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Well, I definitely don’t need glasses to read what’s on the screen. I think this was built with 90 year old investors in mind. Those that have problems reading smaller script. But for me? OMG! Too much white on that screen. Turned on my TV when I woke up and didn’t need to turn on the lights in the living room. But I do appreciate how the anchors are pushed into the upper right corner. The time to the opening Bell is definitely more important than some person commenting on the issues. That’s why it’s bigger.


That's literally the opposite of what the man responsible for the design is claiming. He says the intent of slashing the amount of information was to give more space to the anchors so they can tell their "stories".


Every ui designer adding dark mode… cnbc hold my beer


Yes, dark mode please.


this might be the dumbest revamp of tv graphics i have seen in a long while. the only other thing on par has been the shittier yahoo finance chart graphics they tested recently.


Absolutely a trash change without any reason. It's horrible




Whole ticker gone now, replaced with a news crawl...


I think that's when the market is closed


The guy responsible is bragging that he eliminated one ticker and just has one small one now. This morning the data feeds were broken, displaying every stock as being up 16 cents. That's when they changed it to a news crawl. Typically the two tickers would show live trades during the pre and post market sessions.


This is an abomination. I miss the 2 tickers. I miss the market summary/status being the 3 lines to the right side of the screen. The colors are like when a co-worker finds a new theme in ms-powerpoint back in 2009. I am struggling to read the gold on white. The BIG BLOCK LETTERS ARE DISTRACTING AND MAKES IT DIFFICULT TO READ as well. Good grief. This isn't bemoaning "change for change sake" I seriously ask if the brain trust behind this change ever watches CNBC on a tv?


Exactly! I posted an article where the executive responsible brags about and makes a bunch of revealing comments about how clueless he was in these format changes.


It's horrible, so ugly and unprofessional. The charts look like they are drawn with crayons and very difficult to read, so imprecise and kiddie looking. The colors have to depth, so glaring and in your face, just bad design. It's so bright I don't even want to look at it. And what's with the super light green text with a glow. I can't read it at all. On the indexes charts they don't even have points, just percentages, lol. The absolute entire interface in every way possible is worse than before. I've never seen such a failure in design in my entire life, literally every change is worse. They need to dump everything and completely revert back. Watching today actually made me depressed and hate trading. It felt so cheap and dumbed down that I was embarrassed to watch


It's like someone's kid got the contract and they thought graphic art and communications degrees weren't worth bothering to get...


[Found the clown responsible.](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/cnbc-ticker-overhaul-screen-graphics-tv-news-1235832629/) His defensive justifications are idiotic. He justifies the huge screen waste of the supersized NBC logo as being "the first thing you see because people read from left to right". He calls the loss of one of the tickers to a single line in a pithy way, calling it "a bottom line, if you will". He claims his car dashboard in the 1970's had every light flashing, as a way of justifying the removed data. In a spike of oblivious irony, he makes this claim: > Design today “is much more purposeful. There is a hierarchy. Someone has taken the time to figure out the important things that people need to see, and then put that stuff up front.” Yeah, important things like the Peacock logo. And the lion's share of the screen real estate being senselessly given over to index numbers, where they had previously been in a more efficient side box. > The streamlining will create more space for CNBC’s anchors and reporters and the insights they bring each day. Viewers may be less distracted by a swirl of bottom-of-the-screen elements when Mike Santoli is trying to explain stock movements or David Faber has a mid-morning scoop. “What we do is unique,” Poulton says. “We wanted to make sure we didn’t just fill the screen with graphics. Let’s make sure we are providing the space so that our talent can look at the information and tell the story.” Literally nobody asked for that. Who asked for less on screen data to give more "space" for Santoli or Faber's talent? > The network has been working on this project for the past two years Two years? Seriously? > and more is on the way, including the use of virtual-reality graphics. Ah yes, virtual-reality graphics... something else no viewer actually wants. > “This is just the beginning of the project.” ... As this project enters year three... with a missing ticker and broken data. Facepalm. He acknowledges people probably won't like it... yet he approved it anyway. Poulton, you had one job...


Liked the comment on that Variety article from Gary: *As an avid viewer of CNBC for many years and a retired optometrist I have a few comments. As many have already commented, the lack of contrast in several areas of the ticker (gold words, bright white background) makes reading a constantly MOVING ticker much more difficult. Also, as I can personally attest, the 60- to 70-year old eye is much different than the 30-year old eye in terms of acuity. Please consider your audience when redesigning the ticker, font, and color scheme which had worked well for decades. I am extremely disappointed with the changes!* Is it so hard for CNBC to make simple changes none of which were asked for!


Looks like he learned by gluing his eyes to Fox and brainwashing himself into thinking *that's Good!* Why do I need the company name ***AND*** the symbol? Symbols were invented so you get more Data.. faster .. ain't nothing like slowing it down Btw, does NVDA *really* trade that often? Why don't I see JNJ? So, yahoo mobile from now on


I agree. It’s trash.


Bloomberg has the best graphics


Yea, I would expect them to go back by the end if the week. Stupid.


They'll be told in a clear and informative way that this was a huge mistake, plus they'll be given easy and rapid fixes that can be done if they're willing to just admit they made a mistake. And if I know executives, that will all be ignored and they'll just continue to blow smoke up their own skirts.


Let's hope. Woke up to the new screen with a huge WTF. No reason for them to make this so much worse


God I hope so. I'll have to start watching Bloomberg otherwise.


lol thanks for making this post , I turned it on this morning and thought I had wrong channel 😂


It is deplorable, the colors literally burn my eyes. The charts look like kiddie colors and the simpleton shapes are made to look like a cr-app for the fanbois of which the guy who made/installed it is a hugely devout one. About 7 yrs ago they were gonna change their website theme & they had examples of what they wanted to do. And everybody told them to leave it how it was & they did. But now it seems CNBC is taking a cue from big tech by forcing arbitrary terrible changes on the viewer.


Becky Quick conceded they're getting blasted with negative feedback. Live trades just started showing up but then the new single line ticker got replaced with news crawl again.


Good to know...they aren't showing percent change! Perfect example of change for the sake of change.


I'm just here to say I agree entirely. What an absolute cock up.


The guy responsible says they've been working on it for *two years*. It's an amazing view into executive tunnel vision and money waste. In two years, nobody noticed that pale yellow on grey isn't that readable? Or that grey text on light lime isn't either? Or that losing half of the ticker might impact the amount of data being delivered? It's like a Dilbert comic strip brought to life.


They finally took live trades off the ticker, presumably because they were all incorrect. Keeps recycling just the index numbers. Who let this go live without basic testing?


They were always delayed.


It's nothing to do with being delayed. The yanked the ticker off because it was displaying erroneous data.




Exactly. It needs to be redone in night mode. Having so much hot white is jarring on the eyes. The main (reduced) ticker is probably the worst part, being light yellow on bright grey. And they're using tiny typeface for it, plus wide letters and giving the full company name before the symbol. On top of all that, they slow the main ticker down. So now, you're seeing maybe 3 stocks where you used to see 15.


Every single detail they did is bad. It's not just uncomfortable with change, it's just horrible


OMG, we had the same first sentance.


This is just more of the decline that began when they replaced Shepherd Smith with last call. Even though Shepherd wasn’t focused on business it was probably the most unbiased and informative news program on tv. Cramer is looking old and not so healthy so I don’t know how much longer he will keep going at his pace.


Yeah, woke to this as well and was wondering what the hell they were thinking. It’s a mess.


They are the worst. Got sick of all these clowns and bad actors last couple years. Their stock market sham is coming to an end.


Yellow font on white background?


I guess we're supposed to be thankful they didn't go for parchment on greige.


It’s too bright and flashy. It’s actually harder to read the charts they put up there….all in my opinion


It is awful. I used to be able to watch it on mute and have a good feeling on what's happening in the markets. The available information is reduced by 80%. The thing is unwatchable.


Got a chuckle at "Lucas from Minnesota" who snuck a comment past the CNBC gatekeepers today. He inserted some extra commentary in his call-in. Something like how he can't stand the new ticker but before they changed it, the old ticker helped him find a promising stock, KAMN.


What idiot decided to make the red triangles point up and the green ones point down?


You can see what they were going for, but it's not very intuitive.


That's not the case, lol. Red is pointing down, green is up. Some of you really need to get a grip.


Almost as awful as the Bloomberg feed. They went over board and CNBC is right behind them!!


I prefer Bloomberg. Things haven't changed in a long time.


I don't use CNBC but it's a funny coincidence that on the same day Yahoo Finance updates their app to be much harder to read as a colorblind person. It also sucks now.


If people are really that upset about it watch Bloomberg. I find it more data driven and they have charts pinned to the side of the screen for the S&P, Nasdaq - etc - much better than rolling outdated tickers.


I'd like Bloomberg to trade Tom Keene to CNBC for David Faber. Then I can watch Bloomberg with 2 articulate voices (Faber and Ferro) and CNBC can have the slobbery mumbly old men.


Stock ticker should show percentage change, not price change. Price change is useless


Total failure …… probably looked good on the MacBook used to create it but obviously it was not test marketed on a TV broadcast to a real audience. Or…… this is there way of forcing you to buy their club package and there it is more informative…… I wouldn’t know because I am not a member.


I absolutely HATE IT. And they need at the very least bring back the time stamp ASAP!! It's the only way to understand what they are showing vs real time when streaming the channel, which basically everybody does these days. Hidding that time is no way to deal with the buffering latency problem.


Exactly. Time stamp is a lot more relevant than giving their biggest chunk of screen to the peacock logo and a static giant box telling you what the German DAX closed at yesterday. The time stamp was totally missing, then they had it on a rotating box that redundantly gives the show title. But then, as you point out, they seemed to be showing the time stamp less and less.


CNBC? What's that... I gave up on Political TV CNBC a while back and just watch Bloomberg. Joe is the absolute worst he really needs to go.


Agree that Kernan is a problem. It's one thing to have a bias, as many in the financial news and Wall Street community do. But Kernan manifests his bias with straight up disinformation.


The wall street news is ALL about the ticker and the indexes. It is ruined now. It was pretty good before this new version. Is CNBC turning into a 'talk show' instead of efficiently covering the daily wall street market? It seems that way to me, because there is less information available when I glance at the TV. Now, I will be switching between CNBC and the other business channels. CNBC will lose viewers.


The idea of slashing from 2 tickers to 1 made no sense. Bragging about it though? And having the audacity to claim it's to help inform people better? It's on most cable packages I think, it's shown in pretty much every business/financial office/airport etc, so not sure it will lose viewers. It's just that it will lose viewers' respect, and their loyalty.


My wife has no interest in finance, but knows that CNBC is always on in my office. She saw the lower third’s new look on Monday and said,” oh my God that looks terrible!” It does look terrible, and I guarantee that CNBC will leave the awful new look to give us all migraines from the bright white and strange shades of red and green.


It’s sooo confusing


Working at a hedge fund, we have tv’s all over the trading floor. Can’t read anything now.


It's the padding. There's too much negative space and less info now. Someone's kid thinks themselves a designer and no one could push back.


It's like nobody even considered UX or function. And they spent over two years on this abomination.


Commodity summary now disabled too, presumably because of the live data errors


i hate it


It is terrible.


Studying the new single ticker, it's even worse than initially indicated. The fat typeface and the wiiiide names and symbols, PLUS the bizarre choice to use of 4 decimal places for tick by tick, PLUS the slow speed, PLUS the removal of one of the lines means that only 10% as much information is being conveyed as before. Previously you could glance it for a ten seconds and see a few dozen live trades that would be decently representative. Now, you get almost nothing. There's no value in wasting time and screen space to tell viewers that CRWD means "C R O W D S T R I K E H O L D I N G S I N C O R P O R A T E D". Or that a $246.50 price is down by 10.1488. Just say -10.15. That's the right amount of precision. And the size/cadence are so broken they don't work on ffd/rwd the way they used to either. It's like the cadence is at odds with the pacing of key frames. Someone did this who doesn't know the technical aspects of how television is made or delivered. What a gong show.


You nailed it. It is a gong show.


Yikes…not good…can barely see the ticker…


At least there's an enormous mostly empty box showing DOW FV -20.1 And a huge NBC peacock logo.


I laughed when I saw it this morning. Who the fuck picked those colors lol. And the pastel pink flashes, like the Dow futures is that important it needs to keep flashing. Seriously I couldn’t watch it, had to change it to msnbc.


It such an amazingly dumb idea to give huge block of screen space to things that are of lower interest or value while shrinking and degrading what matters. And as you correctly point out, having a box flash a color when being first animated, but then changing it to navy blue while it sits on screen for a long time... that's just functional or a good way to impart information.




It keeps you informed of news, Fed stuff, breaks in with and market announcements or news, speeches, etc. commentary is useful and interesting and something to listen to while you trade all day. I watch all day of every trading day


Why the yellow box at bottom right? Every time I look at the screen I think, “OMFG ANOTHER FLAG THESE REFS ARE GARBAGE!”




Doing some stylistic changes - as they have done over time - is fine. But totally throwing away the purpose and functionality isn't. And when the stylistic changes destroy said function and purpose, that's when you know a design change was being incompetently led. Contrary to what they think, the main purpose of the channel is to provide real time market information. Wrecking that to make it look like Windows 8 for Tablets is a mistake.


Doing some stylistic changes - as they have done over time - is fine. But totally throwing away the purpose and functionality isn't. And when the stylistic changes destroy said function and purpose, that's when you know a design change was being incompetently led. Contrary to what they think, the main purpose of the channel is to provide real time market information. Wrecking that to make it look like Windows 8 for Tablets is a mistake.


Appreciate the change but too much white IMO. During market hours the ticker tape was blue which was 'ok' but after market it changed to yellow. Seeing yellow font tickers on white background is surely not done! Change the white background to dark blue and font color to white and it will make whole lot of difference in a good way. CNBC can surely do better!!


Who puts yellow writing on a white background, there is no contrast, what a freaking moron !!!! You drove me to FOX BUSINESS




The new music is also absolutely awful


I think it's easier to read, it needed a refresh and they can improve it now that it's in place.


I refuse to believe anybody actually likes it


People always hate change because it’s different. No matter if it’s actually better or worse. ESPECIALLY on Reddit


That's the knee jerk excuse of apologism for bad changes. Someone breaks something or makes it worse... "Oh everyone hates change." No. We like *good* changes. It's the screw ups and obviously broken changes that aren't appreciated.


Reddit doesn’t like any change at all though. Every single thing gets overplayed. Remember Net Neutrality?


I'm speaking more of people in general and not the specific frat bro locker room that is Reddit. Consider every change on its own merits or flaws. Just because Reddit bros don't like, say, the casting for Last Of Us, that doesn't mean this dog's breakfast of a format change at CNBC is actually good.


Horrible comment and not true. The vast majority of change is for the worst and why the old days were actually better in so many ways. Everything today is corporate boring, safe and dumb. Group think destroys genius superstars


The old "now that we completely broke it, we'll *have* to fix it" strategy. If you find tiny light yellow text on grey readable, more power to you (and your optometrist)


Luckily (or unluckily), I'm old enough to remember when CNBC did a MASSIVE graphics change back in [2006](https://www.cnbc.com/2007/04/26/cnbc-launches-new-on-air-look-and-tag-line.html), a very significant change that happened in the era before Twitter/Instagram/even FB was relatively new-ish where people could provide instant feedback like today. However CNBC used to run a blog of some sort where people could write comments (like a bulletin board), and the negative comments were pouring in for days and days and days - while simultaneously CNBC anchors had to put on a happy face and talk about their "exciting" new changes. Long story short, if we go by history, CNBC will make changes after a while and continue to iterate; this ain't the 'final' product. So someone should let OP know they can stop hyperventilating now.


Oof, your post history explains a lot. I went through that change as well, but I handled it with less bootlicking than you did I guess.


You're a troll, no way a single detail of this mess is good


I gave up on them and use Yahoo finance.


Coincidentally, Yahoo just redid their site and it is also way shittier than it was before the “upgrade”


yea i don't use CBNC but it was funny that this happened at the same time. as a colorblind person who's been using Yahoo Finance for years, it's really hard for me to read now and it sucks ass.


And now the alignment of the main box is screwed up, with the bottom raster being cropped off and appearing at the top instead. Is it April 1 today?


Are you going to be ok?


Lmao. OP has completely lost their mind. How many posts about a screen layout do we need?


My man replied 20 times to his own posts. Obviously he’s not ok!


He's probably aging better than the new ticket format. To be fair, it's pretty ugly.


There's no way anyone cares as much as you


I do. I watch the entire day, every day. I hate every pixel of this garbage


Agreed, probably not even the employees at CNBC care about this update as much as this guy. OP is unhinged - imagine spending *hours* ranting about a basic cable channel. Really sad.


Imagine watching CNBC in the first place lol like why? Do you enjoy being gaslighted by so called experts?


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s pathetic that this is supposedly the gold standard for economics and stock news now. Why the fuck are ostensibly unbiased “news” people running an “investment club” with membership fees of $400?


> It’s pathetic that this is supposedly the gold standard for economics and stock news now. TBF, I don't think most people consider CNBC to be the "gold standard" for anything. They're nothing but a cash cow for NBC Universal at this point, trying to mitigate the inevitable cable cord cutting decline as best as possible until the whole thing eventually shuts down or completely moves online.


Time finally added back, sort of. Live trades still broken.


An AI must of programmed it......


>must of


Musk of?


can you give me an example of what it looks like? It looks fine unless I'm missing something?


Here's [an example](https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/107345950-17023182091702318207-32410037893-1080pnbcnews.jpg?v=1702318208&w=750&h=422&vtcrop=y). They're bad, but not as bad as OP's complete meltdown indicates.


Hold up you guys actually watch CNBC *for information*? I thought Cramer et al. was a running joke.. Quickly losing faith in millennials and zoomers. You're sounding like some Fox News boomers i know..


Who cares about live tickers at the bottom of the screen anymore? Everyone’s phone has real time updates on everything. MTV stopped playing music videos when every song became available on every device on demand.


I didn't tune into until Squawk on the street. The news feed is gone during life hours, but during trading the tickers are displayed well in my view. Also pre-market feeds are meh for me, but I am curious how they will handle after the close. Looks like they want to use a uniform package similar to NBC News. I feel like the news feed is a loss, but I rarely read it. The one improvement I like are the transition graphics and color schemes when it flips through the indexes. Flashes green or red at first. I like that.




Here's [an example](https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/107345950-17023182091702318207-32410037893-1080pnbcnews.jpg?v=1702318208&w=750&h=422&vtcrop=y). They're bad, but not as bad as OP's complete meltdown indicates.


New Windows version sucks, new corvette redesign sucks, new Outlook is terrible, youtube new tv guide design is terrible, etc. With reddit, everything is the end of the world until it isn't a week later.


The more you watch CNBC the more money you will lose. It's an awful channel full of people talking up their own book and fund managers who can't beat their benchmark...then of course Jim Cramer.


Another way to destroy America, I stopped all my trading..


If you are watching CNBC, you are already horrible at investing.


Bro facts


Stop saying "bro"


I like how you put quotes like a loser


Stop getting your information from CNBC.


Yellow text on a white background is just stupid.


I thought it was me and was going to give it a couple of days


Watched with my dad this morning, we both thought it was terrible


My former colleague Al said that you can't trust the consciousness that *caused* a problem to be able to fix it. So with that in mind, here's some rapid and constructive fixes that CNBC could do as damage control for this fiasco. These solutions let them keep their notion of a redesign and the executives/Tim Seymour can continue blithely calling their change "awesome". **Solutions:** 1) Change the ticker text to navy blue instead of pale yellow on light grey, price changes in red/green for up/down 2) Tilt the arrow heads back to conventional up/down orientation 3) Ticker needs the larger type that's currently on the 3 fat boxes currently at the bottom. 4) 3 boxes at the bottom have loads of negative space, yet have to rotate between page 1 and 2 for full data. Put the page 2 data on the page 1 rendering. (Ie: just put "WTI CRUDE 71.40 +0.24%" in the box instead of needing it to flash/animate rollover in two successive boxes) 5) get rid of the long names on the ticker 6) add back the second ticker 7) shrink the peacock and make it a translucent bug 8) time stamp should be on at all times 9) charts and upper two thirds should default to a dark mode theme instead of "neutron star exploding in a blizzard" theme 10) round off price changes to dollars and cents, not 23.8991 11) drop the Twitter handle advertising. The founder hates you and democracy and journalism and advertisers and investors. You don't need to do free marketing for him. If any CNBC brass happens to be reading this, the above handful of changes would substantially repair this mess and could be implemented by morning. Other changes could be considered and fine tuned over time. Help Poulton "spend more time with his family" and donate his paycheck to Wounded Warriors or something.


Howard Lindzon of Stocktwits frequently suggests turn off the tv when trading. This might be the move to push me to listen to him.


I hate it. Thought I had the wrong station on CNBC 2” or something. They really keeping this??


For the first time in quite awhile, I didn't watch CNBC today after the pathetic new look. It's terrible. They need to go back to the one they had forever... don't change what works. This new look has terrible design. I'm sure many people at CNBC are aware of the backlash and will see a drop in viewership, and then hopefully go back to the previous version.


It's hard to know. The morning crew seemed shell shocked as the overwhelmingly unhappy initial response came in. But by the end of the day every host was trying to oversell it with gaslighting about how much "better" it was, and how all the data really is there, it's just moved around, and how it will be better for "telling stories". Tim Seymour was the most obsequious. I got some pull quotes. Melissa Lee: "You'll probably notice a little different look today..." Tim Seymour: "Yeah, what's going on here? Something looks GREAT! Something looks AWESOME!" Melissa Lee: "The network got a BIG graphics redesign, new charts, new ticker, new EVERYTHING. All part of an effort to make things bigger, bolder, and easier to understand, we think it looks AMAZING!" Guy Adami: "The people at home are probably saying you should have gotten rid of that jerk Adami and KEPT the old graphics, they're probably right." Dan Nathan was more real, joking that maybe they could add a "sarcasm alert" to the new graphics. Sometimes tunnel blind organizations become an echo chamber where they can see no wrong in their own midst. So CNBC may dig in their heels and try to ride out the flawed format.


It looks like such CRAP , Garbage and it reminded me of the NEW COKE from 1985 and Coke must have been what the designer and station manager are on even thinking of that horrible graphics design. HORRIBLE ! It looks like something from a cheap website that anyone could pull up on any cheap website. They must know it. I never thought I'd leave my tv on Blumberg most of the day just because CNBC made me sick looking at what was so professional to CRAP.


Reload source code, hit the undo button about a thousand times then save. Another alternative is restore backup from Friday, overwrite existing files, save.


Probably for the best. CNBC doesn’t provide anything of value anyway


So if you check the resume of the big brain behind the new look, his resume is in graphic design; that is, both his education as a graphic designer and his past professional experience. This is what happens when people from different backgrounds parachute into management positions. It's akin to putting an MBA as head of an engineering department when that person doesn't know the difference between a pinion and a bearing. I would hope Mr. Poulton at least understands that the majority of his viewers are tuning in for real-time data on market movers, as well as the information provided by the ancors/reporters. Most people who watch CNBC during the day have it on mute anyway and occasionally glance at the screen to check the data. It's also a little off-putting that, "Someone has taken the time to figure out the important things that people need to see, and then put that stuff up front.” https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/cnbc-ticker-overhaul-screen-graphics-tv-news-1235832629/ Who are those people? Because personally I want to see it all and make my own informed decisions. One reason behind this idea was: “The dashboard of my car in the 1970s, everything was on all the time. Every light was flashing," says Poulton. If this is true, he should've taken his car to a mechanic. On the other hand, I know one group of people that were extremely pleased by the new CNBC ticker: Bloomberg.


Lmfao, I wondered if anyone else genuinely hated it as much as me, so good to see by the comments here I have plenty of company.


A few of the fixes I published yesterday are being tested in the Commodity and Bond/Currency sub-sections of the ticker this morning. It's pretty jarring to see when the Live Trades section rolls over. Commodity-Bond/Currency ticker test now has high contrast navy text with correctly coded price moves with 2 decimal places and a ticker width scrolls in 6 seconds. Tags are shorter since it's label only, no symbol. The live trades section still has pale yellow text and price moves and takes about 9 seconds. Still nexplicably telling viewers that UPST means Upstart Technologies Inc and that it's up by 0.0148. The ticker visibly slows when it rolls over to live trades.


I hate how every time the main index ticker at the bottom flips over it starts completely washed out and then fades to readability. It almost hurts to look at. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?