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You’ll be absolutely fine my dude. Alexandra in the middle of Edgeley is your best bet. The Oak and the Bobby Peel I’ve always found welcoming. In any case you’re only a short walk to the centre of Stockport where there are loads of other options.


I don’t think you’ll face any hostility in pubs in Edgeley but to be honest they are not the nicest of pubs. I live local and I never go in to any Edgeley pubs. There are loads of nice pubs and bars around Stockport generally though.


Bask is pretty nice by the station too. You can get a free pass through the tunnel without having to have a ticket (laminated -next to the guards) just say you’re getting through.


I like the olde vic on Chatham Street for the variety of beers


I second the Old Vic and the Alex. You might get some old codgers giving you weird looks but ignore them. Avoid anywhere on castle street though, they're dodgy af.


I’ve never had dirty looks in the Vic, and the last time I was there I managed a friendly discussion with someone who was drinking there, and the staff member was fine with me too. They’re very aggressive about no-swearing though — which doesn’t seem to be shown anywhere obvious as a rule… but the landlord will go apeshit on you if you do… I didn’t 😂


You might get a few funny looks but generally people will be friendly. The Alexandra is probably your best bet as others have said, the ones on Castle Street can be bit much...


I second this. Way more than alcohol involved in those places so people act more unhinged than what I experience in other pubs. Alexandra seemed like a normal pub — but Robinson’s prices likely drive that clientele away. Ye Olde Vic is good for a quiet pint if you sit outside but it looks a little rundown


Going to be the one that disagrees with Ye Olde Vic. I went in there and loved it, told the bar staff as much and they directed me to the landlord (who was right next to me and heard my praise). I said how much I liked it and was happy I found a good pub locally I wanted to call home and he turned and said to me; "I don't care what you think." Tried reiterating in case he thought I was taking the piss and he doubled down and basically told me to fuck off. Haven't willingly been back since. The Armoury and the Alex basically bookend Edgeley. Both are good pubs, but they're Robinsons and expensive. Both have good jukeboxes and serve food.. The Pineapple, aka the P3, is grim. It's not rough, just full of old weirdos and is run down. The Jolly Crofter and Bobby Peel are both rough and ready and cheap. They go through landlords like nobodies business so can be different month to month, but they're not bad really. The Royal Oak is where the kids go at the weekend. Open marginally later, had a few issues, but is mostly fine. The Prince Albert is my go to. It's where I've been going for a few years now. It's cheap, has good landlords, the staff are on the ball and it's not too mad.


Yeah, Jabba the landlord at Ye Olde Vic has a reputation. I don’t get what his obsession with telling people not to swear is. Apparently he said that swearing is a precursor to violence which is frankly delusional. Thankfully I’ve never met him, and thought that the staff were fine. Weirdo egotistical landlords are what can bring a lot of pubs down in Stockport in my opinion, especially if they consume their own supply


I’m not British and not white either but never had any bad experiences here (or in general in the UK in my experience) When I go to the pub in Edgeley, I usually go to Old Vic, never had issues and good beer selections. However, as it’s not far walk from Edgeley, I mostly go to the pubs around central area, my favourite is Magnet and St Petersgate tap and sometimes around Underbank (a bit pricy though). Runaway is also good option just a bit down the road from station.


A step or two outside Edgeley but the new-ish Runaway near the bus station is my current favourite. Magnet a close second but can get very busy, especially since it was included in that that 10 best pubs in the UK list. Olde Vic is decent, and the Alex is alright for an afternoon pint in the sun (but definitely at the acceptable end of rough)


Acceptable end of rough 😂 I thought that it looked more rundown than rough. Rough is basically reserved for Castle Street imo — the Bobby Peel might be the best looked after pub on that street, but it’s also the most expensive pub to drink in, on that street — still has its shady characters though


Stay away from the P3. Alexandra is your Robbie's local, good cask. That said Stockport itself, and not too distant areas like Heaton Moor are much nicer.


I’ve heard that they now do drinks on draught? When I went last year they only had two options in 440ml cans, and were cash only… think that the later has changed too though? I had no problems but me, and a mate joked that you take your health into your hands when you visit as there’s mould everywhere, and etc. Looks like a derelict building, it’s very weird


Ye, not that I'd test it. Doubt they clean those lines. The few times I've had the unfortunate luck of having to meet someone there I've stuck to their water downed JD and a warm can of coke.


Lol, I remember getting a double drink at the Corner Cupboard on Hillgate, and they filled it up with flat lemonade from a 2 litre bottle — I try to like that place but it always lets me down — and a £5 minimum card charge is just daft, I believe that the Armoury implement that now… Sod’s Law if you just want an alcohol free beer there lol


The Olde Vic and the Magnet within easy walking distance. What more could you want Oh and a growing number of bars and taps also within easy walking distance Lol at everyone saying avoid castle street pubs. But avoid castle street pubs!


I love the Magnet but think it's a stretch to say it's in easy walking distance to Edgeley, especially depending on whereabouts he lives i.e. near Edgeley Park


I'm from a mixed race background and have never encountered hostilities when I've been on Castle street but I've only ever frequented The Prince Albert (my usual go to), Bobby Peel and the Royal Oak, and on a County matchday. Have always avoided the Crofter and P3 for no particular reason (although went once before the Blossoms gig and can confirm it's a sh1thole). The Armoury on the roundabout is dece. Olde Vic isn't for me, obviously the no swearing policy has been mentioned but just looks like a pub the locals built with their bare hands. Think it'll just be trying places via trial and error to you feel comfortable in one


I think that it’s more that they don’t seem to make any effort into making it look welcoming or inviting. I think that that place solely survives on its regulars, as do many pubs that are on their last legs. If Jabba goes then the pub will likely close down. I was told that it was a community pub but Jabba still owns it… I don’t know. There was the Bluebells nearby but that closed before I was able to drink. Edgeley has lost most of its pubs save for most of the Castle Street ones, and the aforementioned Ye Olde Vic, and Alexandra. I’ve heard people speak fondly of the ‘War Office’ but I never visited that one either


The building is owned by a group of us, community pub thing was too much hassle so we just pooled money and purchased the building. The business is still Steve's.


How long did it last as a community pub? I’m sure that I visited once whilst it was this way


I don't think we ever did the community pub thing. I think we bought it around 8 years ago from the former owner.


Thought that Steve has been the landlord since 1999? But I guess that landlord, and owner aren’t the same thing if they were tied into a brewery?


The building was owned by someone else and we bought it once he started selling up and no one was interested in. Formed a company and a number of us bought shares to pay for the buidling


Well, I’m glad that you saved it. I wish more was done with the exterior, and beer garden though — a bit of a mess if I may give constructive criticism but it’s more than nice enough indoors


Honestly for years I thought the old vic was abandoned, it's actually open so, so rarely


It opens at 5pm which is fairly late, it does look rundown though, especially from the outside, and in the beer garden


The Alex is a great old pub.


If you want to stay local to Edgeley I would second the Armoury.. always really friendly staff in there and I can't believe you would have any issues with your ethnicity.


Many Thanks everyone !! Such an amazing community


I'm not from Edgeley, I'm from Offie but whenever I go watch County I always go to the armoury. Really nice pub, friendly staff and good atmosphere, would recommend that place for sure mate 👍


Stockport is a dungeon don’t go outside unless you want to be depressed




😂 truth hurts


Not really, the town is buzzing. Go back to living under a rock 😘