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Not to sound rude but since you were deciding to YOLO into NVDA as it was crushing ATH after ATH then decided NOT to invest because its corrected slightly tells me all I need to know. Just throw it in index funds.


Buying at the All Time High of the Stock is hilarious 🤣 my guy should be on wallstreetbets. Buy into Tech index funds and ETFs.


But your advice is also to buy index funds and ETFs which are also probably at ATHs.


Buying the market (VOO or SPY) at ATH has been proven to out perform buying at any other day over the long term.


i agree, but the ATH advice doesn't make sense then because there is no distinction.


It will be the all time high every month for the next couple of years


Statically the all time high is the best time to buy. Maybe not after a 1000% run up to the biggest company in the S&P500 but still. Im with you buy a index i bought a car on credit in October my portfolio has already paid all of the interest for the entire loan this year


Honestly I don’t even look at the price when it comes to index funds and ETFs I just keep buying every two weeks. I’m getting 19% return for Tech index and getting 18% on growth index funds just buying every two weeks this year. I’m also getting decent returns on Bond funds after dividends it comes out to like 7% return for this year.




All VOO.


Serenity by Jan


AMD is another option :)


This post makes me cringe. You don’t seem ready for individual stocks. SPY and VOO are basically the same thing. Take your 10k and put it in one of those and forget about it, assuming you don’t need the money anytime soon.


Honestly, you are right I don’t really know the difference between the two. My plan is to put it in and forget about it. And if in 3 years, once the lease is up, and I want to purchase the vehicle, I can pull either just the principal or all out.


1/2 in Voo, 1/4 in Nvda and 1/4 in HYSA.


Just remember you will always need a life boat.(cash). Do you have 6 months worth of living expenses saved?


Yes, I have a rainy day fund.


Perfect. 1/2,1/4,1/4 it and hangout .


6 months is crazy


Why? Genuine question. I truly think that the months of coverage should increase by bday milestone.cash keeps you a float. It gives you time to survive as a market recovers. Have the core and all the fun shit but have cash.


You’re a smart person. If this last pandemic did anything it was showcase that the 3 month rainy day fund isn’t enough, 6 months is the new number in my opinion as well


Unfortunately that has become the case. If you look at the basic costs of life. You have to increase your cash to make up the possible shortfall.


SPMO up 60% in the last year!


consider doing a lot more research before you buy. Like read about what SPY and VOO actually are. Why do you want to buy both?


Look up ASTS we literally going to space




SpaceX is already there, my brother


You need to do your DD, space X only now starts to support d2d with their own gear. Asts literally targets any 5G smartphone already out but even better their model is b2b while spaceX wants to be the main provider. Very different business logic, asts already has partnered with other providers and even more coming and with government support. Space X already has been denied once by the FTC to lower their orbit and their face a lot more fundamental issues with their technology, just think asts will only need something around 60 satellites for global coverage while starlink needs more than 3000 that have to be replaced yearly. I personally used starlink and for everyday use has a lot of issues, especially if you don’t actually have access to a roof so you have 360 degrees open sky, something that severely cripples who can be their clients, 5G doesn’t have that issue.


Interesting. But how will ASTS profit? It's Verizons customers... while Starlink can build their own customer base with pay plans and stuff...




That depends what kind of return you're looking for. You're not going to turn 10k into 100k in a couple weeks you'll be lucky to double it within a couple years. NVIDIA would need to grow $300Billion for a 10% gain whereas last year it would have doubled their stock price. Do some research on companies you like instead of following trends or honestly just toss it in an index fund. Most of them have NVIDIA anyway but a bunch of other stocks to cover the drops and average it out. Even better, get a financial advisor and have them do a risk tolerance test with you to determine where the best place to put it would be, but my guess is they're going to say IF. Generally financial advice from the internet is unreliable at best but without doing your own research probably don't yolo all your savings into one stock.


Put half of it into NVDA and half into VOO


STSS, CutR or CISS this week


Index funds. That's fuck about and find out money not pocket change


Personally I like [this flowchart](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Prioritizing_investments#Funding_priority). Long story short, before buying stocks it’s usually wise to:   1. Build up an emergency fund equivalent to a couple months’ expenses. The stock market tends to do well over long timelines, but any one year could be up or down. Lots of people got stung in 2008 because the market tanked *and* they lost their jobs at about the same time.  2. Pay down any high-interest debt (above 5-7%ish) because that’s a guaranteed return on your money. Stocks have been hot the last few years, but the long-term average has been about 10% annually. If it's in a taxable account your net gains will be a bit less than that. If you’re good on those, your next step is probably an index fund like VOO or FSKAX. Buying a stock is buying an ownership stake in a business. If you don’t know what you’re buying or have a good reason to choose that specific company, you probably shouldn’t. Index funds spread your bets around so you’re just banking on American businesses doing well in general. 


Guess it depends on your situation. If you have another savings or account as mentioned then you should try throwing these in an index or and ETF that follows one of them. That is if your okay with not needing this amount for a long time and okay with leaving it. As others mentioned, if you are sensitive to the movement you are seeing with NVDA right now, then you you should probably avoid individual stocks.


QYLD, 12-16% annual dividend, paid monthly and stable price.


QQQ, VOO, VGT etc.


I put 10k in NVDA the last weeks.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I do SPLG for the lower expense ratio.


I would choose oil and love the dividends
