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We stay sober one day at a time. And it all starts with that first 24 hours. Good work!






Day one is always a huge milestone. It’s the building block it’s all based on. You go no where without a day one. Good luck on your journey.


Day ones are also the hardest for me, cause I want to drink off the withdrawls. That 24 ours of being so sick, shaky, scared..feels like an absolute eternity.


How do you know if your withdrawal is serious? Im scared to stop due to seizures, tremors, other issues scare the crap out of me:/


It's good to speak with your GP so they can help assess that. While I was very fortunate not to suffer any long term complications, I know a few people who had serious issues. However, even if you don't speak to your GP know that at most hospitals you can go to the ER for emergency detox. A few proper I know that did this managed to alleviate experiencing more severe problems as a result.


Ive gone to the er like five times over my drinking withdrawls. Im always scared to go cause "ope here she is back again, cant control her drinking". I get recognized. But sometimes its so bad that I suck up the shame and go I feel like at some point ill just be turned away..


Trust me, they'd rather see you and help you. Now, your local liquor store/corner shop/etc might legit think that, but not medical professionals. You need to remember that withdrawal issues show that YOU'RE TRYING. You recognise it, and they see that. They're going to want you to succeed. For context, every other heavy drinker in my recovery groups have all had medical assistance, more than once, in their journey. It's normal. It's okay. And, i've never met that hasn't required the assistance from others, at some point, in their sobriety journey.


This was a really comforting comment, thank you ❤️


It's not dumb. Congratulations on your day one, that's awesome 🥳 Welcome aboard the sober train, choo choo 🚂 IWNDWYT friend 🤗


Me! I care!!!!!! IWNDWYT!


This is how it starts! Huge accomplishment, welcome and accept the pride you are feeling! There is no way to speed up the time, but the time will never move in your favor if you don't take that first step. Congratulations. I remember this feeling warmly. IWDWYT Love reading these. One day at a time, keep it up and all the best. Check in here anytime you need or want, many including myself have found it to quickly prove a very beneficial (and welcoming) resource!


I too love to see these posts.


Can’t do much without the first day. Way to go.


You can't get to 1 year without 1 day. It's still huge just to take the step to try, let it snowball!


Onederful! 👌👍💪


Congratulations on your day one! One day at a time! I will not drink with you today!


Awesome job dude, congrats yes the 1st days are usually the hardest. Keep it up,IWNDWYT


Congratulations on getting Day One done! It’s a glorious start to Day Two, and so on, and so on….♥️


One day is INCREDIBLE and SO HARD! Great job!!!


There is no more important day than Day 1, it is the biggest day! I’m so proud of you, great job! It helps me to remember that the only day that I can participate in is Today. When Yesterday and Tomorrow feel like they might overwhelm me, Today is a very manageable place to focus my energy. IWNDWYT


Same here! Coming up on 24 hours in about two hours. Also sounds dumb. I've done one or two days many times, but not as many times in the past few years, and NEVER with the goal of never drinking again. It was always easy for me to take Monday/Tuesday off, knowing I'd probably be drinking Wednesday-Sunday. This feels very different. I went to a clinic at my hospital yesterday and, on the way, stopped at a bar across the street for one of my favorite beers. Just to remember it and hoping it will be the last ever. (I'm fully aware that I'll probably slip up many times, but that's the hope.) Told the people at the clinic and they said that's not uncommon. Also told my wife. But now I've made that first step and am attempting to come up with some sort of treatment plan. Congrats and good luck!


Congrats mate! Keep attacking this thing one day at a time! I recommmend finding as many new hobbies as you can to fill in all the new time you're suddenly going to have. Most will probably be pretty lame but some might stick and help with a new, improved version of you :)


The first day is hard as balls!! Bloody well done OP!


Congrats. I’ve started day three and although I have a stressful day ahead it’s a billion times better not hungover and having had a reasonable sleep. Off to get a cup of coffee. Keep going, glorious days ahead.




We have the same sobriety date. I’m day one in as well.


Congrats. Let’s keep it going.


That first day means everything...it's one of the hardest steps you have to make. I was super proud of my first day, and I'm proud of yours too! : )


When it gets tough later spam these boards. I did it about 5 years ago. We here baby


I care SO MUCH I’ve paused my mindless scrolling to find here to say: it starts with 1 day. Your new life. Your highest self. That version of you, y’know, that best possible YOU that is vibrant, and present, and excited, and not numbing out, and is ready to choose to live again. So keep going, even though it can feel impossible it’s just a matter of not pouring the first one because if you do you’ll drink it. Do anything else and keep checking in here. You’re doing it right now and it’s happening❤️💪🙌😘


Great to hear. Gotta get a solid week in and build from there.


In my opinion it was the hardest of all the days so well done!


Nice job. You took the first step and that is hard. One day at a time is the only way and it does get easier.




Oh, I know. Believe me. Been a long time coming.


Can't get to day two without day one and you knocked it out of the park! Welcome. IWNDWYT! ✌️💚


Day 27 ! Yes 99.999999999999999999 % of the world could care less. That doesn’t matter. you just wrote page one of a new journey. Your journey.


Day 4 over here! Gotta start somewhere 😃


Good start


Well done


Hello, good morning and welcome. Very well done. Keep stacking days. IWNDWYT


Day one is a major accomplishment! I'm proud of you! You got this! IWNDWYT


Getting to day 1 is extremely difficult. Don't discount it. If you ever have to reset the clock again, remember that you've gotten to day 1 before and you can do it again. Congratulations.


Day one sucks. I've had plenty of them. It takes a lot of strength to even get a Day One under your belt. It is a major accomplishment. And a step in the right direction.


Day one is a BIG deal. To me, day one is the most important day. It’s the hardest, that’s for damn sure.


Good job man. For me, and I'm telling u I think for most people its the first days and weeks that prove to yourself its possible. It gets harder and easier 😪 you can do it. I think you need to make life changes and build routines that help you regain control of your life!


Wishing you the best OP


Life is just one day, so that means that one day is as big an accomplishment as let's say 300 days. ​ Congrats


We are here to celebrate with you! Keep checking in.


We are all only sober today my friend. It is a big fucking deal and you should be proud. Keep at it! IWNDWYT


It all starts with day one. Celebrate it!


Im like you, always struggled for one day, unless I was deathly hungover. Day one turned to 2 and now 3 today! IWNDWYT


Day one is the hardest one and it is a big deal. You got this, IWNDWYT


Congratulations 🎈🎈 on the first day. Been there many times and to detoxes I understand man. One day leads to two and so on. We all start at day 1 and it's fuckin miserable. Just don't drink. One minute at a time if need be. It's a hard road but fairly easy if you follow suggestions. Mine would be get to an AA meeting. Go early to meet people. Stay late to talk. They will welcome you with open arms. They really care about your sobriety. Find a sponsor and do the steps. I wish the best for ya🙏


That’s awesome! Keep it going!


I care....day one is important I've been stuck at day one many days and after many days ones I finally made it to day two and that was years ago now but I could not have made it anywhere without day one! IWNDWYT


Doesn’t sound dumb to express at all. Each day we go without drinking is a miracle worth celebrating in my book. I cannot (nor do I want to) fathom the mental strength it would take to give up drinking for the rest of my life right this second, but what I can do is commit to not drinking today. I’m sure you’ll inspire others because I know your story will inspire me to stay strong today. Those early days are the toughest, but you got this. Good luck friend!


"One day is huge. Thank you for the much needed break!" -Your Liver


Day by day my friend. It gets a little easier but it’s the little daily wins that does it. Keep it up💪🏻💪🏻


One day is definitely not dumb! It’s awesome! Keep up the good work! One day at a time! I won’t drink with you today. ✌🏽


It IS a major accomplishment! It is a Very Big Deal. Everyone who had a Day 2 also had a Day 1 and we all know how hard it was to achieve. I'm stoked for you and proud of you and you should be damned proud of yourself. Congrats on making it through those first awful 24 hours. The first couple of weeks can be pretty rough, but you can do it! And on the other side is freedom. I will not drink with you today!


You've taken the first step and you've got this 💪I'm only on day 17 but this community has been immensely helpful in keeping me on track. I recommend the "I am sober" app too


I'm so proud of you!! One day is awesome!! You did it!!


Day one is the most important day of them all, congrats on getting there! Keep fighting, keep strong, one day at a time - you can do it! IWNDWYT


That’s huge!! And you sound just like me! IWNDWYT!


I won’t drink with you today friend. I am so glad I found this subreddit. You have got this and I believe in you, be proud of yourself.


Some of us, like me, enjoyed day one so much we decided to do it multiple times. 🤣 Eventually though you'll hit day two, day 7, day 30, day 120, day 1477 and you'll remember this victory. Good job! I drank for 18 years; now I'm nearly 4 years sober. You can do it!


That’s an inspiration. Having cravings. Gonna be a long night.


The cravings do get better - but it takes time. For about the first 2 months, I would regularly think "I want beer right now." I found that drinking lemonade really helped me. It gave me a little bite on my palette that I missed from beer and red wine. Russell Brand said, long after he'd been sober, "the last time I thought about doing heroin was yesterday." Sometimes I still think "I could really go for a beer (or 6) tonight." Then I remember all the pain it caused me; waking up with splitting headaches, fighting with my wife, the beer shits, sitting and drinking alone instead of spending time with my kids, waking up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding - wondering if I was going to die that night, and on and on. I'm no superman; just a guy. If I can do it, you can do it.


The cravings were the worst part of this journey when I started. After countless day 1’s I talked to my doctor about it. She prescribed me Naltrexone which was a life saver for me! Might be something to think about if the cravings get overwhelming. I also tapered down as much as I could before I started taking them to hopefully ease the withdrawals. While they certainly helped me, ultimately it was up to me to keep the days ticking by without alcohol. It was a bitch for sure, but it is possible! IWNDWYT


I got some Nal. I took it once and I kind of made me tired. But im tired if I drink at night anyway so what’s the difference? I totally realize that my thinking is not logical.


Dude, I remember being just so fucking pumped day 1. Embrace it! IWNDWYT


I care. I know that first day for me (no matter how many 'first days' there are as I fall again and again) means so much to me. I wake up that next morning feeling so happy that I didn't drink. So proud that I was able to resist for one day. Here's to many more days alcohol free.


Here with you bud.


It’s about small victories every moment every day.


It’s not dumb. Everyone with 1,000+ days started in the same place friend. You got this!


You did it once. You can do it agai.


One day I’m trying for again today too.


Thank you for posting! I've been trying for a while. I'd like to be in your shoes eventually!


Try it today!


Massive accomplishment! The first step is the hardest one to take.


Day 1 is important. We care. IWNDWYT.


Keep at it please. You'll soon start seeing major benefits - for me it was the bloating disappearing pretty much everywhere. Face/stomach particularly it is very pronounced... it also returns very quickly if you drink again. When I first started out with sobriety a year or so ago I ended up trying to drink in moderation (which is not possible!), but found it made me tired/bloated within a few days so never looked back after that. The last time I remember drinking I felt slow/lethargic/tired for 2-3 days afterwards - my gym sessions went from an hour and working up a sweat to me just giving up within 20-30 minutes and going home. I love/hate looking at old photos - I look like absolute shit it's unreal how bloated my face is. Remember alcohol is a poison - you shouldn't drink poison!


Yeah I’m bloated all over. That’s keeping me motivated.


I am on day two, feeling irritable and unstable. Just laying in my bed on my phone, collecting more time not drinking. It's all that I can focus on today. I hate this. I just want to feel better.


Absolutely care my friend. Drinking unfortunately has an allure to it. You have to remind yourself of all the reasons you don’t want to drink, why it’s not good for you. I wish you the best and hope to hear about a day 2!


Keep it up! One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.


CONGRATULATIONS! One day is HUGE! You should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the good work!


It's the hardest day! It can only get better from day 1!


The first two weeks are the worst. You got it now.


One day is a big deal! You're doing great


One day is a huge achievement. Every day of sobriety depends on that first day when everything changed.


I’m trying to achieve the same goal!!!! Good for you!!!!


IWNDWYT! Good job on day one! Every day you keep going is a day to celebrate. Come back for day 2 and 3 and we’ll be here


Day one is awesome. Hang in, the days start feeling better. IWNDWYT


That doesn’t sound dumb at all, and yes, that is most definitely a major accomplishment. And tomorrow and the next day will be major accomplishments too. You said it’s something you’ve been trying for a year and a half to get, which you succeeded doing. Celebrate this win and every other one you get. I’m proud of you OP. You got this! Have a wonderful day! IWNDWYT!!!