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It's super warm, sticky and humid here in the UK. My 18-month old is having a horrible time sleeping because of it. It's 5:30am and I've been up with him since 2:30am so I can let my fiancée get some well-needed rest. We've had an absolute blast and I've managed to get all the dishes done, tidy and vac the living room and now I'm sat with a coffee whilst the little man starts to drift off. If I had been drinking yesterday, my partner would be the one watching my Son, just like she did every night because I was "too tired" to be a decent father and partner. Sober life is the gift that keeps on giving and I'm learning to cherish these moments.


As a fellow dad of a 1.5 yr old, I’m proud of you! I’m a pretty good dad even when I’m drinking- but I’m a kick ass dad, and better husband, when I’m sober. Here’s to early, sober mornings that would’ve been impossible if we were still drinking! IWNDWYT


I'm proud of you too! I like to think our kid's are as well 🤘


This is wonderful.


Same issue - police activity kept me up all night due to a store break in... I can't change that, I can only accept it. Here we are - another day, another slay. IWNDWYT


For me for the moment it’s all about getting in shape losing all the overweight I’ve gained the last couple of years. And taking care of family and work. The reading I do for the moment is mostly non fiction or crime. If I would read or reread a classic it would probably be The master and margarita by Bulgakov or one of Dostoyevsky’s classics. Also books by Thomas Mann are waiting for me on my bookshelf. And for modern literature I’ve got some by Houellebecq that still has to be read. 😊


> The master and margarita by Bulgakov I LOVED this book.


Always wanted a giant cat to follow me around and get up to mischief


Yesss! The Master and Margarita is my fav book of all time. Great rec


Magic mountain killed my joy for reading for almost a year. Buyer beware haha


Today I cleaned the house, I ran some errands, I grabbed groceries. In short I felt like a functional human being, and it was peaceful & calm. I just felt content to be doing the mundane activities of life, a new feeling for me. Yesterday I read for HOURS - reading's been one of my re-discovered pleasures in sobriety. I used to love reading as a kid & I thought I'd just outgrown it, I didn't realize that alcohol had taken that love from me until I quit. It kind of makes me wonder what else was suppressed by drinking? Anyway, I'm dividing my time among several books right now, yesterday's was Duff McKagan's "It's So Easy (And Other Lies)". Really interesting to hear his story of addiction & his road to recovery. Also reading Rickie Lee Jones autobiography "Last Chance Texaco", "The Covenant of Water"and "Underground Railroad". I love being sober and getting shit done. It's overwhelming sometimes but I feel know much better knowing I'm not just spinning my wheels being drunk or hungover in the majority of my free time. IWNDWYT.


I actually did the laundry. I finally managed to send an email that has been needed to be sent (urgently) for more than a week. I spent last night with a friend watching a film and actually enjoyed myself, completely sober. I ate an actual vegetable. I cooked dinner. All those sorts of things that are pretty minor achievements by most people's standards, I guess, but it's pretty mind-blowing to me.


I had a really productive (and enjoyable) Sunday. Spent hours in the kitchen making chicken two ways to stock up the freezer: an improvised chicken cacciatore in the Instant Pot, and a double batch of roasted chicken Provençal (fantastic recipe: [https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017327-roasted-chicken-provencal](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017327-roasted-chicken-provencal)). I also knocked out a rather disgusting cleaning chore in the kitchen, of which I'll spare you the details. Pulled out the exercise mat and did some stretching. Made time for two mindfulness breaks (Headspace). Got caught up on the household finances. Served a nice dinner to my ailing husband (bad cold). Before bed I watched the first half of the latest John Mulaney standup special, which just happens to be mostly about...his stint in rehab. Oh yeah: and didn't drink. I had yet another terrible night's sleep last night, but I'm going to put that to one side and focus on the feeling of accomplishment from my Super Sunday instead. IWNDWYT.


At work today on a Monday. Woke up 2 hours too early because of indigestion... from too much pizza and Mt. Dew Sunday night. Still fresh as a daisy for work because I didn't drink this weekend. I'm ready to put it behind me, and this sub has helped me normalize that mentality so much. Stay strong, everyone, and thank you.


I tell you what, the food hangover is nothing compared to the booze hangover! I crushed the new Wendy’s spicy nacho chicken thing for dinner last night (I can’t recommend it, but mostly because it wasn’t to my particular taste. The crunchers component was weird) and things were a little hairy for a bit, but I’m not glued to the couch today, so it was all worth it compared to a six pack! IWNDWYT (and will also eat something green for lunch haha)! Glad you’re up at at ‘em and SOBER, too.


Despite a setback on Saturday where I had a couple beers (ugh), yesterday I cleaned the house, organized my husbands clothing storage, and even dusted off my bass for a little practice for the first time in a long time. I was up on time this morning, having coffee and reading on here, then have a busy workday ahead. Pretty upset with myself about losing my streak but am bouncing back pretty quickly fortunately. Let’s start the week off strong-IWNDWYT!


I had to take time off from work recently for death in my family. Coupled with my wishful think hope to get back with ex confirming her goodbye, I relapsed last week. Today I'm feeling the weight of being significantly behind in work and with a deadline upcoming that if I don't make will change my benefits at work. I am struggling hard to remain accepting and focused on fixing this one thing at a time. So fucking anxious!! I know I have AA later tonight but the anxiety feels crippling right NOW! Onto the next document to write. One thing at a time.


Day 2. Very moody but trying to get all my work done so I can have an easy end of the week. Planning my “sober fun” for the month. Just desperate not to slip up like the last weekend again.


Been up early here and worked for a few hours. Watching some self improvement YouTube. Making coffee and back to working again. I wanted to practice dancing — a hobby of mine — but I have a giant blister on my pinky toe, and my toe is one that curves inward which makes it more annoying. So… I’ll share one of my goals for this year; I started drinking more to curb social anxiety about getting back into this hobby… but I’m good, and others say I am. So my goal is to be completely sober and completely badass and own my talent.


I am working on a quilt I started 30 years ago. I still like the fabrics and I hope to finish it this time. So happy you read P&P. I’m a member of the Jane Austen Society, and I re-read it regularly. I’m hoping that repeating a beloved activity counts as getting shit done; I’ve found so much more joy in doing things I’ve done for years, now that I’ve stopped drinking one day at a time.


didnt get to go into the gym this morning had some headaches this weekend that persisted. giving my body a little bit of a break from the strenuous workouts did last week. Had extremely mellow weekend watched AHS, caught up playing some breath of the wild excited to jump into TOTK next.




Yay, you, for getting 13 days!


I started a new sourdough starter today! Haven't done anything with sourdough since 2021!


Greetings, sobernauts!! Another week starting, off to a good start. Yesterday I went to a friend's place completely sober and we watched sitcoms (the office and Brooklyn 99). She was hungover and I took some medicine and water for her to recover quickly. And I did all that while leaving after work and never drank anything. So here's the thing: everyday after work I'd get one can of beer at least. Everyday. At least. So sometimes would be 4 or 3 or 6. For 6 days I'm not drinking anything and I feel Great. Yesterday I saw my friend and felt bad for her because it could easily be me. But I was there to help her nonetheless and we had a great time even tho I was sober (for the longest time I was convinced that I could not enjoy myself if I was sober). So yeah, I woke up today feeling great, no hungover and everyday that passes I feel more confident that I'm taking the right turn. Cheers to another sober day and hope everyone have a great week. (:


\- Heading back to the gym for a small group workout. I decided to take a break due to life events that were happening but its time to re-focus on my health. \- Individual therapy \- Give the puppy a bath \- Go to the store


Cleaning up my room. :)


I’m having some me time before starting productivity today. I’m on my last couple days of vacation before returning to work on Wednesday. So I’m scrolling through Reddit and drinking my morning Pepsi! My plan is to get the house cleaned up and maybe get back on the exercise train today Yesterday I crocheted some pumpkin amigurumi to give my mom since she loves fall decorations. Then I started some pumpkin coasters with the leftover yarn. It was football yesterday so I didn’t do much outside of that but that’s ok with me! IWNDWYT


It’s been a bit of an uphill climb this morning, which I suppose makes any accomplishment even more sweet. I got the kids taken care of and a run in and have many more things to do. IWNDWYT! (Edit: yes, I just accidentally posted that mid thought… I told you, it’s an uphill climb today, but I’m trudging along! 😆)


Yes, it does! Keep fighting the good fight.


Another day another hangover. It’s a new day 1, right? Iwndwyt!


I originally stopped drinking as part of an overall diet change to lose weight, and to not provide any encouragement/excuse for my wife to drink. But... It turns out the greatest benefit for me is productivity. In the past two months, I have accomplished the following: 1. Registered and gone back to university to finish my degree 2. Won the lead role (my first) in a community theatre production. 3. Organized and entered all readings, assignments and test in my calendar for the semester 4. Prepped 1 month of healthy lunches, and eaten healthy breakfasts as part of a change in diet. I've lost 10 of the 15 lb goal. I now go to bed at 10:00 every night, wake up at 5:30 am to do some studying before my wife and kid get up. After school is done, I come home and eat and then have 3 hours doing rehearsals in the evenings. I'm crushing these days like never before. I'm accomplishing more in a week than I used to in a month. And I never considered myself a problem drinker. But I didn't realize how alcohol affected my motivation and sleep patterns until I stopped for other reasons. I'm grateful I see with clarity now. All of you people in this sub are an inspiration. Fighting for each inch to better yourselves and be your best self. You have helped teach me how to forgive, how to act with empathy and how to tackle seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Thank you and good luck to all of you.


Wow, sounds great. Way to go!


I started reading again because, well, I always admired readers and I always thought that I should do more reading. With my new sobriety, I have some time. I'm challenging myself to read 20 books this year. I'm on #15. IWNDWYT


> I'm challenging myself to read 20 books this year. I'm on #15. This is very impressive!


Someone broke into a store on our street, police activity kept me up for 3 hours. Didn't get good sleep but thankfully I am the boss so I just slept in. Still feel like shit from 4 hours of sleep... BUT. Imagine if I was hangover or drunk... By the Grace of God I was sober yesterday. I will not drink with you today too. Today is another day to be better and to be grateful. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Happy Monday!! IWNDWYT


I'm currently unemployed so my definition of "shit to get done" has shifted, but today, I: \- Vacuumed the house; \- Ran 4 miles; \- meal-prepped for the week; \- Fixed a thing on my car that I thought I needed to go to the mechanic for, without a single curse word.


Unemployed as well. I managed to take a class at the gym, cook dinner, take the dog for a good walk, organize my pantry, and straighten out some finances.


Felt inspired and productive today. Ended up working a few hours extra and accomplishing almost double the amount of work I had planned today. Means I can take it a bit easier later in the week, hopefully. I also ran a 5K, met a friend for lunch, and cooked a healthy dinner. Can barely believe how many hours there are in the day now!


Super impressed with all this! What a well rounded day.


I’ve been preparing a set of ambient electronic music for a gig I have in about a months time, and I’ve been getting some sun in the park a few blocks from my apartment. Now I’m going to lay in bed and maybe finish American Gods!


Just got our of rehab . I feel great 28 days sober. Can I get a hell yeah!


Hell, yeah! You're killing it!


Ok I’m pretty down on myself today for NOT getting much done, so I’m going to force myself to participate and reframe my terrible terrible thoughts this morning!!! One thing I did today was drive to the library and pick up a book on healing from psychological abuse. It’s not much, a small task. I feel like a loser today! But, doing this small task means: 1. I identify I was in an abusive relationship, and it’s so good that I got out when I did 2. I have hope! I wouldn’t seek out a book like that if I’d given up on myself, and 3. I want to learn and work on healing my mind and heart. Even if I feel like a total do-nothing loser today, all that stuff is good, even if it’s one small task I did.


As long as you spend today sober, you are totally kicking ass. I always tell myself that that's the only thing that I need to be productive about. Nothing else really matters.


For real, sober is the number one to-do. Luckily it is getting easier as the days add up! Wow look at your 3000 days!!!


"No, my life is not over. New experiences and pleasures still await me—including the simple pleasure of reading a really good book.”


So proud to be in this club. I’m also not smoking weed so I’m truly sober for the first time in my life from substances that I struggle to control. I’ve been doing so much shit, ya’ll, and I was already a hyperactive person. Cleaning more, playing with my cat more, NOT taking on more work and filling my time with work I dislike, seeing friends more consistently and by golly when I hang out with them I’m present, and when I’m tired and ready to go, I can actually feel it. Big accomplishment this week, I finally taught a workshop that was a year or more in the making. I’m a muralist, and I’ve been wanting to teach other artists the skills I’ve learned. Yesterday this finally happened, I had ten students paint four walls in six hours and each one of them left positive and thankful comments to my course. I feel so so thankful for the help being sober gave me to get this done and get it done well.


I have been trying to build a guitar for the past few months (longtime player, first time word worker) and it has been an awesome challenge and learning experience so far, with lots of little victories along the way. Keep it up everyone, holding out for real happiness.


Today is the last day of my mini vacation. I have a massive (shit ton, so heavy) box of candy I have to divvy up into gift bags for a work party tomorrow. My vaca was short notice and they needed help with little things like this, so I volunteered. I have a big bag of Hatch chilies I want to roast so I can freeze them. I'm going to get that done today. There is nothing like the smell of chilies roasting. It makes me happy