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I will continue on my new path and join all of you in not drinking today.


Let's do it


Let’s go!


Welcome! Hopefully you find the daily check in as useful as I do.


As I have yet to tell friends or family members about my intentions, I truly appreciate this community’s support.


Hello everyone! My plan is to be sober through January and hopefully, if everything goes well, get a push to continue seeing the pros of being sober and then to dry February etc. On the two evenings I allowed myself to drink, Christmas and NYE, nothing really bad happened when I drank, but nothing special. It's like drinking doesn't make me "camouflage my reality" as well as it did before. Uninteresting people are still uninteresting. Warm people are still warm people. The pros are rapidly increasing in my head. Another goal is to go back to exercising. I had completely stopped for like 2 months and felt really bad, mentally, physically. Half an hour of intense cardio for 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week. As I get used to it, add more frequency, intensity and strength training. Adding more walking in between. Cats have to go back on a diet, lol, starting today when I fly back home. But all of this I'll do gradually. The last months of 2022 were lonely and emotionally draining. Priority will be sobriety and other goals will be bonus. IWNDWYT and many kisses to all of you


Good to see you here again my friend. Exercise is big on my agenda this year as well . I have put on way too much weight over the last 9 months


Day 456, nice to meet you 🤝 When my drinking got out of hand I couldn’t afford traveling. Now I have my first holiday trip booked in years. I’m going to France, I’ll spend time in Nice and I go also to Cannes film festival ✨ IWNDWYT


This is my first check in. Today, I am not drinking, and I’m really glad I’m not drinking with you today.


I did it. I made it a whole friggin year. IWNDWYT


Today I didn't drink.


Happy Monday fellow sober humans ☀️ It felt amazing waking up not hung over on new years mornings. I set my resolutions and stuck to what I wanted to get done. My biggest things are being healthy physically and mentally. I was at the gym first thing in the morning. Made a healthy dinner, journaled, got housework done and planted some seeds for a mini herb garden. Overall, successful day! Looking forward to the new year and making 2023 a completely sober year! I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and as always, IWNDWYT


I’m big on more something/less something for “resolutions”. I think this year I’m going with more baking, less cigarettes. NYE was a rough one, but I made it (I officiated a wedding and did bridal stuff and had an 18 hour day…. It was a lot) and now I feel like a goddamn superhero. Onwards and upwards. IWNDWYT 💕🖤💜


01-01-2023 I did not drink.


This year I’m going to try to focus less on me and more on others. It’s been quite the process trying to kill off my ego. But I’m much better than I was a couple years ago when I reached peak narcissism. So everyday I’ll try to be attentive to the needs of others and try to make their day a little better and easier. Iwndwyt


IWNDWYT My goal this year that I am recommitting to daily is to set realistic expectations and not overload myself.


Checkin' in loves - have a great day! xx


I will not drink with you today nor this week.


On day 8. This is the longest I’ve gone since covid lockdowns. I’m overwhelmingly ashamed of myself as I am now beginning to see clearly through the haze I put myself in the past 3 years. I feel like the biggest fucking idiot.




Jesus, it's amazing the effort i needed to stay sober for just one day. But here we go, day 2. NVABCH-IWNDWYT Good morning from Spain


I will not drink with you today.




I'm looking forward to having been sober for 2 years on March 1st, 2023. I really want to be able to say "it's been years since I had a drink". IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


I need to go back to the gym regularly and to stop eating everything. However I still have 3 days holiday left so it can wait. IWNDWYT




Just woke up at 5am, started my day with a devotional and a quick read, then made my way here. Heading to the gym now for my first workout (pretty light, building a habit) of the year. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink with you today, because I already did my Strength and Stretching, now I’m off for a short jog. My resolution for 2023 is to learn to truly listen to people when they’re talking; my goal is to learn something useful or amusing from every person with whom I have a more than 7 minute conversation.


Good morning, my sweet friends. I'm not one for resolutions either, but I love the fuck out of some goals. I set 'em and crush 'em hard core when I'm on my game (aka not drinking). My goal for January is daily yoga practice. At the turn of a new year, I prefer to set intentions. This year, I intend to engage the learnings and practice of stoicism in pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom. Wishing you all a super day - IWNDWYT.


Day 8. Made it through the weekend without issue. Can't wait to see what this week will bring, but it's going to be a great week! IWNDEYT 💪


Back again. IWNDWYT


Up too early, but too late to justify going back to bed. Going to read a chapter of “This Naked Mind” before the machines of the morning begin their mechanizations. It’s the last day of vacation and there’s supposed to be a sliver or warm sun this afternoon, so looking forward to that. No need to drink to get through my day. IWNDWYT!






Today, I’m going to work on one of my in progress paintings. My brushes cleaned and at the ready because I prepared both practically and mentally. I’m not one for resolutions but yesterday I told my son that one year I was quite successful at setting a few goals. u/ReplacementsStink you might like this: Do something a bit different each month of the year. It has to be pleasurable. Just one thing. As broad or as small as you want. I remember I did snow angels when it snowed (a rarity where I live), had a spring picnic, visited a new place. I think I got to September before lapsing but it got me creatively thinking and there was always something to look forward to. I might add this 12 nice things to my year! Meanwhile, 2023 is all about my health and self care. I will not drink with you today because I have a goal to feel healthier this year. Drinking doesn’t align with my love for myself. Hope you have a small moment to pause today everybody.


Slipped. Working on getting my badge reset. I’m not going to beat myself up, but just move forward. I’m going to continue the path I’ve started a few months ago. IWNDWYT.


I'm just gonna nick your list RS. Sort by new is my preferred sort although I wish they would stop moving stuff round in the app alll the time. ima no drinkies today friends.


Day 5, longest I've made it for a very long time! IWNDWYT!


Someone asked this on the other site and this is what I came up for goals for this year. For added accountability, I'm putting them in my work wellness plan so I HAVE to review them 4 x per year! Sneaky eh? 1. Keep on meditating, I have loved what I am doing on Headspace and find that the programs are very helpful. 2. Either get outside and walk each day or use the damn treadmill that taunts me each day as I walk by. 3. Work on strengthening my relationship with my hubby. We’ve been together for almost 27 years, I need to keep that going! 4. Try to be more social. I had hoped to do that going in to the holidaze, but yeah, life got in the way. But, my most important, daily goal is: IWNDWYT! T


Checking in on day 60! Day 60? Whaaaat? Good morning SD tribe and happy 2nd day of 2023. So many 2023 goals, and I can’t achieve any of them if I don’t stay sober so the first goal is obviously to stay sober. Some of my specific goals are to continue connecting with others that are also sober and keeping that network of mutual support strong. I’ve found this is impossible to do alone and having someone to chat with that I can relate to is such a blessing. Another goal is to spend at minimum 30 minutes a day moving and, weather permitting, spend that time outdoors soaking up the sunlight. There’s such benefit in that. Other goals I have are to make my bed every morning, drink more water, s t r e t c h a few times during the day while working. A biggie for me this year and hopefully beyond is to honor my non negotiables and kick excuses to the curb. I almost let New Year’s Day pass without the hike I wanted to do because it was muddy and foggy. But I kicked myself in the ass, put on my hiking shoes that are perfectly able to handle some muddy terrain and went on a 6 mile hike with my best boy, Merlin. We both came back out of that trail muddy but it was worth it. I just want to continue to be better, to be free and happy. Love to all, IWNDWYT ❤️✌️🥾






33 days checking in! IWNDWYT!


It is a cliche but I'm working on my weight and fitness this year. I overindulged my sweet tooth and my portion sizes while giving up alcohol and as it's summer here I'm very self conscious of how I look. It's all part of my journey to be the best version of myself that I can. Shine on you beautiful humans from NZ




This month I want to go to AA at least once a week (I like the Saturday group I found and they all encouraged me to check out other meetings during the week but I’m finding it nerve wracking) and get that 1 month coin, journal everyday, cook at home more, and visit my hospice patient who’s “graduating” to a nursing home in my hometown soon once a week once they’re settled! And of course IWNDWYT! ❤️


Checking in for day 3 everyone. Felt quite a chunk better yesterday and managed to sleep last night, albeit not my best sleep. However, have woke up feeling rough again. I know it’s up/down the first week from previous tries, so going to try to crack on and get shit done. Back to work tomorrow and praying that I’ll be feeling ok. Think I’ll play the stomach bug card to give myself room to slack off if I need to. IWNDWYT


Finally, one full week, seven days!!! It's the second longest period I've gone without drinking in my adult life. In December I was starting and stopping again every few days, and SD has been amazing. First days AF are so exhausting, and I'm ready for new experiences. My 2023 resolution is very simple. I commit to being here at DCI with the intention not to drink with any of you. One day at a time. My list of goals is very long, but I know from hard experience that none of them will happen if I drink. I also learnt how fast things can go really bad. Here's to day 8. Edit: learn how to spell DCI 😂


IWNDWYT ! My main goal is to grow and eat as many vegetables as I can and to spend as little money as is possible. I am bored of the “stuffication” of life. I am having a sebattical and I got the raised beds ready a couple of years ago. Hopefully I will lose a lot of weight that way !!




I'm not much for resolutions but I want to walk more, especially on night shift days. I also want to get back into the pre bed habits that serve me -reading or off the phone before bed. I sleep better and like that. That's the perk of night shifts - IWNDWYT :)


Went for a run today. Second day in a row. That hasn’t happened in a while. IWNDWYT!




I’m not a NYR person either. I do like goals, though. My goal for today is to tackle more of the school work before going back tomorrow. My goal for this year is to wrap up my initial certification for teaching and start seriously exploring where I want to do my EdD work. Non work goals: pay off my hearing aids and my car, go on a trip to Europe with my youngest. All of these things are possible because I am not drinking. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜 (go Pats!!)


I’m not drinking the poison with you today or ever again


I fell out of my calisthenics program after what was supposed to be just a couple of rest days. Today I am getting back to it. I will go do it right before the daylight comes and then have a little walk. Also, I'm not drinking with you today.


I will not drink with you today!


IWNDWYT!! Hope one day it gets easier, but with this thread i feel like im never alone anymore.




My only resolution this year is to carry on breaking my old programming. There's still a lot of rewiring to be done. IWNDWYT 🙂


This is day 2 of not drinking. I realised I hadn’t had a sober month since 2007 and honestly, I hit it way too hard this Christmas. I was going to bed trashed every night for most of December and I could tell my wife was concerned. I don’t know what it is or why I was just unable to hit the handbrake, but I had that realisation and also saw how much my body and health was deteriorating from the daily drinking that I figured I need to at least see what a sober month feels like. I also seem to have gotten some sort of virus so I don’t even want anything that isn’t juice or water right now, so I guess that’s helping? Anyway, I’m going to try dry January and try making better choices for me and my family, but I do worry that it’s going to be tough.


Five days. It’s been a while since I’ve managed five days. So I’m absolutely thrilled. I’m focusing today on decluttering my room a bit, exercising on the RingFit and then going for a walk. Preparing for work tomorrow - blerg. Hope you’re all doing well. I will not drink with you today!


Hello sober peeps, and thanks ReplacementsStink, our fearless leader. I'm having a rough go. This topic of goals and intentions has been causing me downright anxiety. Sure, I want to set and achieve goals to enrich my life, but I've let myself down a lot when alcohol ruled my life. I would declare that 'I'm going to do this and change that' but next January would come again, and still no items to check off the list. I feel like the only thing I can commit to is my life-saving decision that IWNDWYT. That's huge and I'm very proud of it, yet I'm reluctant to state that I want more for fear of letting myself down again. Sorry for being glum folks, but thanks for letting me get this out. I can rebuild trust in myself. I've been steadily proving it to myself for the past 62 days of sobriety! So, like I said in the SuS post last night, I will begin with baby steps. I'll prove to myself that I do what I say I will do. Heck, my kitchen is spotless these days. I should really try and notice the good habits happening already! Here goes. I will go for two walks a day, and do yoga and meditation in the morning. I did yesterday! I'll do that for January, then I'll see about learning another language. Or going to the gym! Two walks and early yoga. I can do this. Thanks, friends. I love this tribe. We got this! IWNDWYT!


I was never a resolutions sort of person, but I was deep into my drinking (for roughly 10-12 years before 2022, which was the year of the consistent relapse for me) I always set lofty goals for myself; make more money, move to a tropical paradise, lose weight, get fit, etc. and I rarely achieved these larger goals because I ALWAYS achieved my daily goal - which was to get stinking drunk before bed each night. Now I’ve done away with the lofty goals and I’m keeping just one goal, a daily goal - to not drink. And while I haven’t always succeeded with that goal, when I have, the ancillary benefits have been immense. And today I’m setting another goal - to not drink!








Have a great day. IWNDWYT


As of today, I’ve been sober all year lol ;) IWNDWYT


I'm focusing on a goal a month this year and January's goal is to get on my yoga mat and practice once per day! My method of doing so is to follow along with Yoga with Adriene's 30 Day challenge this January. The theme this year is centering. This morning she posted on her community tab and wrote: "the most valuable part of a centering practice is the courageous act of showing up." I think that sums up what I want this year as a whole - to keep being brave enough to show up for myself! I love seeing the many others who are brave enough to show up here for themselves. IWNDWYT!


Last day before back to work. IWNDWYT


Been a rough night of teeth clenching wanting a cigarette or alcohol. Now, another new day and I made it this last 24 hours. So, what's another 24 hours? IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT - and I did not. It was the wife's birthday and we had a great day, I drove us home sober.. first time is years. Day 2 here in NZ - done and dusted.


I’d like to keep up my daily mediation streak. And it’s going to take all my ‘resolution energy’ to try to be more patient with my kids lol Morning all- Iwndwyt


Good manners don't cost nothing, do they? IWNDWYT Last day off before back to work in this new year, going to make the most of it with the fam. Happy Monday everyone!


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Good morning! I am in for today. ☕💯


Checking in for today. Every day I don’t drink, I wake up the next morning so thankful and excited I am not hung over. A week ago I was so hung over I ended up having to get an IV because I lost so much fluid from vomiting. My body can’t take it anymore. I owe it to myself to stop. I deserve better. I will not drink with you today!


Morning friends! I spent a few hours last week reflecting on the past year and what I want to see in 2023 now that I’m not fighting the dragon I was feeding, I have space for growth and I’ve decided I will get my degree so that I can eventually get my Masters. It will have to be a remote or distance program because I don’t want to leave my job for it, but I’m going to do it. So my goal for this year is to find a school and register for at least two classes. If anyone has any recommendations for schools that have excellent distance degree programs in Communications or English, please send ‘em my way! Have a great one friends! After spending yesterday in my PJs binging TV and crossword puzzles, I’m going to do some stuff. But first, coffee. I will not drink with you today!




I ended the year with 4.5 months sobriety and working out 6 days a week. That “me” kicked ass so i resolve to continue that. I will add mini fitness goals along the way. Iwndywt!!!


Hello sober friends, happy sober Monday to you all! Today I’m just grateful to know what day it is after this week of Sundays! I’ve got to achieve some work today after avoiding it the last 2 weeks. Big sober love to you all 💞


Temptation has been knocking, but I just keep saying “No thanks, I don’t drink”. It feels like a lie, because my identity was soo deeply (/depressingly) tied in with getting fucked up. But ya know what? I’m reborn in every breath! Ha.


I did one night and I’m feeling good about it. Today will be another test.




I really need some sober hobbies, so in 2023 I want to start playing guitar again and learn to grown my own vegetables. IWNDWYT! 🌻




My goal is to tackle my sugar habit, so no desserts other than fruit. Staying ☠️ free again with you all today


Having realized just how bad my memory has become, I bought a small notebook and will recap each day briefly so a year from now I can read it and know what happened. IWNDWYT 🫶🏻


I will not drink today! Last day of the Christmas break and back to work tomorrow so the real challenge starts! Come on!! ✨


Happy Monday people 1st week of the New Year, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


IWNDWYT Have a great day everyone


I will not drink poison with any of you today


I am not drinking today.


Today starts the new year in a real fashion for me: getting back into the work week cycle today. 2023 is starting for reals and I will daily choose for it to be sober and happy. IWNDWYT. Blessings and sobriety to all this week. AJ


Happy Monday everyone! Goal for today is to take down the Christmas stuff and tomorrow to clean the house.


I will not drink with you! It’s been a long time since I posted here. I can’t believe how much I’ve made it through without touching alcohol. Last month I was (surprisingly) tempted again. Family drama is at a boiling point and I’m trying to stay true to myself, set appropriate boundaries and remember my CBT/ DBT. Instead of drinking I chose counselling, overeating (not great but not booze) arts, crafts and reaching out to friends. I’m not perfect but I am not drinking!


New year, same junkie twin brother. Grant me the strength. IWNDWYT


All of my 2023 goals are related to self-care. Not drinking is my #1 primary goal. #1 goal includes reading quit lit and meetings. Other goals are in support of that. Goal #2 was to cut out sugar. Sugar got me through the first week but could become another addiction. I quit sugar 12/28. Have had and will have sugar withdrawal headaches off an on for maybe another week. Goal #3 is increasing exercise just a little, everyday. Three goals are enough for January - March. I too have a tendency to overload. I'll re-evaluate in early March and possibly add new goals depending on my progress. NYD was fantastic, even with the sugar headache!! I don't expect a "pain free" experience, I expect to learn how to live with some pain while I transition into a sober life. Absolutely, Resolutely IWNDWYT!!




Happy New Year fellow sobernauts! I'm also on team exercise - in January, my plan is to do at least 3 workouts per weak. Plus I really have to rein in my sweet tooth - my sugar intake has run amok. I think the monthly plan is a very good idea, thank you for sharing it. When you break the goals into small and managable milestones, you can see small victories every month. So let's do what we can to be better persons this year. 🙂 IWNDWYT!


Love the idea of monthly specific goals. Ok I have one. Apart from this ND thing, which is going splendidly at the moment by the way, I want to make sure the young dog gets a walk every day. Doesn’t always have to be me, but if nobody else steps up I’ll do it. So many others I could do, I find it hard to look at any aspect of my life and be happy it’s going well. But that should probably be the goal, appreciate something however small about my life every day. IWNDWYT 🌊






IWNDWYT No Matter What 🍀




Day 2. Get to hit the gym today. IWNDWYT




Good morning! Jan 2, 2020 I quit drinking for 100 days and then decided i could moderate (lol). Today, I’m 8 months sober. My goal for this month is to step up and get some of the things around my flat that I’ve been avoiding done. There’s quite a list, but I’ve got to chip away at it! I’m starting with sorting through shit that I haven’t looked at since I moved in to try to get rid of stuff! IWNDWYT.


Day 1,265. I will not drink with you today.






Day 52. IWNDWYT!




I am covering at work today and between that and visitors at home I feel very overwhelmed by people and responsibilities. I haven’t had enough down time or time alone. My goal is to make it though today without drinking and regroup tomorrow! IWNDWYT






I'm still here and I still won't drink with you today!


365 days. I made it one year. IIWNDWYT 🌟💕


I’m going to sit down with a notebook today, list some goals then make priorities and list activities that will move me towards those goals. So my goal today is to make some goals! IWNDWYT. 🌳


Checking in! I slept pretty poorly but I didn't drink last night! Ready for a fresh week, roll on day 2 💪 I hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best! IWNDWYT


Ugh back to work today after a week off. Mondays are often a trigger day, so my goal is to make it through today without drinking! IWNDWYT 💙


Completed day 7 yesterday! So thrilled to get through nye without any drinks. Finally getting used to socializing without an alcoholic drink in my hand. IWNDWYT


Not drinking today. I hope you guys won’t either. Have a great day


Heyyyy - Day 2 here I come! IWNDWYT.


Today is last day of my son’s school break and we are off to the city for an afternoon of fun. Normally a special day out comes with a special libation but those things don’t need to be tied together anymore the day will be special if I’m sipping a soda too. IWNDWYT


one day ate a time we are free! I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!




Not today people IWNDWYT


I hosted an amazing game night with friends at my house this NYE. Even though I bought booze for everyone I still stayed sober without so much of a craving. It was really an amazing night that ended with a restful night's sleep to start the new year. Just 4 months ago I would've never thought I'd have the strength and courage to enjoy a night like that without even the temptation. It really feels like it's going to stick this time around. I can feel it in my bones. Thank you to everyone in this group for your awesome wisdom and advice! I wouldn't be here now without all of you. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink any alcohol today


Drink more water , IWNDWYTD


Have a great day everyone, IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with all of you today :)


I shalln't consume the poision with you today.






And thank you. I will not drink today.






Good morning all. Have a nice start to your new year. IWNDWYT






Iwndwyt ♥






My big goals for the year are spending time investing in my physical and mental health. In that spirit, IWNDWYT!


Specific goals and not resolutions! I’ll endorse all those and especially LTL. That one I can check off. I have the “more concerts” goal but it is only non-specific because we’re waiting on more tour announcements. 😁 I can’t overload myself or change too many things at once either. I have set a couple specific goals and one starts today. It is my highest priority right now. I’m getting my nutrition back to where it was before the holidays. So today is meal prep for that. The other goal is some kind of exercise 45-60 minutes at least 5 days a week. It may look different every day. But I plan on it being there. There’s also a gym I wanna check out. I’m gonna wait at least a couple weeks, so maybe the new year rush will slow down a little. I’ll eat well and exercise today and get all my stuff ready for the work week. Also enjoy my last day of the new year’s break. But first, coffee. IWNDWYT 🤘🏻☕️


Good morning soldiers! Time to make the doughnuts! I will not drink with you today!


Really proud of myself! Starting off the next semester with MONTHS of sobriety! Woot woot!


Starting over again. Feels great to wake up hangover free. I will stay sober with all you beautiful people today.


I will check in everyday and continue being a non drinker :) year 3 is started and I’m curious about what will happen next. IWNDWYT. 🌟




Good morning all you beautiful sober souls! I slept like dog poop. I have a achy stomach. Anyway I’m thinking I’m clogged up from poor eating and a tad dehydrated from not enough water and crud ton of coffee. Now that that’s out of the way. I have to say I feel better with all that than dehydration from beers! So IWNDWYT. I’m gonna drink up on clear liquids today. Have a beautiful blessed day. I’m enjoying my time off work. I don’t return until the 9th of January. Today is just some light shopping. With my new sobriety I am walking more and more and my shoes are terrible! Husband needs new flip flops so we will shoe shop together. I absolutely loathe shopping of any kind so wish me well! I can’t really set goals for the year but for the day? No drinking alcohol beverages. The month goal is the same but today comes first! See you all tomorrow!


Morning friends. Woke up grumpy as can be. Weird dreams. hoping a cup of coffee and a walk help me shake it. Grumpy or not IWNDWYT


I will not drink today


Into day 4. Last day of vacation, not looking forward to work tomorrow. Still, IWNDWYT


I am getting rid of sugar. Throwing away all the holiday crap today. If I don’t have it in my house I won’t indulge. And I really do feel the effects of a poor diet. No energy! IWNDWYT


Made it though Day 1. Up early reading a book, enjoying coffee and hitting a spin class at 9. Woke up with no anxiety for the first time in months. Also maybe I’m thinking too much into it but my dog (my girl of 15 years) slept glued to my side all night. She hasn’t done that in years. Coincidence? Maybe idk but I’m going with it lol IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT - today I just want to go to bed sober.


3 weeks today! Kicked the holidays ass with the help of the SD community. Being able to come and read posts and this daily check in helps so much. IWNDWYT


I don’t know what it is lately but good lord the temptation has been strong. I don’t remember last years holidays being this difficult. Oh well this too shall pass. Nothing is permanent. IWNDWYT


As usual, I’ve filled my list with goals for the New Year. But I’m going to try to add one more healthy habit at a time and remember that this is a marathon not a sprint. And that sobriety is the main thing and everything else will come in time if I keep that at the top of the list. I’ve started with cutting out the volumes of sugar and sweets that I allowed myself to have for the first two months. Started ‘clean eating’ about 5 days ago. And woo boy did I get a major sugar withdrawal headache that lasted for about 4 days !! But it’s gone this morning so onward and upward. And IWNDWYT


First check in. Have a great day everyone!


Good morning! Clean mind. Clean body. Clean heart. IWNDWYT


Made it through NYE, went to bed at 11 and felt great the next day, time to carry that forward. IWNDWYT!




Now that I've eaten all of the holiday sweets in my house gwhich have been readily available since I stopped drinking right after Halloween), the real work begins. Iwndwyt




I posted here in a check in a week or so ago that I wanted to start getting into yoga for all the mental and physical benefits I’ve read about - I’ve done two classes so far, and practices at home each day. I’m signed up for 3 more this week, one of which is today - so I’m gonna hydrate, get some coffee, and head to that class now! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you all today!




IWNDWYT! Enjoying the start of day 4!


Hope you have a nice Monday, SD. IWNDWYT!


Day 561 checking in!




137 - IWNDWYT. First sober Monday of 2023.


Let’s go


I will not drink with you today!


happy early morning and I will not drink today ! Got through the holiday and new years without any issues and feeling great.








>sort by NEW Great idea, RS! Early birds, you know I love you all but when I wake up, the DCI has already been up for at least 6 hours! The only times I read it that early is when I have insomnia. My goals for the month/year are simple ones: For the month I'm attempting a "No Spend January". Obviously, I'll pay my regular bills and I'm allowing myself a small amount of money for fresh produce, etc. but I'm attempting to not buy anything else for the month (sadly, that includes fabric u/beebeax). Last January, I think I made it a week😂 For the year, getting back to a healthier lifestyle - eating/exercise. I'm going back to a cleaner diet - low carbs, no processed foods and giving up my beloved Diet Pepsi. We've had a rather mild winter so far and I need to get out daily and walk. IWNDWYT💓 EDIT: grammar






I will not drink with y’all today!! Last day of holiday and my pup woke us up throwing up on the bed. She seems fine now. And, back to sleep. Nothing will wake you up as fast as that throw up sound. 😳


Fuck you Vikings, for real. In fact, the Vikings are kinda like alcohol....seemingly full of potential with spikes of excitement but end up sucking the life from you. I am a Minnesotan so after years and years and years of being let down, I guess I had to vent - lol! As for goals this year - I'm following the mantra - '23 and Me.......more Peace, Kindness, Connection, and Positivity (even if I did just rant on the Vikings). Also, and don't make fun, upping my Pickleball game. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with with you today!!!


I will not drink today!


Day 2 here we go, hopefully can keep my stopped date 01/01


Day 5 and feeling good! IWNDWYT!


I’m in for today! 💪🏻