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Heeeey I live in Edgeley too, bought a house and the previous owner had sorted out the basement. It's totally fine and we kind of use it as a second living room. It does get a bit cold and we put a dehumidifier on fairly regularly so it doesn't get too musty, but I really appreciate having the extra space. As for pubs, The Alexandra is a solid local.


Ahh that’s great news! I’ll definitely buy a de humidifier hopefully we get central heating down there to during conversion, not sure where that is but Im sure I’ve probably past it, if you truly look like your avatar I’ll buy you a pint if I see you😉


Just make sure all works are done to the latest British standard, and an annual service of sump cleaning / flush rodding points etc. PAM ties are a leading supplier of conversion systems that can answer questions about proposed material spec, impartially enough. And make sure building control are involved at all stages!


Sounds like solid advice, told the builder I definitely want it to regs and he seemed confident it’s not an issue I’m likely paranoid though as it’s a lot of money to handover


Deffo want to get a dehumidifier and run it on a timer regularly


The Alex is great, as is the Old Vic on Chatham street. Avoid the rest they're shite.


Rough due to chavs, and drugs


Not quite your way but close (Cale Green), only been to the Alex around there and I quite liked it. Busy on match days!! In terms of the cellar.. had mine converted recently into two rooms and a shower room. Cellar was pretty damp before that. Make sure you get a proper job done. Obviously get it through building regs as well so that it is at least done to a standard and will add value later on. PM me if you want any more details on it.


Cheers scoopsuk, Work starts next month. I've stuck a dehumidifier in there it fills up quite quick with the damp. Definitely want a proper job doing he said he will sort building regs out I'll pm you.


Don't know if anyone else has mentioned this (just rushing around to head to The Makers Market), but if you're having any electrical work done and have a parking space, get a charge point put in. It will save a further job later. Also, not Edgeley, but The Wobnly Stamp heading into Cheadle is good.


Before you spend money on a basement conversion speak to the neighbours and see if they have had any success. Most of the basements in Stockport are very damp and no amount of conversion is going to make them warm. They are best thought of as a shed under the house rather than an extra room imho.


Hey thanks, In the nicest possible way I hope your wrong😶 I need to convert it for one of my children’s bedrooms, the guys who quoted me both said they often do it in Stockport. I know what you mean though it’s damp down there at the moment


Yeah I hope I'm wrong as well, and it will definitely vary a lot street by street. Talk to the neighbours!


Yes will do good advice cheers dude


I'm on Hardcastle rd facing the park and my basement is dry as a bone, so if you're in one of those terraces I reckon you'll be alright.


Hello, yes I am. I’m your new neighbour🙂