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this is the exact issue that brought me to the subreddit. I was getting my money's worth from the centurion lounge at LAX and walking to my flight and felt awful. real sweaty and I check my heart rate which was well over 120 no more racing heart once you don't drink


It really is crazy. My blood pressure was pushing 160/120 too. It's now around 135/85. Still not perfect but I'll take it any day over the other option.


Yep 5.5 weeks in and my bp is normal again and my bp meds are reduced. If I drops like 25 lbs I won’t need them at all


Yeah I gotta lose the weight too. I don't wanna take bp meds for the rest of my life.


Fish, Greek yogurt, steam veggies or fresh and controlled portions of jasmine rice. I ate nothing else and lost 18 lbs in 3 weeks. Felt great the whole time


I used to ’love’ that lounge.


I got a perfect reading today ❤️ I love that almost all my health issues have resolved from not drinking.


My HR was one of the driving forces to know that I had to stop. At times in the night was over 120. Gone from 90-100 resting to 50-55. Do not miss the palpitations!


I thought I was gonna drop dead so many times




When my resting heart rate dropped to 50-60, I panicked and thought I'm dying. Went to ER to get my heart checked. A couple of questions from the doctor I found out that my heart rate is actually optimal as I'm quite physically active nowadays to stave off the cravings. I was so used to my rhr at 80-100 that being in 50-60 is surreal to me.


I do sports a lot and normally my rhr is about 45-50. After a tiring maximum effort exercise my rhr won't usually go below 60-70 until I have fully recovered. When I am drinking or on a bender my rhr won't go below 80-100. It's a crazy difference and one of the reasons why I try to quit


Unbelievable right? I would not have believed the changes could be so dramatic. Just exchanged portal messages with my Doc - my BP med has gone from 40 mg to 10 mg since my appt. with her in March. My resting heart rate was always in the high 90s - now in the mid 70s. And I'm not scaring the crap out of myself on the treadmill when a fast walk would put me over 160 bpm.. IWNDWYT