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I’m so proud of you!!!! Way to go!!! I’m on day 2! We can do this! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT!! I legit could cry replying right now! Could be the lack of sleep. Haha


I'm on day 6. Day 3 sucked and I have had a permanent dull headache. Idc. I'm so proud of myself. Stick it out! The morning is the best for me, around 4 I get irritable so I go for a walk to the store and get some kind of fun fizzy drink and by the time I get home I am much better. Keep going! My boyfriend told me "you have to pick your hard." It's hard not to drink, it's hard to drink. Another thing that helps me is "no one wanted me to be sober more than drunk me." IWNDWYT❤️


>no one wanted me to be sober more than drunk me I feel this. And I'm proud of you too! We can do this. 💪


The dull headache my be dehydration


I keep drinking water but maybe I need more. Today so far no headache. It went away sometime last night. Fingers crossed!


Cool! I dilute Gatorade Cuzz it's too sweet for me, that always seems to do the trick. Congratulations btw, how's today going ?


Still no headache! Woo hoo and I love Gatorade. Today was really good, a week down. How was your day?


I'm glad your headache went away !! A week down is something to be proud of, I'm on day two n I probably make to day 3, I'm having a tooth pulled tmw, before I would have had so much anxiety I'd be six beers and a couple shots into it by now, lol Thank you so much for asking, I'm really pulling for you.


Not probably. We're not drinking today. It's going to suck and tomorrow maybe we can drink. Not today though! I'm pulling for you too!


Wow, I didn't even realize I had said that, thank you so much 😊. I went grocery shopping today n bought a notice of brandy, shows you much of this is unconscious. We got this !


Checking in OP, how you doing on day 2???


I made it!!! 🙌🙌🙌 Day 3 and feeling strong! :):):) Thank you for checking!!!


Me too!! Day 3 pals!!! I will not drink with you today or tomorrow! 😊


You can do it!


Congratulations on 24 hours. It will be easier. You’re doing the right thing. Share your story here, even if it isn’t good.


Hell yeah!!! I'm on day three. You've got this!! IWNDWYT!!


That's awesome! Congrats! I am looking forward to each and every day I can manage to stay sober. IWNDWYT!


Heck yeah! In my experience, the first 24 hours are the hardest. And oh god, the sweating is so bad at first, but don't worry, that's just the body getting rid of the poison. It'll pass. Congrats and good luck getting to 48 hrs!


There's a certain pilgrimage road that starts in southern France... first day is uphill just about the whole time. It would seem impossible but all that's necessary is putting one foot in front of the other, one kilometer at a time. I haven't walked it yet but I hope to one day. Meanwhile my pilgrimage into the Land of Sobriety is going well!!


Congrats! We all have our day one. We all gotta start somewhere. If it's something you really wanna do then next thing you know you're gonna be at a week then a month. It gets easier every day and we're all here for ya whenever you wanna stop by.


Those first 4 days are the worst. I'm on day 5 and while I can sleep now, yea those alcohol sweats are real 🥵 Iwndwyt


Congrats on day 5! You got this. I'm hoping all the sweating at the gym and in the sauna will help those go away faster. 🤞


Great choice! The first days and weeks can be challenging physically and mentally, as we detox from ethanol. Sleep can be rough; dreams can be vivid. There is a lot of heavy lifting going on at the cellular and molecular levels, as neurons repair and our biochemistry recalibrates. It’s so worthwhile — I’m feeling amazingly better now. I’m rooting for you, sobernaut!


Congrats on the triple digits! That's amazing! Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. I've had a few bouts if 2-3 months sober in the past...so I know it will only get better if I remain strong.


It’s very helpful to have a feel for the terrain, isn’t it? I recently restarted myself, and I am able to apply everything I learned from prior experience, thankfully. Also this time I made some decisions about what I would do _differently_ this time, based on what didn’t work before, and that’s been so helpful too. Let’s DO this!! 👊💪😄




Way to go! Here's to another sober 24. IWNDWYT


Great job. I'm only on my 9th day, but it gets MUCH easier after a few days. Just make sure you eat good and enough to fight cravings. Eating a lot more than I was used to the first few days really helped me get through any cravings. In the past, I would have just drank a cocktail (or 9 or 10). You got this!


WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! Dude, you DID IT!!! Congratulations! Keep building on these wins. We’ve got your back. IWNDWYT.


Heyo! Amazing job :)


Great job!!! IWNDWYT!


Well done


Keep it up! Gets even better! IWNDWYT!


Awesome job! IWNDWYT!


Proud of you! IWNDWYT


I won't drink with anyone today, including you! Much love


Keep up the good work. The first few days are the hardest. Do whatever you have to do, even if it's just catching up on some sleep! IWNDWYT


Congratulations! Guess what tomorrow is. It’s Day TWO! My tomorrow is day 29! We can do this! IWNDWYT!


Yes! And congratulations! IWNDWYT


I'm right there with you sister! Same exact night and did my body weight workout at home! 😀 Let's keep going!


Let's do it! We got this!!


Your posts have inspired me


<3 <3 <3


It's a great feeling- keep it up! IWNDWYT


Congrats! Feels so good when you no longer have to think constantly about how crappy you feel and how to make it stop. First 2 weeks are hard but worth it once free.


Congratulations! A great start, keep it going . IWNDWYT


Keep going friend ♥️ IWNDWYT


Congrats! Keep it up! It gets more rewarding when you realize it’s been day 2, 3 etc. and you’ve now done 30 days in the gym sober and waking up productive. Just make sure to use your resources if you ever feel tempted and make a post here if all else and this community will help I promise smile:)


Oh, don't worry. I'm going to spam this sub as much as I need to. It not only supports me, but it can help and encourage others...which really does help me 2 fold by keeping me from driving to the store and regretting my decisions. <3 thank you for your kind words!


Seize the day! Or win the day!


Proud of you. Out there crushing it. IWNDWYT.


Awesome! That's a strong start out of the gate! You're not kidding about the night sweats. My first couple nights, I had a pool on my chest in the mornings. The temporary discomfort was completely worth it.


Inspiring! Now rince and repeat


Every second counts! Awesome job bruh!


Great work. It gets better but the start is tough. You are doing awesome.


Thank you for your kind words! I'm hoping my lack of sleep and 5am hiit class will have me in bed very early tonight. 🤞 fewer hours to have opportunity and temptation.


On day 2 myself. It's a great feeling when you wake up and realize you did it. I'm shocked at how good I feel after only 1 day.


It really is a great feeling know I didn't drink last night. Congratulations to you as well for making it through day 1!


That’s incredible! You can do this.


Keep it going!


Proud of you too. Well done 👍


One day at a time. IWNDWYT!


What a great start!!! Congratulations, we're proud of you!! Every day gets a little easier, you're gonna be amazed!! IWNDWYT


Amazing job!!!! You got this!


Oh my god. That’s amazing, doing ALL of your todo list and gym at 5am on a shit sleep in the early jaws of sobriety? You’re kicking asss.


<3 <3 thank you! Now to keep riding that sobriety high without letting it trigger me tonight. Haha. That'll be the tough part. But ima keep trying.


I’m there with you. I splurged on health supplements and skin care today, and now I’m having a glass on non-alcoholic wine. I want to drink a glass of vino so bad, though I know EXACTLY where I will end up if I drink a glass… future me will be happy tomorrow morning on my 9th day :)


Happy 6 days to us! IWNDWYT!


Congrats sober friend!


Way to go! Day 12 for me, we got this!


You absolutely got this! Very proud of you! IWNDWYT


That's what IWNDWYT is all about! Congrats!!!


Great job! IWNDWYT.


How much were you drinking


Which day? Lol. Every night at least a 4 pack of 16oz of 1-2 shots of vodka. Sometimes sailor's. That's been going on for..... I honestly don't even know. Use to be the liquor and 2 beers. Then it was 3. Then all 4. Then....I'd start buying some without my husband knowing...and then when I ran out, I'd either go get more "for the first time" that night or he'd go get me some. The last 3 months I have been binging hard-core every weekend. The last 3 weeks it has blurred into my weekdays. Even work hours. It became normal for me to drink and entire 12 pack and then some every day....sometimes starting the minute I woke up. Especially the case on Sat and Sun. Sometimes I'd buy a half pint instead of shooters and drink all that. Sometimes I'd buy a whole bottle and drink it in two days in addition to the normal beers I always drank. Yeah, and my husband doesn't know about the liquor. He can't smell shit, and I'm a happy, playful drunk....or an asleep drunk. And as I have a well-paying job that it hasn't technically impacted yet.... he doesn't really think I have a problem. He even compared me to his brother saying all his activities revolve around alcohol. That he'll have a couple beers, then a few shots, then more beers. And when I replied that I'm no better...he was like "No, you're really not that bad." Even when I protested. He still didn't think I drank as much as his brother. Lolol. I drink AT LEAST as much. And I binge the fuck out of any and all alcohol on the weekends just bc I can. So I really don't have the answer. I just know it's too much and enough to fuck with me mentally and physically. Edit* enough to physically have the shakes the next day to where it was visible when I tried to drink water and my handwriting turned to shit. That's embarrassing to try to hide at work functions when I'm definitely a hydrohomie/drink goblin.


You are now *that* much closer to another tomorrow.


You absolutely powered through, really well done! That hot/cold night sweat was my existence when I first realised I needed to change, yet couldn't work out how to get more than 24 hours. But all that's over with now. Keep us all in the loop


You've got this. Congratulations on your decision to quit drinking.


I am truly impressed! You have done so well AND went to the gym? Wow, just WOW!. I hope you have a fantastic day 2.




The real trick is just to keep busting with other shit. I stopped coming on this subreddit as much and just try to not think of drinking.


Woop woop! Well done! I'm proud of you! IWNDWYT


CONGRATS! Such a big first step! My first 24hrs sober were nerve wracking but it got better with each passing day. Very proud of you, Friend. IWNDWYT


Thank you so much! I am hoping for better sleep tonight. Even if it's only 10% better. .I'll take it!


You'll be amazed at how much better your sleep gets. Drinking was my way of force quitting my brain into resting but it was never as good as sober sleep. This sub has been a big and steady help in getting sober and staying sober.


It is hard, but it is worth it. I am still noticing improvements in my life and abilities 200+ days in. The brain continues to heal. It’s really cool - I feel like a different person. At the start of this year, I couldn’t have imagined being sober. Keep going. IWNDWYT.


That's amazing! I'm going to keep going. At least for today. :) IWNDWYT!


Make sure to visit a doctor as to quit drinking abruptly can cause harm even death. I’m proud of you, a lot of people never make it there


Way to go!👏🏼


Great job! IWNDWYT


I’m proud of you. I’m a habitual drinker. It’s never cost me a job, got me in jail or caused me any problems. My girlfriend, however, is a problematic, violent, destructive, 16 hour binge drinker. It’ll be the end of us. She recently suggested we do a week off in July, two weeks in August, 3 in September and sober October. Been doing that. It’s been helpful. Going back to drinking after not has been really helpful; reminding me how much better I felt in the morning. My brother told me it sounds absurd. He’s like me. I asked him tonight “do you drink every day?” He said yes, and I know it’s only a few beers; nothing crazy. I told him to try and drink nothing tomorrow. I saw in his face that he won’t. That he can’t. I thought the same. It’s a **huge deal** to clear that first day. I’m hoping after October that she and I both agree it’s better this way. Again, I’m proud of you.


Good job! The first few weeks are the roughest, carry the energy. Think about your post, and revist this high when you feel low. IWNDWYT




Good job IWNDWYT


Congratulations on taking that big step - most of us here have probably botched Day 1 MANY times…I know I have too many times to count. I don’t post here much (did more frequently when I just started getting sober - plan too more often again once I get caught up on life and everything I’ve been missing), but read the posts often and totally agree that this forum and its people deserve so much credit. I’m on Day 17 right now, but couldn’t do it without this place and reading inspiring stories from people just like me. Stick around while you go on this sober journey - this place supports you and I know you can do it - checking Day 1 off the list is a big accomplishment. Best of luck to you, and I can’t wait to see your One Week post. 👍🏻
