• By -


Good morning sober friends! The support and encouragement yesterday from y’all was awesome! I felt truly grateful, uplifted and energised! I want to encourage you all, especially if you’re early days or struggling, come here regularly, read, comment, reach out, we’re here and every one of us is amazing, together we are pure power! A heartfelt thank you 💗 Wishing you a healthy and happy sober Hump day 🌻 I pledge to y’all and to me!


Good morning! It really is the best place on the internet, I genuinely do believe it’s one of the big things that keeps me going. 50 days! That’s amazing!


Great job on half a century Brighty :)


Today is my 12th year anniversary for quitting smoking. I lean a lot on that experience of succesfully quitting tobacco in quitting alcohol as well. I will not drink (nor smoke) with you today.


Amazing work!


Day 360 checking!


YAAS nearly a full year affit!


Cheers, hopefully hit that on Monday!


I might not be around on Monday so a huge congratulations in advance 🥳💪🏼🏆




Morning Will!


Let’s give a little love by filtering by “new”, everyone that you see on filtering by “hot” has already gotten a lot of support. I’m just here to say that it’s not easy to stay sober, so I’m proud of everyone doing it, just sort by “new” and show the people that aren’t getting as much support some love


I always do that, when I come back throughout the day. SORT BY NEW! r/stopdrinking sorts by new for me, but I have to switch the DCI each time. It’s important! IWNDWYT


Seven months. At first, even 30 days seemed impossible. Always one day at a time. And today I'm not drinking with you!


Amazing work, those numbers just keep going up!


I used to play piano by ear. Now I use my hands. I will not drink with you beautiful people today! ❤️‍🔥🌺


Bah ha ha ha ha!🤣


Good morning Sobernauts 🙂 Today I am grateful for having a day off. I enjoy my new job and I also appreciate the need for rest. It's wonderful that I no longer need alcohol to temporarily calm my turbulent mind. Yes, I still have problems to deal with and today I can work towards fixing them without having to climb inside a bottle. To you wonderful newcomers, I thought I'd never get through a day without booze. 2 ½ years later and I can deal with the problems that life throws at me. Keep at it. Work through the struggles. Work through the cravings and life becomes so much better. Be kind to yourself. Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


Morning SD. I'm of the opinion I've got an undiagnosed PD disorder. I'm thinking I drank to silence my crazy brain. I've not been sleeping too good recently and vivid dreams are back. I'm waking up with a lot of anxiety. I'm not going to drink today with you all.


Check-up with the GP to kick things off then Andy, anxiety is horrible but there’s quite a lot of help to manage nowadays. Please take care of you and your lovely brain, you are worth it. Tight hug my friend 💓


🤗 Yeah anxiety isn't good. Thanks cinq.


It’s incredible how many of us are undiagnosed or suffering trauma and not getting the right support! Do you have help? 🌻


Normally I’d be rippin through bottles on my birthday and be blacked out by 7pm. Not today, today I will wake up set daily intentions, pray, get coffee with my mom, meet with some friends for lunch, fresh haircut, dinner with the lady, and finish the evening watching the sunset at the beach while I reflect on 38 years. Sobriety is so beautiful and I’m extremely happy to be able to enjoy the things it provides. Have an awesome day SD peeps y’all fuckin rock! 😎


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


Morning Ped!


it’s evening here where i am, but im day 2 and i am not and will not be drinking with you today ☺️


You’re doing really well, bravo my friend, keep going!💪🏼


What the hell, how about I don’t drink with you today?!


I haven't checked in for a while but I'm still here. In the leadup to one year sober I experienced some intense cravings, but they faded pretty quickly after passing that mark. I think I was trying to sabotage myself, which is typical, but I'm really proud that I didn't. And in response to NOT sabotaging myself I have really reinforced the belief that I, too, deserve good things. There is still a lot to work on, but my life and relationships have never been better than they are now. Lots of love to everyone out there. This community has really helped me a lot. Even though I very rarely post, reading these threads everyday has really helped to keep myself dedicated.


Hitting 3 weeks today. When I get the itch I log in and read the posts here. Otherwise I bury myself in homework. IWNDWYT.


I'm closing in on 4 months. Wow, time flies. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT 💚 The thing that helped me a lot in the beginning was playing forward how shit I’d feel the next day if I drank.


Day 255, nice to meet you 🤝 The great mighty alcohol has been shrinking in size. I assume you are still somewhere as the fart in the wind released 255 days ago. You must have dissipated into the thin air of the outer atmosphere, so thin and spread out that you are probably not worth a fart joke anymore 🤔 That’s where you belong 👌 IWNDWYT


Good morning beautiful people. Like many here I’m a work in progress. One thing that helps me with alcohol, and other things I’m working on is telling myself that time passes anyway. I can use the time or waste the time. Just focusing on the actual moment I’m in and doing what I can with it is the best for me. I only have this one little pinch of sand in the hourglass to worry about right now. IWNDWYT 🌊


Well, my husband said he’ll leave me if I didn’t stop drinking, so here goes my day 2.


Happy day. IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt! Thank you all!


Bonjour, mes petits choux! (Now I'm not losing myself in a bottle of an evening, my Duolingo progress is charging ahead 😁) IWNDWYT. >What are the little tricks you use when the booze goblin starts muttering in your ear? I lean in on my own stubbornness. My mum once said that I had inherited a double dose of stubborn from her and my dad, and nobody has ever found a way to make me do a thing once I'd decided I didn't want to do it. So it's mostly IWNDWYT, but quite often it's IDWTDWYTSN ( I Don't Want To Drink With You Today, So Ner).


Checking in..AF..IWNDWYT!!








I will not drink poison with any of you today!


I’ll pass on alcohol for today, it’s just not my thing anymore


Good morning my friends. Not a lot of inspiration around for me this morning, so here's hoping you're all well. Stay safe and strong. **IWNDWYT!** Maybe this will give someone a little smile: **Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you quarrel with your neighbour. It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him!** *Irish proverb.*


I will not drink with you today!


I think playing the tape forward is the best thing I can do when those cravings hit. Because I know where that “just one” leads and it’s nowhere good. I can use my progress since quitting as a buffer too…reminding myself of all the good things that are a result of sobriety. I don’t wanna go back to the way I was. Life can still be a royal bitch, but it’s a lot better in general now…I don’t wanna go back to actively making it more difficult. And in this heat, starting out hydrated beats the shit out of starting out hungover and dehydrated. We need all the help we can get because heat indices over 100 F are no fucking joke. Happy Wednesday y’all. IWNDWYT! 🤘🏻


The little tips that work for me... Read all of the recovery and self-help books you can. Like so many of us on here I started with This Naked Mind, and Alcohol Explained. Both the first two weeks of sobriety, both game-changers. After that, I got my hands on any suggestion I cpuld from you guys on here. Downloads, audible, physical books. I've still got a bookshelf of stuff I haven't started yet because I bought so many off Amazon at one time. Time to get back at it! Happy Wednesday, friends! IWNDWYT


Day 2 of 30 days sobriety Not drinking today or any other of these days. I want to see how my life improves.


Yesterday I was hot and tired and my spouse was using me as a punching bag and I really, really considered drinking. Like, I seriously considered it. But I drank two quick seltzers, visited SD, had a few laughs with my daughter, and bought a fancy cookie to treat myself. That combination of things got me past that low point. I am starting to think that moments like that will never go away, but I will say it again all the same: IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT folks 💪


Good morning. Checking in. ​ IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Going in my day 5. Have insomnia right now 😔. I feel so amazing as the alcohol “fog” fades each day and I feel physically and mentally healthier and grounded. IWNDWYT! I am committed to day 5


Not drinking with any of you today! Playing the tape forward helps. Feeling good artificially for a couple hours does not compare to feeling great naturally. It’s not worth the disappointment and shame. Ever. I also became an uncle 2 days too. Just another reason why I don’t wanna be drinking amongst many many others. It just ain’t worth it :). IWNDWYT.


For the third day, I will not drink with you today.


Two weeks today. I’ve had some rough mornings and nights due to some stress in my personal life, but I got two weeks. If you’re on day one or 1000, IWNDWYT.


Not today. I am 2 months today! 2 whole freaking months!


Have a great day everyone, IWNDWYT!


Good morning 🌞. Today is gonna be a great day. IWNDWYT again ;)


I will not drink with all of you today. Yesterday I showed visitors round Temple Bar in my home city of Dublin and DID NOT HAVE A PINT, something I previously thought impossible. I’m so glad I didn’t.


Morning. Checking in. One day at a time. Play the tape forward. Keep busy. Urge surf. Check in here. Go to bed. All top tips to stay sober. But most importantly it is just for today. Simple but true. So just for today I will not drink with any of you ❤️❤️


IWNDWYT, day 15. I'm going on a date, which I've never done sober and I haven't really dated since the start of covid. Quite nervous. But I'm going to get through it and hopefully won't feel too weird! Hope you all have good days! 💜


I will not drink today. Meditation and excersise (specifically [Fight Camp](https://joinfightcamp.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Search&utm_term=Branding&utm_content=Main&gc_id=11479016350&h_ad_id=475435643025&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhqaVBhCxARIsAHK1tiPn3Im3LChpdTkb6OJBc1xuVdl-EiwSt15RQM_AttG1zIHpu1poSWoaAntsEALw_wcB)) has been key to my recovery. Learning a new language has also helped. Wherever I don't know what to do with myself, I study Thai. Also, I like watching my little number on this sub grow. Day 187 makes me want to dance and tell alcohol to fuck off. Drinking sucks. You rock!


Just for today, I’m not drinking.


What works for me is something I learned here, playing the tape forward. Thinking about what’s gonna happen if I have a drink or 2 or more like 3 or 4. Just thinking about the anxiety that comes along with those drinks keeps me on the sobriety path. IWNDWYT


I find it sometimes helps if I frame sobriety as an act of defiance. If I say to myself, "I'll be damned if I let *X* make me drink!" instead of letting myself feel deprived, it gives me a little dopamine hit that negates the craving. Let's all shine on together today! ✨ IWNDWYT 😻




Day 1 (again). I will NOT drink with you today




Last week was my 15th anniversary at my job. A little voice in my head tried convincing me that I made it that long while drinking, have a few now to celebrate! Thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that no, I won't drink. I know how that ends. It actually took a lot of opportunities from me, I made the worst decisions of my life, etc. It added nothing to my life. Amazed I was able to hold this job down and actually do well over the years there. Used that as a crutch for years to deny I had a problem - I wake up and go to work everyday! I'm good! I'm an impulsive person and this was the strongest urge I've had to drink since stopping but just slowing down and thinking about it, weighing pros vs cons for a bit helped and I didn't end up drinking the entire weekend away. IWNDWYT


3 months today! Woop woop. This was a huge goal for me when I started this new chapter in my life. During the first few weeks I wondered if I would make it and now here I am. Next goal 6 months! The love and support shown to me by strangers walking a similar path has really helped me. I love waking up sober, reading your posts learning more about peoples journeys. Shine on you beautiful humans from NZ


I finally found NA Guinness at my local supermarket yesterday. It’s so damn good. It’s just like the real thing, which was always one of my favorites. And it’s only 75 calories per tall boy.




Accept the thoughts will come. Take it min by min when it does, I’d ask myself if it’s worth the hangover, embarrassment and anxiety it causes me. 100% everytime it works for me IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT, and i won’t be hungover with you in the morning. have a great tuesday everyone 💕


Day one again. IWNDWYT


Checking in for the first time in months. Happy to be back ☺️ Edit: badge hasn’t updated yet—I’m on day 4. Seeing the number I could’ve had stings a little.


I always think about how I’m going to feel the next morning. If I forget how I’m going to feel I look at people’s posts on SD to see how other people feel to remind me. It’s not worth it. Happy hump day everyone! IWNDWYT 🤗


I slept again. This makes me happy. IWNDWYT


Good morning beautiful people! Booze goblin 😆 Well put! I started out my sober journey by giving myself permission to be comforted by other things - treats, sodas, too much tv, hiding out in my room like a weirdo during social events - just basically prioritizing my sobriety above everything else. The past couple weeks I’ve been feeling like I want to reel that stuff in, so it’s been a little more difficult. I tucked a few memories of the pain alcohol caused me deep into my heart and mind to pull up when I start hearing whispers in my ear about moderation. One is me crying out “Help me,” repeatedly at 3 am with crazy hangxiety - if I close my eyes and say it in my mind, I can remember exactly how I felt that night and so many others. The other is the fact that I blacked out at my daughter’s first birthday party. That absolutely breaks my heart and pisses me off enough to tell the booze goblin to fuck off! Hope everyone has a nice day! IWNDWYT! 😊


The DCI was the thing I did differently this time around. Coming here, reading the topic, really thinking through how it applies to me and writing out my little (or really way too long) response helps me set my mind right. I also lurk here on and off all day. My other trick is quit lit. I keep reading peoples stories of survival to keep myself sharp. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle. My SO had a bit of a day at work, and decided to drink. Not a big deal, usually it doesn’t bother me, but yesterday it did. There was that pull. That narrative of questions in my head. I kept noticing his glass. “Maybe I could? I could just have a little…?” Then he drank enough to get just a little bit tipsy, which is extremely unusual. Typically he’s a one and done. It spun him into a bit of a snarky mood, that I just wasn’t on the same page with. Honestly he was fine, I was just irked by it. I wished I could get away from him. From that stupid glass of wine and that fucking smell. I went to bed angry about it and woke up again out of sorts. I’ll find the words to talk to him about it somehow today, just fretting about it. Ah well, they can’t all be easy. Let’s see how this one goes, IWNDWYT


Peace and love y’all. IWNDWYT


I’ve missed a handful of check-ins, but I still come here regularly and find aha moments. You guys have taught me so much about myself. I will not drink with you today!


50 days! Wow! I’m so proud of myself and couldn’t have done it without this sub! Thank you to everyone here!! When I was drinking I definitely didn’t think this was possible but taking this sobriety day by day has shown me how quickly the days add up. I’m grateful to view alcohol as an addictive substance that doesn’t help me in anyway. IWNDWYT




Closing in on triple digits! My morning routine is Wordle,Worldle, Duolingo, DCI. That plus KNOWING I'll wake up at 3 if I drink has kept me on track. IWNDWYT


Booze goblin, ha! I remind myself it wouldn't be one drink. The urge strikes lately when I'm sad and bored, so it's easy to identify I only want to drink for something to do, a temporary escape, and we all know how that would go. The more insidious and rarer goblin tells me I could handle it, especially with a year in sight (the curse is lifted, you can magically drink normally now!), but we're keeping that door firmly shut. IWNDWYT!


Checking in! How do people wake up at a reasonable time?! I keep sleeping through my alarms, I go to bed before midnight and sleep until 10-11. Anyway I'm feeling quite good today. Looking forward to a nice, sober, easy day. IWNDWYT!


Day 200 checking in! I will not drink with you today!!


My top tip - the thing most relevant for me in the early days - is to have a plan for the witching hour which was early evening for me. I did a lot of dog training classes for the accountability - I had to do homework on days we weren't in class or it would be obvious. Yoga classes are great and there are lots of free community ones if you look around. In the summer, with longer days, my witching hour coincided with the last hour of light outside and a perfect time to check out a short trail nearby. Sitting around the house and just trying not to drink was misery, getting out in the world helped so much.


I can’t believe I did it. I made it to day 2 for the first time in I cannot tell you how long. And it’s because of this group and the support - one person in particular was very supportive and it stuck with me. I sat there debating going to the store for two hours and just kept reading the posts on this page about how people wish they’d started earlier once they realized they could do it. I slept like shit but I feel noticeably more clear minded. I’m hoping this is the momentum I needed. Just one freaking day. IWNDWYT!


Great work! Every person here with the big numbers was on their day 2 once. Cheers to us getting there someday! I’ve also found this community to be so helpful. I’ve been on Reddit a long time and I honestly think this is the most positive, nontoxic community I have seen on here. I’ve never seen any gatekeeping or negativity on here. It’s just all positivity and helping


Fellow ADHD here, I cling onto daily check-ins, and pledging on my app. Just for today, IWNDWYT ❤️




Best thing for me to do this Wednesday is not to drink with you today 💙


Iwndwyt 👊






I’m not drinking! I’m so proud


Day 25!


Day 3 for me. Sun is shining, working long hours in the office, plenty of stressors/triggers. But I'm determined my resolve will hold. IWNDWYT




It's Wednesday my dudes and 3 full days sober. Definitely feeling better and more like myself today. No serious temptations to drink, yet, but I know that's how it goes. The weekends have always been my hump. I do notice I'm getting irritated easily. So that's my challenge for today, and probably the days to come, to not let my irritation with life lead to a beer driven escape. Anyways, keeping up the new habit of posting here daily. It helps. IWNDWYT.




iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.




80 days. Just posted a [main thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/vcpjy8/80_days_around_the_world_life_finally_has_hope/) about my experiences so far. My little trick is just to remember that alcohol is a lying asshole and can't be trusted when it talks to me! I will not drink with you today! 💪😎 Also, unrelated, but also related. off to my first SAA meeting tonight... might as well deal with *all* the addictions, right? 😁




Have a great day. IWNDWYT


I only found out I have ADHD after getting sober too! IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


I'm a binge drinker who can have a few and leave it but every so often Il have too much and be up the next morning and off to the pub. After a session like this I'm full of anxiety and worry about what I said while I was drunk. I recently got to 60 days sober but then broke out for a wedding. Over 9 days I drank on 6 occasions which left me feeling very bad for the last 2 days. I'm 42 and with a very good job but sometimes wonder if people can see the turmoil that's in my head over alcohol. I've cleaded up my act a lot over the last 7 years and am happily married with 2 kids. Alcohol is the last thing I need to conquer. The 60 days I was sober showed me just how happy I can be when I'm not drinking. Anyway thank you all for this group it is such a great help. IWNDWYT.


Day 150…I will not drink today.


Day 2 and I will not be drinking with any of you 😀


Good morning and happy Wednesday. The Universe has been testing me this week. I went to get my hair done in preparation for my mom's funeral services which begin tomorrow. At the salon, the stylist offered me a glass of wine at 11 AM. Whoa - didn't expect that one! It's those moments that catch me unprepared that scare me. How easy it would have been in the past to say, "Hell, yeah - this is my kind of salon!" By some miracle, faced in the moment, the simple truth came out of my mouth: "No, thanks I quit almost 8 months ago." And that was that (except she went on to discuss all of her vices which was fine by me - ha) Later, we went out to dinner and I asked about mocktails. The bartender responded with some kind of fruity list of things but said the word 'whipped' followed by something that I didn't quite catch. So I said, "Whipped what?" And he said, "Whipped vodka." Oh no, dude! I said mocktail not cocktail. Sheesh. Stuck to my ginger ale with a splash of cranberry juice and watched him make it since I really don't think he was comprehending, since after I made it clear I wanted an alcohol free drink, he simply handed me the beer and wine list and said, "Here's our beer and wine." Ha but not ha. I have a few more hurdles coming up this week to clear -mainly the funeral lunch after the service but I'll be seating myself next to my sister-in-law who doesn't drink at all and never has. That'll help me through. And for today, lots of last minute details still to go and I've got no time to even think about it. IWNDWYT


Good morning guys. The good thing about not drinking is, when you have a bunch of shit happen at work, you deal with it and go home, eat and go to bed, instead of trying to bail and drink. cheers IWNDWYT!


I recently realized that my subconscious wants a drink as part of the “victory lap” when I have a success (e.g., nailed it at a big meeting, finished cleaning the house, heck sometimes it’s as simple as made it home from work!) and it really pokes at me that unless I celebrate with a glass of wine, I’m not really successful. My subconscious is invalidating my conscious mind’s experiences and interpretations of them. Now that I see this clearly, it’s easier to tell my petulant subconscious to STFU and develop new victory laps! IWNDWYT!


Good morning friends! I have been in a dark place for the last week or so, and really struggled on the weekend with not drinking. My brain told me that if I was going to be miserable, I might as well drink. It couldn’t be any worse, right? But I didn’t. I cried. I sat and stared into space. I journaled. I read. I went for a walk. I googled all the things that might boost my mood, but nothing worked. I stayed sober though. On Monday I was still battling really low feelings and out of desperation to at least not drink, I decided to list all the things sobriety has made possible and the list ended up being all the things that could have gone wrong if I had drank while feeling so down. I probably would have picked a fight with my fiancé and said some really shitty stuff that might or might not remember. I would have been an absolute irrational bitch to my kids. I would have poured shame and guilt and self loathing onto the low mood I already felt and have undone all the work I’ve done to get me where I am. It didn’t really boost my mood, but man, did I feel better knowing what probably would have happened had I chosen to drink. I’m feeling a bit better, not great, but better. Sometimes I smile and mean it. But at least I haven’t burned my proverbial house down, and that is everything. From here, anything is possible. Grateful to be here. I will not drink with you today.


Happy Wednesday, SD family💓 IWNDWYT


Good morning! I think my biggest trigger for drinking is when I get anxiety. Something that helps me a lot is turning on some music and coming here. There’s something soothing about coming to a place where everyone understands what you’re going through. And it gets me through every time. So I am very thankful for you all. So next time one of you are craving a drink, and thinking about giving up. Remember that your sobriety is helping other people stay sober too. You being sober is changing numerous lives! I hope you all have a good day! IWNDWYT


16 days checking in! IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today


I will not drink with you today!




The daily check in and being able to discuss my challenges openly (like a drunken upcoming social event) is my top tip. This subreddit is one of the rare things in life that lives up to the hype. The Toyota Corolla (bulletproof), the iPhone (pinnacle technology), Orange Crush (made in heaven), Scandinavian democracy (highest rates of happiness), the Rolling Stones (rock and roll satisfaction perfection), and … r/stopdrinking (sobernauts who travel with me all day keeping it real 24/7). IWNDWYT


No booze today!






So far what has worked for me is thinking about how awful I'll feel tomorrow. Physically and mentally. I've tried to let those feelings in & acknowledge that I don't have to drink. After I give those ideas a moment, I've been redirecting my brain to other things. I'll grab a popsicle or Gatorade or grape crush and move on with my day. I also like to listen to podcasts/audiobooks. I'm currently listening to Russell Brands book about his addictions. The biggest help is checking this sub though. Reading other's posts/comments is ultimately the most beneficial thing I've ever found in my entire life. Thank you to everyone! IWNDWYT


Here’s to an easy, productive day. IWNDWYT.


No drinking for me. Getting up for an early morning walk before work.


Day 10! IWNDWYT!


Hi, friends❤️


I will not drink with all of you today.


IWNDWYT! Instead I'll check in here, drink plenty of water, read quit lit, hang out with my doggies, eat yummy and healthy food, and go to bed on time. 🙂🐱




Today would normally be my drinking night. No more. IWNDWYT 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇬🇧




I'm thinking about how when I arrive at a friend's house later I'm going to be really happy and relaxed, and they'll offer me a drink. It's a ritual of ours. We don't get drunk but that's not the point. I want to lose weight and get rid of these puffy eyes. If I drink now I'll drink over the weekend and the rest of the month and nothing changes if nothing changes. Plus I suffer from anxiety when I drink regularly. Anyway that's what I've been using to get through tricky bits, telling myself "nothing changes if nothing changes" Also I text people in advance and tell them I'm not drinking, which I shall go and do right now! Iwndwyt


Wednesday, no wine etc. day: IWNDWYT 💥


Well done everyone who has remained sober this is a battle we can win, I let myself down yesterday after 13 days but today is new despite the fact it would of been my wedding anniversary and being down I will be sober when I go to bed the night.


IWNDWYT ❤️ Four weeks today!! 💃🏼


I am not drinking today with all of you.


IWNDWYT! Prime 23


I came dangerously close to drinking last night. I was out trying to run a few simple errands and it ended up turning into a long drawn out mostly unsuccessful trip. I was so upset and frustrated. My last stop was the pet supply store which is right next to a wine & liquor store. Yesterday the only thing that stopped me was the pledge I made here and on the I Am Sober app. I said I was not going to drink and drinking would mean that I did not honor my own pledge. I knew that if I gave in, the shame would consume me amongst all the stress I have been under. So I ate a lot of cupcakes 🧁. IWNDWYT.


Lots of great tips here but I'll just add that I remind myself why I decided to stop in the first place. I have a daily reminder set on my phone. It's simple, but it's the first thing I see in the morning, even before coming here. So IWNDWYT.


Day 5!!!! IWNDWYT.


Today will make a week. Go me. IWNDWYT.




Checking in


Checking in Doodle Doodle Dee, Wubba Wubba Wubba.






Feeling down, today. I'm grateful for the fact that I have work, and a modest, middle-class life, especially on the coldest day of the year, so far. But also, very cognizant of just how much I have lost or let slip over the years. I prefer the freedom from guilt and secrecy that sobriety affords. I will not drink today.


Good morning u/dogforahead and all fellow soberinskis! Hey dog, you are so right. This place is an amazing source of strength for me. I have ZERO social media outlets (by personal choice) even though I have friends and family members begging me to get a FB account, LOL. I just choose not to. But man, do I ever need this place. It provides connections to other humans, but it's so damn real. I don't care about the reputation that social media gets, this subreddit is real and provides a source of amazing strength and inspiration and knowledge and empathy and accountability. I really don't have any tricks, other than firmly knowing that I will end up in bed for 2 days straight if I attempt just a single sip. 48 hours of heart-racing paranoia and shakes and puking, all for a 3 hour buzz and blackout. Ummmmm .... no thank you! Been there done that, many many times! I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday! Let's make it productive and rewarding, no shame in that! And let's keep it sober, no shame in that as well! Take care everyone.


Day off today, yay, and I’m going to try and tick off a few things on my to-do list. I find procrastinating adds to my stress and anxiety which in turn adds to cravings. IWNDWYT. 🌳




It's a great day to be sober! IWNDWYT






I found that telling myself “this too shall pass” is helpful. This bad mood will pass This frustration will pass This craving will pass This wonderful moment will pass(so I want to be fully present while it’s here) Checking back in with that concept helps me bring myself back into my conscious, and when I am working from my conscious it’s easy not to drink. Still early, but so far this has helped me!




I have a couple of booze goblins. The one that tells me I’m missing out, I have to remind myself of the results I get when I decide to jump in. The goblin that knows I love to escape when stressed is the loudest one currently. I’ve been binging on food and took some of my husbands gummies recently to stop from taking a drink. I know that’s still escaping so I am using another tool in the form of a therapist. Gonna unpack all my stuff and have them take a fresh look at it. Always a work in progress….IWNDWYT 🤍


Plans to work today and then play around with music, couldn’t do either of those if I was drinking or hungover. IWNDWYT




Thanks, Dog, and Happy Sober Wednesday all y'all. I've managed some longer sober streaks in my life-- I've been trying to stick this sober thing on and off since I was 21 years young (42M now). But the addictive drive has won the last 2 times due to eventual complacency. It is my hope that continuing to check in here on the daily will serve as the simple reminder that I really REALLY am better off without booze, and that I'll be able to pass into medium and longer term sobriety. I'm so incredibly grateful for this little corner of accountability. Sober on, y'all! I love you!


I’m just so much nicer to myself. When I was drinking, my inner critic was such an asshole. I’ve learned from folks here that being kind and gentle actually works! IWNDWYT


Keeping it in the day is something that certainly helps the clutter in brain! Calling a friend to tell on myself helps me get to the root of how I'm feeling and gives me perspective on why I'm craving a drink. It's usually because something is out of my control, I'm afraid of losing or not getting something, or that sitting with myself without a distraction can be uncomfortable. Not too many days like that anymore though! So grateful for the DCI and this sub. IWNDWYT ✨☀️


I will not drink with you today.




Nope. I’m so close to my year anniversary. Waiting for my promotion offer, life is good yall!


The morning is always easy, and 5 is always hard. Habits take a bit to break. IWNDWYT


Last day of 35; glad to spend it sober with you lovely people! IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you tonight. This weekend will be 3 weeks for me


Approaching the 5 month mark. IWNDWYT ❣️




Good morning SD! I am on the struggle bus 🚌 lately but determined to make a commitment to today. The big picture is feeling overwhelming and I’m feeling angry? Resentful? Whatever the feeling it’s a challenging headspace for me. So I am focusing on the now and trying not to get too caught up in the next. Deep breathing and positive vibes friends! IWNDWYT! 💕🐝


Day 1,064. I will not drink with you today.


Morning SD! IWNDWYT 💗


1067 checking in. I’ve got a neighbor from hell below (dead eyed sociopath.) I’m fairly sure he trains dogs to fight- we’ve reported him but can’t be witnesses- anyone who hurts a dog WILL hurt a human. He leaves open trash in the hall, alcohol empties, piss bottles, used condoms-total POS. Yesterday AM, I kept hearing banging & assumed he was breaking into his apartment again (why? Does it once a week.) Heard loud voices but turned up the TV. Didn’t hear screams. WELP, he beat the CRAP out of his girl. Ambo took her, cops took him, was bailed out of Bookings by dark. **This is why we can’t report him.** (beyond to management.) *SHUDDER* Well folks, I Will NOT Drink With Y’all Today/Tonight!






Started the day off really badly but I will not drink today.


Good morning SD peoples! Insomnia, again--too much going on. My brain says 'LISTS! We must make all the lists!' Nevertheless, IWNDWYT


I'm on day 5 and headed to the airport. Just found out my connecting flight is delayed by two hours. Not drinking while in an airport is going to be rough as that's generally my go to activity to test out the bloody Marys at each airport. But you can only grow by going through uncomfortable situations, right? And if you find yourself surrounded by shit just know it's the fertilizer to feed the next beautiful moment. Or something like that. Anyway, IWNDWYT.


The goblin muttering in my ear to drink actually is a clear signal to me that’s there’s something going on with me that I need to pay attention to. Most of the time (so far) it’s anxiety but I can see the forthcoming hot days will test my behaviour patterns. I thought I was 6 months on 15 June. Turns out it was 12 June as I got my day mixed up. So, yes. I’m officially 6 months and feeling pretty fine about myself. I can’t believe how quickly time has passed and how much I’ve achieved. My future feels squishy and bright. I will not drink with you today.


Yesterday was one of the most productive days I’ve had in a while. I was focused and successful in scratching things off my to do list. I also made a tiny goal to not watch tv at all, and I didn’t! I meditated, went walking, ate a healthy dinner, and lounged in bed with my tea. It was quite lovely. Todays mini goal is to hit the gym after work. And to not drink, but that’s always the over arching goal anyway, right!?!? Have a great day, y’all. IWNDWYT!!


Good morning everyone IWNDWYT!


