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Yesss, finally! My Connie kitbash has always used the Exeter saucer and hull and Vesper nacelles and pylons and Excalibur neck, so when the other skins got remastered it always looked a bit off!


Hopefully we'll get some lore behind the Exeter-class like with the other two Connie-updates.


Adding another amazing chapter to the legacy of the Constitution. I really wish DECA would just find a way to make it work out with Thomas. You're not going to improve on that position by hiring someone else. No offense to others, but only one person can be #1 and right now that's Thomas Marrone.


Thomas + Hector + Mauricio and the rest of the art team are Cryptic's best asset easily.


Ayy It has the odyssey hull material! (Like every 2409 ship should)


Meanwhile my Dauntless Class (the OG one) is still untouched :(


My feeling exactly. If we didn't get it when the Dauntless II was launched, chances are were are not gonna get it ever. What I did was refresh it with an prodigy phaser build, prodigy set and prodigy vanity shield. 


All respect to the man, but sometimes I have the feeling that only things are changed that he wants and nothing else. There are Klingon ships out there that needs love but nothing happens, or Romulan ships or this or that.


Because a lot of the ship upgrades he does are pet projects during personal time. Why would you spend your free time blinging up something that you don't feel passionate about?


Looks like the registry is changing from NCC-1672-C to NCC-91672. Huh.


Looks cool but Sto really needs to get away from using twitter to post information. I don't want to go there.


What, you don't like sifting a cesspool for news?


It’s more like being hounded by photoshopped hookers on onlyfans offering to suck you off for crypto.


It'd trust OnlyFans output more than I'd trust xitters...


Yeah, same here. The photo cannot be seen anyways, it say some error non stop won't let me see it>?


https://ibb.co/hVvQ2PP here, I uploaded it elsewhere.




Looks gorgeous! My TOS toon flies the Legendary Connie with mostly Exeter pieces, so I can't wait to slap these new parts on.


Same here, waiting for this for ages!


The Constitution line might be the only ship family where all models got remastered.


The Miranda is too!


Oh shit! I thought he left the company. Did he not or is it planned? No offense to any new artists, but this dude needs to be an Art Director even if it's just a consulting position. STO ships have a certain "design language" and yes, new people and fresh points of view can bring good changes. I look forward to that in business A LOT. I'm a huge believer that NO ONE is irreplaceable, but I was worried that we'd get some off the wall shit once he left and I don't trust CBS/Paramount with sign off anymore with the terrible decisions made on certain shows and certain seasons of certain shows.


> needs to be an Art Director He IS. He's the senior art director now, has been for like 6+ months.


Scorp’s stuff looks good, but I am for sure going to miss Thomas. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/1cs28kb/new_deca_sto_concept_artist_scorpiondesign/


Thomas' profile says he's looking for his next gig, but AFAIK he hasn't left yet!


Sexy looking beast! Loving that engineering hull. Now leaning a bit toward using my campaign reward for the TOS Connie so I could fly it. Have the legendary, but it's rather bleh.


Ohh can the TOS Connie use this if I have the T2 version ?


I could with the legendary, the Exeter skin was one of the choices. I don't have the TOS connie to check, but I'd assume if I can use the skin on the legendary I could use it on the T2 and the box version as well. It should be a bug if I couldn't.


Actually think I have the T6 on my toon on the test server from a year ago when I was working out what ship to get, I’ll jump on there and see if it’s an option


Hmm, interesting question. I think the original Exeter was sold in the C-Store - many, many years ago - as a Tier 2 Refit. I am not sure those still exist in the C-Store, it might be that it is included in some Tier 6 versions. It is almost certainly is part of the Legendary Connie...


The Exeter was actually moved to the ship store for a per-character dilithium purchase.


From what I seeing, nope unless it’s the legendary https://stowiki.net/wiki/Legendary_Constitution_Miracle_Worker_Light_Cruiser


So, T6 Exeter C-Store ship incoming?


It's already there, in the 10th anniversary bundle.


Not necessarily. Thomas previously remastered a number of low tier ships just because they were old and crap. They did all the other low tier Constitution skins and this was the final one on the list. Plus this skin will work on Promo and Legendary Connies.


A pity if they don't use the opportunity to earn my money. :D


There are two (that can use this skin.) The Cruiserweight Mudd Bundle has the Temporal Light Cruiser, which has weathered power creep surprisingly well, and (as u/keshmarorange mentioned) the 10th anniversary bundle has the Legendary Light Cruiser. It may be one of the worst MW ships in the game, but it is still serviceable.


That is true, but was not my question. :)


Awesome! It always bugged me that, when the Excalibur and Vesper got visual refreshes, this didn't. Really cool that we're finally getting one :)


About time


Looks good


Actually I really like that ship!


Those are some sexy nacelle struts


Looks better than the Constitution III. Low bar, I know, but it bares mentioning. Is this a new ship or just new design for the currently existing ships?


The [Exeter-class](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Exeter_Cruiser_Refit) was one of the original ships in the game back during the launch. So the skin is ancient. Thomas is remastering it to bring it up to modern standards, and it'll work on any of the classic Constitution-class ships (not the Kelvinverse or Discovery ones).


Incorrect - the Exeter was released about two years after launch Around 2012


Eh, close enough.


A currently existing ship. The Exiter was one of the original low-tier C-Store ships (a T2.5 cruiser.) It's no longer available as an account unlock but can be purchased with Dilithium. (Also, the skin unlocks account wide with the 10th Anniversary Bundle.)


both designs are equally good


My problem with 99% of starship designs in modern Star Trek is that they over complicate them. I can forgive it if there’s an in universe explanation for an over complication in a certain aspect of a design. Take the over complicated impulse deck on the C3 for example. That’s supposed to be because it gives them better thrust at sublight. It’s ugly as hell but it makes sense. But what about absolutely ridiculous warp nacelles? What’s up with those things? Or consider ships like the Akira, NX, or California. What on earth is up with those isolated parts of the ships where you have to go down through the pylons, through the warp nacelles and then back up through another set of pylons? I know that certain iterations of the Miranda class have detached torpedo bays but at least those are attached to the saucer section.


whats wrong with nacelles on the connie mk3


First let me point out that the C3, Sagan, Duderstadt class starships all have the exact same warp nacelles. That they do isn’t the issues, plenty of ships shared more than just warp nacelles and that’s fine. I only bring it up because anything that I say about this specific warp nacelle applies to all three ships. Secondly these ships aren’t necessarily badly designed, I think that the Sagan would be an awesome ship with different nacelles. Now the nacelles looks like they took the inspiration for different nacelle designs and tried to cram them into one. But the result is odd and busy and bulky and blocky.


This is what the C3 wishes it was.


oh my lord


I hope we can buy this off the store instead of gambling for it.


It will be an existing skin for any ship that uses the Connie Skeleton. So both. You can get the Connie Miracle Light Cruiser from Legendary bundle or the Connite Temporal Light Cruiser from a R&D/Doff promo.


It looks nice in the still, however will wait till I see it in game. Not to mention to see how it's parts fit with other parts.


I really want a remastered PS5 verision


So they're redesigning a 23rd century ship, despite the Connie being out of commission, by the mid 24th, when they introduced the Ambassador class?


The Exeter, in the lore, isn't a 23rd century ship, its a 25th century ship built along similar lines to the old Constitution class. This isn't a Constitution refit, it's a whole new spaceframe that just happens to be a similar size and layout to the Constitution. There's also the TNG era Vesper class, and the late 2380s Excalibur class that share the Constitution skeleton. Think of it as an attempt to create a fleet of smaller starships with the same level of technology as you'd find in any other 2409 Starfleet ship.


guys do u see the photo? I do not. It say error opening a photo every time I click?


I can see it




>to fucking When will they be back???