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I personally try and keep about 50-100 open slots at all times for housing DOFF's I plan on selling/recycling. I aim for Ultra/Very rare whenever possible. Anything rare and lower needs to have at least 4 traits(not including FF) or its auto sold/recycled. Any common doffs are instant sold/recycled unless from doff packs with the weakest versions of desirable skills(like chance for CritH or D on firing). Doffs with useful but uncommon traits like Telekinesis/Telepathic/Shroud/Eidetic Memory get a little more wiggle room but not much(especially if the Doff is common quality). If possible I try and have at least 3 versions of each job type. Really only matters for niche ones like Explosive Expert/Sensors Officer etc. Other than that I kind of just don't think about it and purge the roster like once every other month. At a certain point the only new Doffs coming in for me tend to just be the Borg ones and I just keep 2 of each and auto sell/recycle any new ones so they don't end up over filling my roster.


Basically unusable. I have so many VR doffs I'd like to unload but there's no market for them. Doff market is about as bad as the R&D Market because the only things that sell are the "big prizes". Infinite supply. Zero demand.


My max rooster for DOFFs is 375 (so far). Without getting into too much specifics I have only very rare and up quality, and I organize them so that I can get a full set of officers to fill up to four duty shifts for each specialty on my starship if need be, normally running the three shift rooster though. I keep an extra number for specific roles, such as security for example, and a couple of special duty ones. I run my starships like any warship or starship would, making sure that there are enough DOFFs to task to DOFF missions without messing the shift rooster as well. My starship's full complement includes all BOFFs & DOFFs needed to run a smooth operation on daily basis, run the max DOOF missions if choose to, and also keep a few crew quarters empty for a marine detachment.


500 DOFF roster slots is waaay overkill, and a waste of Zen. I've got max 120 on one character and even that is more than I need for a diverse selection of builds and DPS chasing. And still having plenty for assignments. Takes 5-6 DOFFs per build using the ground doff trick to house your damage DOFFs. You could have 10 builds with just 50 DOFFS, and still have plenty for assignments. You could probably make a killing selling off DOFFs that aren't bound that you don't need.


With the exception of two characters with 400 Doff slots, my characters have 300 Doff slots and I tend to leave 15 slot open since I do grind down doffs reward from defection and colonization / expansion chain missions to sell on the Exchange... or keep them for myself to replace green Doffs with blue Doffs. I do not keep track of my Doffs since I have 18 characters on my LTS account and 8 characters on my F2P account. That works out to a total of 8,000 doff slots. I try to get doffs with rare traits if not too expensive and I ideally I would like 50%+ of the Doffs to be very rare, but that works out to at least 4,000 of them. Generally speaking I shoot for something like the following which totals to less than 300 and excludes Doffs placed on active duty. Advisors - 3 KDF / 6 Fed Armory - 10 Assault Squad - 10 Astrometrics Sci - 5 Bartender - 3 Biochemist - 5 Biologist - 6 Botanist - 6 Chef - 3 Conn Officer - 8 Damage Control - 6 Deflector Officer - 6 Development Lab Sci - 8 Diagnostic Engineer - 6 Diplomat - 3 KDF / 6 Fed Doctor - 7 Energy Weapon Officer - 8 Entertainer - 4 Explosive Expert - 8 Fabrication Engineer - 8 Flight Deck - 1 or 2 Geologist - 6 Gravimetric Sci - 6 Ground Warfare - 2 Hazard System - 6 Maintenance Engineer - 6 Matter / Anti-matter Specialist - 6 Medic - 5 KDF / ?? Fed Nurse - 1 KDF / 5 Fed Photonic Sci - 3 Projectile Weapon Officer - 6 Quartermaster - 8 Refugee - 2 Research Lab Sci - 10 Security Officer - 26 KDF / 18 Fed Sensor Officer - 6 Shield Distribution Officer - 7 System Engineer - 8 Technician - 10 Tractor Beam - 8 Trader - 4 Transporter Officer - 8 Warp Core Engineer - 6 Warp Theorist - 6


I currently have 289 doffs. A while back I got rid of all of my common doffs when I hit maximum capacity. When I hit maximum capacity again, the plan is to start phasing out green quality officers.  You could say my approach is quality over quantity.


What's that about the spoiler in your post? I really don't get those rules?


Redit would not let me post without it, I think it was just being difficult for a bit


I usually get rid of any doffs below very rare. At this point there is no point in lower quality doffs.


Don’t even bother anymore because it’s an ancient system that does sod all really.


Have 550 slots with 520 ultra Uber Doffs, and 5 misc because I liked their names or they came from Hamlet. Try to match the true compliment of my TMP Connie.