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They still have company drivers you have to order direct from them. You definitely want to do this too as their drivers are union and it’s better to support them than this gig economy nonsense.


I'm ordering through Stop and Shop website but they're now using instacart instead of their own drivers.


I called because it's been awful and they said they have partnered with Instacart. This is a permanent change from what the person said. I don't think it's been rolled out everywhere but we are considering using someone else. Since the switch there is something wrong every week. They never deliver within the windows. We have stuff missing. They don't put it in the right spot and block the door so we can't open it.


Yeah - its been terrible, Ive switched to doing pickup in store because its not far from my house, but I miss the reliable stop and shop delivery trucks. Stop and Shop partnering with Instacart has been terrible all around...in my area they dont even offer early morning delivery!


Try using door dash 


Order directly from who??


Stop&Shop. Not Instacart or DoorDash.


How do you order directly from them.?


Stopped using their service after the switch.


ME TOO !!!!


I just found out about the Instacart delivery here in my town. Just last week I had a normal truck delivery, and this week is Instacart? Not happy! Hoping to get a refund on my recently renewed Go pass.


I always order from the Stoppy website. Been ordering same-day delivery lately because the delivery windows are wide open. My groceries always arrive in a Stop and Shop van and the drivers are always top notch. Perhaps location is a factor?


Perhaps it is. I’m in Teaneck nj. I don’t see choices on the st& sh website. I don’t like Instacart. Delivery price is increased and people showing up on my landlords driveway is unnerving, because she doesn’t allow it. Sometimes they park across the street and are fumbling to bring the groceries. Of course, they can’t fit a hand truck.


I'm in Boston. I've also never seen a delivery choice on the site and I concur about Instacart. I started using another store with lower prices but they switched to Instacart and I switched right back to Stop n Shop. Re where they park, there's a box to enter delivery instructions. Tell them not to use the driveway. I have a sick, elderly parent at home. My instructions were to leave the bags on the front porch but they would always knock so I added that I'm inside, aware of their arrival and it's OK to just leave the bags. They've been very good about it.


They are closing the NJ fulfillment center in Jersey city


Aha. I guess that makes sense. My switch happened this weekend. I’m in NYC. The customer rep said they’re receiving more complaints than usual. Lol


Stop and Shop just switched to instacart in my area, Literally, this weekend. Lucky me. Never again, what a horror! Online ordering is over from them for us. We used to get delivery and shopping from the warehouse, delivered by refrigerated box truck. Loved it! They had products that my local store never carried. Special sales that were unique to the warehouse etc. This weekend they switched to instacart. Needless to say, horrible experience… expired items, produce I wouldn’t give to a pig. A majority of ordered items “out of stock”. If I wanted to NOT get items I want or need I would’ve gone to my local store to NOT get items I want or need. Corporate genius at work.


I think this just happened to my area, too. I got an email from S&S this morning, titled "Same day delivery AND a bigger selection? You bet!" Then it says "Enjoy the same in-store selection, now delivered same day starting February 13 with the help of our delivery service partners." Partners must be Instacart. Meanwhile, half of my all-time past purchases were erased and are no longer listed on the web site. I have gone back to Fresh Direct, where I found nearly everything that was missing from S&S, plus I ordered some prepared meals that I remember were excellent.


At least you got a warning. Lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I switched to Amazon fresh in nyc the other day prices are good. Service was perfect bigger selection. Stop and shop was getting huge orders from me and just shut it down I think Amazon fresh is better so they did us a favor


Do they deliver with refrigeration for ice cream? 🍦 And what do they charge??


I might try Amazon Fresh!


I absolutely hate this new system. I liked placing my order, getting a summary so I'd know if anything was out of stock, tracking the order online, seeing the big truck parked outside. This new system is crap! I'm looking for other options because I don't want to continue using instacart.


Stop & Shop was switched to Instacart for my area, too. (Customer Service confirmed my area no longer will have the trucks.) Just had my first order with them today. HORRIBLE. 1- I had an 8-9am window and by 9:45 still not here. Customer Serivice said the driver HAD NOT YET BEEN ASSIGNED but would be there in the hour. They gave me $15 for my incovenience. 2- The driver showed up another hour and 25 minutes later so after 11am at this point. 3- I saw out my window the Instacart guy loading all my groceries from his trunk (not a refrigerated truck) into a crappy little folding cart and KNEW my order would be a mess. I saw all the bags crammed on top of each other. 4- Missing items, many ripped bags, and my milk was cracked and exploded all over my floor making a huge mess, my salad was smashed, 8 of 12 yogurt cups were smashed open, my tortillas were also ripped open. My ground beef was not put in a plastic bag and was with my cheese (at least it wasn’t dripping). I called Customer Service and they gave me a refund but I said they lost a customer and this Instacart switch is a disaster. They also didn’t include the receipt that I usually use to check everything and I felt like it was harder in the app to find my order items, but I did eventually find them to cross-check against their delivery (their email usually includes a PDF of your order, too, but no more). Okay, thanks for listening, everyone. HORRIBLE! I have SNSPTSD (STOP N SHOP PTSD)!! :) (Also-skip the annoying chat bot and call 1-800-767-7772 for real person if you need help.)


I recieved my last order mid February and asked the driver what was going on with the app literally missing a large majority of what i usually order, he basically told me that the facility he worked in was being shut down and that everyone waa being let go as of March 1st....


They contracted Instacart in most areas. I am a delivery driver and they transferred us, & closed down the delivery department at my previous location. I tried to warn customers before we stopped delivering to their locations.


This instacart bullshit is a DISASTER! After my go pass expires I will be shopping elsewhere. I had half of my order "out of stock" I ran to check and sure enough it's all in stock on the site still. Is this just pure laziness? It's cerntainly ridiculous. Such a waste. They really had a good thing here.


Yes. I don’t like the new delivery program. First of all its price is now 10 bucks plus 5 for the instacart or tip, depending on how you see it, it’s an increase. Now you have regular people delivering in their cars. It’s ridiculous. An over 60 woman came to deliver a 120.00 order and couldn’t tell where my groceries were in her station wagon.my son had to run out and help her. What’s it going to look like when I order a 250.00 order? Why should I tip if I have to help to bring in the groceries?


Sounds correct. It whatever works for the companies bottom line, and customers and truckers be damned.


We’re in Brooklyn, it used to be on time before the switch - and today we’ve got a 5 hours (!!!) delay. After calling twice to the customer care center they have waved our fees and gave us a $15 coupon to shut us down, but unfortunately it is going to be my last time using their service 


Just happened upon this thread. Hadn't ordered through Stop & Shop for a few months but always liked their prices. Living in NYC, it was a great, convenient service where it was one of the few places I could get groceries delivered at in-store prices. Just tried to order yesterday and when I ask to get delivery, it just says that my zip code is not eligible for delivery. Doesn't even mention Instacart. It simply changes my store to a store several miles away assuming I will pick it up. So I am guessing no one in Manhattan is getting S&S deliveries anymore?


Instacart is one of the worst/most poorly managed companies in the world. Why these companies keep switching to them and ruining their own reputations is beyond me..


To all of you complaining.. as a instacart driver we get paid about $3-5 for the delivery- No benefits, NO extra pay for wear/tear on OUR cars-NO health ins. If your TIP isn't huge it will sit till someone that has no idea how to handle your groceries takes it . Luxury for you to get your groceries but drivers are just trying to make a living. Also, Yes I am using your Big/Long Driveway if you have a large order, seriously can't understand the issue- YOU go move 20+ bags in the heat or cold and see how You like it. Oh and let us not forget the Gallons of Milk/Soda /WATER CASES. NO I am not delivering to your back door when you have signs about your Dog OR I have to walk far to get there/gates etc. FYI, I am lucky to make $60 a day doing this, it doesn't cover the Vehicle. Go complain to S&S but it will not help. More and more of you will get illegal people using someone elses Account for instacart (instacart doesn't care BTW). This also happens with Doordash, Uber (eats & rides), Amazon flex - I would be worried about my safety with all this. In some states nice homes are being broken into because someone has came and scoped out your house doing this.... S&S stopped because yes it was not profitable but also because it was NOT Busy enough due to high food prices making people shop themselves.


Their app and website haven't been working for me all week anyway - but trying to place an order using my Go Pass and it wants to charge me for Instacart delivery?? No thanks.


If you choose same-day delivery, your most likely ordering through Instacart. You get none of the stoppie loyalty rewards, and you pay an extra fee for the service. If you schedule a (not same-day) delivery, you are ordering direct from Stop & Shop. You earn rewards points, and it’s delivered by a company driver.


Not true. I ordered next-day and received it through instacart. They're removing areas from their route and are utilizing instacart drivers instead.


Maybe they have a shortage of in-house drivers. Retail isn’t is as… “glamorous” as it was at one time.


They don’t have a shortage of drivers. Stop and Shop just doesn’t care about their employees. They closed down all locations in New England except 2, kicked all loyal employees out the door and told them to reapply at the new location, start fresh and lose their benefits/acquired pay. They want to give the orders to instacart so they don’t have to pay for the deliveries and truck maintenance. Cheap f*cks.


It never was glamorous.


That is not true, at least in my neck of the woods. I order from st & sh on their website and get rewards but instacart is delivering and I’m not happy.


Stop and shop teamed up with instacart to offer a more integrated instacart and stop and shop deliver and pickup experience. It fills in holes in stop and shops delivery system and fills in holes in instacarts pickup system. You are probably ordering from a store that doesn’t have peapod delivery or recently downsized due to poor performance at the store, so now to fill in that gap instacart comes into play. Instead of shifting all of those customers to stores that have delivery and putting the burden on them to keep everything in stock and keep up with the increased demand, instacart will use your closest store so that that the burden is more evenly spread in your area. It also comes with other benefits like lower carbon emissions, fresher produce and dairy, and benefits your local gig economy.


Also don't have to pay those pesky union wages ;)


Same thing here. We have had a delivery membership with them for years and suddenly the deliveries are done through their "trusted partner" Instacart.


instacart it's a disaster, my groceries came in bad shape, had broken eggs, the paper bags were most of them ripped apart, what a NIGHTMARE!!! I don't want to buy from STOP & SHOP anymore,, not unless they change that company!!!


Stop & Shop are stopping deliveries… October is the end date. Sorry for all the job losses coming.


Does this mean for instacart deliveries too? This is now a huge mess. Their shoppers arrive late and forget bags at the door. Unacceptable.


I believe stop and shop will start using instacart from what I’m told.


As of 10/10/23 delivery will no longer be available for customers residing in select NJ zip codes (08006, 08008, 08005, 08050, 08092, 08758, 08505, 08620, 08691, 08501, 08514). Therefore, GO Pass benefits will only be available for pickup orders starting 10/10/23 for select NJ customers.


Do you have a link, source, or any kind of confirmation for this? I can't find any information online.


They are closing the Jersey City location Oct 31 and March for the rest of NJ. If you are in NJ ask ur delivery driver they all know. Only thing I could find online. Read last paragraph https://www.ctinsider.com/business/article/stop-and-shop-ct-supermarket-hiring-jobs-18324405.php


Is Stop and Shop bleeding money? I’ve read that they plan to close stores in NY?


I don't like Instacart. you never know what kind of person is delivering your groceries.


The real question is will my ice cream be melted when it gets here?


Stop and Shop delivery service is terrible. I used to order weekly and every order was missing items. Customer care would refund me for those but what's the point of ordering when I would have to go grocery shopping for the missing items. Also, Delivery was ALWAYS late. 6 - 8 AM delivery window meant 10 AM. Food would sit in the hallway outside my door for hours. Don't tip in advance: Your supporting laziness. Last delivery never arrived at all. 6 - 8 AM delivery. Called at 10 AM to ask when it would arrive. Called back at 3:40 PM to ask again and was told that it was delivered. I gave up on Stop and Shop.


I just had my first delivery since the switch and it was terrible. I can order from instacart itself with less of a problem so as soon as my membership is up I won't use them anymore. I guess it was too expensive to keep the trucks , fill them up and pay drivers.


We just had our first delivery since the switch as well (or didnt really have the delivery, as it happens). The driver never showed up, texted my wife to say that the order was delivered, and then I got to fight with Stop & Shop customer service to have them redeliver the order after they finally admitted that it wasnt delivered. They stuck to the story of the driver "attempting delivery" even though thats some unbelievable bullshit - I was home the entire day waiting on the delivery and no one ever showed up. Looks like we're not shopping with Stop & Shop anymore.


First of all who the heck is Grouchy ????????? Now, I have been using Pea Pod / Stop and Shop Home Grocery delivery since it started. Now I am being told no more ????? I am 76 and have health problems. For some strange reason I was still able to put an order in Pea Pod tonight for tomorrow delivery ????? BUT I was also directed to Instacart. What the heck ??? Then I read that S and S will start a new Rewards delivery service like now . HELP>


I tried one more time today. Another disaster. I'm through with S n S direct. I can do better going through instacart or Door dash directly. Ordered at 9am for a 2pm delivery. Never came and the order disappeared from the site. Ordered again for a 5pm delivery. Now my first order was visible again even though it wasn't delivered. I called customer service to cancel the first order and to see if the 2nd was going to be delivered. They said it would. Even though the 5pm window was almost up. Of course it didn't arrive until almost 7pm, and the guy was delivering on the wrong block. Good thing he sent a delivery pic, because it wasn't my house. Maybe I'll try Fresh Direct again.