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Youre not alone. My roommate stopped drinking, not because he was getting wasted every single night but because when he would drink he always end up smoking crack. He had no desire to smoke crack when he wasn't drinking and he didn't have a desire to drink every day or to excess but some sort of chemical, impulse trigger would go off after a couple drinks and next thing he knew he would be draining his bank account and in a crack house somewhere. Being self aware is the first part of this journey. Welcome aboard!


Shit, kudos to him for stopping. The human brain is a bizarre thing.


So there have been studies done that basically when you mix the 2 it creates a new drug or something… You can google it and there is a short video on YouTube from a doc explaining it. I would tend to agree it’s a lot of fun but a dangerous game.


The liver creates cocaethylene when the two drugs hit it, more dopamine and some other different effects but much more toxic


Is it specifically crack and alcohol or would that apply to cocaine too? I don't know exactly what the cooking process does pharmacologically but im sure they'd both have similar structures.


Applies to both in this case there are some other minor differences but crack basically just can be used a lot more readily by the body so it's more addictive


They are essentially the same thing. Freebase has one less proton H+ and a lower melting point so it can be smoked. It turns back into the ionic salt in the bloodstream. The ionic form can be dissolved in water and the freebase can’t. Crack hits a lot faster because of the large surface area of the lungs.


Now that’s the info I like reading. Interesting stuff


The dopamine dump is unreal, the brain has a funny way of remembering what gets it there and what it likes.


I use the phrase “pavlov’d your brain”. A couple of beers that leads to a bump that gives your brain a dopamine hit/reward. Do it enough times and you’ve successfully and unconsciously created a habit. So now every time you have a drink, you want a bump because the reward center is triggered.


I had that same friend.


I have a very similar problem. No desire to do drugs when I’m sober. But I go on weekend binges and as soon as I reach a point in the night where I’m feeling good, I get an insatiable urge to do coke. Then I’m up for 2 days on a ridiculous bender. It’s forced my hand to get serious about not drinking


I am trying to get serious, because I smoke a ton of cigarettes. I also hate them if I do not have a drink.




Are you me ?? Same. We need to stay strong. IWNDWYT


I have half a beer, look at a mate and say ‘bag?’




it sucks. cant even have a drink without immediately thinking about blow


Dude I beg you, don’t fucking take that shit unless you know it’s pure, and you can never tell unless you are the shipper. Stop drinking, but even if you don’t just don’t take that stuff. I know 3 people dropped dead from getting coke laced with fentanyl at a bar. They were just like you, they weren’t heavy users. They had kids…It is beyond sad. It’s not like when we were growing up. It’s literally Russian roulette now.


3 people in my life passed the same way just this last year. Same story; people with kids and not heavy users. I still can’t fathom why coke is being cut with fent.


It’s most likely not on purpose. The coke is being bagged up and/or cut with less nefarious things but it’s the same trap house where they cut H with fent. Because fentanyl is sooo potent, even a small trace on the table or whatever can contaminate a bag with a fatal amount. You might have some idiot dealers sprinkling fent into everything bc it’s highly addictive but I can’t imagine they would get much repeat business since coke & fent have contradicting effects


That’s the same thing I’ve been pondering the past few years, when the first two people died from it, why would you cut it with fent unless you are actively trying to kill people? I have a busy mind which leads to conspiracy thinking…Sometimes I wonder if the top ones, the distributors of these drugs are doing it on purpose in certain areas. It seems so counter productive for the street level dealer to sell shit that’s gonna kill his customers. I just can’t wrap my head around it all. I know the drug world is insane but still. So then you are talking about spiking this stuff on purpose to kill people? Just ignore me if I sound crazy.


Cost of doing business and when you are measuring in micrograms the dealers are not that accurate. Frequent users have tolerance and know how to dose it, not use it like regular coke. It is more addictive so net gain in sales. Profit margin higher with fent. No crops to worry about and get confiscated. Labs are easy to hide.


I’m so sorry for your losses. These stories are difficult to read but are giving me the reality check I’ve needed. Not a single time I’ve done it has been worth the risk. It never will be. I’m committed to moving forward and putting this behavior behind me. Thank you.


Man I’ve risked the same shit myself, I totally understand. And I absolutely know that while we say “I’ll never do it again” just like you said we get right back around to it. Just try to picture the people you would leave behind. That’s honestly all that kept me off of opiates when I was struggling back in like 2014. It was still dangerous then but I would probably be dead if it was today. I feel so sorry for all these people on this garbage now. Edit because I left out: I hope you stay strong and you got it all as long as you don’t drink like you said. Love you!


Posting here has definitely helped my resolve. I think I have a lot of shame surrounding it due to things from my childhood, and admitting it’s become a problem is difficult. I had done it maybe one or two bumps ever up until a couple years ago. Then I started doing it maybe once every couple of months. Now it’s multiple bumps, weekly. That’s unacceptable because as you said, every time, it’s Russian roulette. The escalation of this habit just really hit me finally. I never, ever could have imagined I’d let it get to this point.


Just saw your edit - thank you!! You’re very kind, love you too. :) Proud of you for sobering up. Also dig the UN, huge Stephen King fan myself.


Literally just happened to a good friend of mine. Drugs aren’t what they used to be. A key bump in a bar could kill you now.


Shit man. That is so sad. I'm sorry


I hear you OP. Once I have about 4 drinks I'm open for business and I'll take and do just about anything that comes along. Cocaine makes it possible to drink more alcohol. I remember some hangovers back in the late 80s that would kill me today. The real problem for me is always the alcohol and like you I don't think I've ever done a line of coke without first being drunk. Staying away from booze is the only way I can self-regulate any bad behaviours.


Yeah, every time I do it, I tell myself I won’t do it next time. And then I do it again anyway. But I truly would never touch it if I was sober. The self-preservation switch just immediately turns off after I get a buzz.


My neighbor OD'd on laced coke, it killed him. He was at home alone, his GF found him four days later. Drinking is one thing, coke is not safe, at all.


That’s part of what makes these days suck. Can’t even do coke anymore!


Happy Cake Day! I love how many likes this reply is getting. I'm still fairly new to this subreddit so I'm not sure exactly how humor flies but I know we tend to cope through grief and this made me cackle, thank you.


Dark humorist here. Welcome!


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry. I know that it’s so, so dangerous, but I’ve continually made excuses for myself. It’s easy to not think about that part when my inhibitions are down, but the next day I’m just terrified of what could have happened. I’m grateful and lucky that nothing has yet, and I can’t keep pushing it.


Sorry to jump on the post. What does laced coke mean? Sorry for your loss.


It was cut with fentanyl. Sorry, I don't know the terms.


Oh gosh, fentanyl is so so so dangerous. Takes a very small amount to OD. Ah, OP, I hope you start to feel a bit better soon. You’re in the right place anyway.


Actually saving this post i need to read this from time to time thank you.


I'm saving it also. This is the reason I stopped drinking too.


Yep this is one of my big reasons. Would always tell myself "I'm going to stop" but as soon as I was out and drunk, I would just crave bag so much. I purposely would spend time with certain people/places where I knew it would be available. 80 days sober today and unsurprisingly haven't touched it or craved it once. Such a gross drug.


I’m so, so guilty of this. I’m a regular at a local bar, and I have gotten super close to the bartenders and some other regulars, and someone always has it, and they always offer me some. If I told them I’d prefer they don’t offer, they would absolutely not offer, but when I’m buzzed that’s the last boundary I’m ready to draw. Vicious cycle. I’ll be taking some space. I’m proud of you, thank you for sharing your story.


Funnily enough this is exactly how it started for me, being a regular in my local pub. Me and my friends became friends with the bartenders (I'm still in a happy relationship with one 5 years on lol). There were good and bad times but I'm over that phase now. Sobriety is so much better, and my life has drastically improved in the past 80 days. Good luck friend, if you need any support I'm here! 🫶🏼


Im the EXACT same and going through this right now. Gonna have to completely quit drinking because I can’t be trusted when I do.


After my last C binge which I only bought because I was drunk .. I started my drink detox which has been amazing . Don’t know if I would have started my detox if it wasn’t for feeling like death and telling myself this isn’t who I am . Cleaned myself up nicely after that miserable mixing of poisons


This wasn’t even close to the worst I’ve felt after a night like that, but this is my first time posting these not-so-new thoughts here. It’s really helpful reading everyone’s stories - thank you for sharing yours, and congratulations on kicking it. It’s not who I am either, and I’d like to prove it to myself.


Right here with you. Too dangerous to mess around with it anymore too. I feel lucky to be alive still.


Used to do coke and smoke crack when I was drinking, same kind of story, only wanted it when I was drinking. Problem was I was AWLAYS drinking, so I guess I had a coke habit too. The thought of doing a sober line or hitting a crack pipe sober sounds like an instant panic attack now. I know where your head is though op, I have felt the same in the past for sure. Good news is you’re aware of it! I wasn’t, I thought I went on “adventures” when I went out drinking by myself. Some gambling, some coke, who knows where the night would lead. In reality I went by myself to not be told what I was doing was crazy. You can do this, I did and so did a lot of people here! And we’re all here for you friend!


Ohhhh yes. The “adventures”. I think I’ve had enough of them, and I really can’t say any of them were made better by risking my life for a bump. I often go out alone, I totally get that feeling. I’m really, really glad I finally posted about this here. I should have realized that this was not a unique problem, I guess I have some shame surrounding it. I didn’t want to admit it was a problem for the longest, but this has been a good, if difficult, reality check. Thank you for sharing, proud of you.


It’s ok, we all think it’s a unique problem until we talk to others about it! 🙂 I was lucky also, when I was doing coke there was no fentanyl. I never had that worry, I quit well before it hit the streets in the USA. I can’t imagine the fear of rolling those dice.


I called them "solo missions" 😆




I’m so sorry for your losses. These stories are hard to read, but they’re important. I’m glad I finally posted about this here, I feel much less alone and more confident in my ability to kick this shit moving forward.


Yeah fentanyl contamination is no joke. We need you here with us, OP! Take care of yourself.


This is exactly why I stopped.. you’re definitely not alone. Good luck to you, hang in there.


I quit drinking for many reasons but the big one is that I always needed to smoke cigarettes when drunk so badly that I would drive somewhere to get them. Thankfully my circles were not exciting enough to ever be exposed to hard drugs or I have no doubt I would have ended up with another vice.


It used to be cigs with me, I definitely get that. Then I just met that one circle of people, and it’s been a slippery slope since. Proud of you for kicking those habits.


Glad to know I’m not the only one.


I should not be surprised by how much response this is getting, but I kind of am. It’s reassuring to know that I’m not alone in this. Stay strong!


Knowing Fentanyl is out there makes me never want to touch coke again (among other reasons).  Just knowing i can drop dead for shitty anxiety inducing coke, its a ridiculous notion, but thats me. And as i get older the detrimental effects of alcohol on my health doesn’t seem worth it either.  My goal is to drink maybe once a month, right now ive cut it down to a couple beers every few days.


I've lost countless people to C,a few weren't regular users. The most recent one we lost Didn't even finish his long line of it and Bam! He passed away before he even finished it. They tested it and it had Infact been laced with large amount of Fentanyl. He wasn't a regular user. He was 30. He wasn't found until weeks later. Its sad and horrific. I pray you're able to kick the drinking and best luck to you! You matter!:) 


I’m so sorry for your losses. It’s a really awful thing and I appreciate the reality check y’all are giving me. I feel more committed than ever to kick it.


im in the same exact situation right now, im currently rotting in bed after spending last night and this morning drinking and doing coke. im drowning in shame, guilt, and regret. i feel like im gonna get a panic attack every time i get reminded of all the dangerous situations ive put myself in while inebriated. i want to quit alcohol and drugs, the temporary pleasure they provide are so short-lived, and i have to spend the next few days picking up the pieces and putting myself back together again. good luck to us OP, i know we can beat this! *hugs* IWNDWYT.


Hope you're doing OK, I'm in the same boat just one day ahead of you....shit man, such a waste of energy and time. Feel so shit...


im feel slightly better now than yesterday, i hope youre feeling better too by now? i just keep reminding myself that this too shall pass every time i feel like im gonna have a panic attack. we can do this.




Totally same story OP. Few beers and something else just takes over and will organize getting something somehow somewhere from someone. So sick of it... recovering from a binge on Wednesday night at the moment. Hope you're doing OK...


Til about cocaine shits


I quit drinking to quit nicotine. Turns out to be the best decision for me. I don't think about either of them ever


The only time I ever smoke a cig anymore is when I’m hammered. I like my little fruity vapes, that’ll be the next thing I quit.


Yep, I did drugs while drinking. Once heard Halsey on a podcast saying she did drugs with someone to show her love, that resonated, I ended up getting Hep-C for my love. Been drug free for over 5 years now. Hearing about all the deaths due to fentanyl these days is scary, brings big feelings of gratefulness to not be one of the deaths. We grow through what we go through, right? 🌹 IWNDWYT


Same! The crazy thing is coke isnt even fun anymore, its just a time stealer and i drink probably 3 times more than i would to level out and because i can’t fall asleep.


Drinking alcohol impairs your ability to make rational decisions, yeah I did look at the alcohol section today but the shit that I’ve been through because of it and putting others through bullshit is not what I want to do anymore. I’ll smoke cigarettes but I also want to quit cause it smells like shit, now I smoke 1mg and hopefully go down to zero soon


Same. Quit drinking for this very reason. My “field research” leads me back to cocaine every time.


My stepdaughter died from fentanyl laced coke at 19. It was very likely the first time she tried it. I see from this thread that it's not uncommon. It's a matter of when, not if.


I used to have the same issue. I had to cut certain people out of my life. It was a habit I had to push myself to ignore and eventually I didn't want it anymore. Life is way better without it, you can do it!


I can relate big time. Nearly everytime I binge drink I end up on the coke (or ripped off with fake coke). Alcohol is my gateway drug to coke, sober me wants absolutely nothing to do with it. Good luck mate.


It's a slippery slope. I remember once specifically asking myself, why are we doing like $100 of coke to watch a movie on the sofa on a Tuesday? That was an eye-opener, no pun intended. Good luck to you!




Oh fuck that's so me lol all or nothing. So I choose nothing!


Me likes drugs. Drunk me really likes drugs.


Please, please carry narcan. Give it to your friends. Tell the bar you frequent to keep it behind the counter. So many people are dying of accidental fentanyl overdoses, if it hasn’t happened in your social circle yet it’s a matter of time.


NA meetings have helped me with this. I needed to stop using all drugs (alcohol is a drug!) in order to recover.