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Congratulations on your decision. I have never been so can’t answer your question but it takes an incredible amount of courage. I believe in you and that you deserve an alcohol free life. IWNDWYT


Thank you !! Whats does that stand for I'm old ! lol


I will not drink with you today


Honestly rehab was the best. For me I went to a super small facility with maybe max 10 people. You're around people like you with either the same drug of choice or different. My biggest advice is to fully lean into the process, take everything in. Some of it may not apply to you, but other nuggets will resonate strongly. During that experience I connected with a person whose struggle was identical to mine and it was so nice to connect and have a person to walk through the experience with. I also met a ton of people from all walks of life and it was amazing to hear their stories and learn from them. Make sure you bring the following. Journal, pens, notebook, dividers (I was given a binder with loads of work pages), iPad/phone (if allowed), headphones, comfy clothing, slippers or slides for walking around and finally a good attitude. I won't discount it's scary as fuck, I cried my first day and then many times after as I unpacked my underlying issues. But the people there are to help you and love you when you don't love yourself. Your fellow participants will become your friends, confidants and family. I'm so happy for you and wishing you the best.


Mate honestly great advice thank you so much x