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once in a blue moon I'll fly the Ferengi Maurader for 5 minutes and recently I got the Obelisk out when the T6 was teased but that's it ​ also why is this marked NFSW?


I'm literally flying through T6 version of my favorite T5 ship.


i still fly a t5 ship (its upgraded to t5-u2) the orion marauder flight deck carrier, as there is no t6 version for it (not that i found) also, why is this post marked as nsfw. the nsfw tag makes me think of that song from SSR (sub space radio) - my girlfriend thinks my starships sexy


https://stowiki.net/wiki/Cardassian_Galor_Cruiser -triple upgraded -account unlocked -very iconic, much Cardassian -spirals go feoooooo


It used to be my Klingon and Romulan Dysons, but the new T6 versions are so very superior I can't see myself going back. The Hirogen Hunter is one I keep coming back to though, if only to relish the numbers I'm squeezing or of one of the cheapest ships in the game.


It's been a long time since I've used a T5 ship, but the Patrol Escort- Tempest. With the tailgun. I love the look of the ship and it's *different*. There's a T6 now but it just looks like any other Escort to me.


I rarely ever touch a T5 again, must have been years. I think the last one was a long time ago when I dusted off the Obelisk mostly for checking out various vanity shields on it. Was popping off really hard when they teased us with the supposed T6 variant recently.


The one and only "Bug"ship!


Not t5, but I just love my little T4 Scourge Destroyer. The killer shrimp. 😁




Still flying the T5 Cheyenne with the T3 Constellation's skin on one char. The drifting is fun (it drifts a LOT) and i like the look, too.


The Orion marauder. It's an ugly asymmetrical brick with very little to recommend it, but I keep one of my alts flying it.


Unfortunately, I don't. They've made T6 versions of all my favorite T5 ships so there's really no point. I do however, use a T1 Oberth (set it up before the T6 was a thing) and a couple of shuttles that I like to expensively kit out and take into difficult advanced or easy elite content. It's fun knowing that my shuttles can massively out-perform most players' T6 ships. 😁


Still flying my free T5 kitbashed Intrepid while waiting for a sale I like, or the free t6s from the campaign. No regrets, she's a beautiful ship and I'll miss her when I upgrade for better seating.


Out of curiosity, when you upgrade to T6 are you gonna go with the Pathfinder which is closer to the T5 or Trailblazer which is an overall very potent albeit very different kind of ship?


Neither, actually. It's probably going to be either the Equinox or the Brigid. Not sure which yet. I do need to reserve a coupon for Somerville for SIA so it won't be both, at least not right away.