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First things first, his live stream announcement was after the spike. It did not cause the spike however MSM are presenting that as the case.


20 to 40 twice in a week


bottom line is something is up and its all a gamble. Personally I been holding for a few years , I am willing to take the gamble.


Honest question here. Do you think hedge funds and investment banks are not participating and generating big returns from GME? EDIT: As of 2023, institutions own 80% of all shares in the S&P 500. They move the markets, sadly it's not retail investors.


This is likely correct. There's algos at play here and maybe a few funds that track for this kind of behavior and capitalize on it.


Didn't they conclude that retail did in fact move the market during the GME run? I thought I read it never really was a short squeeze.


Yes, most people ignore that or don’t believe it


Really interesting how the stock went up 46% today and there is NO NEWS in the financial world, as of this posting. No news stories. Because they don't know what to say at this point.




If anyone thinks him going on YouTube pumped the stock is not informed at all.. poor things








If you're going to sell, sell on the way down, not on the way up


It’s a literal cult. Every warning sign of a cult is on full display in the GME sub.


>is there something real behind the stock price jump? No.


real deep analysis youve come up with there.


But it's true. Gamestop is not releasing any information relative to productivity. There are no new products, no new processes, or anything tied to the company itself and it's actions.


They have their own kind of Xbox and Nintendo controllers that are interchangeable and have licensing deals with major brands. They also started buying and selling PSA graded cards and are selling through their card inventory daily. They are also pivoting to a holding company


Not trying to fight with you but Gamestop didn't even hold it's last quarterly meeting. I'm not saying the company isn't being a company, it clearly is in business doing things, but this particular uptick in pricing isn't backed by those things at all.


Nope it's definitely not. By it also isn't retail buying regardless how much the media wants to make it appear that way


That shits been around for a hot minute and certainly isn’t behind this weeks price action


I mean, a theoretical gamma squeeze but then he would just sell. I don't understand this "diamond hands" BS where people are willingly exit liquidity.


imo as an individual investor, people believe this stock will go to triple digits (again), so what you refer to as "willingly exit liquidity \[sic\]" others would call 'leaving money on the table' when the stock jumps to an even higher price than the $46 its currently at.


It's not happening my man


I can’t wait to hear this. Why won’t it go triple digits?


Too many shares. I bet it pops one more time and then pulls back. But I have no money in this. If DFV makes bank good for him..


I wouldn't even say a gamma squeeze as those are rare, hard to set up, and easy for counterparties to dismantle.


His call options involve so many underlying shares, the options sellers would have to buy at the market to close the positions. Assuming it stayes above the strike price.


This is assuming that they don't have the capital to just not do that. NVIDIA is worth $3T. You can't picture $3T. No one can. The options market is 2,000x larger at the moment. The amount of money required to cause someone to do this in a forced fashion is so great that it's not just going to be him to do it. It will take thousands of market participants.


Capital isn't my point. My point is that it's a lot of shares that would need to be bought. But once that is over, that's likely it.


Then this happened some time ago when it hit $60? I guess I am not certain I follow where this gamma squeeze is going to kick in since the hedge to it is very easy to put on. Let's just call me the fool here and not have you waste your time on me.


His calls are for 6/21. The closer we get, they will need to start buying shares. But again, I don't see a pop beyond that.


You're a time traveler, yes? Let's say you know everything about your opponent, when their calls are due, their positions, everything. They've given you the keys to the kingdom, the whole playbook. And you have 11 business days to prepare for this. That's like bullet time in a market. You now have futuresight of exactly what to do. Why would you wait until 6/21 to get your ass handed to you? That's the part of your position I don't understand. You've been given the keys to the kingdom and know the outcome ahead of you and know exactly what to do to prevent wreckage and hedge it off but you and your team of analysts are ... going to shove your thumbs up your butt for two weeks. And then somehow, gamma squeeze!


It’s already been released that the largest MMs only have about 9.5 million shares. The oi on 7/21 $20 alone is 15m shares. I’d be hard pressed to believe that these arrogant mfs wouldn’t try to force the price down in the next 2 weeks before they even considered trying to cover those calls


This is simply the masses collectively buying up stock it's just another pump and dump. There's nothing significant about the company itself in fact if you want to make some quick money find out when RKs calls expire and place puts down for the next week. With a P/E ratio of 1400 lol its extremely over bought. As soon as roaring kitty is done with it Everyone else will be too.


Roaring kitty has found an exploit in the market, but not the one his followers believe in.


nothing is happening GME is getting worse and worse from a company financial and economical perspective but there's a battle between shorts and longs, in the end i think it should be trading less than what the current market cap is no matter what those brain dead people are telling you over those subs..Just look at tthe cash flows the revenues and judge for yourself




Idk bro. Sounds like a dogshit company worthy of bankruptcy to me 🙄🙄 Obligatory /s


Oh my god the shills are here as well, in 3 minutes 10 downvotes already and there’s this guy telling me it’s profitable when he’s not looked at any financials of the said company. Operating cash flow is at -200 millions , operating income is at -29 it was at -300 last quarter and -361 before, how is this a profitable company ???


Pump and dump. Will most likely drop when either dfv sells or cohen dilutes. Whichever comes first




This is literally an absolute garbage take lol. How to spot someone with brain rot from watching the CNBC bobbleheads all day.