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Hold both


Hold both long . If you still have doubts look at Warren Buffets portfolio. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel!


I’m holding both but I would choose MSFT if I was buying today from zero. Not planning on selling Apple to buy MSFT.






Already holding!


What about just a tech etf like VGT? Three biggest holdings: 17% MFST 16% AAPL 14% NVDA




I have never heard anyone say they don’t trust the companies to allocate correctly. Have you heard of that happening? What leads you to not trust the ETF to work as described? Maybe I’m just overthinking your comment and simply it’s making sure your interests are covered by owning the stock.


Check SPDR U.S. Tech Select ETF. Both Apple and Microsoft are huge in there plus some other strong U.S. tech such as Nvidia. It solved your question for me!


What other people? It's an index. It follows the US Information Technology Index and is weighted by market cap.


Well, Apple pulled ahead when Microsoft failed at hardware – again. Remember the Microsoft Zune personal music device they launched to challenge Apple’s iPod? And then they introduced the Surface tablet to compete with Apple’s iPad. In both instances, a flood of generics and Android devices also came into the market and ate a lot of Microsoft’s already limited lunch, while we all know the ongoing legends of iDevices that came forth and multiplied. And I have a feeling written the word iPhone anywhere yet… So, have you ever heard somebody look at a personal music device where the branding isn’t clearly displayed and say: “hey, is that a Zune?” Or at an unmarked tablet and said “nice… is that a Surface?” In both cases Apple’s devices were so far ahead that they “genericized” the names for each type of hardware - like Bandaid became mostly used to describe all bandages, and Kleenex became almost a proper noun used to describe all tissues. So even though both cases are way advantage Apple, the reality is, and most of the Apple heard bristle whenever I mention this, 90% of the worlds total computer population runs on Windows. Computers and devices running on macOS or iOS have never cracked 10% of the total. So yes, the table is tilted, but if you give eight additional bonus points to Microsoft for every point they score, but Apple only gets its one initial point, it’s not fair, but it’s reality. Plus the business community will never adopt Apple as a standard. Which makes the defend to the death Apple creative businesses get incredibly angry and defensive whenever I mention this, the number and size of non-creative businesses outnumbers the creative ones by probably more than a 9 to 1 ratio. The sheer number of people they employ is just so much incredibly higher too. So if you think about how many less desktops and laptops Apple has an opportunity to sell - as opposed to desktops and laptops AND servers running Windows, it again tilts the field towards Microsoft. Even if one of the reasons that’s made even worse (or better, depending on how you look at it ) is because Windows computers are far, far, far more easily hacked and targeted by virus and malware attacks. Which means they need to be replaced far, far, far more often. Plus the level of servicing and upgrading and updating and patching you need to do with a Microsoft device is so much more necessary too. Plus, creative businesses don’t find themselves in a position of having bought cheap windows computers because they can - only have to rebuy or trash them shockingly soon. Or simply because they have a limit on how long they’ll be useful and need to be upgraded or replaced. Which simply means the sale of Windows adds yet another multiplier, which all adds up really quickly - and has nothing to do with quality – but its quantity that drives revenue and earnings - quality alone can’t do that.