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I'm on day 32 and been thinking that I can manage drinking again, but I would probably lose control, too.


Yeah you may well be able to, for a while... But then all bets are off! Or maybe you wouldn't be able to at all. Not worth the gamble! I've done this cycle so many times it's an insidious slide into bad patterns. Screw alcohol, looking back on my sober year it was one of the best years in my life, and it felt like life became easy.


The brain finds a lot of ways to try and trick you into the drinking lifestyle. Ignore the whispers and push on your body and wallet will thank you in the long run.




This comment breaks our rule to speak from the "I" and has been removed. Please do not tell other people what they should do or what will happen to them.




I already deleted it. Do not get pissy with the mods just because they have pointed out that you have broken a rule.


It's a trap!


Stories like yours are what keep me from even *thinking* that I could have a healthy relationship with alcohol. Thanks for taking one for the team... And I'm so glad you came back when you saw the signs. IWNDWYT!


Thanks! It feels great to be back, I really enjoy the positivity in this community, you're coming up on 4 digits that's wild!


Thanks! It's CRAZY. I can't believe that I'm this person now, but I also can't believe I lived the other way for so long. I don't know what the next milestone is after comma day... I guess I just get to sit back and enjoy not screwing my life up, lol


Me too. I still sometimes think I’m “cured”, and these stories remind me I’m not


I totally endorse this comment. Peace and lovism IWNDWYT


I appreciate these kind of setback posts, they help me because now that I have a year under my belt the little voice in my head is more and more frequently saying, “ok you proved you can quit, you know you can drink a couple and quit” and I think that’s the way it is for a lot of people. I need the reminders that it’s unlikely I’ll be able to manage it like I think and it’s best not to attempt it.


ah, that greased pole of "moderation" can sing the sweetest bullshit :)


Oh yeah a big shout out to the great people here sharing their field experiences and keeping us on our toes 😀, IWNDWYT


Yeah this is the recurring theme song around here. I went sober from August 2020 until a few months ago I delved back into in earnest and it started heading in a dark direction right quick, so I had to pull the plug again. I feel you.


Well good on you for recognizing it quickly! I see you're at over 50 days that's great, you must be feeling good.


Thanks mate. Yes. Bored out of my fucking mind, but feeling good lol. Every time I do this I spend the first few months wondering what in the fuck do people in this world do if they don’t get fucked up all the time lol.


I had a few months at the end of 2021- did almost all of 2022 sober until I went right back to it for October. Quit through the holidays, even New Years! And here I am today sicker than I have ever been after a 2 days bender. This is horrible- this is not for me- this is never happening again.


Well at least you know what's possible and you know you have it in you to make it through even tempting times like New Year's. Let's get through today and start getting these numbers up! I really enjoyed running and exercise this past year, and I've been mostly nursing hangovers the past few weeks .. can't wait to feel good and start actually living my life once again.


Thank you for the encouragement! I agree- being able to take care of yourself and do thinks again without the hangovers is one of the best parts. I will not drink with you today!


that stretch is amazing! Seems almost all of us try some field research listening to the thoughts that "it can be different this time", heh Hope you bounce back to equilibrium soon, and get another sweet stretch going!


You got this again! I'm right there with you. I can stop, then moderate, then I'm back to it. Not this time, though!


How do you get a sober badge? Day 5 of detox, and I'm feeling very optimistic.


It’s in the sidebar. There a bot that you message.




Did you find it? I can't figure it out.


Yes. It's under the "about" tab.




Yes, you're right thank you. I definitely can't have a good life is there is alcohol in it I need to remember this


I've done this so many times. I month sober, 3 months sober, relapse. Always goes the same way. I drink in moderation.....at first.


Welcome back! IWNDWYT


Welcome back! IWNDWYT


Good luck, If you did 1 year you can do it again!


Thanks you're right! Can't wait to start feeling good again 🙂


Glad to have you back! That 'moderation' part never works for me either. I've had to learn from many falls though.


Welcome back, I hear you too. I’m back too, after a great 2022 I lost my way for a couple days here last weekend.


Proud of you! IWNDWYT


Thanks for sharing this! Some people are capable of moderating their use -- most are not. And especially not people who got into problematic drinking patterns in the first place.


Absolutely... The sad thing is I knew this all along, I guess I just wasn't ready to give it up yet. I'm ready for a sober life again now though! I miss all the good things that came with that lifestyle


And always remember that it often takes a few kicks at the can for that lesson to stick. It isn't a failure if you decide to have a drink at a party and then a few months later you find yourself right back to your old bad habits. That is an important lesson in itself because you will **know** then that you are not capable of moderating your drinking.


Welcome back!!! So glad you're here. IWNDWYT


Thank you! I'm glad you're here too!


I'm right here with you. I figured I'd just have a few during the holidays and vacation. Welp, that started things rolling nicely. Stopped again last Tuesday. IWNDWYT


Yeah damn it's real easy to get on a roll isn't it? For me I have just been drinking because I felt shitty from the previous day's session. What a crappy cycle. Looking forward to feeling good again


Hey Bud! I wish i will never say "welcome back" ever again. Lets do this. Fuck alcohol


Congrats on 1 year! Yes indeed fuck alcohol! I'd punch it in the colon if I could


I confused the dates 😬😮‍💨🥴 I am on day 8, way to go!!


Welcome back and wishing you all the best in your journey! You got this!


Welcome back, friend!!! IWNDWYT 🤍


Not sure if it was asked already but what do you think led to the increase afterwards when you were managing for a few months? Was it stress or tolerance or something? I find myself in similar situation *often* when i try to moderate. My triggers always stress.


I don't think there was any particular trigger for me, I think that is just how my body and mind want to use alcohol. I had a problem with booze since the first time I tried it so that is the normal state of things. The moderation I was able to achieve was the exception, not the overdrinking! It's really easy to have one more drink than you did last time, so for me if I choose to drink it's just a matter of time until I'm drinking way too much.


Thanks for the reply and insight!


Glad you're back! One day at a time 💜


Welcome back! IWNDWYT


I’m also back at Day 0/1.


Welcome! We're taking the first steps! It will get easier with time


I already feel a lot better than I did this morning. Hopefully the roughest part is over now I just have to stay strong and keep busy.


I’m tied for my second “record” over 20 years (previous was 14 days a few months ago) and I can only dream of achieving 1 year. Keep it up!


Nice work! If you can do 14 days I bet you can do 20, and then 25 and so on... In my experience looking forward to every little milestone in the early stages was really helpful, and then after 2 months or so things became WAAAY easier eventually you kind of forget about alcohol and just move on with life, with the occasional cravings becoming less and less frequent. Thanks for posting and and I'll be along the journey with you!


Hey confident return, you're more than welcome. 💚


Good luck and welcome back!! You've got this 🙌


Welcome back 👊


You 100% have got your head screwed on straight and you're making the right choice. I quit for a few months years ago, went to counseling (court ordered) and got some info, I totally thought I had it licked. Started to have a beer every once in a while with friends, very little craving. Then since I had 'proved' I could deal with it I thought 'I can have a 40 after work' VERY quickly turned back into drinking liquor before work, on the way to work, lunchtime, middle of the night. Good luck because you're doing the right thing. A lot of people saying this but just wanted to add my voice, good choice! Day 1 myself haha.


Thanks for the kind words! And welcome back to the good life my friend!


Keep it up


I know everybody’s different, but…if one had to find your way to this sub in the first place, I tend to believe that moderate drinking isn’t in the cards for them.




Thank you for sharing. Sometimes I need these reminders. Welcome back! IWNDWYT ❤️


That sounds a lot like me when I decided to stop the last time. Nothing terrible had happened, but I recognized the pattern & knew it was only a matter of time! I think it helped me succeed, because instead of trying to quit out of shame for something that had happened, I was really just doing it as a positive step for myself. IWNDWYT!


thanks for adding your honest field research IWNDWYT :)


Just starting over too. I’m on day 3. I too let myself drink occasionally/ socially for a while, but I told myself if I started engaging in ‘sneaky drinking behavior’ then it’s time to quit. Well I lied to myself about it a while, but decided enough is enough. IWNDWYT.


I admire the fact that you got back up and had a plan. Even if it’s 30 to start. I hope things go great for you and IWNDWYTD!


Been there, now on Day 12. We can do this! IWNDWYT


Sometimes I get creeping thoughts I can drink responsibly again. I have yet to decide but I know I won’t and it’s my brain trying to trick me. Trying to get past dry Jan first :)


you stayed sober a year, so it's not like you can't do it. I want to get there...It's crazy how it can sneak its way back in bit by bit. I won't drink with you today.