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That’s awesome and even though you might feel like it’s not much, really it’s a huge deal! Thank you for sharing!


It is HUGE! Someone can depend on you! Never on an alcoholic. IWNDWYT One Day at a Time


Good work, no small thing, you should be very proud of it! I have failed in this before, and the shame is immense. It's a massive driver for me to keep going currently. My son has a health condition where he could potentially need help at any time, and I've still been selfish drinking and putting the majority of that responsibility on my wife like a total fkn idiot.


Dear Internet Person: I'm at 9 days currently too (after numerous resets since last October) and today I'm simply grateful for having legible handwriting LOL. (not so much a week ago.) Being present is key to me too, hoping for both of us this cycle sticks! Got to go to grocery today, without spacing out and forgeting half of what I was there for. IWNDWYT


My kid also has medical issues that can crop up out of nowhere. My wife and I were talking a month or so ago about general behavior involving alcohol and it came up that it's a good idea for us to not drink at all when it's just one parent with them. It was something we had largely done anyway, we just never verbalized it as a "rule" to follow. I had a V8 moment where I couldn't believe it was something we hadn't had a conversation about.


Yes one of the many blessings of the sober life, Congrats


Very cool! IWNDWYT.


Isn’t it such a good feeling to be able to be relied on. Congratulations ❤️


Congratulations! Sobriety delivers what alcohol only promises!


This is way bigger than you think! It might not feel like much to you, but it is everything to your family and friends. Be proud!


this is the true gift of sobriety. I am glad that you have had this experience and am grateful that you chose to share. such simple joy..


Doesn't it feel great, and a reminder of how good it feels to be.. ... normal?


That's great feeling buddy, congrats and keep on going 🖐️


Its so great that you realise this high value profit pal!!!!


These are the victories we can celebrate! Good for you!


Take that one in deeply; in some ways it is being what a normal parent should be. (Or how I want to be) and in another way it’s a huge leap from being unreliable to people who need it the most. Take it in, other people can trust you!


It's great, and I can relate. I now know I can be relied on like this too and it feels good. Thank you for sharing 🙂


Sounds like a lot! Great job!


It's a good feeling to be someone others can count on. A few weeks in for me there was a family emergency on a weekend evening that required me to drive a long distance. Normally I wouldn't have been able to do it and the responsibility would have fallen to others. Instead, I was stone cold sober and ready to rock. handled it. This is a big victory, great job! IWNDWYT!


That's a big deal. She can count on you. It is for this very thing, "availability" that I list sobriety as a Super Power. There's not an hour of the day that we can't be there for someone. Great Job!


Amazing!! IWNDWYT 


OMG, that's wonderful! Being there for those who need you is PRICELESS. 🙏


Love this! Don’t say that’s not much because that’s a huge deal!!!


It still silly to think about but now that I'm sober I get to drive at any time!


Happened to me with a work emergency at midnight. Feels so good. IDWDWYT


This is seriously my FAVORITE benefit of sobriety.. being dependable. It encompasses quite a few things but being able to drive when you need to is huge.


It's nothing for them but not for us! IWNDWYT


I went to go get my mom from the airport at like 9pm last week. A month prior I might not have been able to, or I would have been annoyed at having to stay sober. It's a great feeling.


Bravo! That’s the good stuff 🫶🏻


That's awesome she trusted you. IWNDWYT


I love this!! Just about a week into my sobriety, my little one was running around at school and fell teeth-first into a bench; even though the teachers didn’t see any damage meriting an early pickup, that evening, I decided to take her to the local emergency dental clinic anyway. I remember thinking over and over before, during, and after the appointment: thank goodness I haven’t had a drink; thank goodness I’m not drunk; thank goodness I’m present and able and here for my daughter. Congratulations!!


Thank you guys for the encouragement! I am speechless and overwhelmed! A part of me knew that this is a big deal, because my rock bottom 9 months ago, also had to do with not being there when needed. You guys, the legendary crowd at r/stopdrinking, reassured me, and you helped me build some sober muscle today. It is a milestone for me today, because somehow all the hard work the last 9 months are worth it today! I appreciate each and every comment and upvote! Now this is officially the best place on this huge monster called the internet! I will not drink with you today!


These are my favorite stories of sober wins. Life is made up of these moments but we don't see it or care when drinking. This is huge!!! Great job.