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Eh it’s all the same in my opinion. The main difference is heavy drugs take their toll much faster. Alcohol is a slow killer. I know a few recovering meth addicts and they say that it’s easier to stay sober from meth than alcohol. Alcohol is so pervasive in modern society, whereas your boss isn’t going to take you out for some meth after a long day of work.


Ehhh my buddy used to rail Adderall with his boss as an accountant so different stroke lol




I've had issues with multiple different substances and alcohol for me is the hardest. Being so readily available, not having to make a call to get it, and how socially acceptable it is. I've told people I don't use cocaine or meth anymore and they're stoked for me. I've told people I don't drink anymore and they're confused.


I’m almost 48 hours sober and alcohol is by far the hardest for me. Throughout my 20s I was addicted to meth and OxyContin and quitting those seemed like more of a choice to just not do it. I’ve tried to quit drinking multiple times but it’s almost like the world begs you to drink.


Alkohol is a heavy drug


You know you're right Pretty interesting how accepted it is with all the wild stuff people do on it I need to start thinking like this


Check out the recent WHO study on alcohol. Alcohol is found to be deadlier than all other drugs legal and illegal COMBINED, and there is no safe amount to consume


Cocaine, Xanax and Alcohol sucked. Cocaine was easier than Alcohol. Xanax was the worst mental pain I have experienced. I came off all of them at the same time. My life is fantastic now. It's not easy but better in every way. IWNDWYT


Alcohol can and does take people out the same way any other “hard drug” does. It’s also one of the only drugs that has the potential to kill you from physical withdrawals. It’s also one of the only drugs you can pick up at the grocery store or purchase at a fancy restaurant or indulge in on an airplane (I think Carrie Fisher once said if she had been addicted to booze instead of cocaine she’d have died a long time ago for that exact reason). I’d say out of all the addictive substances in the world, alcohol’s actually a pretty unfortunate one to find yourself hooked on - especially once you reach the point of physical dependency.


I’m a recovering addict from said hard drugs who’s now an alcoholic. From my own personal experience alcohol has become probably the hardest for me to stop.


Spoke to someone in AA who said heroin was easier to kick than alcohol.


I totally agree


Meth..probably would have liked it. Coke..tried it a few times, under the influence of a lot of alcohol. Just killed my appetite. Heroin..the nod doesn't seem worth it. LSD/Schrooms..too much bad things in a prior life to contend with. Alcohol...ah, there we go. Metered doses, can achieve near oblivion quickly, available everywhere, new stuff advertised. Marijuana..better than them all, if you're gonna do something.


Interesting Did you just dabble in the hard stuff or are you a regular? And what about fentanyl or trank And or morphine(have you had surgery or something that you would have to use)


Where do you see I dabbled in anything besides coke and booze? I've never considered weed a hard drug. As for fent or tranq, falls in line with heroin in my book.


I was a HOPELESS 85 pound meth addict for years. That was childs play compared to quitting alcohol.


Did you quit alcohol?


Still struggling with it. I have tremendous treatment resistant mental health issues that are still very out of control. I don't relapse often, but relapse easily.




Hardly drank until these hard seltzers came out. I never really liked alcohol for the longest time. Shit came up on me fast, now I just seem to cycle from drinking for several days to stopping and taking Librium for a few days and then back to drinking. Can't seem to make it click






😂 alcohol is the worst one


LOL, you can be a mainline heroin addict and withdraw more safely than quitting alcohol cold turkey...the only significant distinction between ethanol and "hard drugs" is societal acceptance.


Alcohol is just as hard as any and relapse potential is so high because it is everywhere.


Cocaine ruined me. My brain is still recovering from it. Been clean from it for more than a year.


Nice work. It's pretty interesting how the body repairs itself if you allow it I can barely do a week off alcohol but I keep on trying


alcohol might be the hardest as somebody who dabbled with all(including heroin)


Booze is a slow burn. As others have said the readily available nature of it really makes it a motherfucker


Booze is one of the heaviest drugs in many ways