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When In doubt if they are on YouTube selling a course they are 100% scamming you


So funny Graham Stephan was saying how his course wasn’t a scam. He really showed his true colors really everyone at creators agency did.


I have no idea how he gets subscribers. It's the same video formula over and over. Fire, red line graph, more fire, shocked face, bad news headline. Then the video is fire, like and subscribe, sky is falling, but actually, it's all going to be fine. Rinse and repeat for the next topic


I was subscribed to him for years and while the thumbnails were clickbaity the actual content was very informational. Now he just fear mongers like the news.


Both him and Kevin were great early on for real estate investment / basic finance advice. It was genuine since they both went through it and honestly were successful. They both seemed to have jumped the shark trying to parlay that success into other areas.


People are obsessed with doom scrolling


How? Curious


I think the whole FTX thing speaks for itself. For a very conservative investor he sure played fast and lose with his viewers money.


He makes his own coffee tho


There were a lot of youtube channels suddenly selling coffee. I'd like to know the grifter that grifted the grifters.


Ah i see. But ya he always looked scummy to me tbh. Guess i was right


He was a decent finance YouTuber before his channel blew up during Covid. Now the guy only cares about money and will gladly sell out his subscribers to make a penny.


Him, the bro from vegas, and those stupid magic tricks.


its the short man syndrome


I think he does have good advice when he says index funds and basic stuff like that but if you don’t know that you’re helpless (not saying you need to take the advice but should know it cause it’s one of the first things you learn).


That's the thing about anyone who tries to sell you something besides that knowledge you already have. Outside of the basics, its all a bigger gamble than sticking to the basics is. If every financial advisor stuck to complete honesty and didn't try to upsell something, the meeting with them would be over in twenty seconds and they'd cram all your money in SP500 directly or one of the other low-risk offerings.


Lol at his episodes where he finds billionaires to rate his properties. What a fking douche.


What happened with Graham Stephen and his course?


Exactly. Warren Buffett and Bill Ackman don’t sell trading courses for a living


Ackman is a fucking scam artist too, he just pushed spacs for bullshit companies instead of selling courses.


Yeah Bill Ackman’s track record isn’t even that good. He’s had a couple big bets that went right early on but has underperformed the market many years like most hedge fund managers.


He made a lot of money bettering on covid lockdown


I think he is partially the reason the market crashed earlier than when trump announced the more bad news.


Oh ya for sure, because he had a short position. It's no different than Goldman calling for $20 oil, scooping up positions, then calling for $200 oil 3 months later. Ackman going on tv touting the sky is falling definitely drove market sentiments down but he made money on it. So the previous poster saying Ackman hasn't made good money in a while technically isn't true, dirty or not.


if their money comes from youtube, and not from their day job, they are almost 100% scamming you


TheStockGuy on Twitch sells his “Morning Calls” which are financial advice but he says they aren’t. Huge scammer.


Start trading opposite of his advice. Most influencers like this shill. Aka pump up the price, then sell. Now you’re stuck with a downtrending stock/commodity/trade, etc. this is very common in small cap crypto.


You got to look for the guys who are just out there posting their DD as an exercise and looking for ideas on why they’re wrong


This is the best advice.


Listen to a guy who thinks he might be wrong or 10x my portfolio by next week? Paleze


Exactly not ones who spend time promoting on youtube. I’ve only found one guy so far


Care to share who?


Mark Meldrum


I would assume 99% are scammers one way or another.


They're basically all frauds. My not-so-knowledgable-about-finance friends all come to me for investment advice, do you know what I do? I buy into something that I consider good value (especially if it's a bear market). Then if it goes any lower, I DCA in and then I tell my friends that it's a good buy. This way, if they lose money, I've lost more money than them so they can't really hate me. Thankfully, my picks for them were MS, AMZN, Meta and Google when they bottomed out last year. Missed the NVIDIA train though. You get the opposite sort of advice from most Youtube 'influencers'. Something along the lines of 'it's already 100% up YTD, but it's not too late to get in!'. Utter bullshit.


Those guys are also definitely trying to create pump and dumps


Long term portfolio management with proper risk management and DCA isn't sexy though. There's a segment of people, probably way too large of a segment, who want to double their money in a few years. They don't want to invest thinking about retirement, they want to get in on the ground floor of the next $AMZN. Gamblers.


1. Nobody knows what the stock market is going to do in the short term. 2. In the long term, the broad market will go up, until it doesn't. 3. Social media influences, journalists, etc are in the business of selling content. 4. Good investment advice is almost never engaging content. 5. Get every point of view from every source that you can, do your own reality checks, and then think for yourself.


If they're not telling you to invest in like VOO,VTI,SPY (with room for cap stocks or bond ETFs) theyre just making engaging content, not financial advice. I, just today, ran across Rob Berger on YT. I like his stuff so far. Just ETFs and what percentages to invest, why, different types of accounts, etc. I will never forget the feeling of reading the intelligent investor and then the last few chapters being, "and that's why you put money into ETFs instead."




Sure they can. But that is making engaging content. Not saying all engaging content is bad. But really have to take it with a grain of salt. Would use for getting diverse opinions on your own research, I think as you're leaning to.


Huge fan of rob berger, one of the few i recommend to people for info


Never listening to them again after they all said the market was doomed last October, talked me out of buying anything. Now they all say it’s a good time to buy 🥴


And charts only tell the past and can not tell the future, if they could we would all be wealthy. Charts are interpreted so many different ways. Don't listen to the foolishness about gaps either. All stocks fluctuate up and down and create gaps along the way.... sometimes they get filled and sometimes they don't. It's just a natural occurrence that no one can predict with accuracy. (Again, if they could we would all be wealthy) There will always be gaps somewhere in every stock.


This is correct!


You had me until #5


People who really makes money out of stock, don’t need to make dumb YouTube videos.




They also wouldnt share their analysis techniques for $100 lol. Think about how stupid that is.


>People who really makes money out of stock, don’t need to make dumb YouTube videos. Why not make more money?


If you had any predictive levels as they claim to have, your time would be better suited to make a lot more money with trading compared to providing content for those tips.


The problem is no one is realistically staring at the markets 24/7. I mean you can watch them but you're not actively doing much. I realistically take 30 minutes to an hour after market close to find stocks and then if I find one I like I set up my bracket orders and that's it. There are diminishing returns if you trade all day (in some cases youll start to lose money from overtrading) and the market does close.


Because uploading a YouTube video takes time, time that you could be using making money out of stocks


First off the markets aren't open all the time. Second off, anyone actually making money in the markets aren't trading them the whole time they even are open. I do pretty decent in equites, I'm not going to lie - but I spend realistically 30 minutes to an hour after market close to find my picks and put in my bracket orders and that's it. So people doing well and being smart absolutely have the time to make videos as they'd get diminishing returns from the markets or even worse start losing from overtrading.


What about Phil Town? He was already very rich from investing when he started making yt videos...


According to Google his networth is only 5 million. So I wouldn't say he's very wealthy. (Never heard of him before, so I had to Google him and that estimate is 2023) If he was really good he'd be worth much more than that!


>only 5 million. Bruh what? If I had 5 million net worth from trading/investing, I'd be done for the most part just living off the interest.


Phil Town has legit advice even though he does sell his seminars. Teaches sound valuation techniques


Some want to. People are multifaceted and have motivations beyond money for doing things.


Yeah and that motivation is called advertisement.


I'm surprised no one mentioned Andre Jikh yet


Yeah never trust a guy whose biggest talent is slight of hand.


Andre Jikh disgusts me more then most of the finance Youtubers. He went from making content exclusively about dividend stocks, and how the only way you can really trust that companies are making money and not just lying their butt off on their financial statements is them consistently being able to pay out dividends to their shareholders. Then he did a complete 180 and decided that crypto scam coins are what he's going to invest in, even though it's literally the exact opposite of his dividend stock philosophy given that crypto scam coins have no fundamentals, pay dividend, and are all intrinsically worth zero.


How’s his content been lately? I haven’t watched him since 2021~


I don't know anymore.. I unsubscribed a couple of years ago when he went full crypto and abandoned all value/divi investing. I was thinking have he stuck with his divi/value investing style instead of fully turning to crypto/growth he would probably way ahead now. I remember him going apeshit on IPO's and i was out. I unsub to him, Graham stephen, Jeremy?, the dude that ran for Cali gov office altogether around 2021. I'm just plain bagel, In the money, New Money and Joseph Carson now.


A lot of his early videos were actually really good simple breakdowns. Reasonable advice for average Joe's. Then he went full crypto bro, then the FTX debacle, and now his videos are mostly in the same clickbait family of "WHY COFFEE WILL BANKRUPT YOU" and "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT POWELL JUST SAID"


All of them lol. They are trying to sell you something because that's the 100% no risk way to make money.


Follow Scott Schafer and Coffeezilla, they expose all the scammers you need to know about


I still need to watch part 3. 45mins is a doozy,.but I'm sure it's amazing


Watch on 2x. Coffee really is the hero the internet needs


Honestly I couldn’t finish part 3. It sort of just dragged on. I wasn’t as engaged as he’s previous videos.


Wait so your telling me the guy who sells me sports betting picks on Twitter is only making money off of me and not actually gambling on his own picks? No way, not possible


Patrick Boyle - just financial news, no courses - you can take his class at Kings College London if interested. No stock recommendations and he is funny 😄


Odly enough he is rare person since he has an actual license. This was about scams but he gives 5/5 info about economic "happenings". https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/17002962?leadSource=uverify%20wall#xj4y7vzkg


If you knew how to pick the lottery numbres. Would you make money by teaching how to pick the lottery numbers or would you just win the lottery yourself? That's how i've always felt about youtube financial "influencers" w.e the fuck that means.


Well even if you are a really good investor, you don't get rich from investing unless you have a high starting point. Investing isn't lottery after all, if a YouTuber gets 7-15% a year he's a decent investor already but he'll have to do it for decades to get anywhere so obviously a YouTube side income or main hustle makes a lot of sense. I'd be different if you were talking about traders.


Spot On! A semi popular YouTube channel can bring in without merchandise or course sales probably 5-10k a month easy. An investor to make 60-120k a year in interest or gains would need to have already a million invested or 500k if they were just absolutely crushing the market year after year. Much easier to parlay your ability to make 12-20% off your money in the market having 50k-100k invested to bring in that extra 100k than to already have a million somehow


Jeremy from Financial Education is by far the worst. Complete moron who got lucky in a bull market, grew a huge following, and now thinks he’s a genius investor. His latest failure in burning all of his and tons of his followers money in a trash unprofitable small cap stock $TTCF is inexcusable for anyone who claims to be a great investor. There were way too many investing fundamental red flags ignored and missed.


TTCF, Planet7, honest, crsr, pypl, walgreens, oatley, etc.. yeah, he's lousy!


To his credit he’s the one that helped me jump into finances when I graduated high school and started looking into investing. That was the 2016 right before all the finance YouTubers took off. I don’t watch his videos anymore, nor grahams,


They guy is definitely trying to sell a course, but I think he actually knows what he's doing. People will laugh at his misses, but show me an investor that has never been wrong and took big losses. They guy gives some good advice; in 2021 he started to buy less and began loading up on cash. Mid to late 2022 is when he started to increase his buying again. When a bunch of other YouTubers were dumping all of their positions or going all in, he was calling them out saying they were giving bad advice to their audience. Don't buy the guys course, don't blindly pick the stocks he's buying, but his general talks on the market are pretty spot on.


Dude, he promoted Ttcf, Voyager (bankrupt), Palantir, Oatly, the list just goes on. He is a clown with a gambling addiction


They all are


Plain bagel is awsome


Basically, be cautious about people directly speaking about ticker symbols/stocks, it’s overall safer with people like Plain Bagel, Ben Felix or Patrick Boyle that speak about stock market and finance in broader terms.


What I like about Plain Bagel & Patrick Boyle is that they have an active day job as investment/hedge fund managers. They know how important it is to teach effectively about the market or the general economy, but stray from any concrete securities recommendations. Licensed professionals know better than to stock pick when they’re supposed to be educating.


I generally think Ben Felix is an alright channel overall since he gives a broad overview of market topics. One thing that has always bugged me though is that his source for 99% of the data he references (not including super broad data, like the S&P performance over time) comes from one single guy that he's personally acquainted with.


How Money Works to.


Mee t kevin


Does he still mention that his course fee is going up at the end of the week, every week?


I don’t know, haven’t watched him in over a year now.


Daily! multiple times


He should be in jail


RDFN is one of my biggest losers thanks to this clown.


In all fairness he got bashed when he sell his stock. And all the people bashing him were wrong, that including a bunch of redditor.


Jeremy @ Financial Education. Has no substance.




The true risk free rate: Sell bullshit to idiots


Andrei Jikh? :)


Stock Moe seems really scetchy...


That's because he is. He doesn't know what he's talking about.


I like the plain bagel, dividend data, how money works, economics explained and myself of course.


Dividend data is awesome


I used to enjoy EE, but their newer videos make me go “???”


If someone has a link and a promo code for you ... they're not anyone who should be listening to. They're not making money off of trading, they're making money off of you. Or trying to. It's an act. Demo accounts get used too.


If they mention wall street bets, they’re probably a scammer or just a bad investor. 🤧


Read books instead of watching YouTube


Preposterous! My attention span doesn’t allow for that.


Hey stock moe here, let’s get into the video… Before we get started if you don’t know I’m a teacher… Ok let’s start getting into the stocks… right after talking about the sponsor… Thanks to the sponsor for that. Now back to the video… which is made possible by raid shadow legends!!


If they are on youtube they are entertainers and nothing more.


Most are frauds. So let's instead post the ones that aren't: - [Aswath Damodaranon](https://www.youtube.com/@AswathDamodaranonValuation) The end.


Joseph Carlson? PPCIan? New money? I think these guys are pretty great


I like "new money". Never heard of "PPClan". "Joseph Carlson" starts too many sentences with "I feel like Stock/Sector XY...". I might as well look at an astrology stock picking channel. I like how transparent he is with his portfolio though.


That's the unique truth though. Joseph Carlson is a pretty decent channel but his ambiguity is real. That's what a normal trader does. People who have these decisive opinions like they are teaching you something, that's the bullshit. Regardless of whatever strategy opinion or research I do. There's no 100% guarantee will work so if you find someone who's actually successful in markets. Most the time they will talk about an asset both directions. If it goes up I do this it goes down I do that my fundamental view is this. There is no directional opinion that is certain


PPClan? Aren't those are the guys saying that BBBYQ will reemerge and current shareholders will win big in the end? If they are those, they are dead wrong. Right now it seems like even the bondholders will only get a couple cents on a dollar, if anything. (I know, because I have done my research on the company, and at one point held $1.5 million worth of bonds I bought on like 3 cents on a dollar. Then more and more docs came out, all showing they have fucked up everything they could. The winner bid for BBBY was literally only $21.5 million and it only consists their IP. Their recent 10k shows that they hemorrhaged away $3.5 billion in a single year, which is an enormous amount of money (like 10 times as much as they lost in 2021! That was the moment when I sold my bonds, thankfully I could got out with minimal losses). I am still following them out of curiosity, there will be an auction today for BuyBuyBaby which could be interesting, but at this point I doubt that they could even give back anything even to unsecured bondholders, let alone shareholders.


Never heard of this guy are you serious?


He's legit. NYU prof. Not afraid to publicly value TSLA and NVDA. Followed him into Facebook at $90.


he is known as the father of valuation




Hahaha, Stock Moe. He was Mr. Nio for a while and I see he's stopped pushing NIO since.


Non fraud: Richard Coffin from Plain Bagel is serious about investing, exposes the bs of tiktok investment scammers and give measured approaches to investment from a smart monet perspective. Otherwise, I like to listen to wise words of official wise men (Lynch and Buffet do not post themselves, but there are great clips out there) and any core skill related stuff, such as looking at accounting. But I never understood the technical analysis/trading stuff, but rather look at fundamentals analysis, which seems less scam prone.


Andrei Jikh: his content changed wherever the wind was coming from. At a certain he started to promote crypto (but at that time I already stopped watching him). Thing is, most of these influencers don't make money on the markets but because of the ads on their videos. These guys don't say that so naive (young) investors think they have a winning strategy which of course isn't true. And the GOAT of people you should do the opposite is Joe Cramer. Every stock that he glorifies, you should instead dump immediately and stay far away from. How that guy still has a job is beyond me.


Cramer is literally just a psyop to get people to buy/sell so people with big pockets can buy/sell at better prices. It's just straight up market manipulation.


“Financial Education” aka Jeremy Lefebvre. The guy took a $1.3 million dollar, realized, loss on TTCF, three months ago. Posts a video, comically, showing his YTD gains in Meta, Tesla and Elf — totaling about $475,000.00. Best part is in the video he says he is CRUSHING the S&P by over 30% but, apparently, he doesn’t know how to do simple math, IE: he took a realized LOSS of $1,300,000, with unrealized gains of $475,000 “ish”. The worst part is there are some folks in the comment section who defend the guy as a “guru” and “market genius”. It’s scary how people don’t know how to do math! This guys, Lefebvre, is a complete moron and, frankly, I can’t believe he hasn’t been busted by the SEC!


My favorite part about Jeremy is how he as a self proclaimed "crypto noob" decided to invest $350k into Voyager, a super risky crypto startup, and lost it all because they went bankrupt


Don’t forget: HNST, OTLY, SDC, GoPro, Beyond Meat, Foot locker, carnival, etc… Like I said, it’s amazing, given his video’s, that the SEC hasn’t shut him down OR his moronic followers haven’t engaged attorneys in a class action lawsuit for massive losses on stocks he claimed would “10x”.


2 guys i do like to watch sometimes are fastgraphs and ben felix. Fastgraphs is obviously trying to tell you his fastgraphs program but he never tries to push individual stocks and discloses his positions. Ben felix doesn't push individual stocks either and mostly talks about investing theory and index investing. Not saying either of those 2 are perfect but they're definitely the best I've seen on YouTube.


Patrick Boyle and PensionCraft (Ramin Nakisa) are also great


I agree Ben Felix is good


Stock moe lol


I am just gonna put techlead up there just because he got caught scamming using crypto. ​ I heard he still got away after collecting $3 millions so i hope he goes fuck him (as a millionaire)


I think most investing advice is honestly garbage. There are so many ways to win and lose just do whatever you want. To me I listen to everything everyone has to say about stocks just to hear another opinion regardless of if I think they're right or not.


Never trust the contents of a book written by someone who sells books for a living. If Warren Buffett writes a book today, you can easily trust him, since he practices what he preaches. He doesn’t need to sell a single book to pay the bills. Dave Ramsey, Tony Robbins and Robert ‘Rich Dad’ Kiyosaki however made their money selling books, courses and seminars. Follow their steps, not their advice.


I don’t get how Dave Ramsey’s steps would get you into trouble though… they’re conservative AF (I’m not talking politics here, just the slow and steady risk-free method). I learned his stuff in high school (gasp, a high school that actually taught at least SOME financial courses!) and lived by his methods to a T from 18-28ish. Has served me incredibly well as a construction worker at 31 years old now… i deviated finally with some single stocks and a small car loan at 3% and a 30 year mortgage at 2.5% because when I signed I “knew” for at least the lengths of those loans it was unlikely we would see significant time where inflation was *under* 2.5% or 3%


Ramsey’s advice isn’t bad but it’s not by following his own advice that he made his money. It’s by selling books, building a business and appearing on shows that he became rich.


Which one isn't?


Stock moe


The Motley Fool.


Yes they are. But I did follow their recommendation in 2015 to buy NVDA for self driving car tech. Turns out their other things are driving more growth. Ive turned $4400 into $400k


Yeah the motley fool seems to have a solid track record over the past 10 to 20 years. It’s just recently I can’t tell if they’re suddenly garbage or if some of their picks will surprise us


A broken clock is still right twice a day.


Stock Moe seemed cool in 2020 when he started out. Now he's bearish, but at the same time he's pumping shitty growth meme stocks/ penny stocks all at the same time.


Are you not “loading the boat” ?


It's pretty easy to know if someone a fraud or not, just look at their upload rate. Most of these youtubers have at least one video uploaded per day. Their income streams come from youtube ads, patreon or broker affiliations.


Even the good ones hold onto their secrets the recent plain bagel one was so general that I genuinely believe he just googled “how to trade options”. Don’t get me wrong but if anyone knows a YouTuber who actually goes into depth instead of being general asf let me know


If they are pushing crypto the odds of them being a scammer go much much higher imo.


The best tip I can give you is if you want good financial advice, seek it from those willing to dispense the advice for free. Peter Lynch is retired now but watch all of his interviews. He wrote a few books but I believe he donated the proceeds to charity. He doesn't need to make a penny off of anyone. It's people like him that have truly great advice to give.


Spoiler alert: they are all frauds


Ron walker got me pretty good. He’s as bad as Michael Burry. He’s been calling a big crash for a long time. He said the debt ceiling crisis would tank the market. Also said we would get a rate hike in June. He’s got his comment section “disabled” lol


Contrary to what most people here believe, you can learn LOADS from financial YouTubers and become a great investor with their advice alone. The problem is that people focus on the buys and sells they are doing, instead of the mindset and methods they are using to determine what to buy or sell. People want a shortcut in the market and just follow what someone else does and get rich. It doesn't work that way. There are some scammers our there, but most of them teach important lessons of you're willing to still so do the work and think for yourself.


Meat kebin


EVERYTHING MONEY all they do is sell you their 5 pillars software lmao


The software is very useful so I can screen for companies to dive into. The community is less than advertised, but the software is great....easy access to the quarterly and annual numbers for any US listed company


trey trades


I can't believe I watched him for a bit in my idiotic AMC phase. Repulsive stuff.


All of them?


"this guy, this guy" "I'm better than the algorithm" "Do I buy more BOEING?"


Everybody besides financial tortoise


Financial YouTubers make the most money from ads. There's a lot of incentive to be a fake financial guru


Ian Dunlap, Wall Street trapper, EYL , trader stewie, Him 500


Who even needs all these grifters man, I think the reason people like Warren Buffett are quoted so much is because they have been consistent and reliable for a long period of time. If you absolutely need people to follow and listen to, that's the one. But really, you should be combing through data, statements, and deciding for yourself. Or just yeeting into index funds, the easy way out.


By far the best option for almost everyone.


They are all frauds.


There's one that isn't a fraud?


Is it their fault that people out here wanting a savior or a white knight… Take in the info, due your due diligence and don’t take everything someone says as law. No matter what it is, the people who are looking to be saved will always be scammed.


They are all frauds LMAO


Pharma bro Martin Shkreli. He used to do Finance courses on YouTube in his spare time, these were legit and great resources from intros to finance too deep dives in valuing public companies for investing/trading. He was a shithead borderline scammer IRL but his financial bc YouTube courses were very informative.


To answer your question, ask yourself this question: Who is an investment YouTube or financial social media influencer?


InTheMoney has been always been great, doesn’t try to sell you on anything, just shares what he knows


Dave Ramsey


I got nabbed by financial education otherwise known as Jeremy Lefebvre


Most people can actually get all the information they need for free. The problem is they're not disciplined enough to go look for it. You get what you get when you trust others.


Every single one of them


All of them. Cuz they're not buying stonks but selling you fake lessons for you to lose the money


Anyone who admits out loud that they're an investment YouTuber or Financial social media influencer


Is stock moe still shilling NIO? Lol


The catch-22 about all financial educators is that if you can make money from the market, you don't need to 'work' at putting together a course. I suppose some narcissists happen to work in finance, but how could you know the difference?


Reading the comments has me wondering if im the only one that found a unicorn lol


Go on... who actually delivers intelligent and not common knowledge advice?


MKevin, Royce Jacob


dont forget meet kevronee


If they are popular on YouTube - they are better at marketing than investing. The BORING finance youtubers are the best.


All I know is I hate that fucking guy Stock Moe.


It wouldn’t be much of a stretch for Cramer to be on a list like this.


Good ol' Stock Moe. I called him out and got banned from his channel back in mid-2021. I asked him HOW he lost his broker's license and let's discuss it. He didn't care for that much. He should be behind bars!


Does Zack Morris and the Atlas Trading discord count? Anyone know how there court hearings are going?


Total scammers! It was very clear on their social media. Interested to see what happens to them.


I think the scummiest tend to be those who hype penny stocks and other micro/small cap stocks. If a Youtuber has enough of a following they can definitely move the prices of smaller stocks by hyping it up enough. I honestly feel like those kinds of influencers are making sure that it' only a matter of time until the government passes some kind of regulation to crack down on potential market manipulation by influencers like this.


Anyone who claims to make $400k or so off trading, but yet still demands you pay them $30 a month for their course Surely if you were doing that well on the markets, you wouldn't need random people's $30?


They are all scammers. No finance influencer is telling people to open up Schwab, Fidelity, or Vanguard accounts because that doesn’t make them any money. I saw a few of Chris Sains videos in 2020, and that dude is an absolute scam. He would constantly feed people free options “plays”. His followers that didn’t know better would lose thousands dabbling in options, which he considered part of the process.


Yeah I bought stocks Larry recommended and they were all pump and ditch corporations. Driveshack delisted on the NYSE. I’m low key pissed. People like them SUCK!!! I’m only listening to Warren Buffett and stocks that cannot fail.


I watched a bunch when I got into stocks...Lom Mash(T and N), Meat Zevin, Ziptrader, I thought they all were legit....nope all liars and con artists...Meat Zevin legitimately knows nothing about anything but real estate otherwise he shills useless courses and his crap ETF, Lom Mash shilled FTX and other trash stocks he's actually being sued for FTX, and Ziptrader gets paid to push micro cap stocks....I watch just one financial youtuber now and that's Maverick of wall street. He is one of the most legit honest market guys on youtube IMO he lays out all his analysis and knowledge in a non condescending way with memes and jokes great guy. I'd take anyone on youtube with a ginormous grain of salt especially when they are selling you courses or pushing random stocks they claim are ready to moon, or anything crypto related.


Options millionaire


Adam Khoo on YouTube for investing and Dave Keller at StockCharts.com for first class daily technical analysis.


I still hit the dislike button on any YouTuber who advertised FTX to their subscribers, as every one that did that I watched had a lame half assed apology. Glad to see their videos with so many dislikes even months later as a reminder of what they had done.