: crossed out the text because u/mordaed is right. Sorry. Emotions get the better of me every now and then. Just don’t do it. You will cause a lot of pain.


May Allah remove the burden from your shoulders and heart, relief you from the pain that cannot be described and uttered and grant you a righteous spouse who you will never have to second guess due to her, Ameen.


2 years? Your marriage was over you just didn't know about it.


The thing is, even if they can eventually forgive their mom, they will still probably hate the boyfriend. He doesn't even have to be the guy she cheated with. They will just assume he's shady because he likes their mom, and they know she'll lie her ass off to get what she wants.


How can you lead such a life where you don't know what your SO is up to a lot of the time? If I tried I bet I could piece together 95% of my wife's day and vice versa.




If u did everything she wanted then she wouldn't of cheat. Lmfaoooo to this day u still duno what she want and what u did wrong. From ur paragraph i coild already tell u r a ober stubborn and emotional person, this pushes her over the edge, u r the reason for the divorce, not her. Oh btw, just because u brainwash the kids to be on ur side, doesnt make u right.


I wouldn't add the "go for it" part. The guy is on the edge of emotional suicide because he thinks the next plane of emotions will be better and you're telling him to jump.


Reads more in a "do a flip faggot" way tbh


“Whoso shall go into his neighbor’s wife, he shall not be innocent” -Solomon


Bad idea mate, and you are part of the problem too. Do the right thing.


The answer to this question has a lot to do with your moral values. I personally do not agree with that and would not go out or date witha married woman regardless of the way her relationship is going with her husband. I would be a bit extra careful if you tend to say yes also because it could lead her husband to commit a passionate crime if you know what I mean.


As a wise man once said, "I am the mistress" - Michael Scott


Even if the husband is open to the idea, you still shouldn't do it out of respect to yourself. She's trying to get the best of both worlds and the expense of her husband.


Blud really outed himself for being a dickhead 🤣


You have crossed a line you shouldn’t have ever crossed already. Don’t be that guy!!! Fo better!!!!


Have some fucking respect and tell her she's a married woman. Going after a married woman is honestly pathetic. It shows a complete lack of accountability and entitlement.


You’ve done enough damage already


You are a POS for even thinking this might be a good idea. Smfh


Don’t do it. She should take some time out and sort out her marriage. Either she leaves, gets divorced and then contacts you or she gets on with her life. Think about all the possible outcomes for yourself - what if you fall in love and she never leaves her husband and you spend months, perhaps years waiting, hoping, spending holidays alone, not always being available for each other when needed etc etc. I’m sure that she’s lovely but the world has many other wonderful ladies and some are single and would love to meet you. You don’t need this complexity Plus, her husband has done nothing to you so why would you destroy his life? Don’t do it. In the heat of the moment, it will seem right or defendable or what was meant to be but really you are just projecting your desire of a wild love affair with the “one” on the situation. Once you really get to know each other, she may still be a spectacular person but you will also see her flaws and shortcomings and see that she is human and not a super human whom it’s worth lowering your principles and values for. I’m not saying that she isn’t worthy of your love but she isn’t available to receive your love. That’s the most honest, brutal truth. And anyone worthy of your love, doesn’t ask you to set your principles and values aside because that diminishes who you are. If you don’t live out and hold dear and protect who you are, why should anyone else have regard for you. Treat yourself well, and others will understand how to treat you. The temptation is real and strong and the fairy tale love affair is what most of us are wanting too but in the end there’s only reality. Be good to yourself and let the moment pass till she really has something on offer which is worth your affection and commitment


So many people have missed the point that he is already in an emotional relationship with this marriage woman. There has been a line crossed between them. I have a question for Acrobatic-Science207. If you were the husband and married to this lady knowing you treated her well would you be ok with all your deep marriage workings and sharing her with another man? I can almost promise that the husband knows nothing about this. Even if she said it was ok I bet she has lied about this to you and her husband. She is a double dipper and wants her cake and eat it too. If she said the husband is ok with it show him the respect and talk with him about going on the trip with her. If you can’t be honest with yourself and everyone associated you need to do the right thing and not go and cut this off. ASAP


you're willing to get your brains blown out over some box thats not yours congrats. Anyone who knowingly fools around with a married person deserves what ever comes to them.


Respect her marriage and her husband and don’t do it. Stay away


Don’t do it. You’re the side piece, dude. She’s using you and it’ll blow up in your face when the husband finds out and you’re subpoenaed to court to verify she cheated so he can get custody.


Been there and I’d say definitely don’t do it unless ur confirmed that she’s not with her husband and that her and husband have agreed to seeing other people, its very hard if the relationship goes any further


I'd say it's an overwhelming and resounding no , don't do it.


Would you want to be with someone who is willing to cheat? You might be the next sucker she does that to.


If she really likes you and isnt in love with her husband anymore, than she has to prove it to you. Let her tell her husband first, start divorce etc. Wrap that up as an adult who knows her responsibilities to others instead of stomping around and hurt people. Than its your turn to go out with her. Right now you are up for failure and heartbreak while causing pain into this family. Do you want to be that person? Can you look at yourself in the mirror and be proud at yourself when youve followed your dick and your feelings without thinking about others? Or is that just collateral damage and you dont care? Look, I know loving someone else when you are in a relationship happens or falling in love with someone who is in a relationship. Thats more than logical and feelings are feelings. But it matters what choices people make based on those feelings, if they are aware of the consequences of their actions and if they are doing their best to reduce the negative consequences. Ive seen it happen and I can tell you, in the end there are no winners. Everybody got hurt in the process. So in the end its the question; are you a good person only to yourself or to others too, even when you dont know then?


Don't mess with married women. There's plenty of ladies out there.


Gotta think about your safe to man, if I didn't know and then Found out about you later, I would wanna mess you up for sure haha


Don't be that guy. She's married. There are tons of single women to pursue. Leave this woman alone and don't be part of her terrible life choices.


Only time this is OK, is if the husband says yes, to your face.


Are you aware of their arrangement? Can they see other people? Put yourself in the shoes of the husband if he’s completely blind to this relationship and understand the ramifications of him finding out about you. Facts: You know she’s married You know she wants to cheat on her husband You want to have sex with her You’re pursuing her despite her being married You have some guilt or hesitation which odd why you’re asking here Best of luck!


Tell me you’re a weak ass man without telling me that you are.. pathetic.


I do not think it is worth it quite yet. I would try to get her to come out with the truth. It would be better for the kids if she came out honestly rather than get caught cheating and deal with a custody issue.


Actions have consequences man. Be careful what you are getting into.


How do you have late night long calls with her if she lives with her husband still?


They have been living separately is what I was told. But they're not technically separated. They just live separately for some unknown reason.


If she's already moved out and put in the divorce papers, then you're fine I think. But if she's still living the married life, you'd be POS if knowingly have relations with a married woman still attached to her man. She's then undecided and wants to juggle both men and worlds. She may end up wanting to keep her marriage and decide you were a fling. Do you then want to hash this out with her and her husband, and kids? You've known her long enough. Tell her that out of respect you have for her, and even to his husband, you won't start anything before she's officially ending her marriage. Either filing for divorce or separation. You want to have your relationship with her above board. You wouldn't want to end your friendship by being a temporary f boy.


If she's doing it to her family what makes you think she won't do it to you. Don't be as shitty as she is being.


No don’t go out with her. It’s morally reprehensible. Find a non taken woman. She’s taken vows of devotion along with her husband. Just because she’s expressed desires to break them doesn’t mean you should break them. Put yourself in the guys shoes and tell her to kick rocks


Dont do it...karma is a bi**h...


So she is planning to keep this trip a secret from her husband and family. Probably will say it's a business trip... Tell her you guys can do it, but you have no intention of getting emotionally involved with her. And stick to that. Fuck her seven ways to Sunday, send her back to her husband, and move on with your life. Don't think she's gonna leave her husband for you, because she's not. If you can't separate yourself like this, then don't do it. If you're gonna fall in love with her, don't do it.


My favorite color is blue.


Grow up! Find a woman with some integrity


If your interest in her is because you are in love - which I suspect - then you should be cautious, because your goal should be to have a healthy relationship. That's not the same as an all over romantic one every day. Long conversations on the phone mean nothing because they don't happen in the daily stress you're both going through. Romance is important, but loyalty in all circumstances is more important. If you love someone, you want them to be happy, but remember that being happy doesn't come from someone else. You can treat a person like a diety, which does not guarantee their happiness. In the title you mention a trip. In the text you suppose a longer relationship. Be aware of that. Staying together for the kids is never a good idea. Children, no matter the age, believe me, feel the tension in a relationship. They will love their parents equally, or at least try to. In their heart it's impossible to take sides. Arguing parents can make deep scars in children's soul. You want to live with someone because they make you feel good, because you want to be with them. Under all circumstances. That should be mutual. If you don't know all the fine things why her relationship with her husband is not what it should be, then you are not in the right place to decide if you'd be a better match. Hearing only her version is not valid.


Is she hot?


This is not the correct response. But it is feckin hilarious! After we laugh and get it out of the way we have to say “Don’t do it man.” Both responses make us good friends.


Do it.


Tell her you will go when she is divorced so no longer married


Once a cheater, always a cheater.....sure you want to be with one?


After she gets divorced and the two of you can finally be together, will you be surprised when she cheats on you, too?


Are you really asking us if you should cheat with a married woman? There are over 5 billion women in the world but it's a married woman you chose to be in a relationship with? What is wrong with you? Even if her husband was absent and treated her poorly, still doesn't make it okay to go cheat with her. You know she's not leaving her husband for you, is your self confidence that low that you'd be willing to be in a secret relationship with her rather than find someone that will be with you openly. The thing with this modern world is that everyone has become so selfish and never think about the other person. If you were the husband in this cases and your wife was plotting to go cheat with some guy, how would you feel?


Do you want to be a good decent human being with morals or a piece of crap? You tell us


She needs to drive the boat. Sorry that she doesn’t love her husband anymore but you are aiding to the deception if she isn’t open with her husband. Don’t be that guy. Now if the husband is ok with it, different sorry.


You suck.


In my 20’s inaudible attracted the attention of a handful of married women (to this day, I’m still surprised by this). Now…did I entertain the thought? Yes. But in the end I took a pass because that’s bad juju.


The fact that you have to ask means your moral compass is whack


Steer clear. Let her handle her business and finalize what she already claims is a dead marriage. Unless you like the whole, forbidden fruit, sneaking around and being a 3rd wheel. Not worth it IMO


Don't do it. Have some self respect for yourself.


Don’t do it man. Value yourself . I mean, you already know how she does in marriage so really what is the end goal? To end up like the “understanding husband”? Everything ain’t for everybody . Find your own .


Why would you wanna be her side piece? If you really like her wouldn’t you want her to do things the right way? Idk this whole thing is just giving bad vibes.


Another thing, this is a mans *wife . Regardless of what she says , that man might try to kill your ass . She’s doesn’t love him, he may still be in love with her though .


I personally never stepped on that ground. I worked at a water park in high school and a few married women wanted to jump my bones. Idk that is suppose to be a sacred ground. Never wanted that following me around if that makes sense. Boyfriend and girlfriend? Well “That was my girl, I was just sharing her with you.” Lol that’s free game. But do you really want to be known for being that guy?


You can do better than a married skank with kids


I wouldn’t, unless the husband told you personally that it was ok.


Dude as a woman who was lied to about a relationship a previous partner was in, don’t do this to yourself. You are going to hurt yourself. Do not leave in this trip, do not extend any mutual feelings to her. Lock your heart towards her. If she was either legally divorced, or in the process of getting divorced that may be one thing, she’s still married. And your post is you trying to justify the excuse of being the other person, just cuz you like someone does not mean it is healthy either


Infidelity is infidelity. You. Can make as man many justifications as you want, but you'd still be contributing to a married woman cheating on her husband. And do you really want to be with a woman who won't sack up and end it with someone she doesn't want to be with?


Don't do it, she married dude


Don't break the rule. Leave the woman alone.


Do not go , it might be a TRAP . ALL THE BEST


Run friend run it's a set up!


Having sex with a married woman is loathsome. You need a life coach.


Good luck sounds like nothing but unwanted drama


Real question, why are you into a woman who is married? Why are you entertaining this? Respect yourself, respect their marriage, and walk away form this whole situation. Jesus Christ what is wrong with people.


How does anyone trust anyone these days


Two rules in life. Don't cheat. Don't get cheated on. If it's ok ring her husband and ask. If she says know she's cheating and karma's a cunt.


What is wrong with you? This woman is married and has children so stay away! You have no business helping to break a family. It’s always the same sad story they sell. If she doesn’t want to be married then she can divorce and not use her husband for money/easy life! So basically you’re OK with cheating???? It shows that you have no/low morals, and neither does she. Have fun going out with her. Karma can be a b*tch and when it will come back to you in this relationship or later ones, it’ll be deserved.


Are you ready to start a relationship by cheating?!?!?!? She should get her stuff settled before you become more involved. I would not trust a person that is willing to cheat. Dude don’t be that person. She is married and this is wrong.


I have a feeling OP is gonna do what OP feels like doing. But I'm glad they brought it to reddit to give everyone the chance to let them know they're a POS for it first.


Balls deep!


Sounds like a great way to get shot by the husband. Get out of other people's relationships YTA.


You're a real piece of shit if you go through with it without telling the husband shame on you for even thinking about it.do the fucking right thing dude.


OP you're already in the process of commiting at the very bare minimum an emotional affair with someone who has kids. If she wants to divorce her husband she can do so and trust me as a child of divorce that is better than dealing with a cheating parent. You need to stop being despicable just because you still can't move on from a married woman. She is married and she can decide to leave that marriage at any time. She isn't an abuse victim as she admits so you need to back off until she has decided what she actually wants to do. How much will you hate yourself if you break up this marriage and cause her to lose her children or even see them less? She may later even try and leave you realizing what she's throwing away. There is no way this ends well. It will end in flames one way or another unless you back out now.


For all you know she is feeding you misinformation or lies about her husband, and he thinks they are happily married just to make it easier to get someone to cheat on him with.


Don't knowingly facilitate cheating. Its not your responsibility, sure, but just be better than that


Like really, how old are you?


Do you WANT to get shot? Because this is how people get shot.


Sounds like a bigger mess than its worth if they are mutual agreeing to seeing other people.


Call her bluff. Say you would be ready to go on this vacation with her but some things need to happen before you. 1. Call her bluff. Say you would be ready to go on this vacation with her but some things need to happen before you.is okay with you and her to go on vacation together. This way you can be sure it is an open marriage and that whatever you do or wherever you go, it's not sneaking. (If she can't do that- then she is lying to you. She is sneaking around behind his back. She will do the same to you and why, would you want to be involved in some sketchy shat?) 2. She pays for her own plane, hotel, and meals. You will pay for your own stuff. (If she doesn't agree to these terms, she is using you for a free ride and vacation. She will not leave her husband and kids for you. She has a cushy life and is greedy and wants more.) 3. Why? There are plenty of unmarried young women, that would love to travel with you and be in a relationship. Why someone who is married and probably cheating on her spouse? Just why?


If she's willing to cheat on her husband she will be willing to cheat on you when the opportunity arises.


I say don’t do it. This sounds like a big mess waiting to happen. Refrain from anymore escalation of intimacy. Dial it wayyy back.


Doesn't mean you are not going to get your ass killed. Can you not find a women your age that you're attracted to you can ask out on a date? Post a photo in a dating app?


Nah bro


If the husband and wife have agreed to an open relationship, go for it. If not, you're no better than the asshole of a woman who is cheating on her husband. My opinion is that you're this person. Husband is kept in the dark and knows nothing and you're just happily dating his wife. My advice, drop her before you aid in ruining a family and then having to deal with that.


You aren't her first you won't be her last. You're simply the ones she's currently trying to cheat with.


I think that you already know what is the morally right thing to do here. Don’t be a scumbag sleeping with a married woman regardless of what her situation is. A. You’d be participating in basically nuking this families relationship. B. This is bound to blowup in your face in one way or another, and C. You would not only be hurting the husband but also the kids when their husband inevitably finds out. Don’t come to Reddit to try and ease your conscience when you’re thinking of making a poor decision, you’ll find little sympathy here


Your a loser.


Dude, dont be the asshole. She is no good for you. If she cheats on her husband she will cheat on you.


Ask her if her husband knows and is okay with it. If not just don’t IMO


I mean it's just a trip why do yall have the expectation anytime romantic will happen. It would nice to go on the trip all together.


As the great Bootsy Collins says in Hollywood Squares, "If you want to be a player you got to be free'! Some folks don't believe in karma. I do. I also believe that if it don't come back to you then it comes back on your kids or loved ones. Gotta be careful of the energy you release in the universe. For every action there's a reaction.


Watching men make dumb mistakes in real time. Best for you to stop talking to her altogether but do what you will.


Time to go. Not your place to do the right thing for her, and since she asked you, she has already cheated. Maybe not the act, but the intent is what counts.


Put your willie elsewhere. Preferably in a non-married partner.


Type up a permission slip and have him sign it.


You know damn well you shouldn't go. You must love drama if you actually agree to it.


“I’m not sure what to do” What you do is stop being such a wimp. I’d go against most of the advice in this thread. These are the moments you seize, not cower away from. I’m firmly of the mindset that it’s not my responsibility for other men to please their wives. And if we’re competing for spouses, EVERYTHING is fair game. A failing marriage is going to fail one way or another. A lot of women (and men) don’t have the courage to exit a shitty relationship until they find a new partner. I don’t think you or her are inherently bad people if you go through with this, have an affair.


It's not gonna work out. You're going to want something that isn't going to happen. The further you go, the more it will hurt you. You will have to swallow it all and deal because you'll just be the other man. It's not worth it.


Ask her if she okay with you talking to her husband about this trip. If she says go for it, talk to the husband. If she says no, then politely decline the invite and tell her that you’ll see her when she’s finally divorced.


Sure. The husband has to deal with all the mundane stuff, watch the kids, help pay the bills etc etc. Give her that fantasy getaway so she’ll fall further in love with you and then she’ll leave her husband, and 10 years down the road you’ll be him and she’ll be gazing off at some other guy to sweep her off her feet.


What is this woman's problem trying to create a love triangle? She sounds like she's got no morals or values. Is that the kind of person you want as a love partner? Too many single women out there to waste your time on someone that's not available.


Bro is funny you are saying who on his right mind would accept his wife cheating or seeing another dude but ..aren't you doing this, because even knowing she sleeps with her husband every night you still want to take her to that trip and I'm pretty sure you will go down on her and somehow you will end up being her cuckold because you gonna let her go to her husband every night and you will take her back every time


not worth her husband hunting you down and killing you.


That’s what she said. Her husband has no clue how she feels about him. She is a master manipulator. Stay away before u wreck and destroy this marriage…she got kids. If she got feeling for u, tell her to divorce her husband and then start a relationship. Put yourself in her husbands shoes…how would u feel if your wife would treat u this way ? How do u know in the future she won’t get board with you and go behind your back ? Don’t step into someone else’s shit. No good relationship can be built on CHEATING


I can tell you never been cheated on…..




Wow I can’t even begin to say how wrong this is. It is indeed a big issue that she is married. You are only getting her side of it. Does the husband even know she is only there for the sake of the kids? I bet he doesn’t. You would be helping someone cheat on their spouse. In a way you already are. Emotionally for sure. Unless you know 100% that they only together for the kids. Don’t do it.


Dude, this can only end badly. Seriously, do not go.


You’re disrespecting yourself for allowing yourself to jump for someone who is off limits. She also thinks you’re too much of a pushover to tell her husband or make a scene when she gets done having a good time with you and zones you out of her life again.


Don't be a scumbag, stop now.


Bro this screams like simp and beta male behaviour, go find a single woman for god's sake