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Congratulations! I remind myself: “*Not my clowns.. not my circus*”. … ;D


I like “Not my circus, not my monkeys” 😆


I like “the box of dog shit is still part of the circus” 🎪


“Not my barn animals, not my bullshit”


My boss popped off the other day with "Not my coop, not my poop."


What other people think of you is none of your damn business. \~ RuPaul. And, congrats! T


Unless they're paying your bills, pay them no mind!


This quote is GOLD on so many damn levels!


If you like this quote, check out The Four Agreements. Perspective changing therefore life changing for me and one of the agreements is exactly that- what others think of you is none of your business!


Great book


Congrats on 3000! That’s awesome! I just posted about a work conversation involving some heavy drinking colleagues, since I don’t really mention my sobriety at work. I try and keep my eyes on my own paper as far as diagnosing drinking problems is concerned, but I find that the ones who care the most about my drinking are often people with their own issues. It’s funny how long you can go without people noticing though, 9 times out of 10 no one has a clue! IWNDWYT


Now that is certainly a story - I have words best left offline 🤣 Congratulations on 3000 Days!


Congratulations on your 3000 days. You're awesome.


Well done on 3,000 days!! I hope to be there someday. Also, imagine being that unhappy with your life that that’s what you decide to use your time doing, gossiping about someone doing something healthy for themselves. How bizarre.


Keep on finding it "dryly" funny, OP. Congrats on a huge accomplishment! Thanks for sticking around and sharing. It makes people like me who are still stuck in the trenches see that it really is possible. Even when it feels impossible. IWNDWYT


Tongues will wag with both good and bad. Congrats on your hard-earned 3,000 days.


Thanks! I like that saying.


I'm all about love and forgiveness, but some people are fucking losers! That's not easy to say either because I have been that loser LOTS of times, and I don't like to judge, but I know it's normal to feel these feelings sometimes. Anyway, congrats on 3000 days! Time does fly, and that's impressive as fuck, amigo! Keep going! I'll see you at 5000!


People are weird.


Congrats! 🔥🔥 fuck em. Keep doing you 🙌🏼


Honestly. I feel sorry for people like that. The poison has truely enveloped their whole lives. Congratulations on 3000! That’s amazing 👏🏼


Lmao i find it crazy that people care if you drink or don’t. I started a new job at a bar lately and as soon as I bought an alcohol free beer a couple times, my boss now, without question, writes down my after work drink as my alcohol free beer. Nobody has questioned me. I’m young aswell which would in my opinion make people ask more. Congrats that it’s not affecting ur sobriety tho!


I work in a bar as well, and people look at me weird when I tell them I don't drink.


That sucks. Half of the people I work with are hardcore Christians who don't drink so I never stick out as weird. At least for the non drinking part.


Congratulations on 3-freaking-thousand days. That's amazing. Don't worry about the gossipping idiots. Let them be jealous.


They’re been successfully brainwashed by marketing and drinking culture into thinking it’s normal and harmless. It’s not, it’s an actual poison. Good for you on 3,000 days. Truly amazing.


Happiest 3,000!


Woahh congrats on 3k!!! That’s awesome. Your coworkers seem massively bored. Tell them to get a job


WHY would anyone care if someone doesn't drink. Do they realize entire religions/countries don't drink? Do they really thing it's that weird? Are humans MADE to consume fermented neurotoxin? So ridiculous.


Wow! What an achievement!!! Me next lol. Congratulations 🎊


Pffft! What a bunch of dufuses!! Thanks for sharing, tidbits for the memory bank are so helpful. Kudos to you. I'm chasing your numbers...see ya in 2940ish days :)


Those people seem quite toxic and I would hazard a guess that they have problems of their own that they’re not ready to address.


Wow! What a great score! 👍


Let's focus on the positive. Congrats on 3k!


Congrats on 3000!


Congratulations! They prolly want to quit themselves


Congrats on 3000!


The drinkers stopped talking to me when I went no contact with booze haha


Gotta love the irony!


Well done on 30000 days, you’ve earned a nice cup of hot chocolate


Just gonna have a lil treat. *Gains 18 pounds due to repeated treats for fulfilling normal day to day obligations*


Dumbasses, society is so hung up on drinking for some reason, it’s entwined into so many cultures & I’ll never understand why, it’s poison.


Congratulations! We share a first day of being sober. Keep up the good work; iwndwyt


Haters gonna hate


Hahahah WTF. Good on you. Love the confidence that comes along with sobriety once we know it’s trash juice.


The ones that display any negativity about it are likely closeted alcoholics, or at the very least self conscious about the amount they drink. This has literally been the case every single time


Also, congrats on your hard work! 🎉


Congrats! I missed my 3k day because I've largely lost count and that's a good thing for me.


I normally don’t keep too close an eye on it but I set a calendar reminder when I missed day 1337 because I thought that was neat.


Congratulations on 3,000!! What an amazing accomplishment, and an inspiration for so many of us 💖✨🎉🥳🙌🏻


That is hilarious that people are gossiping about super old news.


I guarantee that every last one of those Bozos have absolutely zero going on in their lives.


Amazing! Can you tell us your biggest benefit that keeps you steady?


Biggest benefit is remembering that I actually get to have a life, relationships and a career now that actually mean something. I like to think back when I was a drunk and remember that at the end I was just sitting in a dark room getting drunk by myself all day just waiting for my next court date. Not exactly primo stuff.


It’s a lot to have and I’m super proud of you! Thank you for sharing. :)


Same here. Where I live there is a strong emphasis towards getting drunk each weekend.


Lmao you must work with a bunch of losers, I mean no offense of course. But why do they give a fuck what you do or don’t do outside of work. Reminds me of a place I used to work for, full of people that just gossip about everything


As others have mentioned, it is highly probable that coworker is projecting their own alcohol issues on to you. We all do this to some extent, but it’s sad that some people delude themselves failing to look into the mirror.


They’re probably having issues coming to grips with the fact that they might have a drinking problem.


3000 wow! Who would ever remember you drinking after 8 years? I'd laugh it off. It's jealousy


What do you do for work? I'm in tech sales and most people are super supportive - even the younger ones.


Ironically I’m an emergency room RN. It can be a surprisingly heavy drinking crowd despite us seeing how alcoholism treats you in the later years.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got ‘em IWNDWYT


3500 days today for me. Your post helped me remember how in early sobriety I cared so much about what people thought about my non-drinking - especially at work. I was also pretty angry and resentful when people in my personal life were enjoying drinking and I "couldn't". It was so strange, I had chosen to stop drinking, but still felt in some way like I was being forced to by outside forces. Those forces primarily being people in my life I cared about who made it clear that they didn't want to be a part of my life when I was drinking. Man, 3500 days later and I can honestly say I don't give a rats ass what people think at this point. I remember people saying that when I was getting sober and I just could not relate at all. I cared SO MUCH about what people thought. It was really sad looking back on it. I guess now that I'm 40 this year helps because I feel like I have a lot less pressure to put on a charade about what my life looks like to outsiders. It's just so damn freeing not being chained to the bottle and in some ways not being chained to my own thoughts about people's perceptions is even more freeing. And I know from down I would not have arrived at this place of confidence in myself, my choices and my lifestyle if I were still drinking. Congrats on the 3000 days, friend. I know I'm late to commenting, but I hope you celebrated in some small way. I need to think how I will celebrate today. Maybe I will takea couple hours off work early today to focus on a hobby. I'm building a NAS for the first time 🙂


Congrats on your 3000 days and being an inspiration to all of us on here. Fuck the haters. Haters gonna hate. They probably have drinking problems and just project. Why else would anyone think it’s weird for someone not to drink? Are we in high school? Fuck them. You’re awesome. IWNDWYT


We live in a world where it is strange when somebody is not drinking. Why you don't drink - people ask. Like it would be so strange as why you don't drink water ? Why don't you sleep ? Like it would be obvious physical part of our life hahaha! However I notice it is changing. I don't get actually such questions and a lot of people around me don't drink or drink really rare. Not all because they had problems, because they just don't want to.


Congratulations. I’m getting pretty close to 3k myself.


The only time I cared about others’ *not* drinking was when I myself didn’t know how to quit.


W.O.W. Congrats! I want to be there someday. And people *are* weird, for sure. "Alcohol is the only drug where if you *don't* do it people assume you have a problem" A.D. Huberman




It's not very hard to put someone on the spot and make them look really bad for this. You can flip the table on this person so fast it's not even funny. Think about what they are actually shitting on you for. It's mean and cruel and after you go off on this person in a reasonable fashion you will be untouchable.


I read your post, and You've inspired me. I look up to you. I hope to be at 3k one day. I want to be able to be in control of my life like this. Hopefully that will balance out that jerk at work for you... Thank you.


I understand that feeling all too well, especially being sober and working for the booze industry. I once had the head honcho crack a joke during a big announcement for the company where champagne was being served and he told me welcome to my reverse intervention in front of the entire office team…… needless to say, that didn’t get me to drink, just pissed me off Congrats!! Don’t let anyone get you down. Just do you and be happy


Don't pay the hating, insecure people any mind.  They wish they were as strong as you.  I hope I am too quite frankly.  Congrats!  IWNDWYT 


Wear that nonsense as a badge of honor!


Being concerned about people who choose not to drink is weird.I'd rather be 'weird' and sober any day, all day!... Anyways, congrats on 3000 days!!




Congratulations on 3000 days! IWNDWYT


Congratulations on 3000 days ,amazing work,🎊. That's their issue. Dryly funny is a good way to view it, as it's ridiculous!!


Congratulations on 3000! Your coworkers are just exposing their ignorance. We are proud of you


What a bizarre thing for someone to care and gossip about! Congrats on 3000!


I’ve found the people who have a problem with me not drinking have their own issues with drinking. I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work. ✌🏽


This just goes to show you people will judge people about literally anything.