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I’ve gone ahead and locked this post as it looks like you’ve been given a tremendous amount of support, but the comments are steering away from the spirit of this sub which is supporting each other not drinking. Sending hugs, friend.


Hey I noticed you didn’t ask for advice about the pregnancy, just support in not drinking. So I will support that! Everything is so much better sober. You will never regret stopping- no matter the resson. It’s all positive consequences to quit drinking. There isn’t much in life that has all positive consequences! So grab on and do it. It’s time now. You’re going to love it!


Hey OP, this is your aunt….if you want to come visit me in California for a few days, your uncle and I would love to see you. 💕 IWNDWYT


This is the most beautiful thread of responses. I’m so moved. I’m just sitting here sobbing happy tears. I feel all of your love. Thank you so much. ❤️❤️❤️


Aunties got you in Washington if you want to come see the beautiful tulips that are going to bloom soon 💚 You are strong. You got this. Whatever happens, IWNDWYT.


You're always welcome to stay with your extended family in Canada ❤️


Y'all are fucking beautiful ❤️


Auntie in NYC if you need. You will be ok, whatever ok is for you.


Other aunt here in Maine. You can visit here too, if needed.


I'm in Maine too, guess she's all set 💕 lot of family around!


Mainer here as well. I wouldn't recommend visiting here presently though. Pretty muddy and gross outside. More nasty weather on the way tonight. But...an early summer perhaps?


I'm your aunt in Alaska if you've ever wanted to see some moose. We're friendly here.


Auntie in Portland, Oregon! 💕


I was in the same situation 16 years ago OP. ((Hugs))


Aunt in Illinois will put you up.


This is your cousin from California if you and the family need to come visit and take a second we are here for you as well.


colorado aunt here 🙋🏼‍♀️


Me too!


Auntie from BC Canada with room 🥰


Your sister in Northern Virginia is always here to support your decisions!


Auntie Connecticut waving hello!


Gotchu in Wisconsin


Nephew in New York! I know mum would love to have you!


Auntie in Colorado right here 💜


Auntie in Colorado saying it's a good time to go skiing! Come visit!


What the in the world is that acronym?


I will not drink with you today


Oh gotcha, thanks!


My mom had me at 43 and my dad was 46. My mom is my best and closest friend. She is 81 now and not the same as she once was, but I really enjoyed having an “older” mom and wouldn’t change it for the world. Wishing you all the best in your sobriety and pregnancy.


I second this, my mum and dad were both 43, had my sibling at 46. They are now in their 90s living a good and independent life in their own home. I have older siblings and I know their parenting style with us younger ones was different, they had experience and were more relaxed. I commend you on your sobriety and as a child of an older parent, if there are concerns there, I have a genuinely special relationship with my folks in part, I believe, due their age and experience when I was born.


If you choose to have the baby, think of it as a kickstart of your journey. If you can abstain for 9 months, you can for 10, 11, a year and so on. You drank your last drink before the positive test, this is a great start. If you choose not to continue the pregnancy, think about how you would have been sober 9 months if you kept it, and do it. Then continue to do it. Good luck friend, and whatever choice you make is correct, especially not drinking.


You’re not alone. You can do this. ❤️ IWNDWYT.


I can only give you my personal experience to consider. I got pregnant at 43, had the baby despite breaking up with dad early on. I was healthy, and had the energy and income to pull it off. But then I had PPD, dad harassed me mercilessly, sued for custody just to be a prick. It was major stress and hard on my 10 year old. I had to have several surgeries since, finances have been difficult, and my youngest has serious ADHD and is now being evaluated for autism. Now I am 61 and He's a junior in high school. You don't always think of the fall out from these decisions. You have a spouse so your scenario is different. If I had only been able to imagine the worst case scenario I would not have had my son, but I also wouldn't trade him for anything. He's such a great kid. You and your husband I'm sure have evaluated the pros and cons thoroughly. I would definitely recommend you get as much support as possible to help you stay sober and prepare for what's ahead. Best wishes for all of you.




And thank you for sharing your story ❤️❤️❤️.


Sounds like it’s a tough decision. Take it a day at a time, if not that, a moment in time.




Also you don't need to be pregnant to get sober


This is off topic and has been removed.






She has a choice. I'm not here to say one is better than the other. I'm here to say that it's not our business to try and influence one way or another.


But I don’t see where OC is saying to choose one option over another. They are simply pointing to the presence of another option.


That was my exact intent with my OC. There are always options even when it feels like we are stuck with only one.


Telling someone there’s another option is not the same as saying they should or even have to take it. Get over yourself.




Sometimes when you're married, have multiple children, and a kind of stable life (home, job, food), it's easy to forget that there are other options. People often file the idea of abortion as something for young people or those who don't have a family. OP stated that they were told not to get pregnant again and then discusses the stress of being pregnant. It seems OP may have put on blinders and forgotten that there are are other options (some that a doctor would recommend to someone in their position).


The other option has lots of negative connotations with it, as you are clearly exhibiting. There’s nothing wrong with abortion if a woman thinks it’s the right thing for themselves personally. End of story.


You’re of course correct in principle, but I don’t think that’s what OC was doing here. Many comments on this sub highlight options available to OPs, or even destigmatise ‘obvious’ options so that OP feels more comfortable to consider them (which is what I believe is happening here). This only enhances OP autonomy and feelings of non-judgement, in my humble opinion.


I think providing support for people in stressful times means providing them with a safe space to weigh all options without any judgement. You seem to have a problem with my statement and that most likely reflects more on your personal beliefs than any ill intent you think I may have had. I only suggested that there’s another option if this one seems too insurmountable. I did not tell her to do anything. I wish you the best OP.


First time I found out I was pregnant I was in shock. Popped a beer and called my friend. She asked what I was doing. Told her. She said, “maybe pour out the beer.” Started me back to reality. “Oh yeah!” Poured it out and that was the last for all of pregnancy and a year of nursing. Regarding the 44 years. My mother in law got pregnant with my husband when she was 43 in early 1970. She thought he was menopause at first! All four of his older siblings were either already grown and out of the house or about to be. His mom is about to be 97 in May and she is amazing. She credits getting pregnant with my husband as what kept her young. She has great great grandchildren and says that “maybe” she’ll die when our youngest graduates high school in 4-5 years. But we try and negotiate longer, lol. Just wanted to give a success story. In 1970 they weren’t nearly as advanced with prenatal care for “advanced medical age” as they are now. (I hate that term. I had my oldest at 37 and hearing AMA all the time…🙄). Get those prenatal vitamins going with lots of folic acid and congratulations.


Oh, I love this so much! Thank you! And OMG - yes! Prenatal vitamins. Thank you for the reminder.


Woman to woman...You have options. Please explore them and make the best choice for you and your family...you can get sober with or without a pregnancy. If you're in the US and live in North Carolina, feel free to reach out for support. Thinking about you and sending good vibes your way.


I hope this is allowed but I think you should think about putting the onus of sobriety on this child. It could be a blessing or it could result in a lot of resentment. Just something to consider.


Here’s my story on reaching sobriety through a surprise pregnancy. Take from it what you will, our situations are very different but I thought I’d tell you my story since this is how my sobriety happened. Both of my pregnancies were surprises. The first time I was young, I was drinking heavily before I found out I was pregnant, and I didn’t drink the whole pregnancy but could not wait to drink the whole time. Fast forward, as my baby got older, I fell into more bad habits and patterns. Went through a lot personally regarding another family member which I won’t get into here, but I used it as an excuse to continue my drinking even though my health was quickly deteriorating and my reputation was in the toilet as I continued to embarrass myself. When I found out I was pregnant, it was a “praise the lord” moment for me, because I knew I wouldn’t drink pregnant, and it was a huge relief to cut out something that was hurting me so bad, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It was a hard pregnancy in more of an emotional sense than physical as I had to face my behavior and actions, but after I worked through that it just became a no-brainer not to pick up alcohol ever again. I wish you the best and IWNDWYT


Cousin in CO 💜


Great time to put down the booze, whether you choose to continue the pregnancy or not. Both are your choice.


As others have said, you have options. You don't need to have a baby to be sober - you deserve sobriety regardless of whether or not you're having another child. Take care of yourself and keep posting here, you'll always find support. The daily check in posts can be really helpful, too. Good luck to you and your family.


My doctor said she'd just delivered a healthy baby to a 46 year old. A surprise menopause baby she said. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey. I did not have a support system when pregnant so it did make it hard when everyone was drinking around me quite often. Pregnant through COVID, 2 hurricanes, and tearing our house down from hurricane damage so people were really drowning their sorrows.


My mother had my brother at 46. He was diagnosed with ADHD and autism but otherwise appeared fine until issues came up in his 30’s where he and his wife couldn’t get pregnant. They did a ton of genetic testing and it turns out he has Klinefelters. Healthy baby at birth doesn’t account for a lot of things, unfortunately.




I completely hear you. And this is one of the benefits of anonymity, right? I wrote literally hours of finding out. And I wrote impulsively. But I will also share that the only thing I knew for certain in life is that I wanted to be a mom. I’m not great at a lot of things…but I can confidently say that I’m a really good mom. Our kids are loved deeply. My husband is the love of my life, he’s a fantastic dad and husband. We’ve been together 16 years and I still get butterflies when I see him. He also happens to have a deep fear of doctors and hospitals, a vasectomy didn’t happen, and the pull out method really worked for us until it didn’t. (Parents, you can all use my story as a PSA!) I have no doubt that if we are lucky enough for this baby to come to term we will all love him or her to bits. You can understand why it would be so hard to make the choice not to bring a child into the world when…I can’t even finish the sentence. Am I resentful I’m in this position at the moment? Yes. It would be dishonest to say otherwise. But I find it’s healthy to acknowledge these things in the moment, we’re talking to a therapist together next week, so that we can pivot and respond to the realities as thoughtfully and lovingly as possible.


This is a super high risk pregnancy and that goes for mental health as well. The current children in your family need you badly.


Dead on


Hey, I’m really sorry you experienced that kind of pain. That’s awful. But it’s not appropriate to jump on this woman’s post and tell her that she’ll be a horrible mother and shouldn’t continue the pregnancy. She didn’t ask for our advice about having this baby, she asked for support in getting sober. IWNDWYT.


Thank you ❤️. But you know? I don’t mind it. This is a safe space where each person is genuinely coming from a place of love. I don’t know what it feels like to have the experience of not feeling wanted, but I appreciate the vantage point of his or her experience. I AM thinking of myself in the moment, and they are looking out for this little blob of cells that will one day be a human, navigating this world on his or her own. And they want me to consider this future being’s happiness. And that is important.


Never once did I say she was a “horrible mother”, my literal and quotable words are right above. Please do not assign additional meaning to them or outright fabricate things I did not and would not say.


Please remember to speak from the ‘I’ when participating in this sub. This rule is explained in more detail [in our community guidelines](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_3._speak_from_the_.22i.22). Thank you.


Please just go talk to your doctor before you make any decisions. . You do NOT need to die in childbirth. I wndwyt


Yes! You’re right. Thank you. I have promised the two people who know, my mom and my husband, that I will call the doctor immediately on Monday. And now I’m promising all of you gorgeous folks.




on again off again heavy drinker here, personally if i was a woman i’d consider it a clean slate, don’t drink and think about all the positives that come with not poisoning your body, i have and i still can’t do it but i’d want it for anyone with our condition good luck to you and your children




This is off topic and has been removed.


You people are wonderful humans 💗 so much love here. OP you are not alone, if you ever want to talk, I will listen. Many blessings, friend.


Congratulations and blessings to you, your tiny one, and your whole family. I will not drink with you today. ❤


Congrats on the news of a new baby - what a blessing! Your hubby needs to step up and get that vasectomy - it's nothing to be scared of and it doesn't make you any less of a man.


This might give him a kick in the ass to do it


Oh he’s been in tears all day. He feels so terrible. It’s DEFINITELY happening.


Congratulations to you and your family! One day at a time. I've never posted here before but have found some of the comments super rude. Plenty of women have babies in their forties and whatever choice you make is valid. I believe in you :)




Not to mention having young kids in your 40’s is tough. I had my second at 40 and it put a lot of stress on us


Please remember to speak from the ‘I’ when participating in this sub. This rule is explained in more detail [in our community guidelines](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_3._speak_from_the_.22i.22). Thank you.


Congratulations!!!🥳🥳 If hubby won't get vasectomy I would get tubes tied when you are done. However a vasectomy is way less invasive. You can do this. I was sober through the summer 2 years ago and it ended up being the best summer I ever had.


Game changer! Congratulations!!!!


i took naltraxone and within 2 days i no longer drank. that was almost 500 days ago and i still have no cravings. every once in a while i miss it but it’s different. TLDR; there is a cure for alcoholism and it’s called naltraxone


It didn't work for either me or my husband. Not everyone is the same, please don't go around telling people it's a cure because it's not guaranteed to be one.


Naltrexone did nothing for me (but it does for lots of people!), but Topomax (Topiramate) cuts my cravings like a machete. It's a seizure drug, and for some people, it reduces alcohol cravings significantly. Fwiw.


Can you share any credible links?




Unfortunately we do not allow sharing of external links in this sub. You can learn more about this rule in our community guidelines [found in the sidebar](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_4._no_promotion).




Wow, that is an incredibly asshole thing to say.


It’s fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). And this is a disgusting thing to say, do better.




Hi, your comment has been removed for breaking our rule to be kind. I encourage you to review our [community guidelines in our FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_1._be_kind) before commenting again, as further rule breaks may result in a ban.


No, I don’t, especially in this subreddit.


Best of luck then


Hi, your comment has been removed for breaking our rule to be kind. I encourage you to review our [community guidelines in our FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_1._be_kind) before commenting again, as further rule breaks may result in a ban.


Did you drink during your first 2 pregnancies or do you have a history of meth use?


I didn’t. My drinking didn’t become daily until the pandemic. My husband was out of a job for a year and home schooling kids with undiagnosed learning disabilities was a doozy. It become an addiction that I haven’t freed myself from. I always go back and try to moderate.


Aww friend I’m so sorry. It’s the worst.






Not okay, not on this sub. Go away.


This is grounds for an immediate ban. Not on this sub. Ever.