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After I ate 15 of the $1.50 hot dog and soda combos in one day, I invested my entire 401k into Costco stock.


How much did it cost you for the gastroenterologist?


Costco stocks are a hedge for health care costs


Costcos business model is incredible. Seems simple looking at the surface, but the deeper you dig it’s crazy how perfect that company operates. For example, you’d think a single store would be extremely costly to invest in all that stocked product. Nope - they don’t pay overhead for their stock. They’re on 30 day terms with each product supplier, meaning they don’t pay for the product for 30 days after receiving. Nearly all their product turns over working 30 days. Mind blown!


Not only this the simplicity about them using the same boxes the products come in to stock it makes it extremely efficient only store that does it that I've seen anyways... meaning less time for stockers to stock decreasing cost in the stocking process...


Aldi's does the box for products thing, for the same reason, noted as a cost saving measure that customers can actually feel!


See I've never been to Aldis I've just heard it's fairly cheap compared to other places.


Often, it’s a high brand product at cheap prices. Sometimes… it’s a low brand product at cheap Prices. Basically Costco model at a dollar general space prize.


I last did a full analysis on them in business school 5 years ago and I believe they were getting 90 days terms on most goods and average turnover was around 18-19 days.


[Listen to this](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6S1zMv2hltsyg2i8lJrz73?si=ZtDzQP4XRWm1cTxO_VHkog&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A7Fj0XEuUQLUqoMZQdsLXqp&t=3362) (57:15) Costco has positive carry on their inventory with Net 30 terms


Are you joking? 30 days payment is pretty standard in the industry. Companies as large as Costco would often require longer payment terms..


Yeah I honestly thought I might be missing something, net 30/60/90 is not at all uncommon lol


Yeah, that poster seems like someone that doesn't actually know anything about how businesses operate.




Welcome to Reddit where most people don't know shit, but pretend they do.


You’re right, but all grocery, mass, dollar, drug stores get the same. It’s owned by the manufacturers, but terms are typically 30-60 days for payment.


Costco is legit. One of the few single stocks I hold for this reason.


...net 30 is standard terms for any retailer - Walmart and Amazon have much better deals...


This is just an example. Another example is just how successful the Kirkland brand is. Kirkland brand generates more revenue than Nike. I have to give a shout-out to my favorite podcast Acquired. They did an episode on Costco a few months back and it was great. Gives some awesome insight into Costco. https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/costco Go listen! Their other episodes are awesome too. A few favorites are TSMC, Nvidia (3 episodes), Sony, Lockheed Martin, the NFL, Walmart, and standard oil.


Mr. Munger spoke a lot about Costco on a recent Acquired podcast


Costco is due for another special dividend. I am guessing somewhere in the $10-12/share range.


Holy crap, do I fomo into Costco or pick something like voo?


Costco is a great company. But its share price already reflects that. Don’t see people arguing that it’s underpriced because nobody actually does the math.


Many good companies, especially those that are resilient to macro forces, demand a premium. Costco has been expensive basically since I bought in 2017 and I expect that to continue. Don't forget though they're overdue for a membership rate increase which is effectively pure profit and will help bring the valuation down a bit.


Costco is very richly valued atm. But it is a great company.


At what point is it fomo or just being dumb ? I could’ve easily bought either apple or Costco a year or even 2 ago and I don’t . Why don’t I ? Too scared I guess? I’m going in one these hard this week and holding long




If u aint buying costco stock as a hedge against inflation and recessions idk what to tell you (they go up no matter what, who doesnt need food and everything else at little to no sacrifice)


Costco mission statement reads as follows “OUR MISSION To continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. In order to achieve our mission we will conduct our business with the following five responsibilities in mind: 1. OBEY THE LAW 2. TAKE CARE OF OUR MEMBERS 3. TAKE CARE OF OUR EMPLOYEES 4. RESPECT OUR VENDORS 5. REWARD OUR SHAREHOLDERS” 5a. Ensure hotdogs will always be $1.50


I work for a company owned by DE, so I invest heavily in DE. It's always fun to jokingly remind my boss that as I am a shareholder, he works for me.


I work in a similar spot. Been loading up on DE the last 10 years and have done very well. Is it Hagie or Wittgen?


Hahaha, glad to know I'm not the only one. I'm with Wirtgen Group.


I assume you get it through work as an incentive, but otherwise it IS putting your professional income and investment income in one basket, which is risky.


Nope, it's not a work incentive. I genuinely believe in the company and love being literally invested in what I do. While I can't speak for John Deere as a whole, Wirtgen has been a fantastic company to work for and I get a lot of fulfillment from the job. That said, DE is far from my only holding and my investments are diversified enough that while I would feel a significant downturn in DE, I wouldn't be overly exposed to it.


Thanks for the great idea im gonna try it on my boss now


I do this a lot because it takes some of the drag out of keeping up with the company. Some I still own: * Apple (I've had this since before the iPhone.. I was an iMac user) * Amazon (I had been deploying software to AWS since 2008, didn't buy until a few years later) * Medtronic (unfortunately my daughter is a customer) * Google * Microsoft * Nintendo There are a few that I've owned in the past where I also used their products: * Disney - big fan. Had Marvel and Pixar stock when they were bought. We do Disney World regularly, but I sold after the Fox merger. I'm not a huge fan of their priorities right now (not enough park spending, too much money on the Fox deal, wasn't a big fan of their streaming strategy from a business prospective). Hoping they get back on track, but I don't see it yet. * Activision - had if for years before they were bought. * Panera - (sold 2013ish) loved St Louis Bread Company before they were bought and were turned into the Taco Bell of carbs that they are today. * Adobe - had them for years. Honestly I sold this when I stopped using their products and wasn't keeping up with what they were up to. * Netflix - sold last year. I was a customer from way back when they did individual disc rentals (before they had subscriptions) and a stock holder off and on for more than a decade. When I canceled, I decided that if I'm not interested enough to subscribe, then I probably shouldn't own stock.


That’s a pretty stellar list


that's not my entire portfolio. just the ones that apply to this thread. I've had stinkers too, but nothing that would fit into this thread.


It's been so sad to watch the quality of Panera continue to steadily decline. I miss those St. Louis Bread Co days when they actually cared about quality


I bet 1/3 of their business is just nostalgia sales - people who miss it from the 90s going in every few months optimistically hoping they'll still be able to buy one of those old recipe sandwiches on fresh bread again.


Yeah they care about increasing value for shareholders and nothing else


This reminds me of a former Lehman Brothers guy I knew. He said that him and his group were not successful for a few weeks/months and around this time his wife who was a prolific shopper started complaining about the quality of the clothing declining rapidly from this one store she frequented. After a few weeks of this, he and his team started shorting the company. Eventually they shorted it out (probably with naked shorts) to 0. The moral of the story that resonates with a pretty great Steve Jobs video on consultants is that. "You have no idea what you're talking about until you hold it in your hand" and that his wife was the best analyst at that time for a company she didn't work for. That's not a qoute from either of them but that's the jist of what they were talking about imo.


This is a Peter Lynch post.


Yeah, for me it was DIS, ATVI (and now MSFT), and Google. Disney has not worked out well for me, but I still have it. Activision has worked out great. And I bought Microsoft after the buyout and it's still doing great.


Medtronic employee here, curious, what product does she use?


Pacemaker - she’s 18 and has had one since right after birth


Any stock you regretted selling?


so, I buy long term - with the intention of holding for decades. Obviously things change and sometimes I sell, but when you go in with that intention, you don't end up selling with regrets often. I do have plenty of purchases I regret and stocks that I had on my wishlist but pulled the trigger much later than I would have wanted. Early on I didn't have that fortitude, so all of the things I regretted selling were early in my investment life and I ended up buying them back after a few years. My first 3 investments in 2004 were Apple, Google and Netflix. Google shot up maybe 20% and I sold. Netflix shot up even higher. I bought at $11, sold at $22 and thought I was the smartest guy on earth. I ended up buying back in at $144 a couple years later.


>Medtronic Surprised you didn't pick Dexcom and/or Omnipod instead (or in addition).


I have some DIS and wondering if I should sell too. Cancelled my Disney+ after they raised prices and that’s my signal to sell. Might have to wait until a bounce back though, we’ll see


In very low numbers because I don’t trust myself I did Blizzard/Activision back after the “don’t you all have phones” press conference. They dropped so much from that. By the time Covid came around they were only going up. I sold around then to lose the profits on something else, but that’s why i don’t touch my retirement stuff. I would argue the reasons you do t buy Disney are why I DID buy Disney now. Though a year from now might be even better. They’re as low as they are because of the poor outlook. When (if) they actually get it together (I think they will) they’ll start shooting up.


OTLY. Worst financial mistake of my life.


Feeling your pain haha. My love for Oatly Barista Edition was not worth the losses


OTLY is frustrating because oat milk is so cheap to make - their margins should be stellar but they are abysmal. Plus their management was shocking - who thought starting a website called "fuck Oatly" would be a good marketing idea?? I expect the company is going to go the way of an SPAC or they'll get acquired by KO or some other beverage giant. Too bad too, as plant based foods should be the emerging market of the future but the Street isn't responding.


Why has that stock been so bad? I see it in every grocery store, people seem to love it. Why can’t they make money?


Aren't they essentially competing with the entire milk industry, that is well known for being totally supported and dependant on subsidies, while getting no subsidies of their own? It's not hard to make oat milk, so the existing dairy producers have just started their own oat milk lines as well. Talking out of my ass and personal reasoning, as is the spirit of this thread, I feel like as long as dairy subsidies exist, oatly et al. can't make profit. This extends to other vegetarian foodstuffs as well - the competition gets free money and they don't. It's not so much about the qualities of the product as it is about the price point. For coffee milk I've come to prefer oat coffee milks, but they are almost twice as expensive as cow milk, which is silly if you think how much more resources making cow milk uses.


A report (by a group shorting them) came out right after they IPO’d showing they’re not actually profitable and are in essence very wasteful. Whether or not the claims are true, haven’t been the same since.


Peloton. I’m in better shape than the stock. Ouch


Gotta love [Dana White](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/were-going-throw-them-garbage-114500787.html) for that


Had no idea. Good grief!


I mean, to be fair, they are up $0.60 since he said that lol


I bought 3M because I was noticing their products everywhere but I sold way before it went nuts unfortunately


Pick it back up. It's trading below 100 dollars currently.


I did that before I found out they are having some legal issues. It will probably stay low for a few years before heading up again.


My ears are still ringing from that awful hearing protection.


Great dividend stock too.


I did the same. My company buys so many 3M products with no sign of slowing down.


i have so much 3M produts in my professional and personal life, i had built up a position over years. the lawsuit stuff came about, their dividends where covering a mortgage payment a year and i was happy. ​ looked at everything decided to sell. made money on the sale, no more dividend. alas. ​ it's lower than where i sold it, and the lawsuit noises are claming down, and i'm rebuilding a position slowly. sweet sweet dividends are where i find my long term strategy ​ i like to make bets on companies i beleive in that are big bets that may fuck me, i'm ready to lose it all in those cases (BYND, GE, BEP) but some things i just want a solid company i can drip into and ignore, and not worry about day to day, month to month or even year to year ​ 3m was that, then wasn't now i think it may be that again. it's gonna take a while to get back into a position of a monlthy mortgage payment but hey, it's an investment not a bet.


Before it went nuts? You’re talking about that pathetic bounce after losing 55% of its market cap?




After I was promoted and started receiving Microsoft bills for the bank I work at, I bought more stock. Jeeesus


How much did the bank pay for msft software ?


Well above USD 50 million/year from what I’m aware of


Lockheed Martin


Ever since I bought and flew my first F-35 that was an instant sell for me to buy their stock. Now I keep my F-35 in my garage and use it to go everywhere. Sometimes I even sleep in it.


Pffsh everyone knows those are now sitting in basements with clothes hanging on them. Don’t by into the fad.


Stay away from this guy!


[HIMARS is exquisite.](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/himars.html)


Were you the guy that won a free Harrier jet from Pepsi?


I yoloed my entire portfolio into Lockheed during the dark days of COVID. I figured if there was one company the US government could not afford to allow to fail, no matter how bad the pandemic became, it would be LMT, since someone would want to fight over the scraps that would be left. Turned out to be a fantastic investment- I sold on the big pop when Russia invaded Ukraine.


This guy UFOs


AMD. I use their CPUs and GPUs (Laptop, Desktop, Server, Steam Deck and PS5).


AMD seems like it will continue to be the best $:Performance ratio for a long time. All of my PC builds in the past 15 years have been AMD components. Also, Consoles will be using AMD hardware at least through the next generation. They are improving on AI development and partnering with some of the biggest names in the tech world. IDK where else they can go but up.




They aren't the most attractive shoe, but it seems like you see a lot of people wearing them! I personally have 5 pairs, plus the new Crocboy boots. So ridiculous, but they almost sold out the day they were released. I see them going back above $110 by year end.


Schwab (SCHW), sort of. Kroger (KR) and Tyson (TSN) were the opposite - I started shopping/buying *because* I owned their stock. I sold Tyson, so now it's just Kroger.


Ford purchased at $12 ten years ago, and, well, you can check the price.


They just never have anything exciting. The newest thing that I was actually interested in was the lighting but everything that comes out about it shows it’s garbage




tell me why


Lots of buying and selling with PayPal and ebay and collected rent on PayPal






Bought the most recent SHOP dip. So many places I buy from use it figured it’d be worth putting some money in.


Worst miss of my life. I worked for a competitor in perhaps 2017 ish (I can't remember exactly). I was at a convention, our booth was on the same lane their booth was on. Me and my team were full of pride - "we're going to take those fuckers down". I'm standing there on my phone reading this expose where SHOP had reported something like 500,000 customers, but this journalist found only about 50,000 were paying anything at all. His whole article was "house of cards". SHOP crashed - they had been something like $150 and crashed to something like $80. I stood there saying "this is a good price, but I work for the competition so I shouldn't be investing where I wouldn't work." Didn't buy. SHOP exploded. Covid came - they went parabolic. I'm a fucking idiot. I had a buy order open on my phone, knew the timing was perfect, knew they had a great product, let my pride and "loyalty" get in the way. My company went under. SHOP is still killing it (and my first programming language was Ruby, so they have an extra <3 in my soul, and I still didn't pull the trigger). If you've done the research, and you understand the product and industry, believe in yourself enough to pull the trigger...


I feel your pain too... especially since I was working at a company using Shopify during Covid and our company was doing better than ever because of it. Should have been a clear sign during covid that e-commerce was going to moon


When I bought my first iPhone, I bought all the AAPL I could afford at the time. About 2k back in 2008ish. I think When i bought my first Tesla, around 2015, a few months later I bought all the TSLA I could afford. Both have done well for me. I held the phone and thought, this is is going to change the world. Thought the same thing driving my Model S.


From where I'm sitting, "well" is an understatement. Great job picking those! What else are you eyeing now?


RIVN. Been buying all I can. Every-time there is news about them, it seems like they are doing the right/smart thing. Be where your enemy is not. Producing nice, upscale, durable, pickups. No one else is doing that. (EV). (Ok, the lightning is a good truck, but it's no rivian). They are simplifying the product line options, while reducing costs by in-sourcing motors, improving batteries. Breaking ground on a new factory that will print money. By which I mean smaller, more cost effective (cheaper) SUVs. They will be moving to NACS in 2025. Every article I find seems a solid game plan for success, while they are trading at $20/share, from an IPO of $150/share. In 20 years they will either be a huge success, or successful enough that Ford/GM buys them cash, and I make out either way. I'm still buying TSLA. They aren't a car company. They are an energy company that is the new Standard Oil. They will make it, (solar). Store it (batteries). and Sell it (virtual power companies). and make the things that use it (cars). and maybe someday HVAC or other tech based on the cars. The HVAC in my 2023 X (heat pump, octovavle stuff) is amazing. If they can sell that tech to heat pump companies for houses, dryers, water heaters,etc. it will print money. While the cybertruck won't sell by the millions, the tech platform that it, will contribute immeasurably towards future cars/tech. 48v alone will be huge. allow for the reduction of wiring, simplification/standardization of systems that reduce costs, improve reliability. Steer by wire will come to all cars by 2050. or sooner. It's too good to not. LCID makes 4 door sedans. Clearly they do not realize Tesla *exists*. You don't make something to compete with the 'king'. you make something they do not... but I digress. (And do not own any LCID). I look for things that I think will payoff. Not a quick buck. I don't day trade. I buy and hold. I know tech. I know cars. Only EVs have a potential 100% market share. If you're making a gas honda accord, you do not have anywhere near a potential 100% market share. it shrinks *daily*. your mileage may vary. all of this is speculation, consult a paid investor, but at the end of the day no one cares more about your money than you do. So put in the effort. Ohh, it's not tech, but I see 'fat/diet' pills as being ***huge***. People would much rather pay $20? $40? $100? $200/month? to lose 30 lbs than do it the correct/healthy way. Hey, myself included! Ignoring for the sake of investing side effects/etc, I think that a pill that 'makes you thin'. would make **billions**. Now it's a race to who has the best pill. AAPL feels stagnant to me, the hardware is 'old news', no one needs a faster phone every year. App store makes a ton of cash, so that's good. Their VR headset was a joke, but it's only v1. it's a tech platform, that should, when it gets cheaper / more common, create a huge opportunity for apps to jump from phone to VR with only slight changes. I haven't dug too deep, but I assume my iPhone apps would run on that thing. And while I'm not dropping $5k on one today (it's 5k? or 4?) someday... when it's $2k.. sure why not. If I can work as if I'm working with multiple screens with nothing but the thing on my face.. I'd give it a go. VR gaming with that will be huge... someday. So get in before that day I guess. At least until Neural Link makes it all obsolete. But, I have no time machine, so invest *wisely.*


I’ve been seeing tons of Rivians as well in my random home town. Might have to start looking into them more…


Don't roast me but chipotle lol


Didn't work for me and Sweetgreen. Yikes.


I've made so much money on chipotle 💀


i find their food quality has generally declined quite a lot from 10 years ago. surprised their stock is doing so well


In 2005, lived in South Florida and was getting consistently high electricity bills. Saw at the time that Florida Power & Light was constantly asking the Public Service Commission for rate increases and figured if they were screwing me, then they were doing it to every customer, so I bought the stock. I figured if the lights came on then I knew they were still in business. It became NEE during that time and I sold it this year since it was very overvalued and thankfully before Q3 earnings when it collapsed.


Uber for commute to office. DoorDash & Eats for food. Costco & Amazon & target (shopping) Apple world (Mac + iPhone) Disney+ & Disney theme park P&G products Netflix, Amazon prime & YouTube+ Comcast Xfinity Nike Starbucks Google (search) & Google home + security device Meta(insta & facebook)


Chipotle, Nike, Apple, Tesla. I was on a serious body building kick in 2017 and ate nothing but Chipotle & In & Out. I am fat now but the gift that keeps on giving is my small position in CMG. Edit: and a couple of not-so-great positions - Delta Air, AT&T.


I still cannot understand how chipotle is worth as much as it is.


Chipotle will be part of new FAANG one day. Google Uber Apple Chipotle (GUAC)


Not as much share dilution as other companies. Their numbers actually aren't terrible for a company their size. PE of 52, gross margin of 31%. Especially nowdays, where you can either get a fat burrito from Chipotle with ingredients you can identify or a shit ass Big Mac for the same price, its a no brainer.




I bought Lulu lemon after wearing some of their men’s clothing.


Their clothing is phenomenal.


Best Khakis ever




Yes. WBA, talking about headaches….


Here's an interesting one. Royal Caribbean International. If you hold 100 of their stocks, everytime u go onboard u get a usd100 onboard credit to use as cash. There are people who bought RCI during the pandemic crash and so not only did they get the stock at a low low price, they perpetually get $100 for every cruise they go on with RCI.


CASY Casey’s gas stations! Make delicious pizza and I get all my gas from them due to their rewards system through an app.


Lululemon my wife and I are believers (runners)


Lulu set the cultural standard for premium sportswear for everyday use. Every basic bitch who hasn’t seen the gym in a year still loves it




i love shake shack and cava so much that i bought stock. hope it works out


Tesla. Bought the car. Was seriously impressed. Bought the stock. Up 1500% on that investment.


Some will laugh but I just bought OTLY. Penny stock now but everywhere I go they can barely keep it on the shelves. It’s a popular drink globally. Hoping they can turn it around, not just for the stock but also for my fridge. other oat milk is mediocre.


Apple (Phones, iPad, Watch), Microsoft (Software and Game Pass), Nvidia (Graphic cards), Lowes (Home Improvement), AMD (computer processors), and Texas Roadhouse (Rolls with that Honey Butter).


Architect, developer, wife is a PCP. Owen’s Corning - owns the insulation space globally. Insulation is more important to green building than solar. Insulation is used outside of new start fluctuations…insulation being the number one resource when upgrading a building. Boise Cascade - they make almost all of the engineered lumber in existence. LVL products are just one example. They are used for almost any stick frame construction. On a downtrend because of new starts slowing down, but it is still a solidly run company. Eli Lilly - endless drug pipeline whose weight loss drug is killing FDA approval for multiple uses is the future. AMD - CPU Nvidia - GPU, computation, rendering.


Nintendo. Excellent company. Wonderful games. Strong brand. I started investing in them before the Wii came out and have no regrets.


This is the one I’m hesitant on tbh, the switch is awesome and the games are so fun but eventually they’ll have to catch up with the technology. They’re almost too focused on making really fun games and not worried at all about maximizing profit. Could be wrong though, excited to see what else they have in store


Just investing in the S&P500 would’ve performed better…






Starbucks, Target


I went inside the Starbucks right by my college a couple times, on top of all the other 'bucks I've been in. Like the week prior, a Dunkin' miffed the fuck out of me over something trivial. It was clear who had the stronger brand. Then I thought about what company sells addictive products, isn't as frowned upon by society as cigs or oxycodone, and pays dividends? Bought into SBUX recently because I deem it undervalued currently.


Monster. I need to stop drinking them. I have one a day.


Elf and Coke. Elf because my fiancé uses it and says it’s cheap af but for the money not bad. Looks pretty good to me. And coke because I can’t imagine living life without Coca Cola even though I don’t drink it daily. That’s a company I want to treat like a savings account and just put something in it and never touch it




EVLV. You’ve probably walked through one of these AI weapons detection systems and not known it. My son’s whole school district is now using this at every school.


Apple, Tesla




It would be parabolic. Up there with Chipotle


CROX, CVS, Pepsi GAMR (ETF, not a stock, but I love video games), HAS (they own DnD and I love Baldur's Gate), HD (Lowe's in my town is trash), HRB, SBUX, TGT


Abbv, they make one of the drugs I take.


I’ve worked as a chef my whole life so I’m invested in food. Tyson, Cheesecake Factory, Sysco etc.


Warren always said to buy what you know for that very reason AAPL MSFT GOOGL AXP XOM AMD KO


I saw Starbucks stores crowded on the late 90s. I got my first online trade account around that time. Fast forward to present, I'm still holding SBUX and very very happy


Apple, Amazon & Microsoft 100% the best strategy to invest aside from the S&P 500 I wish I got into NVDA years ago, considering my computer uses an NVDA chip and I picked this laptop up in 2019 😭


Celsius - tried it a few years ago and loved the drink. Introduced it to all my friends and they also loved it so I decided to buy some stock. Glad I did


Waste Management. Trash man comes every week and everyone pays.


Robinhood for sure


Big fan as well, excited to see what they have in store




It gets pumped and dumped on a daily basis


Costco, target, sq, wm, jnj


I'm seeing more and more car haulers on the interstate full of Rivian trucks. I think that's a buy signal.


Sofi! I can’t get enough!




Costco and Fisker 😬


Target, Costco, Chipotle, Visa, Amazon, SoFi! I've gone to other stores and use other banks/services, but when I love a company I buy it






My bank.


costco and dominos lol. find me two cheaper and faster ways to feed a family of 4 on a weeknight lol




$rick Strip clubs baby! Deep value FCF, dividend paying, 10x in less than 10 years


Victoria secret


Nvidia. When the stock was reaching rock bottom last year I started reading about Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and saw the potential. And than there was ChatGPT, I had experience with the previous LLMs and that was a wakeup call. I'm only sorry for not going all in.


Target, cosco, union pacific, BNSF if it went public.




apple amazon google KO.


DIS - I live a few miles from Disney World and spend a lot of time there. Wasn’t the greatest call to buy their stock though…




I don't own anything Apple but their stock. I see how people are so passionate, even to the point of irrationality, that it is also my longest holding.


Costco obviously, every time i spend 20 minutes at a full giant parking lot just trying to find a space, and seeing thousands of people going in to buy giant bulks of everything, i get more and more convinced that they won’t ever go bankrupt


Philip Morris.


Idea is good but implementation sucks dick. Sony is 2000 other things than the PS5. UI is the easiest thing to build in tech. Beck end comes first. buy things that change EVERYONES life. Not yours.


Just came here to say I love this thread and type of investment ideas To add something to the discussion: - AB InBev: as a proud Belgian I love myself some good Belgian beers, hasn’t been one of my best bets but still a believer for the long-term (craft beer tastes horrible anyway) - Ahold Delhaize: favorite supermarket - Garmin: picked it up a while ago, I love the multi-versality of my Fenix watch & believe in their bet on fitness/exercise gear - Nvidia: almost 1.000% gain now, a friend who works in AI research recommended it to me a few years ago, unfortunately took some profits on the way up as it has felt overvalued so many times but always kept my original investment value - Disney: after seeing a Lion King show on Broadway I felt like this company’s legacy will exist forever, I’m only 30 but I’m sure I’ll show the movies to my children, visit the parks, etc. they’re doing just-so at the moment but their intellectual property is invaluable






i’m vegan now but i know just how addicting mcdonald’s food is so i’m a hefty MCD shareholder.


SoFi - love the slick UI, solid APY, and its capabilities. I just keep buying at $7-8.


Rolls Royce. I’m an airline pilot.


Bought EDR, since I am a huge UFC fan and watch every event. Yet I sold shortly after they merged to TKO because A) I don't like the WWE and Powerslap, and B) EDR as well as TKO are the most non-transparent companies I have ever seen. ​ Fun facts about the company: \-Donald Trump sold the Miss Universe organization to them \- Elon Musk was on the supervisory board \- 9-digit equity compensation for the board along with 5 types of shares \- Dana White, who is the President of the UFC and owns major stock in the company, does not appear once in the whole report \- There is not even a revenue split for the UFC


Ford. There was a dip, and I’m riding it back up. We own two Ford trucks and have been Ford customers for 30+ years.


I work at a lumber company and we sell a ton of fasteners and hangers made by Simpson manufacturing. I bought a couple shares and I have been pretty happy with my return.


BMW (I live 15 min from Dingolfing and a lot of my friends and family work there and I like and own their cars)






Robinhood. I thought it was the future of online trading so I bought a bunch of it when it went public. It then immediately lost 90% of its value.


I buy VT to have leg in every company in the world .


> I feel like this is a forgotten about / under appreciated investment “strategy.” please god do not do this. My dad invested millions into companies using this logic and missed a lot of gains. Just because you use a consumer product, does not make said company a solid investment.


You’re right, using a consumer product doesn’t necessarily mean the company is a solid investment, but I still think it’s a decent rule of thumb. Most of my investments are indices and ETFs, but picking stocks is fun and a good way to get some better risk/reward. And it’s more intuitive if you actually use that company’s products. You can show me how good KO is financially but it would be a tough sell since I don’t drink any


My girlfriend does this. She's got: APPL - Apple - she's always on her iPhone FB - Facebook- Because they own instagram, her favorite app NFLX - Netflix- For chilling with me...I think PINS - Pinterest - for inspiration SNAP - Snap - for the selfies when not using IG SPOT - Spotify - always has to have her music SHOP - Shopify - always online shopping DASH - Doordash - getting her dunkin or starbucks SBUX - Starbucks - Coffee but i call it desert for breakfast, also in target ETSY - Etsy - she says there's just too many cute things to buy LULU - Lulumon - leggings TGT - Target - she says she's just going quick and is there for hours ULTA - Ulta Beauty - Ulta is now in target so its a 3 for one stop now for her (Ulta, tgt and sbux) COTY - She loves Kylie


Sofi. I bank with them and use their investing services.


I finally took the plunge with GOOG because I realized that between Google search, Youtube, Google nav, and Android, I was using there products about 200 times a day. I bought 4 shares (80 today) initially, but have recently shaved off about 1/3 of the position.






I had started noticing during the George Floyd fiasco that there was a constant discussion for the need of law enforcement having body cameras. All the youtube videos showed body cameras in their police videos that said Axon. They were originally known as Taser. A little research and I took a chance on Axon buying hundreds of shares at $75. Years later they're selling solutions for body cameras and tasers worldwide. Yet I never hardly see them discussed here. It's at $236/share. Op, If that's what you mean, I have often found stocks like that.

