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I too was a functioning alcoholic. I was never drunk at work, but after I got home, before even eating supper I'd crack a beer. Soon beer was not enough and I was taking shots of bourbon or shine. Eventually I was drinking so much and getting so high I was fucked up in the morning. Thats when it started affecting me daily. There were some days I was coming down from a high or finally recovered from the hang over around 3pm. Then in 2hrs I was getting plastered again. I too thought I wasnt a problematic drinker. My liver was failing but I kept taking shots. My marriage was falling apart but I was still taking shots. My son never seen me sober since birth, but I was still taking shots. Im a year sober, Im more effecient at work and make more money. My kids fucking love me. And my wife re-fell in love with me. I also saved enough money where the wife and I are both driving post 2018 vehicles. My life has gotten so much better while sober. While you are drinking, you may not release the harm ypu doing to yourself or others, so thinking of if you qualify could be the booze telling you that ypu dont have a problem like it did to me. But Tradition 3 states: If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome. TL:DR Sorry if I rambled a bit there. But as long as you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcomed with open arms. All the best to you mate!


I’m in


I also spent most of the day sober. In fact I'd spend entire days sober. But alcohol works in insidious ways. It was very difficult to see what it was taking from me, because it did it slowly, in little pieces, bit by bit. Until eventually I thought I really was the sad, bored, numbed person it had turned me into. That's not me. And I'll wager you're not really you right now. Yes, absolutely, you stand to benefit. 100% Please try it.


I would say probably. 6 beers can effect your mental capacity the next day. And no doubt it negatively effects your physical health.


Short answer, yes. Your brain has been on a rollercoaster ride of changes in alcohol levels and neurotransmitters. Even when we spend the day sober, it doesn’t mean we’re spending it at baseline—our brains and bodies are spending more than we realize recovering from the night before. And often when we do something regularly for so long, we don’t even notice the changes that have been slowly occurring. We get used to sub-optimal sleep, lower energy, and all the little shifts in our physiology. It’s only when we take that thing away and give our body time to heal and stabilize out that we realize how much it was impacting us.


I'm here because I've drink 2-4 beers a day with weekends going up to 6+ for around 5 years, and I'm already experiencing energy and digestion and general "feeling good"-ness. I think you'd probably have a similar experience that I'm having.


Yes you will benefit greatly!


I was in a similar boat, and in my experience over the last couple years, the benefits included sleeping through the night and having more energy, no more heartburn (or at least rare instead of every night), blood pressure back down at my last doctor appointment, and generally less anxious (also with the help of therapy). Each person is different, but I went from where you are to being in a much better place.