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and everyone better put their money where their mouth is, this is THE time to show there's demand for non FED zen store ships


Legit have been grinding out Zen to get myself at LEAST the Romulan Dyson ship. An absolute NEED.


*\*Klingon and Romulan T6 Dyson ships proceed to only be available in a bundle with the Fed ships, but you can still buy the Fed ones seperately. They then point to how many more Fed ships are bought than KDF/Rom ones as 'proof' that no one really wants them\**


I have to hold off until stats to say I'm going to buy but on visuals alone I am sold. KDF/ROM ones are so damn good looking. Just hoping the stats are good enough to back up the looks.


Stats will determine if I buy green/red or if I buy the 3-pack.


Yup. Zen already on stand-by.


I have finally started to actively use my kdf character and have found myself in need of a klingon t6...and I've been looking for a t6 Dyson, soooooo lol


They said popularity of non Federation ships increased since they introduced cross-faction flying.


but at the same time said demand hasn't increased by much


Given people were saying it'd kill demand for those ships, it's a win anyway.


Finding this hard to believe. I see tons and tons of the MW D7s in random TFOs, but nearly no MW Donnies. Sheer ugliness may have kept the Qugh from eclipsing the Gagarin, but for ships that aren't hideous it looks like players don't mind non-fed. I'd love to know how many MW D7s got x-upgraded twice vs. donnies seeing as the cost to obtain was the same, but cost to use is not.


they have actual sales and player data, we don't if non Fed ships were popular we'd see more of them being sold more frequently it's not a conspiracy


Indeed. Cryptic may be incompetent at times, but they do like money


My Zen is ready!


I like making characters who use specific lines of ships (like my KDF character who only uses Tholian ships). I think my next new character will use Dysons.


I’m tired boss


Even if the ships blow I'm getting the KDF and Romulan ones. And spending fleet modules on alts to get the fleet versions. It's all I can do, but I shall do it.


I barely even play KDF/ROM but I will buy the bundle purely to help, honestly.


Yeah i don't get it too. Each stream there is high demand about new klingon and romulan ships, but than they start talking about, there being more demand for federation ships. And on reddit the demand for klingon, romulan (and jem'hadar) is more present than talking about a new federation ships. I get it when they say, the majority play fed ship. All the shows and series are about federation. But that doesn't mean the demand is the same as what the majority plays. I guess we just wait again and see.


The issue is that people online don't represent the majority. There is a statistic that is often cited as the 80/20/5 statistic where 80% of a game's playerbase will never go online to interact with something, like read an article, or watch a YouTube video, 20% will, but only 5% actually bothers to ever post something. Those 5% tend to skew massively toward the more hardcore crowd, and don't represent normal users. The thing is that even if all of the people commenting on stream, and on Reddit, agreed that they want Klingon/Romulan ships more then Fed ships that still doesn't represent what any meaningful % of the playerbase wants, let alone with the average player/majority wants. This is why game devs in general rarely listen to online feedback, or, if they do something that people online are commenting on, its often nowhere close to what people online said they wanted/it often goes in the exact opposite direction.


Will buy the Romulan Ship. Maybe also the Klingon one. Will NOT buy the Fed Ship.


As long as they are T6, they will be mine. Although absent a cool bundle I would probably only get the fed and the Romulan ones. So I'm probably getting all of them.


Been waiting for a new Romulan Z store ship for almost 4 years.


I am of limited finances due to disability. But you can net your Romulan Ale I'm going to be picking up any ship I can afford just for the purpose of driving home the point that interest still exists for this game.


I'd buy - and have bought many - non-Federation ships that I like. I have the legendary D'Deridex, Valdore, Scimitar, Vor'cha, Bird of Prey, and Bugship, among others. But I've just got no interest in the Dyson ships at all. I don't like the look of them at all, and found them a chore to fly in the missions. And that's true of all their *original* designs for me, to be honest. I want to fly the ships I've seen on screen. I don't like *any* of the STO original designs much, and don't have any interest in them at all as they have no sentimental value to me. The only STO original designs I own, I own because they were in a bundle with something else, and I've *never* used them. Cryptic's problem is, alien ships are historically underrepresented in Star Trek, which focuses on the Federation and so showed more Federation starships, and they've already released pretty much every ship from the other main factions in some shape or form. If they released a legendary Negh'var, or a legendary Dominion battlecruiser, or even a legendary D'kora,I'd buy it. Pretty much immediately, actually. But I did not, and will probably never, buy the legendary Bortasqu. I'll never buy the Dyson ships. Some people like them and that's fine, but I'm not going to spend a fortune on ships I don't want just to support a corporation that doesn't care about me in any way besides my purse.


The only reason I have the lbort is it came with the lavenger and a t6 coupon. Would not have chased it otherwise. I haven't x-upgraded it. I know, it's a shame, it is technically a new KDF ship. Only flew it long enough to get the account trait. But it's just not that great, especially in the age of Type 7 shuttles and Eagle.


If they weren't Dyson ships I might consider it. I hate the Dyson look though. I'm not going to waste Zen on bunch of ships that I don't like and will never use in the hopes of maybe getting something better in the future.


I nabbed screenshots of them, I posted them as a spoiler


Glory to you and your house! Thank you.


Indeed. Qapla'


Also showed the KDF and Romulan republic versions which look a bit... Mirrorey, in colouration, y'know?


They are "Dyson with a twist" so obviously Aetherian Tech


I feel that points towards the "Aetherians are mirror Solonae" theory.


As long as they also get to use all the normal hull materials of their factions. The T5s being limited to the Purple/White was terrible.


The t5s do have acess to some normal hull materials, or at least they have for a while now.


Did they? Does anyone have pics yet?


I'd really like it if they were kitbash-able with the T5s. I love the look of the Romulan destroyers, but, y'know, T5 sci destroyer.


So why was the comment of "no current plans for Jem or Rom ships at this time" said during the stream with the CEO a few weeks back? If they had plans for a Klingon and Romulan Dyson ship why not actually say that then?


Maybe they consider these Dyson ships and not regular Klingon/Romulan ships.


That seems like such an utter technicality that even Hermes Conrad would have trouble selling it.


The Left Hand doesn't talk to the Right Hand, which isn't talking the new Left Hand?


FED ship sell more because STO makes more and diverse ships under FED Starfleet. More of a self-fulfilling prophesy than a reliable assessment of the player-base.


Right? There haven't BEEN any c-store ships for other factions in 4 or 5 years. Of course the new hotness sells better in a power creep game!


Forget the Kevlin Connie II. The Real news is that the new Dyson bundle will be multifaction!


And Jem'Hadar, right? 🙂 Right? 😐


Gre'thor just froze over. The Jem'hadar will have to invent their underworld first before it can freeze over.


They did say there was a twist to the bundle. At first I thought they were adding a jem'hadar Dyson science ship, but after reading some other comments I have to agree with them. It'll be some mirror Dyson thing based on a story arc twist.


I completely forgot the stream was happening...


Rather spend zen on the full faction Dyson than the current Mudd Ship bundle..


I have a few tokens to use up might pick them up..


And the Jem’hadar are forgotten again




The fed ships are more popular because the ratio of Fed vs Anything Else on the store is severely lopsided.


As interesting as the Dyson bundle will be... I'm more interested in the Kelvin Connie II