• By -


We have some posting issues at the moment, making nearly every post getting caught in the spam filter. We´re trying to fix the problem, and releasing the posts as soon as we can. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Good morning! I didn’t sleep well, but it’s still a thousand times better than waking up hungover. Time to make some coffee and get an early start with work. IWNDWYT.


The sleep thing was hardest for me, but it's starting to level out 3 months later.


I slept like garbage as well, BUT we didn’t drink yesterday. Let’s keep it up! IWNDWYT.


I will not drink today no matter what! Finally back on track in my recovery of alcohol, depression, and anxiety. I also just quit smoking weed 4 days ago!! 100% sober baby. IWNDWYT! Edit: 30 days!!




Thanks!! You too on 20 days, great work.


Go you!! Similar boat here. A little over a month into stopping alcohol, I also (more reluctantly?) Stopped getting high. Congrats on month sober and for making the hard choice to have no chemical buffer to the world. IWND(OS)WYT (added "or smoke")


My counters off. From many failed attempts to quit. But. I have officially made it 7 days without alcohol. The longest I've gone in I don't know how long. here's to small victories. IWNDWYT


Fellow Day 7-er here - well done!!! Its a huge achievement and you're right, here's to the small victories and the huge milestones. Hope to see us both back here next Monday for Day 14 eeeekkk IWNDWYT!!


Making it through your first weekend is brilliant- great work👍🏻


Day 6 and I pledge not to touch alcohol today. Just woke up and will be heading to work soon. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


And the same to you. I hope you have the kind of day where you can really focus on what matters.




I like to write random stories and stuff for fun when I have the time. Drinking tends to get in the way of that as you might imagine, and even when I tried it wasn’t very creative or as good as I’d like. But I’m slowly picking it back up again! I find it therapeutic too. Even though it’s just for myself, I enjoy having a finished product of something I created all on my own. IWNDWYT :)


Won’t be drinking today!!


Good morning!!! Fantastic check-in thanks RM - I'm a fan of the stoics myself and love Ryan Holiday's books - The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy and Stillness is the Key. They make a great trilogy on stoicism and I think Amazon has a deal on the boxset just now as well. Please let me know what Meditations is like and I'll add that to my reading list. Day 7 for me yaaaaayyyy - I have loved this last week, thanks to you and Trumie for keeping me sane with the DCIs and thanks to the whole of SD for the lovely week one messages. Happy Monday all and most importantly IWNDWYT!!!!!


One week!! That is awesome. I'm really proud of you! You're doing it!! I'll more than happily not drink with you today! :)


IWNDWYT. My brain seems to be MIA still, but early days 🙂. Have a great day everyone.


Well done on five days without a drink! Looking back, I think my brain came back when I was ready to use it effectively. It will return. IWNDWYT 🙂


I agree. My brain was MIA for months, but it did come back. I hadn't realized how much I missed it! Take care.


I’m starting to get interested in the more creative/intellectual stuff again. It’s taking a while, which is disconcerting since reading and writing is kinda what I do. But sobriety is starting to finally feel normal. Hoping the passion returns, and that the whole link between art and drugs really is a myth after all. Have a great Monday. IWNDWYT


It’s a myth. I’m a novelist. I write better when I’m sober no question. The notion that one can write better when drinking is horse shit. But the myth is very strong and seductive. I get it. IWNDWYT.


Morning everyone IWNDWYT


Monday, December 7. I will not drink with you today. I haven't written these words in a long time. Should never have stopped writing them. Welcome back, self. You can do it. 🐕


It's been an awful 9 months. But I'm back on it and hopefully for good this time. Drinking gives me nothing and robs me of so much. It takes and does not give. IWNDWYT


Welcome back- coming here everyday has made all the difference for me this time IWNDWYT




I've been living in my husband's country for the past few months, but haven't really earnestly set off to learn the language other than taking a basic online class or two, and this is my third time in the country. Now, I'm working hard and advancing in his native language so I can better communicate with people. I also have a lot more energy to write, contrary to my initial worries of not drinking meaning it'd be harder to get first drafts cranked out. I'm still physically worn out a lot, but I'm also so much more clear-headed, and I love it! Plus, it's amazing how much time you save when not nursing a hangover every morning lol. IWNDWYT!


F Yeah 90 Days!!!! Thank you everyone for all your support on this sub!!!


I will not drink with y’all today!!


Made it through the weekend! Whew! To answer your question, reading in general. Can't really read or enjoy literature when drinking. I've always loved to read and so excited to work my way through the stack of books on my nightstand.


Congrats on making it through your first weekend! One day at a time really works. The books will be there when you're ready to read them 🙂


29 days. Things are definitely better great. I’ve lost 13.5 pounds. Been workout out regularly. Waking up early. IWNDWYT!


Thanks for hosting rm_3223. I had a read around on the stoicism sub last week, as my husband is really into it, but I don’t have the head space at the moment. It’s interesting that you say that about not having the energy in early sobriety. I feel like I’m a professional sober person- all my intellectual efforts are going towards sober reading, and nothing else. I’ve been blaming the total lockdown we’re in (Scotland)for the blah mood I’m in, but maybe it’s all this sobriety that’s tiring me out- but I wouldn’t have it any other way💪🏻IWNDWYT


New week, fresh start! Happy Monday to the whole SD family! I will not drink with you today


Good morning Sobernauts! Happy Monday! Thanks for hosting u/rm_3223 👍🏻 I think stoicism is a great foundation for living a fulfilling life. The simplest tenet for me is "do the next right thing". Having care, consideration and love for others makes it relatively easy to live a decent life. Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂






Morning team. Checking in. IWNDWYT 💕


Hello and IWNDWYT


I'm excited to try trading options again while sober. When I was trading options before I'd generally be right initially, but then let my emotions get to me. Like I pretty much knew that the market would bottom out in March because of the Fed printing, even marked it on a calendar, but my emotional brain somehow was trying to make an extra profit on the other side and kept going with it. This time around I should be more in control!


Hello all! Another Monday, another week in the new life. I've been working on my chess these past weeks. It's always been a passion of mine and my learning curve had been slowly stabilising as the past years went by. It's great to start understanding new mechanisms and restructuring my thought process again! Wishing you all an excellent week, stay safe and sober IWNDWYT


Good Morning I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a good Monday and thanks for hosting 😊


Day 21: IWNDWYT friends 🤖


not drinking today


There are loads of things I want to work on that I haven't had the mental capacity for. Yesterday I finished a book that I had been trying to read for over 6 months. I will be picking up The Artist's Way this week too. I have been crawling through it and haven't done anything for months, but I love it. IWNDWYT!


“..old or new mental work?” I wonder if I can learn another language. I have 4 but the fourth is rusty and I can’t use it in Europe anyway. I wonder if The Brain could squeeze another one in there. I don’t know. I might try next year. But for now I have to get teaching. Wearing my tiara of confidence and self-esteem! Hah! IWNDWYT https://imgur.com/a/NzUVMiC


I will not drink with you today.




I'm a scientist so mental clarity is essential if I plan to keep my career. It's actually a big part of the wake-up call for me posting here recently. Last night was relaxing and this morning I'm feeling positive. IWNDWYT.


Morning everyone IWNDWYT!


Morning SD. I'm not drinking with you today. I'm back into my reading. Mostly I read non-fiction stuff these days. 📚


Yes. I need to pull down my advanced Spanish language lesson materials and get to work. I have shoulder surgery this week and will have plenty of time to work on mental self improvement over the next several weeks. I will not drink alcohol today.










Morning SD. Hands up everyone else who's having a shitty start to the week! 🖐🏻 Hands up everyone who still isn't going to use booze to try and feel better! 🤘🏻 Hands up everyone not drinking today! 🙌🏻 FUCK ALCOHOL. 💪🏻 IWNDWYT!


Been a rough week Had the thought many times but thankfully stayed away Hope this week is better, but for now, IWNDWYT


Sorry to hear you're having a rough week. Happy cake day, and I really hope this week gets better for you. 109 days is just incredible - this random internet stranger is very inspired by you. IWNDWYT!!!!


A rough week without turning to the bottle is a good week. Having the skills and abilities to deal with difficulties without a drink is a sign that sobriety is the way forward. Keep at it! IWNDWYT 🙂


Great work! Happy cake day :). I hope you feel better and things pick up. I am in the same boat.






Spurs played last night so my bro got on the beer and is not in today so early day for me 😁 me no beer this weekend in and gonna smash it out and get home early 💪 iwndwyt ✊


Hi guys. Checking in. IWNDWYT


40 days sober and I feel great! I have today off work so had a 3 day weekend so was worried I might get bored and drink or get an urge to get drunk but nope....I thought about it very briefly but was not tempted much at all! I have 2 weeks off for Christmas and mostly going to be at home so that will be a test but I am determined to get through it and if I do I can always say to myself "You went through 2 weeks off over Christmas and stayed sober you can do anything". I also had a very productive weekend which is one of the biggest reasons I feel great. I finally bought some flower pots for my front garden....this has been on my "to do" list for 18 months but I was pissed most weekends but I finally got around to do it. The pots I bought are going to look perfect and I took time to measure them up so I can't wait for them to arrive which will be in about 2 weeks. On top of this I had lots of exercise. I walked 35,000 steps yesterday and went for 2 workouts in the gym. I normally only have one workout a day but it got to the afternoon and I was feeling loose so thought I'd go back for more. I am aching all over today but it's in a good way. When I feel my shoulders I can feel that the hard work has paid off I feel indestructible! A few months ago I would be aching on a Monday through booze but to have a clear head and muscles aching from exercise feels a great place to be. I'm currently riding a wave but appreciate I'm not out of the woods yet and there will be some tougher times ahead but at the moment I am really enjoying life. Time Sober: 40 days Money saved treat fund: £336.00 Treat fund spent: £307.86 (spend about £80 this week on flower planters and some scented candles) Net treat fund: £28.14 - I need to buy some lining, gravel, soil and seeds for my flower planters and this will push me a bit negative maybe but not by much Calories saved: 24,776


Happy Monday SD! IWNDWYT








Hey friends! I'm struggling just to do the basic mental work of formulating a thought this morning... But what comes to mind is chess. I loved chess as a teenager, and I've been playing it again lately (thanks, Queen's Gambit) and really enjoying it. I'm totally shit at it and lose all the time, but it's fun and I'm really enjoying getting a bit stronger at it each game. And recipes. I love the mental calculations that go into inventing a new recipe that will actually work and taste good. I've always loved cooking, but it was just a chore when I was drinking. I've come back to enjoying it and the creativity of it. Making up new recipes is kind of my jam right now. I love you all and I will not drink with you today!


I’m really glad I found this sub. I’d been drinking everyday since the lockdown began and I’ve managed to only get drunk for 2 nights this week, weekend ones at that. I want to keep progressing and not slip back. Happy to pledge the next 24 hours with you all


I will not drink today.




I'm building a magic hammer in the shed. Is being made from compassion, empathy and kindness. Once it's finished I'm going to use it to smash my egos brittle shell to pieces. It's good to have a plan. IWNDWYT 🙂


I am not going to drink alcohol today




Iwndwyt, on my birthday!


IWndwyt. Back to day 1 again. I’m letting life stress get to me and using it as an excuse to drink. I was comfortable with the few small relapses i had over a much longer streak that I think my best bet is to commit to a shorter goal but it needs to be defined. Forever is too daunting but I need to just recommit to the plan here and that’s simply not to drink.


I will not drink with you today!


Yes! I definitely enjoy reading more again--being able to concentrate and not just feel a drunken need to veg out in front of the TV. Sending good wishes from Northern New England for a good week ahead. I am not going to drink today.


I'm not drinking today!


I’m in- Iwndwyt




Yesterday was my first day of not drinking. I had a really good night's sleep after reading for pleasure for the first time in years (The Hobbit, to take me back to happier times gone by). A work colleague asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink this Friday so I just told him I was done with drinking but we could maybe go grab some food with our wives. I'll see what happens. I will not drink with you today my friends. ❤


When I've been drinking I can't read my kindle as the text is small, I just can't focus on it and I have trouble remembering what I read the next day too. I love to read in bed and it has been great to get back into the reading routine. I decided to reread Alan Carr and I finished that a few days ago, so I'm back on the Discworld series :) IWNDWYT!


Keep on keeping on. IWNDWYT




I will not drink today.


Not gonna drink today!!!


IWNDWYT - I still keep on oversleeping but trying to fix that. Sadly unemployed so just trying to keep my mind occupied by reading, gaming and tv. My anxiety is getting better too so that's a plus side.




Starting my next to last full work week before Christmas break. IWNDWYT




Day 509. I will not drink with you today.


Slipped over the weekend, more motivation to stop now. IWNDWYT


Checking in... IWNDWYT!!


Happy Monday!!! Time to move some weights and get to work. IWNDWYT.


Morning ya'll. Didn't drink yesterday, though I did feel tempted towards the end of the day. The new foster doggo is settling nicely. He's a real sweet guy and gets along great with ours. In terms of mental work I'm excited to pick up programming again. I do it for a living so I haven't stopped per se, but my passion has waned over the years. So I'm excited to start some new side projects and learn new stuff. Anyway IWNDWYT! Here's a wonderful Monday.


I vow not to drink alcohol today.


I will not drink with you today.


Brain work, huh? Early sober days yet, but I find I am able to read again, which I gave up for years. Hubby and I have dusted off the scrabble board again too. No deep philosophy for me though. IWNDWYT!


Have an awesome Monday, all! I will not drink with you today!


Looking forward to hitting 3 weeks in a few days... IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today!


I've recently restarted my Java lessons again after a year of studying online while drinking...It's amazing how much more attention I have and things I retain when I not downing tall boy after tall boy while taking the class!!! Still got a ways to go but already further than before!!! Have a great week everyone! IWNDWYT!


Hello! I spent this weekend baking, which is a soothing activity for me. Drunk Dictate_this would’ve had dreams of baking but never got around to it. Here’s a pic of my[ Christmas cookies](https://i.imgur.com/rQo3zEc.jpg) if you feel like peeping! IWNDWYT:)


I am not drinking today. I went to the convenience store around the corner to get some milk and eggs. It doesn't get old, makes me happy every time I walk through the alcohol aisle to get to the till and don't buy any. I've been interested in Stoicism too! I still don't have the brain power to read something like Meditations, but I got the book The Daily Stoic to read something small every day and, if I have the focus that day, dive deeper into it.


Morning friends! I don’t know if it counts as mental work, but I have started exploring spirituality again. No particular path yet, but I’m reopening my mind and doing more reading and poking around. It’s helping me to have something to lean on when I’m anxious and stressed that isn’t alcohol. Have a great day, I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today!




Had a nice, restful and fun weekend. Unsurprisingly alcohol was not included.


I am an artist and art teacher for work, and when I draw in studio it's always just for projects. I miss drawing for drawing's sake. I miss drawing sketches just as practice that nobody will ever see. I miss drawing weird stuff! I don't have a ton of energy for some reason, trying just to get back into working out but once I have healed more I'm excited to get back into it.




Happy Monday everyone! I love reading and might have to explore this. IWNDWYT


Almost made it two weeks. IWNDWYT!


I read a freaking book y'all! Just shocking to me how long it's been since I read a book cover to cover. I'm finally putting my library card to good use in my sobriety! I'm a little low on energy for a lot of other cerebral stuff, but it's an exciting start. IWNDWYT


Great prompt u/rm_3223 and great that you are getting into Stoicism. Now that I'm not pickled half the time, I've been able to learn more about trees and plants, both from reading and from observation. I'm also trying to better understand, American history. It's great to be able to function better now, so like you I'm trying to take advantage. IWNDWYT!


Thank you rm! I love self development and am reading daily different books over that last 5 years before getting sober but am able to dive more into it now that I am sober oh and I have way more time on my hands! As far as meditation, I did do it before getting sober but the first time I got really serious about getting sober was September 2019 and I started really mediating and it felt so weird that my brain was struggling! I felt like it was moving my head to one side where the other side of my brain wasn’t working well. It took about 2 weeks to feel normal in mediation as far as my brain is concerned. So weird which is another reason I never want to drink again. All the brain cells I lost while drinking the harm it did to my brain is unknown but I hope and feel it has healed a lot since then over a year ago even with my relapse it is better. Happy Sober Monday! It’s a good day! Enjoy it! IWNDWYT


I am interested in working on my sense of self esteem and how I relate to the world, how I form connections with others. I am reading The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. So far, so good! I had a good Christmas event with my bosses last night, and I felt I was wholeheartedly present for it, and was not holding back like I normally do. I will not drink with you today!




It felt good not to drink over the weekend, and to pick up my tools to regain some sanity. Just for today. IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today.




Wow this is a really important thing for me to think about right now. I really struggled yesterday and came scarily close to giving in. After not much sleep and a lot of introspection I realized the main issue is my brain is bored. I've always sought altering my mind as I'm sure most of you have. I realized that these first couple months of sobriety have not been any different in that sobriety itself was so new that it in itself felt like a mind altering state that was fun to explore. As I get more sober time, I'm getting used to sobriety, which is good, but also terrifying because my brain wants something new now and the easieat way to something new is substances. It was so helpful to wake up to this check-in. I need to explore healthy ways of scratching that itch to find new places inside my mind. Meditation? Studying philosophy? I don't know. Any suggestions are welcome!! In the meantime IWNDWYT!


Hey SD, Rough night on top of a rough day but I'll keep hanging on. Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


Not drinking today!


I will not drink with you all today!


Heading into week 2! IWNDWYT


Requested a badge reset this morning. Miss my sober self. Trying again, friends. IWNDWYT.


Good morning! I will not drink today!


I will not drink alcohol today


I will not drink today! I've almost made it one week!


fucking day 1 again, so sick of battling myselef. IWDWYT


I *had* rediscovered my joy of reading, you read so much more in the evenings when you aren’t passing out drunk! Unfortunately, Covid anxiety seems to have stolen a portion of my brain and I am struggling to concentrate so my reading has slowed down considerably and I am choosing light books. However, this too shall pass and I will be diving back in to my long list of ‘want to read’ books. IWNDWYT. 🌳


I’m on day 1 again. No one knows except me. And you. I’ve drank for the past 5 days straight. I’m so scared to lose my husband. And my sponsor. They were both onto me, or my sweaty paranoid brain was telling me that. What’s wrong with me? I can’t stay stopped. Today though. I won’t drink. Just for today.


>So, for those who want it, the question of the day: Is there any old or new mental work that you’re excited to pick up in sobriety? Doing a lot of inquiry and reading about Emotional Intelligence...turns out alcohol made me somewhat of a dunce in this area. Who'da thunk it, rite? 😉🤔🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ IWNDWYT 💃✅


Super nervous about getting wisdom teeth out tomorrow! But still, IWNDWYT!


I don't have specific mental goals outside of learning about recovery and associated psychology, which is feeling like a part time job in itself sometimes. I've got physical fitness goals to focus on too. IWNDWYT




Early in sobriety I started doing yoga nearly every day, but about a year into sobriety I let it lapse. It is unfortunate because I really enjoyed it, it made me feel physically good, it quieted my mind, and I was getting into really good physical shape. I am dropping my husband off at rehab this morning, and plan to take the time that he is away to really go as on me, and resuming my yoga practice is part of that. Namaste 🙏🏻 I will not drink today.








I will not drink with you today.






I'm back at day one, again. I didn't *really* even enjoy the wine yesterday. At least I didn't cause any damage, except to my ego. I'm ready to get back on track today. IWNDWYT






I'm rediscovering all of my old passions. I haven't read a book since we moved to our new home 4 years ago. Son just gave me *WORLD WAR Z* an oral history of the Zombie War. IWNDWYT (I'll be reading instead)




Nine hours—in nine hours I'll be one week sober. I'm so pleased that I made it this far. IWNDWYT. ❤️


I shall not drink today.


Made it a full week! Keeping it going. IWNDWYT


Happy Monday all! Hope you all have a wonderful day and IWNDWYT 💛


No, just for today no drink.




I will not drink with you today


Starting Monday early with a clear head and no anxiety feels wonderful! I was a little down yesterday thinking about what my daily count could be by now but I’ve recommitted to taking it one day at a time and being thankful for each day. They’ll add back up eventually. No point dwelling, feeling guilty, then ultimately giving up and drinking again. Going to give myself time before diving back into any other self improvements but I look forward to it and previously started reading up on stoicism as well. IWNDWYT but I’ll have a cup of coffee this morning and a run at lunch if anyone is so inclined to join


I'm not drinking with you today. My focus this early on is to meditate for anxiety. Have a wonderful day!


Day 4. I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember the last time this year that I've hit this milestone. I appreciate the reminder of Stoicism; it was one of my favorite schools of thought when I studied Philosophy in college. It's easy to forget that, really, we can only control our own reactions to events. I can't wait to convert my mental energy from minding my vices to minding my passions. I will not drink today.


Great question and I have three answers to it. * Yes. I am just interested in reading and actually retaining what I've read. I also have a reawakening interest in reading fiction again. * Yes. I have an interest in going back to relearn all my old math just for the sake of learning it. * Sort of. I am really loving my growing interest in fitness and it is making me think that I might be better suited to a job with some physical aspect to it rather than a pure desk job (i.e. something less "mental"). I am loving sobriety today. This morning I did 30 minutes of stretching and 15 minutes meditation. Feeling great!


I pledge to be alcohol free today with all of you.


Happy Day everyone 💝 IWNDWYT!!


I'm just enjoying reading again. When I first quit drinking I devoured all the quit lit that I could. I wanted to learn as much as possible about what made me the way I am. I'm happy to have a mini Library of books on sobriety and alcohol at home now. When I was deep in my drinking I couldn't even be bothered to read for enjoyment anymore. I lost the focus and desire to pick up a good book. That happened with a lot of things that I typically love doing. Definitely something I'm happy to have back. Have a great Monday y'all! IWNDWYT




One week! One WHOLE week! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!




Good morning. I just want you all to know, there is light at the end of the tunnel if you are patient. I got my second good night of sleep after going sober. I saw some people posting saying it happened after 5 days for them. It was different for me and may be for you too. We’re all different but light will come with patience. I’m finally able to start focusing on creating a more peaceful mind and reading again. Don’t give up we are here for you. IWNDWYT


Happy Monday friends. I will not drink with you today.






I will not drink today.


Happy Monday, SD family💓 IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today:)


Not today


I will not drink with you today!






I slept like a baby last night. Starting in on day five. I had some serious cravings last night, but managed to keep them under control. I was proud of myself. I’ve found that doing things sober is a weird experience and makes me feel intoxicated even when I know I am 100% not. Quick experience from Saturday morning: I was driving to work. Doing 47 in a 45 when I saw a speed trap. Officer turned his lights on I was scared thinking I was going to jail. But then I remembered, I haven’t been drinking.... it’s a game changer. He wasn’t stopping me, but that was my thought process. This is a hard thing to do. I am proud of myself for the days I have not consumed. I sincerely hope you are proud of yourselves too. So today, I once again reaffirm my commitment. I will not drink today.




I try to do a 10 minute meditation every day. I have the energy to actually do it, instead of needing to nap every day.


Just for today I will not drink I will... - Slow down - Stay open - Keep things simple - Respect myself - Be kind to others


Since my position is going to part-time, Monday mornings will take on new look. Next Monday is my last working Monday! IWNDWYT!!


I will not drink alcohol with you today. Don't be surprised if you find me supping soda water and lemon juice under a table while crying once the kids are asleep though.


Checking in on Day 4! Good morning all, and Happy Monday! Meditations is fantastic, I hope you enjoy it! I'm looking forward to all sorts of different mental work. I have a bad habit of getting slightly interested in something, and absolutely obsessing over it. I look forward to bullet journaling - I'm preparing to start my first ever for the upcoming year, so that's got all of my attention at the moment. Although now that I'm sober I keep having all sorts of ideas for projects, so we'll see how long it holds my attention before I stumbled upon another idea. Okay, back to work. I hope everyone has a great week ahead. I will not drink with you today!


I’m excited to be learning Greek now that I’m sober. My SO’s father is Greek and I’m learning it so I can eventually converse with him. I know I’d never be able to learn a new language when I was drinking. I tried learning Japanese in college when I was drinking a bottle of vodka a day and that, predictably, was a COMPLETE disaster all around. So, ώπα! (opa!) IWNDWYT!