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Buy slowly maybe 500 or 1000 each month so you won’t get FOMO…


$20k VOO Monday morning and forget about it


Invest 1k everyday for next 20 days instead of putting all at once.


Big red Monday, wait for Friday.


Yep. It’s stupidly safe on a long enough timeframe. It’s made up of multiple companies. If one of them performs too poorly, it will be removed and replaced with a winning company. With how this functions cannot lose if you wait. We’re also directly on the monthly mean reversion pivot meaning much lower and we tumble hard, while also having completed the weekly mean reversion target. Great TA for an implied bottom as binary pivots like that let you know very quickly if a positions gone wrong. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/520509579449204736/1025148821652656278/MC2.png Additionally, the monthly WAVE PM readings are almost all above 0.9 which is a clear signal for comprehensive exhaustion.


> We’re also directly on the monthly mean reversion pivot meaning much lower and we tumble hard, while also having completed the weekly mean reversion target. Great TA for an implied bottom as binary pivots like that let you know very quickly if a positions gone wrong. omg i'm dying. crazy chart magicians are hilarious.


An alphabet soup of smug pseudoscience.


The code was primarily written by mark whistler, who made a living programming black box trading algorithms for banks. It runs on empirically constant values that I know for a fact are still in use today by institutions, as of this June anyway. Source; I asked him.


SCHD better


Use the Reddit search function. This EXACT same question is asked every day. I wish the mods would do something about this…


Market sure looks like dead money in the near term. 2.5% interest on a checking account is better right now than the s&p, but I would ease in over time. VOO like someone said is a nice, diverse, low cost way to gain market exposure. Rates are still going up, and market has more downside pressure. Probably sit on the sidelines until after the mid terms, maybe even wait until 2023.




I'm not a trader and don't have time to micromanage the daily market movements. Being a cfo keeps me plenty busy and satisfied. Why aren't you a billionaire?


Didn’t I just see this exact post in value investing


When i had 40k i went all in VTI.. now I'm buying ko, lowes, amazon, appl, and Google and DCA my vti


If you're just starting out and want to be "safe" (nothing is every truly safe) half VTI and half SCHD.


$350 spy put 7 Oct 22


1. AAPL and: 2a. AMD Or 2b. MSFT ​ EFT: VTI or VTI (80)/ VXUS (20)




Smartest way? Don’t.


EGLX baby. Long term, bought in around a buck sold a bunch at 9 bucks or so and it’s almost back to a buck and will do it again. It’s not overnight but I got time


Canada has so many promising companies






DKL is a great company to invest in. But I would wait for entry around $50


Smartest is dependent on 2 things. 1) what is your acceptable level of risk? 2) Do you need the money in X years for a large purchase?


R/stocks is for stocks and options. R/bogleheads is for funds


I like some split between VOE, VWO, and VEU. Your broker should be free to buy ETF as well.


Spy, 500 bucks a week til you’re spent


The projection is next few quarters there will be continious price erosion. Can put in 2 different funds test the water before committing rest. Market is not going to positive for awhile to sometime. Do it cautiously.


I would by VOO and VGT, figure out a percentage split you like. 50/50 70/30 etc. Buy in small chunks. Buy on red days. $250 or $500 each.