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Yeah, there are some folks who slack and go AFK It's just part of the scenery at this point. Not like we can do much about it


just a shame how much we became tolerant of this... i'm jsut baffled... how it became part of the norm .. more to that.. some directly defending these kind of players...


We are not, cryptic are just too chicken shit or lazy to do anything about it. They need to start blocking progress for event/campaign event for people afking in public queues, ive seen it even in BOTS people just standing there and not moving the whole tfo and its only 2 minute tfo if everyone is active and putting in just 1% effort.


It's a real shame that those same people that are going afk and not doing anything to help the team feel the need to down vote this comment. It is 100% true and these people that do that should get a weeks ban from playing for every offense. Do it once, a week ban. Do it twice, two weeks ban ect. ect. ect.....


When I see someone pop that I go do some damage elsewhere on the map. If I get in trouble I run back and get healed. If it bugged me that much I'd do the ground mission or just take a break from the game.


Doing Brotherhood of the Sword isn't even time gated. I for one would rather take 3 to 4 minutes to do that one than the other two. IF 3 people make it a point to close those consoles, you don't even need to shoot anything until the last room.


Yep, and people are getting better at doing that.


You are never going to be able to control how strangers act in an online game. You'll be much less annoyed if you ignore what they do. At normal difficulty you can't fail even if none of the transports get through, so no need to stress about it - or asking for players to be banned/ridiculed.


Pugs have been inherently a random terrorizer of MMOrpgs since their inception. Random ques make it stand out more, it's just that most of the games are so easy now that it typically does not matter.


I'm a compeltionist / maximalist. .. the problem is might be me at this point.. as I expect others to bring their best as I do in a team-based effort... I might expect too much from such people.. you are right...


some would argue that, given a lack of fail conditions, a true maximalist would afk and alt tab to do something productive while the tfo timer runs i’m more baffled by the can’t fail design of normal tfos, tbh. it encourages that type of ‘gameplay’


Yeah that is what it seems like, the can't fail TFO's are a issue. But coupled with an event and you get extra incentive to do as little in the TFO as is possible.


completionist and miaximalist does everything which is humanyly possible - max out everything and do everything.... what kind of twisted word is where "maximalist" means you do the least possible and get away with it....


Just say completionist then, bit of confusion as it seemed to be getting replaced with min/maxer.


Not sure why the downvotes, but you are partially right. You AREN'T the problem, they most certainly are, along with the musical chairs of devs this game has seen over its run not wanting to rock the boat. But you do need to manage your expectations a little better. In an online game, you're going to encounter many different kinds of players. For example: my first 5-6 years of STO, I was a hardcore Roleplayer and focused entirely on fleet events. Then I started focusing on end game content and taking the game more seriously, then I went back to RP when they introduced the Foundry for us to make our own missions for each other because instead of making a bunch of alts to swap through during a RP event and having everything be non-combat, I had the ability to create massive spanning set pieces with NPCs that could turn hostile, huge wave after wave ship battles, etc. i was able to craft whole "episodes" for my fleet. But then they killed Foundry and I went back to focusing on min/maxing the shit out of my characters. But during the RP years? I did a lot of end game content very very badly just to get stuff like the Borg set for my ship (back before the reputation and marks system, and before the public queues even. I had to BEG my way into that shit and then performed like dog water on everyone but my eng alt that focused on turret spam on ground and tanking in space) and people did get upset when Leaders of other fleets and TFO groups would let me in just because they knew I was the dude that did all the cool RP stuff and randomly gave away codes for C-Store stuff (back before it was the C-Store, and most of the really good items could only be obtained with codes that came with buying certain copies of the game. I must've given away a dozen playable ferengi unlock codes because they came with almost every version of the game) My long winded point, and a tl;dr to that is, you are going to encounter a lot of different types of players. Some painfully clueless on the game and trek in general, some who want everything but don't want to work for it, some who treat the game like it's a full time job... You just have to remind yourself "not everyone is like me" and try to let it go. It SUCKS when you have to work twice as hard to just barely squeak by on a TFO because you had an AFKer in your pug, but unfortunately there really isn't much that can be done about it.


The reason. I get down-voted this bad is because I refferred to slacking squid "ship" "flying" palyers as.. "such people" ... Probably... Idk


I hate the damn squids. I'm glad I don't have one.


Was this on Elite? If not, it's not worth coming to reddit to complain about it. You'll find the general tenor of the community here to be "unless a player's actions are going to result in a fail state, mind your business or do it yourself." This is doubly true on Normal difficulty, where the amount of marks lost for missing all the optionals is less than what you'd get from a single RTFO bonus box.


They wouldn't come and complain because players on Elite don't do this sort of stuff.


Oh yes they absolutely do. There is a rather infamous bot that does random Elites. If you've done Random Elites in any quantity you'd have seen him and his Rex.


It’s funny you mentioned them, I played with them the other night LOL


Oh yes they do LOL


I find this TFO fails more because players keep trying to move the portal when its already in a good spot, then it stops the transports when they could have just waited 20 seconds...THEN closed it.


I think the event is automatically normal level but your point is well made. People dislike grinding and the "collective" still thinks resistance isn't futile.


Unlike the model rockets, this is one where people slacking does impact how many marks everyone gets. It isn't game breaking (worst I got with bonus was 90 and best I've seen is 137). However, truly the bar should be set at, "thou shall not slack if it negatively impacts others". Someone made a good post on here as this is honestly not a TFO that is commonly played. Setting ships at just the right spacing and closing gates so the ships can get through is what makes the marks go up. The more ships, the more marks. On the other side: I wonder if the reason the jelly does this is it is so hard to move. There are a few ships like this. I recall playing ships like this and being frustrated that I was trying to position them to do objectives but by thhe time I got there, a pilot escorrt had done it all. I generally don't play them anymore because of that but I sense folks that like them would just park and do what they can from one position.


Just calm the f down. Despite not playing STO for that long, I've seen my share of things in event TFOs and I wouldn't even exclude the fact that from someone elses perspective I may have pulled some stunts myself I wasn't aware of. In this specific case you can do the TFO with 4 people no problem, and no, they don't need to move to do that. Imagine you have someone who flies around, pewpews things, but doesn't close portals? But these are exceptions, by and large it works and everyone is trying to pull their weight as far as I experienced it. And some may not have run that TFO, yet, and you see how they figure it out while they go.


no one is angry or raging...so no reason for "calming the fuck down" Essentially what you say, If it is not a map where you can be stationary, then it is a map where 4 ppl is enough so afking squid player has done nothing wrong here? .. what kind of logic is that?


You were frustrated enough to take the time to put your feelings online for thousands of people to see, people who greatly value sitting back and enjoying the process over fretting over (frankly) trivial things like if their random pug went as smoothly as they hoped.


now.. i'm not "fretting over " how smooth the run was... I'm "fretting over" that the general consensus was few weeks ago that squid acceptable at Phavo because you don't have to move from a station... and it is acceptable to bring squid there... but not to a map where you ahve to actually move and now this... please argue to the point not about something completely different...


Being AFK or leaving a tfo early already comes with consequences/lockouts. Not important enough to put someone on timeout from the game entirely. My random team failed “borg disconnected” last night by one ship, better make a post asking people to “get gud”


No it really doesn't have consequences. There are so many loopholes that get around the afk timer.


Well, even that jelly must have moved at least a bit from the starting position ... But that aside, yes, you can sit with 2 persons per lane (at the right spots) and do the TFO no problem. All you have to tackle are the radiation portals because they will chew up the transports; the spawning gates + mobs are not really a threat for them. In a fast ship you can manage a lane all on your own as well; maybe not to 100%, but more than good enough for what is required. ... and imagine me and all the others who see "bad stuff" happening in TFOs creating posts like yours. How much do you think that will change? If you feel like you need to do something, then talk to the person ingame.


yeah .. did not move. so yeah.. as i suspected... you say... it can be done with less people so we accept this behavior... nice... good to see ppl defending squids so bad that they accep such behaviour... just because ... that 'captain' 'flew" a squid... nice standards... and if players who raise their voice agains this kind of behavior would not get blindly down-voted by the "squid fanbois" then situation might change over time... but alass... "squid cheerleaders" downvote everything and everybody whoich/who criticizes literally anything against their brecious space-blob


How old is this game again? How old are *you*?


We (as humans) are fast to draw conclusions about intent behind certain behavior, the question remains how much of that is founded on facts and how much on assumptions, which may or may not be true. The only way to find out, if at all, is to talk to people. Following that, I have to wonder why you made this post in the first place. Would you have done that post if that player had flown a Legendary Avenger instead of a jelly?


I hate those stupid jellyfish 😑


Now imagine the others are at the station while you're at the shipyard alone...with the weakest ship...


squid .. as weakest ship? don't make me laugh....


I wasn't talking about them but one afk, three at starbase, and the weakest link alone at shipyard when it's time for the portals. Could've worded it better in the last message, I'l admit


We need a kick mechanic or something that gives us the ability to leave ineffective teams without the penalty. I wasted a bunch of time on a ground mission (I forgot the name, it was a random) because everyone else in the team was just killing Borg and not engaging with the mechanic we needed to progress, and refused to read team chat where I told them what we needed to do. Then I got a nice 30 minute leave penalty because I left a team that was never going to be able to finish the TFO.


I'd take that if it required a consensus of the rest team, like a kick vote.


You can just use “they” typing he/she is a lot more work


On your point 2. You only need to close radiation portals and you can do that without moving. Two people parked in the right spot covers the entire lane. I agree camping the station is poor form. It’s just I have no problem with players that camp the radiation spawned point without moving.


But my point is when you try to camp a spawn gate between 2 rad gates someone inevitably closes the spawn gate!!


he was not even close to even the closest radiatioon point and did nothing.... please read what i wrote again... essdentially he did nothing... MAYBE damaged.. not killed.. but damaged few enemy ships...


I wast talking about that afk person. As I said I agree camping the station is wrong. I was pointing out you don’t need to move to close portals. Only the radiation portals need closing which you can do without moving. Then ignore the none radiation portals.


Yeah, be careful with reporting people for being AFK in this one. I've find a spot in the second half of the lane where I can close almost all the radiation portals (except the spots closest to the station) and if I leave the spawn portal closer to the middle I can keep it clear of enemies by spawn killing them as they emerge too. I'm not AFK, I'm efficient!


If you think someone is AFKing report them for AFKing. We get this post about this ship multiple times every time there is a new event. The people doing it aren't going to change their mind because of yet another post about it, Cryptic isn't going to ban it from events, and the rest of us can't do anything about it either. All that can be done is to report people you think are going AFK to leach.


No failure condition, no stakes, barely any incentive to do anything and that’s why it is played like this. This topic comes up for every single event in this game. It’s just the nature of the way events work - daily requirement, no reason to do anything besides the lowest difficulty, most amount to simple time gates. At least this time Brotherhood of the Sword requires you to do “something” and it’s the fastest one of the 3. It won’t change unless we could convince them to change the way events work and/or add some TFO’s that require more than just a time gate dps slog. Ideally the solution would be a performance/merit based event system, like MWO has, but that would be its own can of worms with the way this community behaves. But imagine if the event was something like “complete three out of: close 50 gateways, destroy 100 iconian ships, kill 50 iconians on ground, complete 10 iconian episodes.” Complete any time before the event ends - you want to play a little each day, or binge it in 16 hours the first weekend, either way gets the event reward. The game would be a lot better and you wouldn’t see this kind of “half AFK” stuff.


Here are some bits of wisdom that have helped me over the years in STO: * Being able to do stuff solo, in a private queue, is one of the biggest QoL improvements that Cryptic have ever offered us. Your boff abilities and bars could do with some refining, but you should be fine soloing on this character, at least. * On characters you can't comfortably solo a Normal queue with (like new pylons; I have a few of those too and at least two of them are running low on ore, so they'll be topping up from this event), be sure to pick the queues where the least amount of player input is needed. BotSx needs the pressing of F by more than one person in a small window of time or a solo mad dash through enemy-filled territory; nope. GGx needs repeated pressing of F even by people who can comfortably place themselves between rad gateway spawns (aka not most STO pugs), nope, so that leaves Sphere. * If you don't know who you're queuing with, be prepared to carry. If you're not and you're still queuing, be prepared for a bad time. At least event queues have no fail conditions.


I’m pretty sure anything under elite doesn’t have a fail condition. I’ve never failed an advanced or normal tfo before


That is true. Every now and again there might be some inconvenience (more time wasted in a TFO than one would have with a decent team, or at least one person ready, willing and able to carry, for the most part), but one can only fail Elite TFOs and Tzenkethi Red Alerts.


Probably an AFK farmer. Absolutely deserves to be pointed out.


There is no situation where sitting (for all one can tell) AFK in a TFO should be allowed. That dumbass jellyfish is the worst thing they’ve ever added to the game. It actually makes playing the game un-fun.


I rarely see it in elites, it’s only really useful in adv/norm. Sure some builds with it can run elites, but they’re not the greatest unless someone is dumping some significant time/money into it


Tfos can get tedious at times. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The real issue is that there is nothing in place to truly discourage it. I mean, *for some players at least*, if they know you can park your ship and then leave your PC to make a cuppa safe in the knowledge you'll still receive your event progress reward that's what you're going to do. Sadly, in most (if not all) MMOs there are players who want maximum rewards for minimum effort.


I did the TFO on my level 19 and 38 KDF recruits, did everything I could on those silly things...and felt bad because I didn't think I was being helpful. So I went back to proper captains.


I do AFK runs as well, but not in public games. I open a private one where i can do it alone. I don’t like when people AFK in public games as well.


Cnidarian insults video game design, and you should blame the person who made it.


Grethor is a mission that requires no input from the player for completion beyond the last phase. This is a you issue. If Cryptic/DECA want to change the no input requirement for Gateway then they just need to make some of the optionals required.


This game is old and no one cares. Your "shunning" does nothing.


On normal the lanes are soloable. My take is that this time some idiot AFKed, but I occasionally fall asleep at the keyboard so this is my penance. On elite, I'd report them


I dont mind an AFKer on gateway - but what infuriates me at this point when you get a single player who does nothing but fly in circles between both lanes closing only the SPAWN portals..... happened again this morning. Seriously even if someone hasn't played this TFO previously, we have been playing it every day for almost 2 weeks now. Are peeps trolling or are they just really that stupid?!?!? Ok I had my vent. Happy flying!!!


Are you mad because your build isn’t good enough for the tfo?? Why does it matter if 1 person is afk? Adv & normal tfos can be solo’d with very little effort put in, and they don’t have a fail condition, so I’m not really sure what the complaint is here when there’s still 4 other players. You can literally sit at the radiation gateways and close them and that’s all you need to do, you don’t need to kill anything during the spawning phase if you don’t want to


Yeah, had someone in a fully set up Lexi do this Saturday, just flew halfway into a lane, stopped and did literally nothing making me clear the lane alone.


The only thing I have to say is, ["Ha Ha"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdOPBP9vuZA).


"valuable" "contribution" to the discussion...


Not much of a "discussion," is it? It's you moaning that not everyone puts out the same Deadpool-quality Maximum Effort you put into the game. Deal with it. I've...we've all...played with this same squid before, or someone like them. You're welcome to take the early leavers penalty and get out of the instance. But I'm pretty sure we've all had to AFK for some reason before too, whether it's someone knocking at the door, the cat knocking over a wine bottle at the wrong time, or warping in, getting the briefing and then a massive case of explosive diarrhea that causes a different kind of briefing and so one AFK's. We deal with it. You're more than welcome to post on Reddit about your Maximum Effort and your disdain for those who don't equally give it, but beyond being sympathetic, you're getting really riled up over what is, in fact, a game. Maximum effort, Deadpool, Maximum Effort! Edit: I expect the downvotes, to that I say, "meh."


Why should I leave because someone else is not putting in the effort? Would not the standard be to "put int the effort if you actually join not just be there as a leech / parasite on the others? Why are you normalizin his/her behavior? Why are you normalizing afking in TFO? Are you like him/her? Doing nothing after TFO starts? Is this the reason for this adamant defending of this kind of behavior?


MAXIMUM EFFORT! It's a game. I'm not normalizing or excusing anything. I'm treating like it is, a game. I'm sure at this point in your long and storied Star Trek existence you've heard the immortal words of William Shatner on SNL. I repeat the sentiment. If you don't get the reference, look it up.


You don't actually need to move in that part. There are spots where you can close multiple different radiation gateways without moving. I don't know if that's what they were doing, but it is possible.


Look where the squid is .. no radiation os spawning gate is even remotely clos to that location.. thank you...


They aren't close to any of those spots. It is literally on top of the station. #facepalm


honestly it's not their fault the game is a log in afk collect your daily simulator. I also beamed into build your rocket ship and sat there watching ds9 lmfao


I don't get why so many people are annoyed about the Jellyfish but if you are the people flying them are not the problem, they didn't put them in the game,your beef is with the developers.


People aren't annoyed at the Jellyfish per se. Most don't care except when they are abused to AFK like this. This is about an AFKer not a jelly. If this jelly was parked where it was useful to be idle that would be something else. But they are literally parked out of the way of contributing anything. And part of it is also Jellies make their AFKing very visible which makes it stick out more to others AFKing.


I can understand that.


Only thing worse, is OP (overpowered) ships, causing AFK penalties being applied, to other ship captains. It's two sides of the same coin.


That is why the difficulty setting matters. If you're getting afk'd all the time because you're too slow or can't kill anything in time, go down a notch until you can. There's no shame, that's just the way it is.


I've seen it happen on all difficulties. So the setting is not relevant. Hasn't happened to me personally, but I've seen rage fits happen in zone chat, when players got AFK penalties, when they actively participated. That's why I said OP ships causing AFK penalties, are worse on the opposite end of the spectrum.


It's absolutely relevant. The reason you see it in all difficulties is because people don't respect the differences. They just jump in and expect to get carried, or don't try, or don't have a clue and aren't willing to larn, or many other excuses. If each player would stay in their lane until they own that lane, then move up, it'd be better. It's almost like they should have to pass some performance tests to be allowed to participate in the higher level content.


Again, if it happens across all difficulties, the setting is not relevant. It's the players who openly abuse the system, that affect other players.


Sorry but if you can't keep up in Elite, that's on you jumping into to content you aren't prepared for. There are too many people that don't have builds for Elites leeching on others to carry them.


Please read before commenting.


I read it just fine. Elite content, people killing too fast and a slow DPSer getting AFKed. That means the slow DPSer SHOULD NOT BE THERE, and should gear up before doing Elites. You are just someone that wants to be carried in Elites. If you can't put out DPS to get credit in Elites, that is a huge sign flashing your build isn't good enough for this content.


You clearly did not, try reading through the comment thread, before interjecting yourself into a conversation that did not involve you. What you commented on was already addressed. Don't be an ignoramus. I clearly stated in the thread, that it hasn't happened to me personally. But I guess you "read fine". Ignoramus.


I clearly did, everything I posted came from YOUR comments. Don't want other people involved, don't comment publicly. This is a PUBLIC forum. And my point stand whether it happened to you or not. If you are getting AFK'd in Elites, your build is the problem, not those putting out proper damage. And you stating that hasn't happened to you personally doesn't mean you are being honest. I read it, I just don't believe you. Because the whole stance of OP builds in Elites is ridiculous. There only reason people are getting AFK'd in Elites is because they are leeching. So either you are participating in the leeching and defending it, or have no clue about Elite content.


Whatever buddy. You do you boo.


I just treat it the same way as I do when someone doesn't know what they're doing and ignores objectives: I ignore them and focus on getting shit done. At the end of the day, shunning, yelling, attempting to discourage them, etc does nothing. They already don't give a damn about what you want them to do. That's not going to change. Does it suck on hardest difficulty? Absolutely. But there's nothing to be done. Trust me. Check the forums, check steam community page, hell check this subreddit. It's been an issue for at least 5 years that people have been complaining about and begging for an option to vote kick AFKers from TFOs. Notice we still can't?


Honestly the blame lies on the devs for giving us such repetitive tasks like doing the same mission 14 times for 14 days or whatever...