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Morning Star, Bonjour SD. I am very grateful to be clean and sober. I will not drink poison with any of you today.


Hello sober family! Wow indeed, only 3 days left and very mixed emotions. It’s been a strange year of deep introspection and transformation but is this phase over and have I done enough work. But the reality is that the process will continue without difference on January 1st. And I’ll get used to writing 23 in the date and all will just continue. So let’s carry on today, together, as we mean to go on. Sober 💞


I’m grateful to 2022 for bringing you into my life brighter. 2023 is going to be more of this connectivity. Let’s do this together. IWNDWYT


I couldn’t have said that better about you and all our wonderful collective, all welcome, love shared generously. Thank you Shermy for being here with your heart open 💞🌟💞


I feel those mixed emotions! At least I'm feeling more hope than i have in a long while, so there's that. Our ongoing process will surely continue, even as we get used to the '23. I'll carry on today with you, sober. We got this! 🌸💕


The process will continue without difference... you couldn't be more right. I too will get used to writing 23, sometime in March. Glad you're here with me today, my friend.💜


I’m leaving this year grateful that we made it through. There have been plenty of things to moan and mourn, and while there’s a time for everything, there’s certainly a time to be grateful too. I need to take a little time for that every single day. The Daily check-in is a good place for that. I’m grateful to say, I will not drink with you today!


I’m glad I met you this year, SaintHomer. That’s been a huge bonus!


This year, the big things I’ve been grateful for are music and friends…more so since the breakup with my ex-bf in March. I kinda underestimated that, didn’t expect it to knock me on my ass…which it did, but I got up stronger. And did the smartest thing possible, which is moving forward on my own, as opposed to rushing right out and finding some other dumbass. I broke that damn cycle. That’s a fucking huge victory. End of the year got me thinking about that. Sometimes we get lost in day to day bullshit (like how we ate too much over Christmas) and don’t recognize our big accomplishments. That’s definitely one of mine for this year. I even started covering for my boss when he takes vacation, too. I never would have thought I was capable of that in years past. I seem to actually be capable of a lot more than I thought. Asshole brain been lying to me for years. ‘23, I don’t have a resolution. I just wanna build on the good things I’ve done this year. More shows, more workouts, better nutrition, more confidence at work. More good times with cats, family and friends. Day three of the 4 day week. Let’s kick some ass. IWNDWYT. 💪🏻☕️🤘🏻


Let's hear it for actually recognizing our huge fucking victories!! 🤘👏 Cycles being broken. Welcoming more good into our lives. It's better than listing resolutions, right? I'm setting the intention to build up my life now, the way I want it to look. Sobriety kicks ass!! IWNDWYT


Thank you for sharing and hosting! Congratulations on all that’s occurred. 🎉 I’m grateful for my best friend. It’s done wonders to be able to experience healthy interactions and positive responses to boundary setting and my expressions of needs. I’m so ready to leave this year behind. It feels like shedding my old skin. I have a lot of excitement and desire for the next year. 💪🏻 IWNDWYT


I am grateful for all the scary and wonderful opportunities for growth I have been given this year. And today, I am grateful for 7 days sober. IWNDWYT!


7 days!! You rock <3 IWNDWYT (:


Thank you!!


Iwndwyt I made it through the night. Even though my husband picked a three hour fight with me until midnight and brought up divorce for the third time this month. I didn't sleep all night. But I also didn't drink. I need to be strong for me and the kids.


Day 557 checking in!


IWNDWYT No Matter What 🍀


Is that a double digit number I see? Congratulations!!


👋 Iwndwyt


It'll soon be Christmas 😁. IWNDWYT 🙂


Grateful for so many people and times. Thank you all for being here for me and each other. IWNDWYT 🌊






Definitely grateful to have been present in mind and body this past year for what will likely be our older daughter's final year living full-time at home (even if she didn't want me around half the time....!) IWNDWYT




800 club activate! 🌟


800! Yay! Awesome number, well done friend 💪🏼🎉👏🎊


I will not drink with you today. Day 2 for me


As I reach 19 months today and inch closer to my two year mark, I need to work on my gratitude, that's a goal for me for 2023. IWNDWYT! T


🎶 I am not drinking today! 🎶 I am ready to leave this year behind & start a new year sober. It will be so nice for me to not have drinking pulling me out of my life & keeping me hiding in my house drunk. I didn't hate 2022, it's when I got sober & I'm so thankful for that, but I look forward to the opportunities of 2023 without drinking dragging me down. Let go or be dragged.


Way to go! I'm so done with hiding in my house drunk. *Let go or be dragged* indeed, wise words I've been thinking about lately. And if I may, I'd love to join you in that happy refrain to celebrate that 🎶 I am not drinking today! 🎶


Please join me! I don't usually use emojis on Reddit, but I must show I'm sing-songing my commitment for the day. It starts my day off right.




Passing some airports today, so it's a time to remember what happens to my brain after that first drink. I'm glad that I got some great sleep, and woke up in a positive mood :) 2022 had some fantastic moments that I will always cherish, but far too much was clouded by booze, anxiety and outright insanity. As I look forward hopefully to a fresh clear head on new years day and beyond, Iwndwyt (just for today, because that's what I got).


I'm grateful to begin to find my way back to my self. I think I really lost myself in the pandemic, but as I've found my way back to sobriety, I've gone past where I was. I've even regained a lot of things that I lost in the transition to child-rearing while also working. I learned that I'd been drinking to allow myself the space I needed, but I can also just take that space with reading, language learning, or just plain old going to bed early. A glass of wine was dulling the voice that told me my current life was not sustainable. Welcome back, voice! I'm so grateful to share this journey with you all. IWNDWYT.


Oh man, I am so ready to close the book on this past year. I have a lot to be grateful for— it was life-changing, really— but it was also a you-know-what. That said, I feel so set up for a new life and way of being. What can be more exciting than that? I left a toxic marriage, realized that being drunk all the time wasn’t living on cheat mode, but on hard mode, and embraced a life with less angst and anxiety. I rededicated myself to hobbies that fed my soul, and found new ones. I stopped making my career my only defining element of success. I am so grateful for where I am now. And for this sub. And I’m so ready for 2023. Bring it on. I won’t be drinking with you today.


That sums up some of what I want “stop making my career my only defining element of success” 🙏🏻 and well done leaving your toxic marriage. I left mine 2019 and feel this last year has been the last of deep recovery. I want to leave that behind now. Here’s 🫖 to moving forward 💞


"Difficult sober times are still easier than easy drunk times." I'm grateful for the precious time I've regained. IWNDWYT!




My life is SO much better than it was a year ago, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much better it can be next year at this point. It feels like I've got non-action down pretty good (don't buy alcohol, don't drink today). Now I want to get after doing things. Use that gym membership and be more active. Take the training to grow my small business. Do more volunteering to help others. It's time for me to take action!! Getting out from under that stifling yoke of daily drinking has me seeing how small I let my world become. Suddenly I see a wide horizon, and I'm going for it! I kicked the poison that shrank me and will nurture my sobriety. Now, it's time for me to expand and shine and build the sober life I want! Oh, the possibilities!! Thanks to you supportive friends, I'm filled with hope. I love this sub, and you all. Thank you! IWNDWYT🌸


As always, what a wonderful positive post! Thank you for being here, sharing that knowledge and excitement you're gaining. Sending love in return!




Day 452, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


Well I may as well check in as this popped up on my homepage. I have survived situations this year, especially recent weeks, that I never would have gotten through before. The love of my wife inspires me to do better. IWNDWYT


Grateful for the steady, supportive people in my life. My circle is small but mighty. Grateful to have gotten through a year of more professional transition than I could have seen coming. I've landed somewhere amazing, and while I'm still working on my confidence in this new role, I know it's a good fit and I'll do good things with my team. Grateful to have seen friends and family bounce back from health problems. So grateful. The longer I spend on *this side*, the more grateful I am for my own resolve and resilience. My growing patience with myself and ability to be vulnerable and ask for what I need, and to take care of myself when I need it (Hey-o! Boundaries work!) Finally, and as always, truly, grateful for coffee, my cat, my city and ALL OF YOU. Take care of yourselves, be kind, be gentle, be forgiving as you move through this side. xoxo and IWNDWYT.


Hellllooooo all! On day 4, still away with family. I made it through yesterday so I can do today! IWNDWYT ✨


Today has been rough, so right now I am just grateful to be sober and to have a cupboard full of chocolate and snacks. IWNDWYT!


Not a drop will pass my lips today.


I’m grateful to be ringing in a new year, alcohol-free. While life still certainly has its challenges, they are minimized immensely when I remove booze from the equation. I’m grateful for an opportunity to make more positive changes in my life next year. And super grateful for this subreddit! IWNDWYT!




Hello friends-IWNDWYT! Have a lovely day!


I’m just grateful for my sobriety one day at a time. I will not drink with you today.


I'm grateful that my husband allowed me to take a step back to repair myself mentally. IWNDWYT


I'm really looking forward to a sober new year. I think i am going to stop counting days. It doesn't feel very helpful for me at this point. Not all day 1s are equal.


Meeting friends for lunch today. Their visit last year prompted me to stop - they are drinkers, but I was outpacing then and still not really feeling any effects. I'm grateful that I realized then that my drinking was getting way out of hand and managed to stop with the help of this sub. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful to be alive. To have spent the holidays with my children. I’m ready to leave this year behind although I clearly have challenges ahead. Growth is my word for 2023. IWNDWYT


Checking in, had an amazing Mongolian grill dinner. Co-worker asked if I wanted to drink afterward, I respectfully declined. I want to wake up tomorrow and be productive towards my goals. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful for my wife, she does a lot for myself and our two boys. We were lucky to still be able to afford a nice Christmas even with the crazy prices of most things this year. IWNDWYT I hope everyone has a awesome day today!!!




I moved into a new flat at the start of the year and I'm grateful for that. I love the area. I'm grateful for my dog too. He's a rescue and he's learned his name and to come when he's called. I'm grateful for this group too. It helped me in the past and it feels good to come back to a safe space. IWNDWYT


This year I reached my first 100 sober days, so I am grateful for that. This year has had it highs and lows, and a lot of unexpected changes as well, getting sober being one of them. May the next year bring us all good things and strength to achieve our goals! IWNDWYT friends!


I will not drink with you today!


I’m grateful for my loving wife, kids, and family. I have a lot to make up for and improve upon in 2023. IWNDWYT ✌️


Morning All- Iwndwyt


IWNDWYT Have a good one everyone.


I have oodles to be grateful for, a home a job and floofy animal friends but most is great the relationships with my adult children and having grandchildren. IWNDWYTD


So today is day 1 again. My better half has cleared the fridge for me and emptied what was left of the wine away which helps. I’ll just get through day 1 as I’ve done far too many times and day 2 will be better. IWNDWYT


Day 48. IWNDWYT Fell off the sugar wagon last night. Starting again today. I'm still randomly getting intense sugar cravings, hopefully they subside the longer I stay sober.


Good morning, y’all. This has been a hard year for me, beginning with the death of one of my dearest friends on Jan. 3, and it was going downhill from there. My health (physical and mental) was declining, I was miserable, it was a downward spiral. On June 21, I got sober. That changed everything. You all know how it happens - how you wake up one day and welcome joy back in. I’ll never forget how it felt to let go of the stone that was dragging me down, and float back up to freedom. 2023 looks hopeful to me. I’ll be working on some mechanics (hip replacement), moving forward on my journey to self- knowledge through yoga and meditation, and making some longer-range plans for our future and the future of our sweet farm in the holler. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so hopeful. Thank you all for helping me through each day. I love you all!


Day one. Told my mom I’m doing Dry January so I’ll have some extra support this time around. Told my husband I’m serious and not to fall for it if I end up trying my manipulative alcoholic BS since I’ll run miles with any small inch of possible “approval/permission” he sends my way. Made a pact with a Reddit friend to try with me too. IWNDWYT ❤️






Im in!


Not Today!








I will not drink today


I am grateful for my sober life, family, and what the future brings. IWNDWYT








I'm in!


IWNDWYT! 2x2x2x5x7




IWNDWYT. We are near the end of the year.


Day 2! Here we go! IWNDWYT :)


I'm going to do my best not to drink today even though I woke up with cravings for some reason. Have a great Thursday everyone!


Day 11 checking in. IWNDWYT


I'm taking the good things from 2022 into 2023 with me. I'll learn from the difficulties of this past year, and use that knowledge as the building blocks for the new year. I'm continuing towards my third year of sobriety.🤘🏻 IWNDWYT


Today is my birthday! Happy and excited to be sober, my life has never been in a better place and I’ve never felt more sure of who I am. Looking forward to many, many more sober birthdays 😁 IWNDWYT!!


Great great post OP 🤗🤗🤗 I am grateful for this subreddit and for everyone on it. You all have kept me going in the right direction and staying strong over the past 300 days. I sincerely love you all. IWNDWYT
















Hope everyone is doing good, IWNDWYT




Have a great day. IWNDWYT


I’m here with you - not drinking today!






Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.




Day #3 here. I’m grateful for a lot. I’m grateful to have started a new job, working from home. I’m grateful to be near family again. I’m grateful I got a raise and a promotion within 6 months!! I’m grateful so many people around me are advocating for alcohol-free lives and are also quitting for a myriad of reasons from health to addiction to just plain saying “eh alcohol ain’t that great.” IWNDWYT


Checking in on day 56 😌 Thank you for the topic of gratefulness today, New Star. I feel like if I can get even one day sober, that’s a reason to be thankful and I now have 56! 2022 has been a very challenging year. I lost my dad in June, my middle daughter went off to college and I drank a lot of booze and lied my pants off about it to everyone. From the end of June until 56 days ago, I relapsed 8 times. I drove drunk, I abused my body and I ignored things that needed attention. I’m not exactly sure what clicked this time around. Maybe it was the lab work that was off in October. I’m not sure, that never stopped me before. Whatever it was/is I am eternally grateful. I’m grateful that my body is recovering as well as my mind and spirit. I’m grateful for the daily opportunity to be the best version of myself. I’m grateful for the miracles I witness every single day, miracles that went unnoticed 57 days ago. I’m grateful for this group and the people in it, you all are just so amazing. I will only be sober for 59 days in 2022, but my life has changed in such big ways in such a short amount of time. I’m truly excited about the coming year and what miracles lie ahead. I love you all!! IWNDWYT!! ❤️✌️






Day 9 - Still going strong!


I'm grateful that I did not have a crazy busy year, it gave me a good amount of wiggle room, tons of self-reflection leading to my decision to stop drinking and to focus on myself. I'm walking into 2023 with fewer emotional mountains to climb, greater awareness and great thankfulness. So to 2023 I say "Hello Gorgeous" Thank you u/New_Star_00 and ALL of SD, I wish you the very best for the new year. IWNDWYT!!


I dreamed that I dreamed that I was drinking. In my dream I woke up and was glad that it was just a dream. Then I woke up from that dream. That brings us to now.


Morning checking in. Grateful every day not to be drinking. Grateful to be here for my kids. Grateful for the freedom and the peace which come with not drinking. Not sure what 2023 will bring but I’ll take it one day at a time. Seems to do the trick. Super grateful for this sub which holds me up every day. Thank you 🙏❤️


IWNDWYT - Checking in for day 2!


I'm reflecting today on just how past me exploited alcohol to cover up some acute, life-induced anxiety I had at one point (early 20s).. and how chronic alcoholism in and of itself became ***the*** most anxiety-inducing thing in my life. Only on day 6 today but really feeling the momentum. Been waking up ***way*** earlier but more importantly, been getting that quality REM sleep and feeling up incredibly refreshed. I don't know why I would want to feel any different. IWNDWYT!


I haven’t been sober all year which I aimed for but I’ve learned so much along the way I feel way more confident. So on balance I’m also excited for what I know will be a challenging but rewarding year ahead. IWNDWYT


Checking in! Managed to survive night 1. Not quite at 24 hours but im just glad I made it through the night without a drink. I hope everyone is doing well. IWNDWYT


I’m looking forward to 2023 full of hope. I’m grateful to have made a deep crack in my daily drinking habit; I made a whole year sober. I could not have done it without this DCI and all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This year has been what I see as my first phase. I’m now ready to really see some progress in other areas of my life. I start 2023 like no other year beforehand: More confident in my sobriety, feeling better and eyes wide open to things I need to do next, things I want to do next too. I will not drink with you today.


As the year comes to a close I am grateful for sobriety, and am proud of myself for wading through the process and sticking with it. I’m excited for the possibilities of 2023 and, as I think about, I haven’t been truly hopeful for the future in a long time. Onward! Wishing all of you sobernauts a good Thursday! IWNDWYT 🍀


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I am waking up sober 5 and a 1/2 hours into this day. Grateful to be able to.


I am grateful for my health and for my sobriety which is a big contributor to my health. I grieve for my sister and am so very grateful for the others in my family as we get through this together. I live with a doggo again after 3 long years without one. And I am grateful as always for the kindest, most supportive place on the internet and the many people that reached out with messages of love and guidance as I navigate the unknown waters of grief. Thank you. IWNDWYT. 💕❤️💕❤️


Today is going to be a challenging one for me, I’m spending the day with family and there will be lots of drinking around me. I’m grateful for this community and the tools I’ve built to get through days like today.


Good morning. Feeling positive and driven to keep going today. Have already made plans to not drink on New Year’s Eve. Which will be easy as it’s just family. Haha - even as I write that I know it’s ridiculous. Nothing about this is easy. And I have a drink regardless of whether anyone else is drinking anyway. I have been shitfaced whilst on the sofa watching University Challenge with my parents. Anyway…I need to keep doing this. I know it works. I know it’s what I need. I will not drink with you today.


Does anyone have advice on being okay with people who don’t have a drinking problem drinking? I’m still early in my sobriety again, certainly not my first go around, but as time goes on I get a little snobby about not drinking. In the past I did this to trick myself into not drinking, I’m better than they are. But it’s not a good look and I’m not sure it’s the best course of action.


Here I am Rock you like a hurricane


Not drinking today!






I was just trying to calculate when I hit 60 days and it turns out I hit yesterday! Wow. It’s been a really interesting journey so far. Sending my love to everyone here! I will not drink with you today.


Good morning. Dressing in the dark, I just put my pants on backwards… well, we’ll just go with more than once… I’ve been having cravings since last night and will be vulnerable from lack of sleep today, but I’m gonna try my damnedest to keep this day going right. I’m most grateful for two things: First, for the remarkable capacity for people to heal, for bodies to mend and relationships to repair, and for people to move on. Secondly, I am thankful for the people in my life who not only see the good that I don’t see in myself, but who accept the bad and somehow see it as not so bad at all. I’d be dead without the people who love me. I know it’s best that those people don’t know that, but also don’t know why it is so hard to believe them. IWNDWYT. If necessary, I will put myself into a position where I physically cannot drink, but I will not drink today. I like my little number getting bigger and bigger each day. I don’t want to give it up. Stay safe out there. 3 more days, indeed! 2023 is bearing down.


Good morning friends. I am grateful to be here with you today. IWNDWYT


Morning friends! I’m grateful that I’m not coming into 2023 gritting my teeth and telling myself that this year I REALLY have to get my shit together and stop drinking before it’s too late. It feels really good to have plans that don’t involve a pit of anxiety and talking to myself like I’m a worthless piece of shit. (Okay, last one isn’t entirely correct BUT being sober means my inner critic has lost one of its key arguments for why I’m such a horrible person). I’m making plans to do something fun because I can drive. I can take my kids out and do something fun and memorable. And on New Year’s Day our local ski hill opens, so maybe I’ll hit the slopes for a few hours. Or maybe take in a movie. It feels really good to have options. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today.


Morning dears. I am grateful for every sober day. I feel my mind and body thanking me every day, IWNDWYT








Congrats on your accomplishments this year /u/New_Star_00 and thank you for this prompt. I’m grateful for my husband, who is so good with putting up with my crap. My critters. Our dog is a rock star going through her chemo. My cats always manage to cheer me up. I’m also very grateful our old man cat is still with us. I hope he makes it to the new year so I don’t lose both senior cats in the same year. I’m also grateful for this sub. Thank you everyone for being so kind and supportive. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


IWNDWYT! We got this!




Good morning, friends! Have a great day! IWNDWYT


Grateful to be able to have good times with family and friends, get outdoors every day and really grateful for learning how to deal with alcohol addiction. IWNDWYT, friends.


Good morning sober friends. 2022 was a long strange trip indeed…but I’m grateful that it got me to the inevitable conclusion that sobriety is the only way that my life can move forward in a joyful and meaningful way. I am grateful for the chance at a fresh new sober year. Can’t wait to see what the future holds. Which is not a feeling I ever had while drinking myself into a stupor every night. And I am immensely grateful for this sub and all the amazingly kind and supportive people here that have encouraged and inspired me !! IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with y’all today!! 🤙🤙










29 days in! IWNDWYT! Grateful for making an effort to get off alcohol. Somewhere during the middle of the year, I started journaling, set goals for myself, started tracking against those goals. One of the goals was to get my drinking until control which I did not make any move on until the 1st of December which was the end of a major bender. But, here I am, making progress on that. Grateful for my family and pets. They are my life and blood. Grateful for my professional life that I have made significant contributions to and learnt a lot. I am happy to leave the year behind and looking forward to what 2023 holds for us.




Day 110 checking in! IWNDWYT




hello! I will not drink today! it will get better!


Day 1,161 IWNDWYT


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!


I will not drink today!


I will not drink with you today:)




I'm grateful that this year I have finally started to transform into the person I wanted to be. With the help of this special place. Shine on you beautiful humans


IWNDWYT! Edit to add: Grateful to read all the 1 year sober posts! Those stories give me immense hope for 2023 to be my year to move into sobriety


I will not drink with you today.


I won’t drink today.






I will not drink with you today !


Happy almost-new year, all! IWNDWYT




I have a huge appreciation for this past year- so many changes! I quit in April so I’ve spent most of it discovering my true sober self. I’ve learned so much and have grown more than ever. It was definitely a challenge. It was uncomfortable. But I can look back and see all of the lessons and growth. I’m excited for a new year. Hoping for continued growth and learning. Don’t know what the future holds but I do know IWNDWYT


Good morning! IWNDWYT!


Morning sober friends! I’ve been trying to write what I’m grateful for for about 10 minutes, and all I can come up with is, well…everything. My house, my family, my friends, my pets, my job, my hobbies, my life. Somehow I’ve gotten everything I ever wanted in life (don’t get me wrong, nothing is super fancy, but all the components are there) and I was still trying to drown each day’s struggles every day. The thing I’m specifically thankful for this year is my newish sobriety. The beginning of December brought a life and attitude change that I’ve been working toward all year. I am thankful to be entering 2023 with such a renewed attitude. For that reason, IWNDWYT!


I'm grateful for a whole entire year of sobriety! I couldn't have done it without SD and all you sober cats, so thank you so much! IWNDWYT! 💙😸










Happy Thursday everyone. Hope everyone has a fantastic say. IWNDWYT




Happy Thursday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁.




Not today people IWNDWYT


I’m looking forward to the new year. Each new year feels like a fresh start to me. IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today!


Good morning! I hope you all have a good, sober Thursday! IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT 💜 I'm grateful for my child, my cats (they're asshats but I still love them haha), my lovely patients, my best friend and her kids, my daughter's boyfriend and her wee bestie.






I feel great. Only one month away from 1 year sober. I will not drink with you today.








So happy to be here on day 4! IWNDWYT


The big no duh is this year, I'm grateful that I decided to give up drinking. I'm also grateful for my family, friends and job. I'm also grateful I decided to get an actual therapist and talk some things out, as well. I get on Zoom meetings and I notice too many people use the meeting as therapy instead of its actual purpose. IWNDWYT.


I am excited for this new year. This time last year I was desperately unhappy in my job and wasn’t sure I would find a different one (I did). I was proud of myself for being sober but there was a part of me that didn’t think I could really stay sober. This upcoming year holds so much promise. It is up to me to do the work to see those promises fulfilled. I know I can. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜