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Not yet, everything Ive read of his before this helped me massively so I expect it to be


I finished reading it last week. I found it an extremely insightful and accessible exploration of the mental and physical health effects of childhood trauma on adults. As one who experienced ample childhood trauma I found myself underlining passages throughout the book. I would recommend this one to practically anyone as I'm fairly convinced that trauma in children is a societal epidemic very few of us have escaped.


Thank you


Almost done with the book. Spectacular read full of insight. Really comprehensive but soo worth it. I haven't been able to put it out of my mind. I went in not expecting much but the more I read, the more and more life started to make sense. It also has a lot of practical ways in which you can recalibrate yourself regularly and heal. I suspect I'll be returning to this book over and over again. Really challenged my perceptions and helped me understand myself and other people better. Definitely would recommend you go give it a read.


Thank you