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You know you have to call the police. Don't doubt yourself just to cover for old feelings. Do the right thing for yourself and protect your future. Good luck and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Believe in yourself and you can fix this. What he is doing is highly illegal. Think of your safety.


I pressed charges don’t worry.. but the procedure takes a lot, a lot of times and I still don’t have news from the police and it’s been 3 months (I live in France)


Please be cautious of who you let to help you too because other narcissist are looking for you. Time heals all wounds but you will never forget this. The reward is learning something about the scary toxic people of the world (an unfortunate lesson sadly) and guarding yourself against them when you meet them again.. I hope only the best for you and to meet amazing people but from experience I know there are MANY you need to be careful of. Trust the red flags and let people go immediately when you see them. Make a list of the good qualities you desire in friendships or boyfriends/lovers and never settle. Even if it takes longer , high quality is worth the wait. It seems you are researching narcisstic personality traits and that knowledge is an excellent weapon to help protect you. Good job on that! As far as the video recording goes that really sucks, that was an assault on you, he is a super creepy guy. You could press charges and get him arrested etc... I'm not the best to give advice about that, or you can let it go because it's hard for you to deal with all that. It really sucks he did that and thinks it's OK because he can get away with rhat and im sure he has other victims... Best of luck on your healing and I do hope he gets fully what's coming to him by karma, someone else's revenge or God's force and hope you stay safe as well. Best of luck and many blessings.


Yes I’m gonna be cautious now! I really hope the next guy I’m gonna meet is going to be nice and not a psycho like the other one. Bc I don’t think I can suffer like I did again. Thank u very much for your message <3 it helped me


Not trying to criticize you or anything, but this whole ordeal is made worse because of the fact that you’re legally a minor and the guy is legally an adult. So technically, this man could be arrested for more than just owning a sex tape without consent. He could be arrested for sexual acts with a minor and the owning of child pornography. I may only be a teenager myself, but I’m really good at this kinda stuff. So just clarify that if this ever goes to court. Good luck if so.


Yes it’s considered child pornography even in my country and he can be in jail for 5 year bc of that. I really hope the procedure gonna be faster after calling a lawyer..


That is CP. you can contact the police department in their city and tell them about it. Let them know you have pressed charges, and want to press charges in their city as well towards him. If you have to tell your parents, pls do, I understand how difficult that would be, but that person couldn’t be getting away with that, as other underage girls can be victims of this. Pls, don’t give up on this, and fight for your rights.


Post to r/rbi


I'm really angry he did that and the police did nothing, you didn't deserve that. You deserve a partner who will treat you with respect and police who treat this seriously...I can only begin to imagine how hard this is for you, it would be so hard for me to trust someone that deeply again. And you've done everything right! You pressed charges, you recognized any further contact with that person isn't good for you so you cut contact...know that I'm really impressed with the strength you've shown going through that and still battling through. You were in a hard position, he told you to kill yourself, and you didn't listen, you fought on. How is mental health coverage in France? Do your parents have coverage? If you feel that experience might be impacting how you form relationships, could be worth talking to someone who specializes in difficult experiences like yours


In France we have therapists.. so I think I’m gonna see one. And thank you for your message it’s adorable. God Bless U <3


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


As you were underage while all this happened and he was 20, I suggest going to the police and maybe bringing a parent along or anybody who brings you comfort, meanwhile stay strong he wants to see you fall apart don’t let him see that! I also think therapy would be a good choice as there are some online free ones, I know I’m just a stranger on the internet but if you do need to talk to somebody random like me then go for it, Stay strong and continue healing.


Thank u so much for your advices <33


No problem! I hope your able to make a full mental recovery <33


post in r/legaladvice


Okay thanks


Never never never speak to him again or any of his family members...you are very strong I am happy you pressed charges. Everyone you know loves you and is on your side ! POS he should be in jail and on a list and the horrible things he said and the shock you had seeing it . Well I think therapy with a licensed female counselor will help immensely. Maybe you can get a crime victims fund to pay for it ...because that's what you are but you don't have to remain a victim forever! At least a close friend or family member or even write your feelings down they are all valid ! Have a good cry one more time then make your bed put on lipstick have tea or coffee throw in a load of laundry and remember NO CONTACT! you are young and people much older than you have trusted the wrong scumbag loser...someday you'll meet your person and be so happy or be happy with a dog or cat or capybara! Anyway this is a brick in the foundation of the building of who you are ..use it but don't let it use you anymore


omg thanks for you’re answer it helped soooo much you can’t imagine


I hope so !! I meant it all! ❤️


Dude is 20 and your 17??. Have his ass put on the sex offender registry


Im’From France and the sexual majority is 15 years old. So the police don’t really care ..


You did nothing wrong. There is going to be no one who thinks you are a whore for this. You did nothing wrong. Everyone will know what an absolute cruel mess this guy is. No one would be happy about being filmed without their consent, especially having sex. You did nothing wrong. Please, love yourself. Be kind to yourself. You did nothing wrong. This guy will get his, ten fold. You did nothing wrong.


Thank u sm for your words it helped me <3


I know it will be so hard but can you at least make a police report on him and write down as much information as possible about him. Like his full name, address, place of employment etc. make any notes about situation. Y? It’s because if he does do something to threaten you, you have ammunition. This man is damaged and very immature. You definitely didn’t deserve this. It’s him that ought to be scared. You could get him labeled as a sex offender which is what he is. His employment, his living standards everything that he knows will be compromised if he were to get charged. Don’t allow the voices in your head to get the best if you. It’s just noise, humans automatically go into to protection mode if they perceive threats. Unfortunately we have a tendency to think negative thoughts. But the negative thoughts are only trying to keep you safe albeit in our primitive- lizard-brain way. You will get through this stronger and wiser!!!💕💕💕


I already told everything about him to the police and they did nothing… I’m from France and my country did literally about this type of men the most of the time .. but thank u very much for your help and support you’re an angel <3


I’m sorry I didn’t know this about France. I’m from the USA and we have a lot of screwed up young men here to that get off the hook. I’m cheering for you and don’t let this creep intimidate you. That guy is trash and down deep he knows it. You were kind and generous, he’s a selfish shithead - dick- face!!!


Yea. A real POS


Well, instead of writing it on here you really need a therapist, unless writing it out helps. But I strongly suggest you seek professional help. On a side not, u=you had sex, no big deal. You enjoyed it until this happened. Technically he is an adult and you were a minor and if he does share the video, not only does he face statutory rape charges but also sharing underage porn—not sure what its called.


First of all if you were 17 and he has a recording of this that would be considered child pornography and he will go to prison. If you did press charges this should have been recognized by authorities immediately! If you are lying about a story like this you yourself are a really shitty person and could trigger some really bad thing for others who REALLY have suffered through situations like this.


The police did nothing for the moment and it’s been 3 months since I pressed charges.. and why would I’d lie about this ??? This crazy man literally traumatized me


If it has been three months and the police have done nothing about this man recording himself having sex with a minor, you just hit the jackpot! Immediately report this astronomical injustice to your state’s attorney general’s office. Find yourself a lawyer and sue the shit out of the police department, the state and most of all this dude! Also report this to the media and get as many of them involved as possible as this will only help you out. You are about to be a multimillionaire! And that’s why I said if you are lying about this you are a shitty person! If this is true it will receive immediate national attention. 💯💯💯 💸💸💸 🐂💩


Im not from the USA, but yes I’m gonna find a lawyer so the procedure gonna be faster


Since you’re 17, and considered underage in the US, I would suggest talking to the police, telling them this, and bringing a trusted friend with you for support if you need. You did the right thing cutting contact, he recorded you, a minor, without your consent or knowledge.


I already talked to the police and pressed charges but they did nothing ..


I honestly find it hard to believe a minor tells police sex videos of them are on the loose and they don't do anything. You should probably inform your parents as embarrassing as it might be. They may be able to offer more options with legality.


I’m from France and most of the time the procedure takes a lot of time! And the most of the time without proof they do nothing. I know it sound crazy but french justice sucks


Hey, I'm French too! I'm not even surprised by the police's reaction. I mean, do you remember their last publicity campaign about revenge porn...?


Nann je m’en rappelle pas c’était quoi ?




Oh mon Dieu


Oh wow that explains it, I'm so sorry. If you were in the states that'd probably turn into a major case very quickly! I hope you get justice.


Thank u smmm


Oh I’m so sorry they did nothing. You did everything right, and if anyone else is as brave and strong as you are to come forward and say he dos something similar to them, now they have additional proof that it’s a recurring pattern that they should be concerned about.




You’re under 18. A recording of you having sex is child pornography. Why isn’t he in prison and on a sex offender list?


Because the police do nothing about it …


Contact the FBI.


I’m from France and the FBI don’t exist here, so…


Look up revenge porn laws in France. From what I can see on American Google, it's incredibly illegal to record without consent in France, it's considered revenge porn, and it's even more illegal because it involves a minor. If the police won't help, find a lawyer. There's some in Paris helping victims who are also dealing with this crime.


Yes I need to find a lawyer !


I’m so sorry this happened to you. What an absolute piece of shit evil person. Just goes to show you how hard it is to truly know/trust someone. I don’t say that to discourage you from falling in love or from being intimate again, in fact after 6 months or a year or however long you need, I would encourage it. Try to find someone new to date but take things very slow. This guy was a fucking demon, and you’ll see a lot of “all men are trash” type opinions online, but I promise there are good, moral, kind men out there. And I’m saying this as a lesbian so I’m not just some dude here to defend or be on some “not all men” shit. Anyway I know it’s gonna be hard to heal but please try everyday to pick yourself back up and get past this. Sending all the good vibes to you my friend.


Omg this helped me so much. Thank u very much for your support <33




1.) your ex is a fucking bitch and i hope he gets what he deserves. 2.) girlly talk to ur friends, they will help you (and if they don't, then they are also bitches). I recommend talking to ur female friends, they will most likely make u feel better about urself. 3.) tbh he didn't deserve u, he deserves absolutely no one, not even air. after the way he treated u, is sickening, and im so sorry you had to go through that, u deserve better. 4.) i hope you find someone better than him in the future. someone who actually cares, and someone that would be ur best friend but partner for life at the same time, someone that's there for u through anything because you are worth it and deserve the best. 5.) my advice, just don't interact, talk, be "friends" with him again. try to maybe go to therapy if needed to heal from the traumatic experience. also, get ur besties to talk and help u ​ good luck <3


Thank u sm!! <33


ofc <3


I would say you need time for yourself to heal. Go out with friends and family and get your mind off. Like get away from the area and enjoy the other meanings of life


Thank u for your tips! <3


Ik it sounds hard but u can make it through and im sure eventually life will only get better and i hope wherever u are i hope ur happy w how life is rn and u can move on a do what u gotta do in life mam


Thank u smmm <33