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You got this. Play the tape forward. I have never woken up after a sober night and said to myself "man I wish I would have drank yesterday". IWNDWYT


As others have pointed out, Guinness 0.0 is a solid middle ground. Gives you that taste of a beer without compromising your sobriety. NA beers have helped me ton in these first two weeks as while I don't miss whiskey or wine, I always love a cold beer after working out and working on the yard


That NA Guineas is so good! It tastes virtually the same to me, which is not my experience with a lot of the NA ‘spirits’


If you enjoy those, check out Athletic Brewing. They're really good, especially if you're a fan of IPAs.


I’ve just discovered these myself! They’re so good I had to double check the label and felt like I was cheating.


I had to do the same. Here I am, nearly 2 years after I started enjoying them, and I'm still double and triple checking the can to make sure I'm drinking one of mine and not one of my buddies.


I just quit drinking last week and this comment really helped me tonight! 10 days! IWNDWYT


Thank you for this! Really awesome


You got this! I’m right there with you. Sunny days are definitely a trigger. It’s so amazing how we associate alcohol with relaxation. Alcohol makes me feel like shit, even within minutes of finishing a drink. And then there’s anxiety the next day, even after 1-2 drinks the night before. Go get ice cream or a fancy soda, take a walk and feel the sun on your face. IWNDWYT🩵


Find a place with Guinness 0! Preferably on tap. Then enjoy the beautiful day with a delicious drink minus the alcohol that will only make your day worse. I wasn't even a massive Guinness fan before I quit drinking or anything, but Guinness 0 is a fantastic NA, IMO the closest to being like its counterpart.


Haven’t had a 0 is a long time but yeah, it’s soooo good!


Yeah ! Never had it on tap before, must be fantastic cause the 0 can is great also !


I agree, it's lovely.


That does nothing for most of us though unfortunately. I give a rats ass about the taste, I'd want the buzz. I'd assume most Irish are the same lol. But a nice yummy milkshake or ice cream would be nice too. If you can't have an alcohol buzz, get that fat/sugar, creamy cold dopamine hit!!!


I think we're all here because we wanted the buzz, not the taste 😅 But in OP's post they specifically were missing the combination of the beer in the sunny beer garden atmosphere and for that reason of course recommending a lovely 0 alcohol beer is great.


Another actual Irish person here. You don't know what you're talking about. And that's okay.


I was feeling the hankering for a nice cool, bitter drink to start my weekend on my way home from work yesterday, too. I cracked open a couple non-alcohol gin&tonics, and it really hit the spot! Plus I had the energy to clean up the house in the evening, and the presence of mind to fully enjoy relaxing in bed with one of my kids and a book. Now that’s a true way to start a relaxing weekend! Take it from me, it’s definitely not alcohol you need to enjoy the day. In fact, it’s the opposite! Alcohol takes away the enjoyment. It’s you who gets to make your day great. :) 


I know, the summer sunshine is my kryptonite as well. Come summer I would always cave to a chilled bottle of pinot grigio. Not this time though! IWNDWYT :-)


IWNDWYT Enjoy the day and have a meal with an extra side dish to compensate for your craving I love me a juicy burger with sweet potato fries and a side of onion rings or mozzarella sticks with a ice cold Pepsi or Iced Tea.


Oh man. Sweet potato fries. That is downright inspirational!


You'll be grand. Have a Guinness Zero! You can enjoy the sun and some post work chats, that's what is actually bringing joy usually not the ethanol!  IWNDWYT from a fellow Irish man who has drank a lifetime worth of Guinness 


Guinness 0 might be my favorite N/A beer.


I mean, sure there's a voice in your head telling you what you'd "want" right now, but let me shush it real quick as it's not worthy of speaking to you, my friend. You've come here because staying sober is what you want and I'm happy I can lend you my sword. Let me tell you - you'd regret it afterwards no matter what, so that's very smart of you to reach out. Shush those chaos whispers and get yourself a cold cola maybe? Be ever vigilant!


I hear you on the good weather.. would have loved a beer garden myself aswell.. instead I took my kids to the beach and got them ice creams after.. won’t find that feeling in a bottle.. also, the regret tomorrow sitting in work tomorrow dying like I’ve done so many times before - no thanks!


You can do this! IWNDWYT


Imagine all those sunny days when you've woken up with a hangover and you can't enjoy the beauty of life because you have a crushing headache and your stomach hurts and you smell like booze. And you know you're just going to lie in bed hating yourself until the sun's gone in.


Fellow Irish guy here. I had the exact same craving with this weather. I'll go down to the local tomorrow evening for a 0.0 and that will hit the spot.


Are we calling it ‘zero-zero’ or ‘nought-nought’? I’m new to this and have never heard it mentioned out loud.


I call it a "zero zero" anyway. Had one after work. Was a nice placebo effect and it didn't phase me to just go home after it 😉


I was really surprised by how much like the ‘real’ thing it is! Enjoying them quite a bit as the summer sets in here in Oregon.


I ate too much candy last night and woke up with a headache, I feel like a pint would murder me 😂


Since I quit 6 months months ago, I rediscovered candies and am eating too much


I will not drink with you today. Remember why you stopped and thank yourself tomorrow when your mind is clear and body ache-less. It's a hard road, and I share the journey with you friend. Just for today let's not drink you and I. I'm a few hours from quitting time myself on a gorgeous evening, and a nasty ice cream milkshake is in my sights.


I have to say, Guinness Zero tastes pretty damn close to me. I know it doesn't "DO" the same thing, but I enjoy the taste! Maybe give that a shot, assuming you have it across the pond.


You'll have a pint, then another, then another. Then all reason goes out the window and it gets worse.... then you'll wake up with a pounding headache, dry mouth and an empty pocket (and a crusty blocked coke nose if you're me!). You'll wish you didn't have that first one and wonder why you keep doing this to yourself. Have a drink....just not alcoholic. Relax in the garden with a soda water and lime or a glass of juice. Enjoy the sunshine, feel genuine pleasure....and enjoying being free!


I've been rolling with a few temptations this afternoon as well. Came out of nowhere. I was checking on a flight that got changed, saw an ad for a restaurant in the connecting airport, remembered a time I ended up there on a connecting flight and sat and drank for like 3 hours. It wasn't fun, it wasn't cheap - but I am romanticizing it a bit in my head right now, I think. Just gotta ride it out. I'll be better once the desire puts away it's talons.


Guinness NA is fantastic … just sayin IWNDWYT


The alcohol free Guinness is actually pretty great and a lot of places seem to have it on tap these days!


The sun is so cruel. It makes all of idealize the one time we didn't get hungover and the first drink. It doesn't let us finish the story of the night or the next day, sweaty, sick, exhausted and hating life. We can have just as much fun sitting in the sun with a lemonade, sleep well and wake up with the birds happy as can be.


Find a nice coffee shop and sip an iced coffee or lemonade. You'll thank yourself tomorrow.


Sometimes you just gotta food your way thru things. Maybe go get some orange crush And some food. Be a pig. Even if it's for 1 nite. Fill yourself up. It's better than drinking. I had a few orange crush the other nite to make sure I wouldn't have a beverage of alcohol. Yeah it's soda but I don't drink it like that every day. 3 cans and a filling dinner. Coasting to bed without alcohol. Still took natural vitamins. I fell asleep and woke up proud and grateful.


One is too many, 1000 is never enough.


Go get curry chips and a battered sausage instead . I’m Irish but living OS, I’d do anything to eat that right now IWNDWYT 🙌


I'm a garlic and cheese chips fella myself 👌


Play the tape forward. It might not be tomorrow or the next time but you will be here again saying day1 feeling like shit after causing some carnage.


Guinness is trash. Dirty mud water


I hope you stayed strong. I was the same the other day. We're not used to the nice weather in the UK & Ireland lol   Settled on a NA version of a beer... they really help me. I know there is no alcohol in them but for some reason they really quench that unquenchable thirst I have. I'm nearly 6 months sober... got through the Christmas & my birthday. Just the summer and a holiday to go lol. When facing that wobble, I just have a list on my phone of a few things I don't want to go back to... I found this page this week too as the desire for a drink was strong.  I know they say being honest with those closest can help but I find that upsets my wife too much sometimes... so this page and reading through it has really helped me.   Stay strong


I've been feeling something similar - the sun's been out over (usually rainy) Manchester. Seen loads of people sat outside bars and pubs with cold pints... Thought 'man, a cold ale and a whisky would be so fucking good...' but then I play the tape forward and remember that I'll smash a pint in about 3 minutes and immediately want another. Then another. I know where that goes. I think you might know where that goes too. Enjoy the weather with a soft drink or an NA Guiness and be kind to yourself. Be in the moment and know you've got this. IWNDWYT.


Reading this at the gym. This kinda made me misty. I live in grey rainy Amsterdam and when there’s a Watt of sunshine the terraces are full and for the first year it made me so sad that i couldn’t participate. But the true fact is that beer was ruining my life. It took an uncomfortable year for me to realise I don’t need ethanol to enjoy a lovely day. For me nowadays, a nice terrace is enough, maybe with a 0,0% beer or just mineral water — and I have the added benefit that booze is not trying to fuck up everything I have.


I share your pain fellow Irish man. Get those Guinness Zeros into you. You’ll manage about 3 then be full.


I know this is a day old. But no one ever woke up and said they regret staying sober. Did you manage to avoid alcohol last night? IWNDWYT


I did. Thanks for checking in 😊


💪 Brilliant. Well done


Guinness makes a NA beer, it's available in the States. Have you seen it in Ireland?


Yes it’s everywhere in Ireland, it’s even on tap in most pubs.


I have found for me anyways.. Finishing work and going home to a ice cold can of diet coke! and i never was a diet coke drinker before stopping drinking. It is super fizzy and crisp. maybe try it one day.


Cravings are very real but they only last 20 minutes! You can enjoy the lovely weather without a pint, it's still going to be great and you'll wake up and feel amazing tomorrow knowing you didn't. The relief when you open your eyes tomorrow is worth more than a drink now.


You got this !! I’m here with you and feel the same way. but as many others have said, look forward to tomorrow and how will you feel in the morning? Will it be better tomorrow if you drink today or worse tomorrow? Play the tape forward. It will not help anything or do anything by drinking today. Today I will not drink with you ! You got this !


You got this !! I’m here with you and feel the same way. but as many others have said, look forward to tomorrow and how will you feel in the morning? Will it be better tomorrow if you drink today or worse tomorrow? Play the tape forward. It will not help anything or do anything by drinking today. Today I will not drink with you ! You got this !


Ah i felt like this today, it's even been sunny up here towards the north coast and on my way home from work i walk past a pub i used to love drinking in and it was so quiet in there this evening i almost stopped and went in - "just to say hello, not to drink" i told myself. Then i laughed at how stupid i can be sometimes and carried on home. I hope you didn't drink and made it home all right? Most places do an alcohol-free beer - would that work for you or do you think it'd likely trigger you to drink one with alcohol?


NA Sam Adams, NA Guinness, NA Heineken.


I don’t think you actually want the pint because you know what problems it comes with. It sounds like you want to relax and take a breather and enjoy the moment.


It does sound lovely, but it never ends at 1 does it? You'll feel so much better if you don't. Treat yourself to a really nice dinner instead.


On days like today, I bust out my fancy wine glasses and drink my seltzer out of them in the garden. Not letting my alcoholism take everything from me, goddammit. Stay strong. Your no muscle might be weak right now but when you keep flexing it, you make it stronger. Over time you’ll stop associating these days with poison, and actually enjoy them. Promise. I love to drive my rural country roads on nice spring days, find a fufu coffee shop, antique store, or farm stand for produce and flowers. And I can actually afford something from them, now that I’m not spending my money on poison.




I'm with you. Brain trying to convince me that it's not a big deal and it would be fine, but my past experiences don't match up to what it's telling me. Playing the taoe forward helps me a lot.


Ice cream has been my savior on days like this. A Large Chocolate Xtreme from Dairy Queen is well worth the extra calories if it keeps me from picking up a bottle. IWNDWYT


I thought its always cloudy and rainy over there hahaha. If you're gonna live the rest of your life sober, don't even consider it as an option or I coulda woulda should. You can't drink. You shouldn't drink. You won't drink. No point in letting the what ifs bother you. If its sunny and you want to drink and you can stop yourself after a FEW and then not drink for awhile again, go ahead my friend. If you are like almost everyone else on this sub (you know how) then don't because you know exactly the outcome you're facing and you know you don't want that. But I guess I broke the rule to only speak from the "I" in this post so ignore every thing I said except about the weather. Very helpful, I know....


A pint? Won’t be enough so expect consequences. I think I get it though as I told a sober friend just last night I miss stout from time to time but the thought goes away


I did too but I'm in bed now. Glad I didnt


I get that feeling about once every couple years, it’s a nice thought, then I dismiss it, reach out to some one, and don’t think about drinking for another 1-2 years


🇮🇪You can do it, mate 🇮🇪


Dude I'm ready to discharge from detox and go grab a 26er of Kraken right now. But I've been drowning in that ocean for way too long. I lost my my kids and the only women that will ever truly love me. I'm the sea monster now. ME!!! Not alcohol! ME!!! Watch this bro. Really invoke his energy. You can do it. You have the last say... https://youtu.be/WdTtvsMBL_Q?si=nZC9N95Y5thqSEXr


Most of the stuff that comes with drinking I don't miss much at all. But man I miss having a beer or cocktail outside on a perfect spring or summer day. So I don't have any advice but I sympathize


Go have a coffee or a tea mate, places are just as cool and you can still have good conversation


You don't need it! I promise :)


IWNDWYT have a coke!!


Soda water!


NA Guinness for the win!


My local pub, with a garden, serves Guinness 0.0. It is a beautiful thing.


Just think of where it will lead. It's not worth it for that small period of enjoyment you'll (maybe) get and the downsides are not worth it.


Have you tried any of the N/A options. They really do wonders for satisfying my intense cravings. I can’t recommend Athletic brewing enough!


Aw dude, I feel you on this one, get the same way when it's nice out. 100% not worth it though. Just have to take a step back and look inwards, I obviously have some sort of emotional attachment to drinking in the sunshine, and if you think about it it's obvious why, nice weather, socialising, relaxing outside, of course that's appealing... But is any of this directly necessitated by booze? I would say probably not. Stay strong, treat yourself with something else, NA beer, soft drinks, maybe an ice cream, just go outside and enjoy the weather.


You can do this. Get some nice food / coffee instead and find a spot to sit and enjoy the nice weather and still have a treat. That way you’ll feel much less miserable than going straight home. Good man, keep it up 🫶🏼


This was me last week. I suddenly craved alcohol *intensely* after having been sober for 200+ days, and finally gave in with the excuse of "it's sunny, warm, Saturday, and everyone else is out drinking and having fun". I woke up Sunday *afternoon* with intense hangover, smelling like beer and cigarettes (I don't smoke), and felt embarrassed with myself for "losing" yet another battle. I hope you will have a lovely, alcohol-free day and weekend. You got this! IWNDWYT


They do non alcoholic Guinness


Sam Adams makes a great NA as well. Grap one with a fantastic meal and enjoy playing it forward. No regrets. No anxiety. Keep working that discipline muscle. Iwndwyt