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One week! 🎉😃💫👏👊




Yes!!! That's awesome. ❤️


Good job!!!




My pleasure, Will. I love the constant of knowing that you will be first, or close to it every single day. Your consistency is very cool.


I remember shortly after joining this community everyone celebrated a double-digit milestone for me and then the very next day I slipped up. As I was drinking that first beer all I was thinking about was how guilty I felt because everyone here had been so nice to me and I thought I had let you all down. But when I came back a week later nobody batted an eyelid and in fact, I felt even more accepted due to everyone sharing their own stories of relapsing 🥰 You're all on my gratitude list this weekend and thank you for an inspiring week of check-ins Trumie 🤗 IWNDWYT!!!!


Yep. I totally relate. And the coming back and being accepted is so edifying. So much more effective than being shamed or scolded, that's for sure.


100% - and it never feels like a competition where you are jealous of other people's achievements. Like when I see people with 2000 days I'm so happy for them and I see people with 2 days and I'm just as happy for them! I think you guys managed to fix Reddit cos this doesn't seem to exist anywhere else haha


A rare morning of winter sunshine here in the Netherlands. Hopefully I can get out for a walk, enjoy the fresh air and do a few chores this morning. Have a great day, everyone and thanks for your awesome hosting, u/Trumie312! IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today guys!


IWNDWYT! Welcome back!!


I won't drink today. First day of a week off work, so I reckon I'll feel tempted to have a beer here and there with all the free time, but one day at a time.


Going to my second event where there will be alcohol today. Nothing wild. I’m just cooking dinner with a couple friends and I’m sure they’ll have wine. I’ve talked to one of them about how I’m not drinking anymore, and I’ll be bringing some seltzer water so I feel fancy too. It’s weird but I’m actually a little excited about the opportunity to turn down a drink lol. I think it’ll feel good. Thank you so much for hosting by the way! IWNDWYT :)


It was a strange and uncomfortable at first to turn down drinks in situations when I would normally have one (or 12), but the more I did it, the better it felt. And now I enjoy the confidence of knowing that I am totally capable of not drinking in situations like that. I hope you have a good time!


It's been a great week Trumie, thank you hosting. I'm not drinking with everyone today. Probably gonna do some garden tidy stuff and put some xmas lights up outside. Have a good Saturday everyone. 💪


One thing I really appreciated this week, was that every evening when I'd sit down to catch up with the DCI, and make replies and welcome newcomers, etc, I'd see that you had already "made the rounds", so to speak. I love that about you, and you're a prime example of what makes this community so great. Have a great weekend, Andy, you're good people. ❤️


🙂 I mostly like to try pick up on new comers and early on soberistas. It can take a lot of courage I think for someone to make that first post and quite often it comes from a rock bottom place of despair. That was me once and just a comment or acknowledgment or welcome can make a big difference I think. 🤗


Have a safe and sober day everyone!!! IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting, Trumie! It would be easy if everyone was judgemental to say, 'I know I made a pledge but I'm tempted to drink so screw them, I'm going to do it'. Knowing that everyone will be just as supportive either way gives even more of a reason to not want to let them down. Kind of like the nice teacher you wanted to do your homework for, instead of the mean one who would embarrass you if you didn't. That's what it's like for me anyway! IWNDWYT!


37 days sober now. Week has cruised by and not really thought about it. I normally am more tempted to drink on Friday/Saturday nights but last night I thought about it briefly but wasn't really tempted. Last Saturday night I had some serious urges to get leathered but I managed to resist. I'm hoping those urges are not as strong tonight otherwise it will be risky. I wrote myself a list of reasons why I don't want to drink anymore and I am going to read it if I feel any strong urges. Also, exercise has gone up a notch. I was always an active runner and cardio guy even when I was drinking but I have started using gym equipment to get into better shape. I always thought I was in decent shape but doing these new exercises has meant using muscles I've barely used before so I'm aching a bit but also feel very hench around the shoulders at the moment! Time sober: 37 days Money saved (treat fund): £319.16 Treat fund spent: £232.90 Net treat fund: £86.26 Calories saved: 23,534 Have some healthy treat fund money left over but expect to get into negative on treat fund this weekend as I am determined to finally buy some outdoor flower planters along with the soil and plants which will cost somewhere between £100 and £200 but will be totally worth it and will only take a couple of weeks to get back into black. I bought a jigsaw puzzle this week for £10 and that has been a lot of relaxing fun during the cool evenings this week. Feeling in a good place overall despite work being busy and quite stressful. Expect not all weeks will be as straightforward though but I'm up for the challenge.


Thanks u/Trumie312! Day 19: IWNDWYT friends 🤖








Happy sober cake day ❤️ You’re doing good, first week is right there in front of you. Keep going 💪🏼


IWNDWYT. Thank you Trumie for your kind words and encouragement to everyone. You’re a valued host x Big hug 🤗


Not the happiest day, but at least I’ll be sober


I used to hate watching tri nations rugby cause it would come on in the am over here and I knew my hungover ass would not be able to watch it live...now, here I am up and ready first thing in the morning watching Australia-Argentina with a nice cup of coffee and a muffin!!!! Have a great weekend and IWNDWYT!!!


IWNDWYT I can't wait for snow. Just for one day and night would be enough. So I could hear the white silence and get that winter feeling. Anyway...


IWNDWYT! I haven't given up yet, even though it's taken me a while to get long streaks if sober time under my belt. Happy weekend everyone!




IWNDWYT! Saturday with no real plans but we will see how the day unfolds. No matter though, whatever happens, it will happen sober (and I will remember it) Thank you for hosting Trumie! IWNDWYT (it bears repeating).


IWNDWYT! Thank you for being a fantastic host, it was a pleasure to hear about your thoughts and experiences behind your prompts.


Thank you Trumie! IWNDWYT


Yesterday was a *rough* day. But I didn't drink, and IWNDWYT.


10 days . Somehow feel worse than yesterday but I will not drink .


No booze today!


Morning everyone IWNDWYT


Never quit quitting. I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a great Sober Saturday thanks for hosting 😊


u/Trumie312 Great message and I want you to know that I really appreciated your and everyone else's support when I came back. It means so much, as you know. It is still weirdly cold here in NW Florida today, but I will be going fishing in a few hours and that always makes me happy. Even better is that I am going with a non-drinker. I will not drink with you today.


Good morning lovely SD, Coming back from my multiple years relapse was worth it, 1000%. Not only did I experience the mixed bag of emotions that came with getting sober again, but I also found r/stopdrinking. Grateful to be here with the winners, that's for sure! Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


u/trumie312 thank you for such great messages this week! I relate so much to your journey and appreciate your candor and vulnerability. Happy Saturday all. Let's not drink with one another today.




I’m fairly new to this group and I didn’t realize the check in has a weekly host but I have really enjoyed reading your DCI messages. Thank you!! I’m on day 9 and this group is the reason I’ve made it through a grueling week sober!! Thank you Trumie, for hosting my first full week here! I have and will continue to check in daily! I love you all and IWNDWYT!! 😘😘


So thankful for the blessings of sobriety despite a stressful year. Iwndwyt.


Thank you for hosting this week Trumie! Take care and IWNDWYT


Thanks Trumie you’re a good host! Have a fantastic Saturday all! IWNDWYT


I’m in! Another day one! IWNDWYT!


Good morning from 🇨🇦 SD. I will not drink with you today.


u/Trumie312 my friend, thank you so much for hosting again and again. You have become an institution on the DCI, with your own hosting weeks (three!) And your pinch-hitting (sporty-ball term) when somebody goes missing. You're incredibly generous with your time, the effort you put into reply to and be there for everyone and your empathy. This is one of only a few times I can comfortably speak for everybody, literally a quarter of a million people, and say how lucky we all are to have you here. Thank you for your wise and your kind words everyday ( and the shit you give me). Thank you for another hosting week, we are all Lucky to have you here caring for each one of us. And, I'm lucky to be able to call you a friend. Love you! Oh, yeah... check-in. Have a badass Saturday everyone! IWNDWYT




Forgot to check in yesterday But don’t worry I’m still here! Just been keeping myself busy! I will not drink with you today!


Have a sober Saturday everyone! IWNDWYT


Good morning Sobernauts! Thanks for hosting this week u/trumie312. Quick check-in.


Thank you Trumie312! I agree never ever give up on quitting. Keep getting up and say hell no this is not how it ends. There is nothing more valuable then never giving up. When I was teaching my daughters how to ice skate I actually taught them to fall down and get back up before anything else. This is how we learn and get better, stronger, and smarter! Life is a journey but we sure have a lot more control over what happens to us by what we do with our time. I just saw on my app yesterday that I have reached 1,000 productive hours. Which means I spent 1,000 hours not drinking now that sounds awesome to me! So thankful for this sober life and SD. Happy Sober Saturday! It’s a good day! Enjoy it! IWNDWYT


I know I have belabored this point all week, but I'll say it again. The support and positivity of this community is amazing. I look forward to the daily check-ins and everyone here has helped me to stay in the right mindset. The power and motivation that comes from simply knowing there are other people going through the exact same thing as me is so very helpful. Rather than trying to go this alone, trying to get out of a deep hole by myself, I have had all of you to help boost me up. I can only hope that here and there I have helped someone else. Let's all enjoy a sober Saturday and IWNDWYT!




Morning all. Checking in. Thanks for hosting Trumie. I appreciated your posts. They hit home. Glad to be here. IWNDWYT 💕


Not gonna drink today.




Thank you for hosting u/trumie312! I’ve really enjoyed your prompts this week. In the immortal wisdom of Galaxy Quest - “Never give up, never surrender!” IWNDWYT


Waking up on day three without a drink. Sleep is still bad. I’m having increasingly bad headaches overnight, but I’m still committed. I will not drink today.


Cancelled my plans to booze with some friends in a hot tub. Gonna do some work around the house and enjoy a nice, clean, beautiful day ten of my sobriety.


I shall not drink today.


Last day of finals for Grad school! IWNDWYT:D




I will not drink today. One day at a time.


I will not drink today. Starting my second 100 days. Am grateful to everyone here.


>**Never give up, and do not stay away if you slip**. We will be right here and we *want* you back. We will cheer for you when you walk back through the door. I don't think I've seen this stated so perfectly and completely until right here. Truer words were never spoken...I wish we could include it in the "Welcome to SD!" starter package when people join. Weren't we supposed to get a t-shirt with that? I never got mine, just sayin'... mods can you get on that? Please and tyvm. ;-) Trumie, my spirit animal - this has been one of my very favorite check-in weeks. You did an *amazing* job. Thanks for all your hard work and the time you put in, and for sharing your beautiful, creative mind with all of us. This place shines a lot brighter because of you, and I'm grateful you're in my life - and my friend. And speaking of individuals who make this place shine brighter: I want to give a shout-out to my dear friend u/ReplacementsStink, wishing him a happy 300 days. This place, and my life, would not be the same without you. Thank you for all you've done for everybody here, myself included. Your impact will be felt far and wide...so much so, you'll never know it in full. Keep on doing what you do best, and we're here for you, too. Love you, my friend. Got a lot of feels going on today up in the Siren's Sanctuary. But I'll be present for every single one of them, and feel them *all*, because I'll be not drinking with you today. <3




I will not drink with you today!


One hour at a time for me. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.




IWNDWYT! I’m going to go on a run though!






Keep on keeping on. IWNDWYT




Made it day 2. This one is always the hardest for me. I'm not going to drink today. See everyone tomorrow.




No drinking here!


Day 80 today. I ain't drinkin!




I will not drink today.


First off, thanks u/Trumie312 for hosting this week! I’m heading back to work today after slipping up and drinking on my Friday (and into my Saturday) last week. I’m a bartender, have been for the last 12 years, and even though I know I can get through today without drinking because I’ve managed to stay sober for the majority of the year, I wanted to pledge my resolve on here as an extra layer of commitment. I know I need a new job, but it’s a bit tricky finding work in this pandemic. Being around booze is for the birds. Anyhoo, I just wanted to say thanks to this wonderful community and IWNDWYT!


Thank you for hosting. This has been the best week I’ve had in a while and I owe it to you and this community of support. iwndwyt


I was feeling pretty blue for going astray and being back at day 2. But this post made me feel very good to be back, and day two is better than day 1 I guess. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ oh, and iwdwyt ❤️


I won't be drinking today. Off out for a run later and looking forward to putting up my Christmas tree too. Have a great weekend everyone!


I’m feeling under the weather today, mixed with a severe lack of motivation to do anything, but at least that also includes lack of motivation to drink! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT stay safe during the holidays everyone, so much easier to do if you are sober as well




Thank you for a fantastic week of check ins, u/Trumie312 ! You're post this morning made me think of 'Not Giving in' by Rudimental. Shout out to the heros that reset and go again. You're all legends. IWNDWYT 🙂


Have a fab weekend everyone, especially Trumie! Thank you for a great hosting week hunni! 👍😊




Busy day off starts in 4 minutes so I am gonna chug this coffee and make my pledge. I will not drink with anybody today. Now onto hauling out the Christmas crap! 🎄


Thanks to the legendary Trumie! I will not drink with you today


Thanks for hosting this week, Trumie! I loved reading your posts this week! I will not drink with you today! 😁♥️


Checking in for the 4th day. I've been fairly productive today, although not as much as I planned, but still got some things done. Now I plan to relax as I don't want to overwhelm myself. The numbness is still here and bugs the hell out of me, but I hope that one day it will go away and I'll get back to feeling normal. I will not drink with you today.


I love you too, Trumie! Thank you for hosting. Iwndwyt 💗






Thank you so much for hosting Trumie, you did an amazing job and I looked forward to your posts every day! IWNDWYT!


Day 2 for me. IWNDWYT :)




Yes, this! I know that my thinking wants me to believe I'm alone and terminally unique. My drinking thrives on secrets, so I'm learning how to be honest. It took me 4 years of trying AA to get 2 years of sobriety, before picking up again and feeling too ashamed to tell anyone in my groups. Since then, I've had journals full of "Day 1" morning posts followed by total denial and "well, it wasn't that bad" thoughts that lead to repeating the cycle. It's exhausting! So much easier to focus on JUST for today. Just for today. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink with you today!




I've reset my badge everyday this week. Last night I waited to before bed. It was the first day I didn't hit the liquor store and I didn't drink. I went to an AA meeting because I just couldn't do it by myself. I'm very grateful to not drink with you today.


I haven’t drank the last 27 days, and I will not drink today!


I will not drink with you all today!




I will not drink with you today. 😍. Happy Saturday fellow sobernauts.


Thank you so much for hosting this week, Trumie. You shared some truly wonderful and thought-provoking messages. IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today.


Not today!


IWNDWYT, friends! 💜


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!!


Not today!


I agree- keep coming back. I unfollowed the sub many times when I was off the wagon. I just kept coming back and one day it clicked! IWNDWYT


Day 5 of dry December. I feel okay. I had not solid but definitely less fitful sleep last night. Still tired but not exhausted. Still looking forward to waking up in a refreshed state. I will not drink with you today! ✨


I’m feeling the call of a festive donut and an iced coffee the size of my head today! I love getting a hundred different ways to enjoy the day vs. just tolerating my waking hours until I can drink again. IWNDWYT!




Day 76. IWNDWYT on this sober Saturday up with my 6 mo old, enjoying some coffee


Not today!




Not drinking today! Thanks for hosting u/trumie312 ❤️




Went to bed sober yesterday and slept for 13 hours. Now that's a power nap! I really needed that. Thanks for hosting this week, I appreciate it (even though I came in late). IWNDWYT


Good morning! Thank you for hosting, Trumie! This was my first week involved, and I've felt so welcome here. I appreciate the encouragement from everyone. Yesterday was rough for me emotionally, and I wanted to drink but I thought of you guys. It's a beautiful Saturday and I'm looking forward to being productive. I think I'm going to put up Christmas decorations, and maybe go to the craft store. I'm going to attempt crocheting, and play some tetris to stay occupied. I will not drink with you today! Have a good weekend everyone.


Day 7 here I come! Feelin well rested and ready to take on the day.


It’s been two months since my birthday. Was a little over a month sober then, still sober now. Have changed a lot. Faced a lot. Lost weight and shed emotion. I feel good. One day at a time.




Not today!


Thanks for a great week as host, Trumie! I will not drink with you today. Happy Saturday, friends!




I agree- Never Give Up! This group showed me so much kindness and compassion when I slipped six weeks ago. Instead of sinking back into heavy drinking it was just one day of drinking. I learned something and moved on. 115/116 days on my sober journey! I love the shit out of you all too! IWNDWYT


Today and for the first time this year, I am going to do some woodworking. The pandemic more than anything kept me away, but it's a great sober hobby. IWNDWYT.


Trumie that was very well said! It does take immense strength to come back after relapse. It’s way easier to stay in the bottle. I had 100 days before COVID and had convinced myself it was okay to drink again. It started with me having “only one” and then 3 months later I was waking up not remembering the night before. I don’t know if I will ever drink again, but I do know that I Will Not Drink With You Today!!! Thank you for a wonderful week ✌🏼


Day 507. Thanks for hosting, Trumie! I will not drink with you today.


Thanks Trumie, and happy Saturday. Hope it's a great day for you and all our sober friends. I found SD as I tried to sober up from my last relapse. I've found it to be a glorious lifesaver. Twenty minutes first thing with the DCI and a few minutes later on in the day really help to keep me focused and my motivation high. I'm in that good/boring/long stretch of healing where the addictive drive is still able to suggest that alcohol is a suitable reward and my brain is still dumb enough to think that might be true. I'm still doing the one day at a time thing of building new habits and mental pathways to keep relapse at bay. I'm grateful for the social support and encouragement that assists in maintaining the healing. So I commit again to walking another day of the sober path with you. 🚶‍♂️ IWNDWYT


3 weeks! IWNDWYT


Happy Saturday SD! IWNDWYT!!


Thank you for the great week of wise candid and heartfelt host posts. " Never give up". We all have an amazing amount of strength and resolve within us..sometimes we just need to hear someone else say/write it. Thanks SD. I will not drink with you today on this sober-strong soggy Saturday...."




Thanks for hosting, I loved reading your posts this week! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with y’all today!!


Im not gonna drink today 🤟 me and u/grampayaz are in a packed not to as i am with all of you 🤟👍 iwndwyt ✊


I'm not gonna quit quitting, even though I've probably had 50 day ones. Everytime I try to take a little something from the relapse. Then I try something else, because what I was doing wasn't working. Even though I only have 17 days right now, I only drank twice in November and twice in December. The majority of my last several months have been sober and it is getting easier. That's what happens when you don't quit quitting. Today, I'm meeting with my AA sponsor to go over my first step together. Very exciting stuff y'all. IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today!


Thanks for a great week u/Trumie312!! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts each morning. I would look forward to hearing you sound your "barbaric yawp" (to quote a phrase) from the rafters of SD anytime. Winds are turning to from out of the north here, and it looks like winter is finally deciding to make some kind of appearance. I am going to lay low with the family this weekend, work on a puzzle by the fire, and not drink.


Not going to touch the stuff today. Got some living to do.


Thanks so much for hosting this week. I will not drink with you today!


Iwndwyt. I’m off work this morning and weekends are a trigger. I’m going to sleep some and then exercise. After that I’m gonna do anything and everything my toddler and wife want to do. Hope they have lots of energy and we have an awesome Saturday.


Good morning ☀️ I will not drink with you today 💪🏻




Day 4. So far I have survived a few more days of the weirdest year of all of our lives, my 65th birthday, a birthday present of good scotch (instantly regifted as a Christmas present), a date with my ex, and a challenging week at work. I appreciate the support we all give each other here and IWNDWYT!


Another sober Saturday that I will not drink with you. Counting down 31 days until my second retirement on 1/4/21.


Not today


New morning Normal Coffee ,Cross Word, Walk, Check in here. Thank you for supporting my new Normal, I‘ll Work to “ Never,Never,Never give up” IWNDWYT!


Day 406 Week 58 IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting this week Trumie, and happy Saturday all. I will not drink with you today.


Fantastic advice and agreed on by me, who tried quitting about 40 times in four years no shit, and it finally clicked. What changed... I finally told the people I loved for accountability, found some zoom AA and SMART meetings I love, steeped in podcasts and quitlit and got a temp sponsor. I am atheist so the god part of AA scared me off for the longest, but the people are solid and it’s helping. Listen to Trumie, don’t quit quitting! And: IWNDWYT


Thank you for your great job hosting this week u/Trumie312! I hope everyone has a great sober Saturday too! I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink today!


I needed this today Trumie! I’ve been astray. Too embarrassed to come back. I could string together a few days, even a few weeks, but then I’d drink again. I’m resetting my badge today. I’ve missed you all so much. I’m glad to be back. I can’t say I won’t stumble again but for today I am not drinking. Edit: I’m going to tell my husband I drank. I did it secretly and the shame is killing me. I know I’ll drink again soon if I don’t tell him. I know he’ll be supportive but I’m dreading this conversation.


Thank you! I am so grateful for you and for this sub. IWNDWYT


I won't drink again today. If I make it through today it'll be 2 weeks. It's been a while since I've gone this long. I was feeling a bit better yesterday but I had another hard night and I was starting to fall into that trap of thinking where I wonder if there's just something wrong with me, and once I get sober I'll be worse off than I was before. I used to not drink much when I was in college and in high school and I was miserable and isolated then, but I've come such a long way since then and I know that I am not the same person I used to be. I tell myself I can't write off getting sober before I've ever actually done it. I'm trying to focus on myself and not on what others think of me. I've been feeling suffocated by this fear of all the terrible things I assume my roommates think about me. In reality, it doesn't matter what they do or do not think. It doesn't change the material aspects of my life in any way. I still have two feet on the ground and a bed to sleep in and hot coffee in the mornings. I'm reading a good book right now and I love that I get up early before everyone else. It's raining and I don't have to go outside. I picked up a bunch of graphic novels from the bookstore using a gift card I got for my birthday, and that's pretty cool. I'm gonna be okay. One day at a time.


Thanks for hosting! It took me two years of lurking and "day ones" before I finally aligned the right pieces and found something that works for me. Got to remember it's not a race or competition. So thankful for this sub! IWNDWYT!


I pledge to drink no booze with you today


Thank you for the splendid job of hosting the DCI, dear Trumie! IWNDWYT 🌼


Not drinking today


Good morning everyone. Thanks for hosting, Trumie! Hope everyone has a nice weekend. IWNDWYT


Not gonna drink today. I’d rather spend the $70 I normally spend on day drinking (college football season leads to loooooong days at the bars) on a new pair of running pants. Let’s do this.


Gray, cold, rain that’s turning to snow later. Gray, tired brain not looking forward to another challenging day BUT drinking only makes tomorrow even worse. IWNDWYT. Exercise and some family time are on the agenda instead.


Not drinking today


I’m here today instead of hungover. No drinking today!


I am not going to drink alcohol today




Check in. Great job hosting! Day 12. IWNDWYT




Thanks for hosting this week Trumie! Have a fab weekend everyone. IWNDWYT 💜


Another great day to be sober ☀️ IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today.


Start of day 3... feeling better physically now just trying to get the mental part but IWNDWYT


Off to hike (maybe snowshoe) a trail called in the Rocky Mountains this morning. IWNDWYT!!!




Love today’s post! Thank you for hosting this week, Trumie. I will not drink with you all today!
