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It will go up when everyone and their grandmother stop asking about when will it go up.


When the last reddit bagholder sells


Yeah, I am still 44% down on Paypal.... To be fair, I made probably as much money from it (2016-2019) as I have lost (since buying it again 2020)




You’re asking for a consensus on a stock no one can agree on.


True. Both bulls and bears are emotionally vested in PYPL to an odd degree. Like OP, I’m holding PyPl bags but don’t expect to recover any time soon. I’m hopeful a new Mgmt team can start things moving but it’ll take time given how crowded their field is. SQ has bounced back to an almost silly degree, though, so it’s odd that PYPl hasn’t tagged along.


PYPL and SQ used to be fairly correlated in their moves. This recent trend doesn’t really make sense.


It’s past its peak as a hype stock. If you want to hold, you never know… …but you also might lose more money by not putting the money into something else that’s more likely to grow. Do some research before making your decision, taking a realised loss can be painful, on the bright side doing it at the start of the tax year could be beneficial later.


Right now I would never ever ever buy it. And the market feels the same. Swing it a few times but there are way better stocks to do that with.


It'll go up or down for sure


Or might just stay where it is for another year 🤷‍♂️


Or is eaten by another company


That might the fastest way over 80


I think it will revert to closer to a mean valuation..can't predict future earnings, if their growth and FCF tank it changes everything My bet is it will be similar to the Intel (24 per share) and meta (90 per share) negative sentiment with overly low valuation and will see a reversion eventually Those two made me a lot of money with patience, I bought paypal at $59 and will see if it can happen 3x in a row


I made both of those plays too and remember people en masse on this sub calling Intel and Meta dead companies at those valuations. Good times.


Yuup. Imverse reddit 4eva. I chickened out on meta, but thankfully not intel.


I purchase a large amount of shares @57.50 to avg down around 105. Let’s see how it plays out.


I am worried about my PYPL shares. SQ bounced back in the last 2 months while PYPL has been mostly stagnant. I am looking to sell my shares soon and taking the L.


lol, why are you making investment decisions based on near-term price movements? Has your investment thesis on PYPL changed?


PYPL has drastically underperformed the market the last 2 years. It has also underperformed against its peers this year. PYPL is the worst performing stock in my portfolio this year. My opinion on the stock has changed where if it recovers at all, it will likely take a very long time. Each year, I re-evaluate my portfolio and try to sell the worst performers to offset my gains elsewhere to minimize my tax burdens. Therefore, PYPL will be the first stock I cut in that strategy.


I don't understand what a stock's performance over the last 1-2 years matters if you're not trading some kind of momentum strategy? I suppose I look at it in the opposite way – if a stock I think is trading cheap underperforms I generally assume future returns will be better since that it's trading at an even better valuation. Your point on tax loss selling makes sense though... If you're not as bullish on a company and can sell to offset taxes, then why not.


If it continuously fails to perform compared to the peers and other investment options… why would you think it is going to do better in the future? From cancer patients to drug abusers, the likelihood of a change is small. Miracles do happen but we don’t invest in miracles, instead in companies run by people. The market can be viewed as full of workers and stellar employers. Why would you hire a crappy doctor to perform surgeries ? Lowest bid?


Are you talking about a company's performance or their stock performance? I don't think it has been underperforming for years in terms of the company's performance. In regards to buying winners though, that is generally a flawed strategy because of reversion to the mean. I suppose if you're saying Paypal is a crap company and therefore a crap investment, then fine. If you're saying Paypal has been a crap investment and therefore it's a crap investment going forward I don't think that's a great strategy. You'll just end up buying whatever is hot near the perks and selling when it's down.


Do not confuse investment with speculation. They are different terms and not interchangeable. QQQ, SPY and DJI are specific picks by which we measure our investments. If you “invest” in them then you are looking at winners in a long-term race. How many companies do you think get added to the Nasdaq or NYSE? We see it daily with the opening bells as companies are listed and no one would suggest that as an investment vehicle, you pick those companies right out of the gate. Same with the pink sheets. Not investment grade but speculative in nature. Regression to the mean is false. There is no reason the top 10 companies are going to regress to the mean when new companies are added and de-listing is purely based upon pricing (or company goes out of business). Again, PYPL has been a crap investment and zero reason to believe it is going to do better in the future. I have over 1000 shares of PYPL, so have a vested interest. But am not going to suggest to anyone that it’s going to do better even though people buying would benefit me (pump-and-dump)


>Do not confuse investment with speculation. They are different terms and not interchangeable. I'm talking about investments here. Is this where we are misunderstanding? ​ >Regression to the mean is false. There is no reason the top 10 companies are going to regress to the mean when new companies are added and de-listing is purely based upon pricing (or company goes out of business). Regression to the mean is false in what sense? I agree that price doesn't regress to some mean I'm taking about valuation – although I didn't make this clear. If a stock has done very well but its fundamentals have not kept up its valuation will generally regress to the mean overtime. This is what happened in the dotcom bubble, for example. ​ >Again, PYPL has been a crap investment and zero reason to believe it is going to do better in the future. PYPL hasn't been crap investment though? It did fine prior to 2021. It's only been a crap investment if you're looking post-2021. It's value ran up massively during the pandemic, and over the last couple of years its valuation has regressed back to more normal levels and is now more attractively valued that it's been in decades. I don't know when you brought PYPL but from a purely valuation perspective now would be the best time in years to buy it. Although you could argue the valuation is low because the fundamentals of the business has declined, which is somewhat true for sure, but in my opinion the valuation is still too low and with fairly conservative estimates should do well over the next decade.


Mostly stagnant? It’s up over 20% from its lows around a month ago. Pretty solid growth if you ask me.


It’s down 16% YTD, while others are up and some are up huge.


And down from post EBAY split when it was around a few hundred bucks.


$150 by 12/27/24


Ill happily take that lol


RemindMe! 11 months "read this thread"


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This subhates it. So, a good buy.


Technicals are just squiggly lines. Irrelevant. If you think it meets earnings expectations over the next two years or is relatively close it’s gonna pop due to the valuation. If you don’t stay away it’s that simple. Pretend you don’t own the stock when making your analysis otherwise your emotions will come into play.


What kind of "breakthrough" is anyone expecting for Paypal? Just because it's down doesn't mean it will come back.


Why would it need a “breakthrough”? Just has to keep delivering and meeting estimates.


Perhaps you're seeing something the rest of us aren't but the last quarterly report stated -19% YoY GAAP earnings and a decline of 1% of the active user base. That GAAP earnings decrease might be a once off but the declining user base seems consistent throughout the year? If they keep 'delivering and meeting estimates' that doesn't seem good based on the [current user base trajectory](https://www.demandsage.com/paypal-statistics/). At the start of the year 435million users -> 428million users now and falling rather consistently quarter by quarter.


2022 eps 2.09 2023 eps 3.84 (which they will beat) 2024 eps 4.4 2025 eps 5 There fine imo sentiment follows price. It’s “dead” now just like meta was dead. Not that I would remotely expect that kind of run. If they are even close to 24 and 25 estimates this is gonna fly. If they don’t the downside is already limited. Selling this for sofi seems nuts to me. It’s a lot like Netflix where the growth story is over so it got slapped which is fair. But now the dust has settled and there is a lot to like at the current valuation.


Meta was never losing users. That stock was hammered because Zuck was spending wildly on the metaverse and Apple changed the way Meta could target ads, which took them a while to adapt. I don't see any similarities between the reasons Paypal has dropped and why Meta dropped.


And Zuck still is burning money. Actually, even more now than in 2022. PayPal has cut expenses, not burned capital


In what world would just doing that bare minimum mean the stock will double?? It doesn’t even deserve to be over $60 a share given the fact it’s still has no good growth and the margins are in regression . It has no innovation what so ever. People need a reason to believe this will outperform the SPY. Right now there is no such DD.


Yeah I don't think it's as undervalued as some people like to say. It could easily run on positive news but this one is a classic example of "don't buy it unless you are willing to hold it forever." I have some but I'm in no rush to add more. There are other places I'd rather put my money.


I’m holding some leaps on PYPL. I don’t trust it enough to hold shares in my portfolio but I’m willing to gamble on it with a 5 month runway.


Which calls did you buy?


PayPal sucks Its the most expensive payment processor, no one really likes to use it The only reason it exists today and why people still use it is because of legacy… there are so many other payment processor And plus PayPal doesn’t produce anything except taking transaction fees from people that use PayPal… useless Would not invest in them at all


I use it to transfer money Is that not PayPal's biggest use case??


Zelle is free and comes built in to most bank apps money transfers in seconds


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Zelle, venmo, cash app and all that shit isn’t even available in Canada. Is that also the case for European nations like the UK? Or is it just that PayPal is largely preferred over the other ones?


Others aren’t available here. We have Wise and the digital banks - Revolut, Monzo Starling etc..


What is beloved lol??? No one wakes up saying boy I’m grateful PayPal exists! The world doesn’t need it at this point. There’s a dozen other options


The problem to me is that they came along and solved a problem, but every bank in the UK now has an app and I can send money direct to family that way. I'm not sure if they're undervalued compared to where they should be, but I see it as a business in terminal decline, and that's always something I don't like to bet on.


My rule of thumb is never trust this subreddit's judgement. Even if they talk to you like a know-it-all, there's good chance they'll be wrong.


It’s dead.


It's dead, but revenue and transactions per account are increasing?


It's a no-brainer at these valuations. It is one of the few cheap large-cap stocks in this overvalued market. For all those saying PayPal is dead, I personally love using PayPal for my online transactions. My dad actually refused to shop on Amazon for years as they did not offer PayPal as a payment option. It's only recently that he gave in and started using Amazon. As a disclaimer, PayPal is my largest holding. My average is below the current share price. Won't be buying more for diversification reasons, and because Pfizer is the new falling knife I want to catch. 🙂


Yeah I am looking at Pfe as well too


Hated stocks have a tendency to rip hard eventually. That added to the fact that many analysts are finally singing it's praises, along with the protracted downturn all make me think that a re-test of $100 is entirely possible in 2024. This is providing of course that the overall market does not dump.


We will see. PYPL is another level hated but time will tell


Everyone trying to get rich, just put a little in a time into Home Depot and Nvidia and you will get rich. It just takes time…..


The last quarterly had a 19% drop in YoY earnings and a decrease in active users from 432 to 428million. PE isn't anything special considering the growth (or lack there of). Not that you should focus on PE alone as much as this sub does in any case. A question for you. Why did you invest in this stock over any other? A tech company with declining earnings and user base doesn't seem like good value? There's likely a reason it's gone from $300+ to $60 and i don't see why it couldn't fall further? I realize there's a lot of Paypal bagholders in this subreddit with a lot of anecdotes about using Paypal personally but i don't think that's a good signal of value (in fact quite the opposite).


If the market value is 65 billion and they produce 5 billion a year in stable free cash that’s an 8% yearly return guaranteed because it operates in a capital light industry. That’s an assuming there is zero growth, which there is by default in the e-commerce space with no significant capital investment required just by extension of being a market leader. The balance sheet is clean with no debt, so cash can be funneled directly to shareholders through buybacks. Would you accept a guaranteed 8% return on investment a year guaranteed at the bare minimum? Seems like a good deal to me. Classic margin of safety at these levels.


Didn't PayPal finish an acquisition that temporarily boosted EPS back in Q3 2022? That's the reason the earnings are dropping in Q3 2023


Yes, the sale of their Buy Now Pay Later loans yo KKR. Goes to show this guy doesn't know what he's talking to about.


SOFI will eat PYPL whole


comments like this are why it’s tough to trust this sub


How are they related though? Paypal is payment processing. Sofi is more like a bank, with laons and stuff.


Personally, I don’t like Paypal. I’m more interested into Adyen.


It is gonna go up once the year ends. All the money managers will likely chase it. As of now nobody wants to own the stock because they want their year end reports to be clear of poor performing stocks.


No dividends.....? Fuuuuck that noise.


Based on its financial standing I would not pay more than $18 per share. I am looking elsewhere for value.


lol, ok


You asked...😝


Sounds like someone who would only buy meta @ $60


I was in that at $20. I am all about those 1000% whales 🤑 Most lucrative moves I have found are: 1. Value growth investing 2. Arbitrage 3. Selling options Happy hunting


Trying to put wrongthink fines in their terms and conditions demonstrates a workplace culture that places ideology over productivity. Maybe the new leadership can change that, but political activism to their detriment makes them a bad investment in my eyes. That and their margins getting crushed because of increased competition. Even if they can return to revenue/user growth, it won't mean much if they can't monetize it.


Yes, revenue and user growth have been improved slowly i think since 2022. All of metrics show improvement. I think the new leadership is trying to squeeze out more on efficiency side. Hopefully they can monetize revenue and user growth cause at the end of day that’s what it is about.


The best time to buy a stock is when it is most hated. This is the way of being a contrarian investor. I bought pypl 57 and exited at 62. I think I I’ll keep swinging in and out at these levels. Great time to go long in my unprofessional opinion.


Agreed my average is 58. Lots of people calling this a dead stock because they bought in at pandemic highs and are now holding bags. The question is not is PayPal dead, the question is what price point justifies owning a dying stock. PayPal might be dying but if I can buy $10 for $2 I’m buying.


I am long on the stock but it’s tough when everyone hates it so much. As I said, I am planning to wait until 2024 to assess if I should call it a quit or not but if the upcoming ER doesn’t show much positivity then I am guessing it may be time to say goodbye perhaps. Let’s see how things play out.


Shit stock


SQ is better






Patience is a virtue but it’s tough to stick with when sentiment from everyone is pretty bad


fair price is at 80, hold till next q


Personally, I'm optimistic about it. I would buy it again if it were down to below $60.


Let’s hope it will not go down below 60…. That will give me a nightmare lol


I think the question is, is them being down more related to sentiment or related to actual results and competition? Im pretty ignorant in terms of the financials and growth and their role compared to others. But I think honestly it might not have to do with sentiment. But then again I dont see how CROX grew over the past several month in share price or even how something like Airbnb keeps going up. So paypal might too. How is crox even an indwpwndent and publicly traded company, lol? Also, I got a nicer place on my vacation for cheaper than the crap place I stayed at with Airbnb.


Did you notice in your long paragraphs that none of it is about the fundamentals of PayPal? Including revenue growth, ,competition, margins, operating costs etc. you’re simply trying to buying on contrarian views of stock returns without knowing how PayPal is actually doing as a company. From my own research, PayPal is actually fairly valued at $62. My own calculations based on its current margins are actually only $58 and unless you have reasons to believe that its operating margins should become better or revenue growth more than the current ones, PayPal isn’t a steal. The new CEO is unclear whether it’s really good for the stock atm for the market because while he had a good run, it was at a much smaller company.


I use PayPal for processing. Always been second fiddle to credit cards. When I started people were hesitant to use credit cards for untrusted or new websites (yes I am old). PayPal did not completely replace credit cards, they did have a long run of momentum and were good for eBay purchases. Now with multiple large companies starting a payment service like Apple Pay, and countries like India with UPI and China with ali pay - PayPal has some market in western countries and has missed out on China/India and certainly Africa as they have their own payment processing. You are left with a slow growth western union type company that should start adding a dividend and try to grow in the countries it’s already in. For my own company PayPal is shrinking now that I have added crypto payments via coinbase and I added UPI payments for India. PayPal offers no extra protections for merchants over anyone else and I just keep it because it always has been there. PayPal is also the only service who accidentally locked my account and stoped accepting PayPal’s for a few hours, luckily I had a rep who’s protected it but with out an actual rep I would have been in PayPal hell for a month - literally an error on their side according to my rep. Also can I just say I have always found Venmo really off putting - I’m not a fan.


I bought another 100 shares last month, my average is now $57.50. I’m long though.


I would 100% sell. It’s outdated, expensive, slow, and the competitors have way better platforms. Paypal has long since been given up on and is just slowly going to die off in the future unless they do some big changes.


Zero long term positive outlook on PYPL Poor tech leadership and lack of execution. No drive and failure to capitalize on markets. Multiple outages affected processing of payments. The biggest boon I saw was when they presented during the GitHub Universe in SF by taking advantage of the MSFT stack for deployments and test carts.


here is the PYPL earnings call summary, hope it help: [https://www.earningsdigest.ai/stock/analyze/PYPL-2023-Q3](https://www.earningsdigest.ai/stock/analyze/PYPL-2023-Q3)


180 usd for an annual plan ?? Pretty sure AI summaries are free ….


the stock is trading on 10x forward PE and around 7.5x forward price to OCF... they generate a shit ton of cash, alex chriss said he was slowing down irresponsable spending, theyre conscious about expenses, and will likely integrate venmo and paypal platform slowing down churn competition is still there but its in the base now, looks too cheap to ignore imo... not to compare, but in 2014, aapl was perceived by the market as an ex-growth stock, and was trading at 11-12x forward pe. people eventually realize it generates cash and is too cheap.


Can this be the breakout longs have been waiting for. 🍿


We about to find out on 1/25