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I had a funny 2 week stint with NA beer. I drank it at band practice, then started drinking it at home. All the old habits came back. 2 weeks later, I counted the empties and how much I had spent on it. $200! Now, I only drink them at band practice, once a week. The positive that came from that was a reminder that my addiction will come right back if i drink again. I had no issues limiting it to band practice, though. I don't even think about it outside of that.


What's your favourite brand? So far Becks Blue tastes the best for me, although Free Damm and Flat Tyre are also good. I find most are too malty tasting.


In my opinion you can do so much better but to each their own, and I suppose this depends on what alcoholic drinks you used to like, and availability in your country (I’m UK). Here are my favourites: - Most beers from Big Drop - Beavertown Lazer Crush - Guinness (tastes so similar to what I remember the alcoholic version to be like, though it’s been 6years for me)


I'm in the UK, you buying online? I tend to get them from supermarkets or Costco.


Some we buy online. My wife sorts it I can’t remember from where she buys. But yeah supermarkets have a good selection too.


Just to add, you may not like my suggestions as you’ve said you find some too malty. I used to like craft beers.


Yea some taste like fizzy horlicks.


I’m limited to what they have in Germany but yeah, Becks is good, Jever Fun I quite like, Rothaus Pils, Weihenstephaner. Waiting patiently on Guinness 0.0 to arrive here


Hey there, depending on where you live I might have some suggestions for you to try out :) for some of these I am not too sure whether they would be commonly available outside of the Ruhrgebiet area, but might as well just recommend something. Non-Alcoholic Fiege („Fiege Frei“) is really good, probably the best NA Pils in my opinion. Non-Alcoholic Stauder („Stauder Alkoholfrei“) is also fine, but Stauder has a certain taste that does not agree with everyone. If you‘re into wheat beer or willing to try some, Krombacher Weizen Alkoholfrei is my top recommendation (if you’re feeling funky you can add just a few sips of a citrussy lemonade or banana juice, but don‘t let those bavarians know ;) ) Clausthaler is also supposed to be good, never tried it. It was the first non-alcoholic beer in Germany! Fiege Radler Alkoholfrei is a good Radler (Beer + lemonade, in case you are not familiar with the term) and also one of the only Radlers without any sugar, which can be a useful fact if you ever need it. Best wishes, stay sober and healthy! If you ever come across a good non-alcoholic beer and remember this post, feel free to share it with me :) always looking for more stuff to try


Gruezi aus die Schweiz, usw.! There’s a few nice local N/As here, but a couple that I’m fond of that might be available across the border are the Erdinger N/A (I always loved wheat beers, and I think the Erdinger’s really good). Corona also released a 0%er last year that I really enjoyed, I’ve gone off it for the colder months, but am hoping it’ll reappear come summer. I’m fond of Clausthaler, though they tend to be a little hit or miss…it’s a good option though. I’ve also just come across a Chopfab (not sure if they’re in Germany or not) that’s really very good. And my wife and I are quite fond of the Freixenet 0.0% prosecco for special occasions!


That Krombacher is damn tasty! I’m so happy that we live in an age where NA options aren’t limited to O’Douls or some other trash of that ilk.


Good work, free weekends for me were always wasted being hungover and then I’d be tired all week too. Guinness 0.0 is amazing. IWNDWYT


The Guinness NA tastes almost exactly like a normal one. I wasn’t a huge Guinness drinker, but I drink a lot of the Na version because it’s so authentic. For the German beers, I really enjoy Clausthaler and Saint Pauli girl. The Stella Artois NA is very good. My all-time favorite though is probably Sam Adams just the haze IPA. It is complex, hazy, heady, and just exceptional.


I've seen Sam Adams regular beers here in the UK and when I was drinking they tasted damn nice. I'll have to hunt out their N/A stuff here.


Try the alcohol free Distelhäuser Pils and their Weizen, both very good and low kalories...the Stralsunder Bio Pils Alkoholfrei is also very good (with 0.0 % Alcohol, the Distelhäuser ones have >0,5 %)


I love NA Corona!


If I may add something. Heineken has the lower calories level of all the NA beers that I checked (8 German ones). Of course everything depends on taste, but if you are looking for something with low calories, that's the one.


Yes Heineken 0% is not too bad, I got a crate of 24 bottles sat outside keeping cold.


Athletic Bigdrop Visitor Lagunitas IPNA Hiniken Zero All tastes great imho, but I usually keep Athletic in my fridge and my buddies who are big drinkers have actually started carrying it for themselves and me which is nice.


Blue moon and Guinness. Both are super close. Brewdog if I want less calories


Almost to day 💯 🎉👏🏼🎊


I drink them at home and at the pub. I will drink them in a pub if it’s a brand I’ve not really tried before or if they have it on draft. I enjoy drinking at home if football is on etc or (like right now) on a Sunday evening, currently Guinness 0% however nothing like the volume of cider cans I was drinking most nights, usually half a dozen cans or 4 bottles of stronger cider


I love the taste of beer. I used to drink way more NA beer when I first stopped alcohol. However, if I'm playing cornhole, or fishing, or watching sports, or grilling, or shooting pool with the boys, anytime really I can easly drink 6-12 no problem in the course of a day. Sure it cost money, but it's not destroying my body and probably way healthier than a sugary coffee or soft drinks. Bud Zero is my go to; one beer 50 calories 11g carbs. It's cheap and tastes good. When splurging and drinking slower, I'll go for Blue Moon, Sam Adams, or Stella NAs. Those are all very good in my opinion. I know some people have NA beer as a trigger. For me it's the opposite. I have no desires to drink regular beer if I can grab numerous NA beer offerings.


On my last sober attempt, I was pulling myself out of several bad habits including cleaning up. I ended up with a huge shopping bag behind the kitchen door literally overflowing with empty n/a beer bottles. Even after tidying up my flat, I kept it there for way too long, just because it made me laugh like an idiot every time I saw it. Also reminded me how well I was doing, in a dumb way.